National Dex Ubers resident rockeus analysis zone (arceus-rock) [QC 3/3] [GP 1/1]

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i dont know where to mention it but rayquaza has a singular tooth and it looks like that one sukuna tooth reaction image

name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 48 SpA / 44 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock / Grass


* Arceus-Rock's unique typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, and Rayquaza while putting pressure on common Defoggers like Ho-Oh and crippling would-be checks like Necrozma-DM and Zygarde with Will-O-Wisp.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, and Rayquaza more effectively and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock-resistant Pokemon, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM, and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers like Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping it up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny foes' attempts to recover health or spread status. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxic and burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus, and Arceus-Dark. Ice Beam can be ran in the third slot to lure in and catch Zygarde off guard.
* The given EV spread enables Arceus-Rock to avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse, avoid an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake after Stealth Rock, and almost always avoid an OHKO from +1 Life Orb Rayquaza's Earthquake while having enough Speed to outpace Chi-Yu. The rest of the EVs are invested to OHKO defensive Ho-Oh.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus, and offensive Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza. Tera Grass can also be used to turn its weaknesses to Ground and Water into resistances, providing defensive insurance for Zygarde, Arceus-Ground, and Primal Kyogre.
* Arceus-Rock should be used aggressively to chip the opposing team with STAB Judgment, which is difficult to switch into, while burning the opposing Rock-resistant foes, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and pressuring common forms of hazard control. This role is expanded upon when facing Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza, Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates like Yveltal, Ho-Oh, and Eternatus that cover its numerous weaknesses to common moves, such as Arceus-Ground's Earthquake and Kyogre's Origin Pulse, while they, in turn, appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Running Stealth Rock on Arceus-Rock can allow Primal Groudon to run more offensive sets. Pokemon that appreciate Arceus-Rock burning Steel-types, such as Eternatus, Zacian-C, and Mega Salamence, are good partners, as they can set up more easily. Mega Salamence is especially good to pair with, as it checks Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre offensively and can use a burned Necrozma-DM lacking status moves as setup fodder.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can burn physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM, and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent; in turn, Gothitelle takes out these Ground- and Steel-types that threaten Arceus-Rock.

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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as the list isn't exhaustive Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-Ice and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resistances resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing status attempts from them. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into special attack Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock be as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and burning the opposing physical attackers rephrase this to focus on resists to Judgment, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards, unless the opposing team has an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses be more specific, do you mean common type weaknesses, or something more contextual?, such as Yveltal or Ho-Oh, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock.

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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as the list isn't exhaustive Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-Ice and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resistances resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing status attempts from them. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into special attack Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock be as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and burning the opposing physical attackers rephrase this to focus on resists to Judgment, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards, unless the opposing team has an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses be more specific, do you mean common type weaknesses, or something more contextual?, such as Yveltal or Ho-Oh, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock.

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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing status attempts from them. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock be as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus. Mention that it also OHKOes Ho-Oh with Judgment
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and burning the opposing Rock resists, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards, unless the opposing team has an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types, such as Yveltal or Ho-Oh, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock.

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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing status attempts from them. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock be as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus. Mention that it also OHKOes Ho-Oh with Judgment
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and burning the opposing Rock resists, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards, unless the opposing team has an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types, such as Yveltal or Ho-Oh, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock.

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QC 2/2 after implementation. Had some fun playing with this and it’s actually pretty good.

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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing status attempts from them. (Mention Taunt also denies Giratina-O recovery. Also mention it keeps Arceus-Rock from being Coil-Rest Zygarde food.) Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock OHKO Ho-Oh and specially offensive Yveltal, while also being as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and burning the opposing Rock resists, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards, unless the opposing team has an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats. (This should be rewritten a little bit. It’s hard to follow since the entire thing is one sentence. Maybe splitting this into two paragraphs, one for defensive usage and one for pressuring Defoggers, would help.)
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types (I’d be more specific with its checks. Mons such as Palkia-O, Primal Kyogre, and Marshadow come to mind), such as Yveltal or Ho-Oh, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock. (Somewhere I’d mention some offensive teammates that appreciate Arceus-Rock’s ability to keep up hazards and tank Extreme Speed, such as Deoxys-A, Pheromosa, and Chien-Pao.)

