Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

Okay, I'm assuming the majority of posters here are teenagers to adults. This thread is essentially intended to discuss our sexual experiences, good or bad. If you are limited in experiences this thread may help you learn a bit, and I don't think anyone should shy away from asking questions.

Anyway, to start things off.

I was 12 when a girl first let me get to second base. I was really hyped about it, but we didn't do anything outside of make out til we both had cold sores. It was a long time to keep an erection and not do anything about it. Of course, when you're young you are suspect to pre-jizz and usually that's embarrassing but this girl was just kind of hyped she had that effect on me. She was a latina with braids, definitely not the type of girl I would hook up with now.

The first time I fingered a girl was on a school bus. Twas cool. I'll expand on this more in a bit.
Not trying to fuck up your thread, but I just asked my bros what they assumed the bases were. All this time I thought it went:

First - Kissing
Second - Handjob at most, etc
Third - Oral
Fourth - Penetration

Some had similar, others had different. I'm only wondering since based on your op your second base is my first. What do you consider the rest?
Not trying to fuck up your thread, but I just asked my bros what they assumed the bases were. All this time I thought it went:

First - Kissing
Second - Handjob at most, etc
Third - Oral
Fourth - Penetration

Some had similar, others had different. I'm only wondering since based on your op your second base is my first. What do you consider the rest?

Second base is under her shirt/fingering for me? The odd thing is that I don't use the other bases or the base system at all much. Just clumsy writing cause I wasn't sure how to start off this thread.


The first time I fingered a girl was on a school bus. Nothing majorly sexual happened for me in eighth grade because I moved to a new school, was just pretty awkward around everybody. Eventually I got to second base again with a different girl but it was a wash. It's weird how you get excited seeing any breasts as a teen even if they're not that nice.

So freshman year happens, and suddenly a lot of sex things do too. There was a girl I wasn't even great friends with let alone a boyfriend that I sat with on the bus from time to time, and one day we started talking about wanting to have sex and our lack of sexual experiences. I'll be honest and admit she wasn't pretty, maybe cute but not pretty. I was really attracted to her body though. And she was wearing these jeans with holes in them, you could see her underwear which I of course pointed out. She asked me if I wanted to feel them and I said "Sure" but inside I was like "Fuck YES!" and she told me to move my hand underneath and move south. I wasn't sure how to finger a girl. Me and my friends talked about it but when you're actually doing something it's way different. You want to give her a pleasurable experience. I don't think I was that great at first, she liked it but it was probably more that it was someone else touching her there for the first time. She didn't even let me stop to shut down the windows like the bus driver wanted.

We reached our stop, I slid my hand out and we kissed? It was pretty awkward. And yeah, I totally smelled my hand after that. I'm not sure why guys do that. I felt totally fucking cool that day though.
After that, fingering girls became a routine thing and I got good at it. If that's what a girl likes, I can make orgasm doing it. I've done it in really odd places though -- a Carnival cruise ship, behind a Subway, in the religious section of Borders Books, in front of my house, behind a church (I'm going to hell), behind a library, at the movies, and behind a strip club/7-11. Eventually it becomes something you want to do less since you don't really get any pleasure out of doing it. Now I do it just to sell the girl on me, and she'll want to repay the favor.

I've never been a handjob guy though. The first time a girl gave me a handjob she almost pulled the damn thing off and most girls that have gave me one are just bad at it. The one girl who was great at was my girlfriend for the summer of sophmore year, she was filipina and kind of like an adolescent's dream. This is the same girl I fingered at Borders and behind Subway and a Church.

She gave the best blowjobs too. She was into sucking dick, and as I've aged I've noticed that's a rare thing to come across. The bad part about this though, at least in my experience, is that these girls that enjoy giving head aren't the most faithful. This one moved away to AZ and cheated on me. In retrospect though I was stupid for thinking a long-distance relationship could last.
Oh look another pissing contest, good luck all contestants!

I don't see how this is a pissing contest? Just a thread to share sexual experiences, stop being a joykill. Nobody is forcing you to post in this, and if you have a personal reason for seeing this as a pissing contest it's your problem.
Itt gabe is disappointed as he realizes that among a community of basement-dwellin pokemon lovers he is among the very select few that actually have any real sexual experience to speak of

As for me: junior in hs who would talk about making out with a girl or something except my memories of the future are fuzzy at best

Edit: haha zing syrim
So far Gabe is beating himself.

Go go go!

Okay guys

I made this thread because someone suggested I do it

If it's a really a problem, the mods can do their job, and you know moderate

And I don't see how it's a problem unless you're self-conscious or somehow offended at the idea that people have sex?

Nothing majorly sexual happened because you were in the eighth grade.

