All Gens Retro Cup of Pokemon 2021: Round 1

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Ok, fine and all, but where is the act call? Surely you're not contesting a deadgame for which you never made an act call in the first place?
Ok, fine and all, but where is the act call? Surely you're not contesting a deadgame for which you never made an act call in the first place?

Assuming your profile Pic i Will answer you:
Ass (i think) you can read on my post OUR MAIN PLAN is playing Games, not calling act, we only called act once and in a extreme situation.
We asked for a time extensión but as (i think) you can see, they didnt answered to my player and now, we are in the obligation of this.
I know this would let your team without tie break and you are tryin to troll but please be fair.
I think that when a person takes on the responsibility of being captain there is a too basic principle which is to make sure that their entire team has scheduled and plays their respective games, that's why there is not only an error from SSB when requesting an extension.. and assuming there was one. The extension that I have never seen has been granted or confirmed by the hosts ._. (Why would it suppose something that does not yet exist?), If not that even knowing the context the captains of France have never been notified by the Spanish captain to achieve a schedule more chord or ask for a double sub to enter a person with better availability in the captains discord (yes, there is one and there is no Spanish captain in the discord LOL), so it seems disrespectful to me since there was no Ni not even an administrative attempt to play the game before the dl ends and actwin trying to catch something so ridiculous that seems more like a mistake on the part of both teams than a particular foul.
bitches be making ACTIVITY CALLS but don't answer the CALL to ACTion to free the oppressed from captIVITY
Yes, this deadgame getting revert would be defavorable to my team, does that mean I have interest in arguing over your deadgame being reversed? yes. Does that mean I'm trolling? no. Can't I geniuly believe you messed up? Yes, I totally can.

You're speaking about good manner to justify not making an activity call earlier, so I'm gonna tell what else is good manner: respecting the deadlines, that applies to everyone and everything the same, being playing games, making act call, etc.

Another good manner is also as a manager to make yourself easy to contact for everyone and to be transparent on your actions with other concerned managers, which you are the most responsible for not respecting. Mutliple managers had issue contacting you when they had difficulties with your players.
Like do you think your team being involved in 4 games not played, while needing wins to clinch play off, is a coincidence?

You don't want act win, that's in your honour, but let's not act like you didn't have time between the games deadline and the act call deadline represented by the host posting their decisions, there was a full day.
Also, asking for an activity now is basically refuting France the possibility to make another sub to cover up for it, which is basically A) the biggest act fishing you could ask for, B) makes it technically unneligible for an activity win according to this ruleset:

Moreover, as mixwell (yes he is in team argentina and just like me would get ejected over this decision being reversed, does it means he is wrong? no.) highlighted, extension in teamtours are a rarety, and you're talking like it's the standard to justify yourself. (plus again, you had a full day to check with the hosts before they took any decision)

Finally, I don't exactly appreciate being called a troll when I point out that you are the one to blame for that decision. Regardless of what you consider good manner, some things are factual, like deadlines and guidelines, and if because of your good manners you are able to get this reversed, it would just be unfair for every other manager that dealt with it respectfully of the deadlines and guidelines.
And, calling people that don't agree with you trolls is not really what I'd call a "good manner" either.

Tl;dr: Considering your behaviours toward the deadlines, guidelines and other managers, I, personnaly, don't think you're in position to talk about "good manners", but I'm just a biaised manager so what do I know.

Anyway Gl in your remaining games, be it in a tie break with Argentina, China and us, or in play-offs if you get what you want. And sorry for any potential cringe to any one reading that full post.
This is my last Answer to another person Who is not host or mod of the tournament:

"Moreover, as mixwell (yes he is in team argentina and just like me would get ejected over this decision being reversed, does it means he is wrong? no.) highlighted, extension in teamtours are a rarety, and you're talking like it's the standard to justify yourself. (plus again, you had a full day to check with the hosts before they took any decision)"

Heika i think you cannot understand that i havent got to justify me or my team, my man already scheduled with the first player, then he got subbed 4 days left to the deadline and only can play 1 day of that 4 (he already has another deadgame, can you imagine why) we ask for the time ext knowing this would be good for the other team, not for us,
The other 99% teams Would call for act win, but we decided to ask for a posible time ext because we wanted to play even when we know we could get a sure act win.
Well, once time ext is denied we consider a joke having a deadgame when we already scheduled with the first player and they were only available to play 1 day of the 3 weeks of the round.
I know this is bad for Eur and Arg but its Justice, even more when Kiryan act lost to HSOWA for being 20mins later to the schedule.
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