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QC 2/2 after implementation. Had some fun playing with this and it’s actually pretty good.

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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing status attempts from them. (Mention Taunt also denies Giratina-O recovery. Also mention it keeps Arceus-Rock from being Coil-Rest Zygarde food.) Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock OHKO Ho-Oh and specially offensive Yveltal, while also being as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and burning the opposing Rock resists, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards, unless the opposing team has an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats. (This should be rewritten a little bit. It’s hard to follow since the entire thing is one sentence. Maybe splitting this into two paragraphs, one for defensive usage and one for pressuring Defoggers, would help.)
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types (I’d be more specific with its checks. Mons such as Palkia-O, Primal Kyogre, and Marshadow come to mind), such as Yveltal or Ho-Oh, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock. (Somewhere I’d mention some offensive teammates that appreciate Arceus-Rock’s ability to keep up hazards and tank Extreme Speed, such as Deoxys-A, Pheromosa, and Chien-Pao.)

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implemented :arceus_rock:
did remove the bit about Zyggy since rockeus doesnt check it anyways and changed the prio weak mons a bit since 2 of them you mentioned werent meta relevant
stamp if you think its implemented well
QC 3/3 when submitted.

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name: Utility Tank
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock / Grass


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon unique typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal putting pressure on common Defoggers like Ho-Oh, and crippling would be checks like Necrozma-DM and Zygarde with Will-O-Wisp.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing attempts to recover health or status from them. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark. Not worth a slot in the set but a brief mention of Ice Beam to lure and beat Zygarde on its own may be worth touching on.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock OHKO Ho-Oh and specially offensive Yveltal, while also being as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
Add a section about Tera Grass as an alternative for more defensive insurance against Zygarde, Primal Kyogre, and Arceus Ground.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame aggressively to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and while burning the opposing Rock resists, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards pressuring common forms of hazard control. This role changes is expanded upon when the opposing team has an facing Extreme Killer Arceus, Ho-Oh, Yveltal, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types, such as Arceus-Ground's Earthquake or Kyogre's Origin Pulse, like Yveltal, Ho-Oh and Eternatus, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them. Pairing these hazard setters with Pokemon that appreciate this chip, such as Deoxys-A, specially offensive Yveltal and Rayquaza, make for a good pairing, especially since these teammates appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to threaten common priority users Extreme Killer Arceus and Sucker Punch Yveltal. Change this section entirely. The big appeal of Rocks on Arceus Rock is that it frees up Primal Groudon to run more offensive sets, and Toxic Spikes is very counter-intuitive when it means burning Arceus Ground and Zygarde is no longer possible. Beyond that Arceus Rock simply does not fit on the offensive teams Pokemon such as Offensive Yveltal, or Deoxys Attack would. Focus more on Pokemon that can take advantage of the Pokemon Arceus Rock threatens, and its ability to burn Steels, such as Mega Salamence, Eternatus, and Zacian Crowned. Put a lot more emphasis on Mega Salamence as well, as it is able to offensively check Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre for it while using the newfound burnt NDM as set up fodder to go for a sweep.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock.
QC 3/3 when submitted.