What does that have to do anything? There were kids that lost their virginity in the 6th and 7th grades. I was fairly reserved.
Bs I lost my virginity at eight and was making pornos in 8th grade, clearly you were just slow developing

I really don't know what ethnicity/culture/city you guys are a part of

But losing your virginity at 8th grade, hell being pregnant by freshman year isn't a big thing

If that person told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

You aren't a mod, why the hell do you care? I thought it was a good idea too, and reading about sexual experiences is more interesting to me than reading about someone's opinion on Halo 4.

Who has a gun pointed at you telling you to read or post in this thread

It's not so much that people are offended by sex, it's more of the fact that nobody gives a fuck about your sexual conquests. This is the kind of stuff you talk to your friends about, not a bunch of strangers on a pokemon forum.
I get hugs from people occasionally. And I accidentally touched someone's boobs. Too bad they were back boobs, ick. We can't all have the same sexual prowess as you, Imanalt. Stop bragging, gosh.

EDIT: It should be noted that this a serious post, save for the joke about Alt's troll post, because that is actually the extent of my sexual experiences.
i think your sexual experiences are interesting!

there's absolutely no need for people to feel like sex is in any way a competition. obviously it's linked to masculine posturing, but i think the real measure of achievement is emotional connection. you can have sex with x number of women or men but feel much emptier than the guy who feels completed after second base with just one. or not. everyone has nuanced sexual appetites and needs, and evaluating sexual achievement on a linear scale really takes a lot of interesting variety out of the act itself

i'm young, so my post will echo pwnemon's. first base/second or whatever (there wasn't a clear distinction, lol) was making out with a girl in a movie theater in like 9th grade. i actually remember the movie. it was When in Rome, with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel. so terrible. i was really looking forward to kissing this girl, but after doing so i kind of felt empty, like i had achieved something but it didn't mean anything. in hindsight, this was probably because she had asked me out and i didn't really have any feelings for her and had just gone on the date to alleviate loneliness and because i was obviously really sexually frustrated at the time. however it's also possible that i had just watched too many romantic comedies and should have let the relationship develop more naturally (we broke it off after like 2 weeks or so).

also is it really that much of a shocker that there are different sexual norms in different locations?

in conclusion, if you don't have anything constructive to say, i hope you don't say anything at all!

It's not so much that people are offended by sex, it's more of the fact that nobody gives a fuck about your sexual conquests. This is the kind of stuff you talk to your friends about, not a bunch of strangers on a pokemon forum.

The thread isn't supposed to be about me though, I just posted three times so people wouldn't be shy about their own?

I don't know why people would be okay with having a thread that's basically about them jacking off (nude/porn threads) and have a problem with talking about sex they have? I feel like certain people are being enormously defensive.

Btw, I write. Admitting shit about yourself to strangers is part of writing.

i think your sexual experiences are interesting!

there's absolutely no need for people to feel like sex is in any way a competition. obviously it's linked to masculine posturing, but i think the real measure of achievement is emotional connection. you can have sex with x number of women or men but feel much emptier than the guy who feels completed after second base with just one. or not. everyone has nuanced sexual appetites and needs, and evaluating sexual achievement on a linear scale really takes a lot of interesting variety out of the act itself

i'm young, so my post will echo pwnemon's. first base/second or whatever (there wasn't a clear distinction, lol) was making out with a girl in a movie theater in like 9th grade. i actually remember the movie. it was When in Rome, with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel. so terrible. i was really looking forward to kissing this girl, but after doing so i kind of felt empty, like i had achieved something but it didn't mean anything. in hindsight, this was probably because she had asked me out and i didn't really have any feelings for her and had just gone on the date to alleviate loneliness and because i was obviously really sexually frustrated at the time. however it's also possible that i had just watched too many romantic comedies and should have let the relationship develop more naturally (we broke it off after like 2 weeks or so).

if you post in this thread just to whine about how you don't like the thread itself, you should be thrown off a cliff!

Thanks Pernicious. Btw, the bolded is absolutely true. Sex doesn't mean anything unless you care about the person you're having it with. There's been two girls in my life that I've really cared for.
Nobody is being defensive lol, I mean what did you expect from this kind of topic? A pat on the back? A "wow Gabe, that's really cool, good job man"? I don't have a problem with talking about sex, I do have a problem with threads (with a serious tag) that generate absolutely no discussion. It's like a thread about what dreams you have. Everyone has an answer, and nobody cares about any of them except for their own.
well, back in the eighties it was really dangerous to be a gay man. obviously i refer here to the aids epidemic that swept through the nation, and specifically my hometown of san francisco. it was really, really scary. every couple of weeks, you'd get a phone call -- another one of your buddies got it, he was going to die. he was dead. the funeral was next monday. i've still got the suit that i attended nearly every one of those funerals in -- probably one every three weeks for two or more years. it's hung in the back of my closet, it haunts me, i can't bare to look at it because it brings back to surface all sorts of awful memories.

