Tournaments RBYPL V - Week 3

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shit the world
is a Social Media Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host

Art by Mintly
Hosted by adorluigi, Concept, and goldmason

Spreadsheet | Commencement | Replays
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for us to make decisions for activity calls when we can actually see what went down with scheduling.​
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to us or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.​
  • When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.​
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.​
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.​
  • To managers: Please send us your lineups in the same format that we used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.​
  • The first RBY OU slot, RBY UU, RBY NU, RBY PU and Random Battles are Bo5; all other slots are Bo3. UU, NU and PU can be played down to Bo3 with both players agreement.

:articuno: Glacial Articunos (6) vs (4) Carapinga Caterpies :caterpie:
RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs UltiNooba19
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree69420
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix

:magmar: Mighty Magmars (4) vs (6) Ding Dang Dewgongs :dewgong:
RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs BlazingDark
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh
RBY OU: royzin vs Genesis7
RBY OU: Tuthur vs Albi
RBY OU: chub vs Christos
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Enigami
RBY UU BO5: pac vs Unowndragon
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs Volk
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs DiannieRatson
RBY Randbats: livid washed vs CollectorEly

:primeape: Pampu Primeapes (5) vs (5) Washed Wartortles :wartortle:
RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs Dawn Dreams
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu
Glacial Articunos (0) vs (0) Carapinga Caterpies

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs Ultinooba
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: 16bit vs Sanke Carp
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix

Mighty Magmars (0) vs (0) Ding Dang Dewgongs

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs blazingdark
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh
RBY OU: Royzin vs genesis7
RBY OU: Tuthur vs albi
RBY OU: Chub vs Christos
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs enigami
RBY UU BO5: pac vs unowdragon
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs volk
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs diannieratson
RBY Randbats: Livid Washed vs collectorely

Pampu Primeapes (0) vs (0) Washed Wartortles

RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs dawn dreams
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu

The deadline for this week is Sunday 20th October, 11:59pm GMT-4.
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Glacial Articunos (8) vs (2) Carapinga Caterpies

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs Ultinooba
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: 16bit vs Sanke Carp
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree69420
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix

Mighty Magmars (6) vs (4) Ding Dang Dewgongs

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs BlazingDark
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh
RBY OU: Royzin vs Genesis7
RBY OU: Tuthur vs albi
RBY OU: Chub vs Christos
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs enigami
RBY UU BO5: pac vs unowdragon
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs volk
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs diannieratson
RBY Randbats: Livid Washed vs CollectorEly
Mighty Magmars (4) vs (6) Ding Dang Dewgongs
RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs BlazingDark its the gerpi
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh i think 48 is better but idk
RBY OU: royzin vs Genesis7 idk g7 pretty good
RBY OU: Tuthur vs Albi
RBY OU: chub vs Christos bro needs to lock in
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Enigami bring the bok
RBY UU BO5: pac vs Unowndragon cleaner i think
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs Volk volk p sheist
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs DiannieRatson the goat
RBY Randbats: livid washed vs CollectorEly

Pampu Primeapes (5) vs (5) Washed Wartortles
RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake whats 79+21 you dipshit
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins balls
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river persistent positive rng spreads
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1 idk
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777 so good kenix feared
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz kaz is kinda good at mons
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs Dawn Dreams pprng
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross looks better
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735 no idea how pu lines work but i think gangsta spongebob is the goat
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu yazoat
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY UU BO5: pac vs Unowndragon
RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs dawn dreams
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu

I'm not a Buddhist, but I've heard that they believe in karma, which is a kind of cosmic law of cause and effect. If that's true, then what did the Pampu Primeapes do in this life or a past life to deserve such good luck? Or is it just a matter of skill?
Glacial Articunos (5) vs (5) Carapinga Caterpies

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs Ultinooba
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: 16bit vs Sanke Carp
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix