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name: Utility Tank
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 48 HP / 176 SpA / 188 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock / Grass


* Arceus-Rock's uncommon unique typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza, while keeping up hazards in the face of common Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and Yveltal putting pressure on common Defoggers like Ho-Oh, and crippling would be checks like Necrozma-DM and Zygarde with Will-O-Wisp.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza more effectively, and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny Defog attempts from foes it doesn't directly threaten, such as Giratina-O and defensive Lunala, while preventing attempts to recover health or status from them. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus and Arceus-Dark. Not worth a slot in the set but a brief mention of Ice Beam to lure and beat Zygarde on its own may be worth touching on.
* The given EV spread lets Arceus-Rock avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse and an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake, while outspeeding Chi-Yu. The remaining EVs are invested into Special Attack to let Arceus-Rock OHKO Ho-Oh and specially offensive Yveltal, while also being as threatening as possible to neutral targets, such as Primal Groudon and Eternatus.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal, and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus and offensive Primal Kyogre, while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence and Rayquaza.
Add a section about Tera Grass as an alternative for more defensive insurance against Zygarde, Primal Kyogre, and Arceus Ground.
* Arceus-Rock should be used earlygame aggressively to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB, and while burning the opposing Rock resists, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and preventing the opposing team from clearing the team's hazards pressuring common forms of hazard control. This role changes is expanded upon when the opposing team has an facing Extreme Killer Arceus, Ho-Oh, Yveltal, Rayquaza or Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats.
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types, such as Arceus-Ground's Earthquake or Kyogre's Origin Pulse, like Yveltal, Ho-Oh and Eternatus, while they in turn appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Eternatus are good pairings with Arceus-Rock since Arceus-Rock is good at keeping up these hazards for them. Pairing these hazard setters with Pokemon that appreciate this chip, such as Deoxys-A, specially offensive Yveltal and Rayquaza, make for a good pairing, especially since these teammates appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to threaten common priority users Extreme Killer Arceus and Sucker Punch Yveltal. Change this section entirely. The big appeal of Rocks on Arceus Rock is that it frees up Primal Groudon to run more offensive sets, and Toxic Spikes is very counter-intuitive when it means burning Arceus Ground and Zygarde is no longer possible. Beyond that Arceus Rock simply does not fit on the offensive teams Pokemon such as Offensive Yveltal, or Deoxys Attack would. Focus more on Pokemon that can take advantage of the Pokemon Arceus Rock threatens, and its ability to burn Steels, such as Mega Salamence, Eternatus, and Zacian Crowned. Put a lot more emphasis on Mega Salamence as well, as it is able to offensively check Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre for it while using the newfound burnt NDM as set up fodder to go for a sweep.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent, while in turn Gothitelle takes out these Ground and Steel types that threaten Arceus-Rock.
implemented :arceus_rock:
AMGP check
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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 48 SpA / 44 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock / Grass


* Arceus-Rock's unique typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza (RC) while putting pressure on common Defoggers like Ho-Oh (RC) and crippling would-be (AH) checks like Necrozma-DM and Zygarde with Will-O-Wisp.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza more effectively (RC) and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists Rock-resistant Pokemon, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM, (AC) and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers like Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them it up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny foes' attempts to recover health or spread status. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus, (AC) and Arceus-Dark. Ice Beam can be ran in the 3rd third slot to lure in and catch Zygarde off guard.
* The given EV spread lets enables Arceus-Rock to (helps lessen repeated usage of "lets" within this bullet point and the ones preceding and succeeding it) avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse, avoid an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake after Stealth Rock, and almost always avoid an OHKO from +1 Life Orb Rayquaza's Earthquake (RC) while having enough speed Speed to outspeed outpace Chi-Yu. (avoids repetition of and confusion with the term "speed") The rest of the EVs are invested to OHKO defensive Ho-Oh.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal (RC) and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus, (AC) and offensive Primal Kyogre after rocks Stealth Rock (RC) while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza. Tera Grass can also be used to turn its weaknesses to Ground and Water into a resistances, providing defensive insurance for Zygarde, Arceus-Ground, (AC) and Primal Kyogre.
* Arceus-Rock should be used agressively aggressively to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB Judgment, which is difficult to switch into, while burning the opposing Rock resists Rock-resistant foes, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and pressuring common forms of hazard control. This role is expanded upon when facing an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza, (AC) Ho-Oh, Yveltal, or and Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats. ("And" should be used instead of "or" when referring to multiple examples of a plural noun.)
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates like Yveltal, Ho-Oh, and Eternatus (original placement of list was awkward, as it came after another list) that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types moves, such as Arceus-Ground's Earthquake or and Kyogre's Origin Pulse, like Yveltal, Ho-Oh and Eternatus, while they, (AC) in turn, (AC) appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Running Stealth Rock on Arceus-Rock can allow Primal Groudon to run more offensive sets. Pokemon that appreciate Arceus-Rock burning Steel-types (AH), such as Eternatus, Zacian-C, (AC) and Mega Salamence, are good partners, (AC) as they can set up more easily. Mega Salamence is especially a good to pair with, (AC) as it checks Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre offensively and can use a burned Necrozma-DM lacking status moves as setup fodder.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp burn physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM, (AC) and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent; (RC, ASC) while (helps lessen repeated usage of "while") in turn, (AC) Gothitelle takes out these Ground- (AH) and Steel-types (AH) that threaten Arceus-Rock.