i remember the worst of the bunch. it was my best friend. we had known each other since grade school, lived next door all of our lives. when he came out to me, i was still in the closet. i was the first person he told, and i spilled my guts to him there as well. we cried and cried for what our families would think (as we lived in the extremely conservative midwest at the time). honestly pondered killing ourselves. it was such an emotional experience, it made me seriously reconsider my life and how i was living it. so as soon as i turned 18, i told my folks to go fuck themselves and moved with my buddy to beautiful san francisco. we were never romantically involved -- there was never even a sexual tension between us. we were just friends, that's how it was, an unspoken contract between us that would forever be upheld. we were inseparable though. we went out to clubs and the like together, hung out, listened to the same music, and were each other's shoulder to cry on. a true best friend like him, there will never be another, because of how beautiful a man he was.

but, yeah, when i got the call from him it hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. he was going to die, and there was nothing i could do about it. i felt so helpless, so tiny and insignificant. the most i could do was make sure his last few months were lived out in comfort. i couldn't kill myself, that would only make his last moments so much worse. i was his only comfort. his friends abandoned him. his family was long since estranged. it was me who would stay up with him alone at night, comforting him through the intense pain he felt. it was me who watched as he slowly withered from his previously strong frame to a bony nothing of a man. it was me who toweled him down with a wet cloth, moved him around so he didn't get bedsores, who made sure to give him water when he was too weak to stand. and yes, it was me who walked into his house one day and found my best friend, my rock, my salvation, dead. and it was me who made the funeral arrangements. it was me who broke down into a sobbing hysteria seeing his emaciated form in front of me, and it was me who tried to hang himself afterwards. it was me who miraculously had the rope snap.

i don't believe in any god, but i suppose i took it as an omen from my dear friend that my life was not yet ready to be ended, that i had some sort of purpose. i have found little direction with my life after that experience, and i find myself almost entirely asexual after. sex does not appeal to me. it only brings to the surface what i tie to a stone and throw into the river.
Nobody is being defensive lol, I mean what did you expect from this kind of topic? A pat on the back? A "wow Gabe, that's really cool, good job man"? I don't have a problem with talking about sex, I do have a problem with threads (with a serious tag) that generate absolutely no discussion. It's like a thread about what dreams you have. Everyone has an answer, and nobody cares about any of them except for their own.

Oh my God are you fucking kidding me? Dreams are fascinating and people would recall only the best ones, and by that I mean anything that stood out, even the really bizarre dreams that made no sense but were so amazing (and would be amazing just to read about).

Such a thread would be gold
Nobody is being defensive lol, I mean what did you expect from this kind of topic? A pat on the back? A "wow Gabe, that's really cool, good job man"? I don't have a problem with talking about sex, I do have a problem with threads (with a serious tag) that generate absolutely no discussion. It's like a thread about what dreams you have. Everyone has an answer, and nobody cares about any of them except for their own.

You keep implying that this thread is solely for me and my sexual experiences, and it's not. Implying that is being defensive, because you're acting like I'm gloating about it and I'm not. I've mentioned thus far there were times when I didn't know what the fuck to do or was lousy at stuff. I don't think sex is the greatest thing ever and reality it doesn't mean much in life. Finding a girl that can tolerate me, awful human being that I am, is more important to me. I mean, you guys keep making this thread about me. Why don't you mention your own experiences? Otherwise just VM or PM me, you're ruining this thread.

I made a dreams thread a while back, and barely anyone bothered to talk about anyone's dreams and instead posted their own. Threads like those don't generate much discussion. Dreams are a pretty boring topic if the dream didn't happen to you. Everyone knows dreams can be fucked up and random and everyone has experienced dreams like that. It doesn't make it a good topic for discussion.


I'm not going to sit here and type my sexual experiences for a bunch of strangers to see. Frankly, it is none of your business. If you think that's because "I'm being defensive" or I am a virgin or w/e, I don't care. Clearly this thread is about you because you have made 3 posts (including a double post) about your sexual experiences. Just look at the replies you're getting. Do you seriously believe this will promote discussion? Come on man.

Damn that's awful man. I've lost a friend too, but wasn't close to him like you were. It kind of sounds like that might have given you PTSD. Have you ever spoken to a therapist or consulted a psychiatrist?


I'm not going to sit here and type my sexual experiences for a bunch of strangers to see. Frankly, it is none of your business. If you think that's because "I'm being defensive" or I am a virgin or w/e, I don't care. Clearly this thread is about you because you have made 3 posts (including a double post) about your sexual experiences. Just look at the replies you're getting. Do you seriously believe this will promote discussion? Come on man.

Well, I am so bully for me. Nobody is forcing you to read or post in this thread so why are you here? I didn't even say you were a virgin? And that wasn't a double post, the post between those two was deleted. And yeah two people have responded sooooooo there's hope. Okay. Please either contribute or stop whining.