Mighty Magmars (6) vs (4) Ding Dang Dewgongs

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs blazingdark
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh
RBY OU: Royzin vs genesis7
RBY OU: Tuthur vs albi
RBY OU: Chub vs Christos
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs enigami
RBY UU BO5: pac vs unowdragon
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs volk
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs diannieratson
RBY Randbats: Livid Washed vs collectorely

Pampu Primeapes (-10) vs (-10) Washed Wartortles
There will be no winners or losers in this, no one will be right or wrong. Only losers. We will all lose, the Wartortles, the Pampus and especially, the community as a whole.
Week 3 MLB Predictions

Dodgers - Mets (Mets are sort of phonies)
Yankees - Guardians (mildly phonies)

Shohei GOATani will bring peace and prosperity to the world by hitting dingers and spreading joy.
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Glacial Articunos (8) vs (2) Carapinga Caterpies

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs Ultinooba
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: 16bit vs Sanke Carp
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix

Mighty Magmars (6) vs (4) Ding Dang Dewgongs

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs blazingdark
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh
RBY OU: Royzin vs genesis7
RBY OU: Tuthur vs albi
RBY OU: Chub vs Christos
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs enigami
RBY UU BO5: pac vs unowdragon
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs volk
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs diannieratson
RBY Randbats: Livid Washed vs collectorely

Pampu Primeapes (5) vs (5) Washed Wartortles

RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs dawn dreams
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu

A lot of these were toss ups. Gonna be a lot of great games this week.
Glacial Articunos (3) vs (0) Carapinga Caterpies

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs Ultinooba
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: 16bit vs Sanke Carp
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake - what
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix - inane

Pampu Primeapes (0) vs (4) Washed Wartortles

RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs dawn dreams
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu - i dont randomly battle
Glacial Articunos (7) vs (3) Carapinga Caterpies

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs RaiZen1704
RBY OU: Isza vs Ultinooba
RBY OU: Aliss vs Tarvold
RBY OU: 16bit vs Sanke Carp
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Fogbound Lake
RBY Ubers: Ctown6 vs King Billu
RBY UU BO5: Shellnuts vs Torchic
RBY NU BO5: Sabelette vs Tree
RBY PU BO5: Wanted in 49 States vs BeatsBlack
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs Kenix

Mighty Magmars (5) vs (5) Ding Dang Dewgongs

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs blazingdark
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs shiloh
RBY OU: Royzin vs genesis7
RBY OU: Tuthur vs albi
RBY OU: Chub vs Christos
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs enigami
RBY UU BO5: pac vs unowdragon
RBY NU BO5: Toxin Boost vs volk
RBY PU BO5: Vitoran vs diannieratson
RBY Randbats: Livid Washed vs collectorely

Pampu Primeapes (4) vs (6) Washed Wartortles

RBY OU Bo5: Amaranth vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: BeeOrSomething vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY OU: gastlies vs violet river
RBY OU: Deezcastforms vs oligen1
RBY OU: Egor vs litter777
RBY Ubers: Shitrock enjoyer vs Kaz
RBY UU BO5: Maris Bonibell vs dawn dreams
RBY NU BO5: torkonpeter vs Sceptross
RBY PU BO5: Gangsta Spongebob vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats: king edgy vs Ice Yazu
Won in 3 ggs
you are a troll and its very obvious, you serve your own vendetta and thats it. You told me you we're down to play with us, yet explicitly showed pampus colors by rooting for them and everything.
"overexaggeration" is cope dude, you are mad and you want revenge. But you are a player, a player must play for the team hes been drafted on, thats the rule. I am a manager, if you mess with me you're messing with 10+ players that fully committed to the experience, investing free time and everything, freetime is rare for some people. You are trolling, calling me an autist for buying you and yet act like you're a nice individual in my dms. What do i do from there, do i risk links and everything ? imean you litterally rooted for pampus the morning of the draft dude. I wont risk leaks dude, i kick you and dont take any risk, gg.
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