(Please be mindful of using the Oxford comma for future analyses. It was a recurring mistake when I proofread your draft.)
a blue banana
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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 48 SpA / 44 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock / Grass


* Arceus-Rock's unique typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza (RC) while putting pressure on common Defoggers like Ho-Oh (RC) and crippling would-be (AH) checks like Necrozma-DM and Zygarde with Will-O-Wisp.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza more effectively (RC) and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists Rock-resistant Pokemon, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM, (AC) and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers like Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them it up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny foes' attempts to recover health or spread status. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus, (AC) and Arceus-Dark. Ice Beam can be ran in the 3rd third slot to lure in and catch Zygarde off guard.
* The given EV spread lets enables Arceus-Rock to (helps lessen repeated usage of "lets" within this bullet point and the ones preceding and succeeding it) avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse, avoid an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake after Stealth Rock, and almost always avoid an OHKO from +1 Life Orb Rayquaza's Earthquake (RC) while having enough speed Speed to outspeed outpace Chi-Yu. (avoids repetition of and confusion with the term "speed") The rest of the EVs are invested to OHKO defensive Ho-Oh.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal (RC) and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus, (AC) and offensive Primal Kyogre after rocks Stealth Rock (RC) while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza. Tera Grass can also be used to turn its weaknesses to Ground and Water into a resistances, providing defensive insurance for Zygarde, Arceus-Ground, (AC) and Primal Kyogre.
* Arceus-Rock should be used agressively aggressively to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB Judgment, (RC) while burning the opposing Rock resists Rock-resistant foes, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and pressuring common forms of hazard control. This role is expanded upon when facing an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza, (AC) Ho-Oh, Yveltal, or and Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats. ("And" should be used instead of "or" when referring to multiple examples of a plural noun.)
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates like Yveltal, Ho-Oh, and Eternatus (original placement of list was awkward, as it came after another list) that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types moves, such as Arceus-Ground's Earthquake or and Kyogre's Origin Pulse, like Yveltal, Ho-Oh and Eternatus, while they, (AC) in turn, (AC) appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Running Stealth Rock on Arceus-Rock can allow Primal Groudon to run more offensive sets. Pokemon that appreciate Arceus-Rock burning Steel-types (AH), such as Eternatus, Zacian-C, (AC) and Mega Salamence, are good partners, (AC) as they can set up more easily. Mega Salamence is especially a good to pair with, (AC) as it checks Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre offensively and can use a burned Necrozma-DM lacking status moves as setup fodder.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp burn physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM, (AC) and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent; (RC, ASC) while (helps lessen repeated usage of "while") in turn, (AC) Gothitelle takes out these Ground- (AH) and Steel-types (AH) that threaten Arceus-Rock.

(Please be mindful of using the Oxford comma for future analyses. It was a recurring mistake when I proofread your draft.)

GP Team done
a blue banana
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name: Utility
move 1: Judgment
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt / Refresh
move 4: Recover
item: Stone Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 48 SpA / 44 SpD / 96 Spe
tera type: Rock / Grass


* Arceus-Rock's unique typing and access to Will-O-Wisp allow it to carve out a niche as a check to foes such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza (RC) while putting pressure on common Defoggers like Ho-Oh (RC) and crippling would-be (AH) checks like Necrozma-DM and Zygarde with Will-O-Wisp.
* Will-O-Wisp allows Arceus-Rock to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza more effectively (RC) and lets it cripple other physical attackers, such as Calyrex-I and Zekrom. It also greatly annoys common Rock resists Rock-resistant Pokemon, such as Zygarde, Zacian-C, Necrozma-DM, (AC) and Arceus-Ground.
* Stealth Rock is a good option, since Arceus-Rock threatens common Defoggers like Ho-Oh and Yveltal, keeping them it up consistently. Taunt lets Arceus-Rock deny foes' attempts to recover health or spread status. Refresh lets Arceus-Rock shrug off Toxics and Burns burns from Ho-Oh, defensive Eternatus, (AC) and Arceus-Dark. Ice Beam can be ran in the 3rd third slot to lure in and catch Zygarde off guard.
* The given EV spread lets enables Arceus-Rock to (helps lessen repeated usage of "lets" within this bullet point and the ones preceding and succeeding it) avoid a 2HKO from specially offensive Yveltal's Dark Pulse, avoid an OHKO from +1 Adamant Mega Salamence's Earthquake after Stealth Rock, and almost always avoid an OHKO from +1 Life Orb Rayquaza's Earthquake (RC) while having enough speed Speed to outspeed outpace Chi-Yu. (avoids repetition of and confusion with the term "speed") The rest of the EVs are invested to OHKO defensive Ho-Oh.
* Tera Rock lets Arceus-Rock fire off more powerful Judgments, notably letting it OHKO defensive Yveltal (RC) and 2HKO defensive Primal Groudon, offensive Eternatus, (AC) and offensive Primal Kyogre after rocks Stealth Rock (RC) while retaining its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Salamence, (AC) and Rayquaza. Tera Grass can also be used to turn its weaknesses to Ground and Water into a resistances, providing defensive insurance for Zygarde, Arceus-Ground, (AC) and Primal Kyogre.
* Arceus-Rock should be used agressively aggressively to chip the opposing team with difficult to switch into Rock STAB Judgment, (RC) while burning the opposing Rock resists Rock-resistant foes, such as Zacian-C and Marshadow, and pressuring common forms of hazard control. This role is expanded upon when facing an Extreme Killer Arceus, Rayquaza, (AC) Ho-Oh, Yveltal, or and Mega Salamence, in which case Arceus-Rock should be preserved to check these threats. ("And" should be used instead of "or" when referring to multiple examples of a plural noun.)
* Arceus-Rock appreciates teammates like Yveltal, Ho-Oh, and Eternatus (original placement of list was awkward, as it came after another list) that cover its numerous weaknesses to common types moves, such as Arceus-Ground's Earthquake or and Kyogre's Origin Pulse, like Yveltal, Ho-Oh and Eternatus, while they, (AC) in turn, (AC) appreciate Arceus-Rock's ability to check strong physical attackers like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Salamence.
* Running Stealth Rock on Arceus-Rock can allow Primal Groudon to run more offensive sets. Pokemon that appreciate Arceus-Rock burning Steel-types (AH), such as Eternatus, Zacian-C, (AC) and Mega Salamence, are good partners, (AC) as they can set up more easily. Mega Salamence is especially a good to pair with, (AC) as it checks Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre offensively and can use a burned Necrozma-DM lacking status moves as setup fodder.
* Arceus-Rock and Gothitelle make a good pairing, since Arceus-Rock can Will-O-Wisp burn physical attackers such as Zygarde, Necrozma-DM, (AC) and Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground to make Gothitelle's trapping more consistent; (RC, ASC) while (helps lessen repeated usage of "while") in turn, (AC) Gothitelle takes out these Ground- (AH) and Steel-types (AH) that threaten Arceus-Rock.

(Please be mindful of using the Oxford comma for future analyses. It was a recurring mistake when I proofread your draft.)

GP Team done
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