

Well I don't think anyone here was claiming Reuniclus makes stall completely unviable, as there are a host of options for dealing with it (most of them involving taunt on something that can take its hits). Stall is alive and well, though not as popular as last generation and Reuniclus is pretty easily handled by a number of Pokemon that Stall can use anyway (I particularly like Sableye).

@Black Rain: No CM Reuniclus uses Shadow Ball really, so Sableye is pretty much a guaranteed counter to it. If it does carry shadow ball you can be pretty sure it's the Trick Room set, so then you just switch in one of the pink blobs to beat it instead. Really, if you have Sableye and a decent special wall, you're pretty safe from Reuniclus. One or two random idiots using Shadow Ball on Reuniclus aren't going to stop you from being successful 99% of the time. You are right with Quag though. The poor bastard suffers 4MSS enough as it is, let alone with encore and Stockpile is just begging to be critted.

However there is one bigass Reuniclus counter that commonly appears on stall teams I'm stunned NoUserName hasn't mentioned yet; Sp. Def Jirachi. Nothing it uses hits for more than nuetral damage and paraflinch will just destroy it. Barring getting really lucky with Focus Blast (and I mean REALLY lucky, given how often the damn thing misses), it'll beat Reuniclus every time.

So yeah, Reuniclus is definitely a threat Stall has to look out for, but it hardly makes it unusable. Anyone who says so clearly isn't very good at playing stall.
What do you guys think about using HP fighting over focus blast on calm mind reuniclus? The power drop is big but sometimes I feel like I want consistent damage on things such as scizor or tyranitar that want to switch in. Sorry if this has been discussed already but I don't feel like reading through 38 pages of posts. I'm also considering HP fire, provided I have enough things to deal with tyranitar.
It's an option if you really hate focus blast but HP fighting from standard CM Reuniclus can barely 3hko max HP TTar (you need life orb to get a good chance of a 2hko). As bad as focus blast's accuracy is, it's still the preferred choice.

HP fire can be used on trick room Reuniclus but it's really useful only for Scizor and gives you coverage problems against Lati@s. I don't suggest using hp fire on CM Reuniclus.

By the way, you can use the simple question\simple answer thread at the top of the page of the main DST forum for this kind of questions.
Reuniclus actually pairs up quite well with Tyranitar I realized. Reuniclus resists Tyranitar's fighting-type weakness and can threaten out some fighting-types. I also found out that Tyranitar gets worn down pretty quickly with Toxic, or becomes completely useless with burn. Reuniclus can absorb both these statuses with some smart switching. Tyranitar can also resist Reuniclus's Ghost-type and Dark-type weaknesses. If you are worried about facing Gengar, then Lucario can be considered with its STAB Bullet Punch. However, I find Lucario rather frail without Dual Screens support, so that can come in the form of Bronzong. Terrakion can absorb Dark-type moves, but must be wary of a Gengar's FB
Most good stalls honestly love facing CM Reuniclus. It just gets beaten and set up on so easily if you have the right members. Its defensively leaning balanced teams which have the real problems with it.
@yee, thanks for double checking my math, but I still don't understand why reuniclus needs 409 hp. Couldn't those extra EV's be put to better use (in defense perhaps??)? I'm just confused as to why this hp number is so desirable.
@yee, thanks for double checking my math, but I still don't understand why reuniclus needs 409 hp. Couldn't those extra EV's be put to better use (in defense perhaps??)? I'm just confused as to why this hp number is so desirable.

It could be that if you put it in Defense, it doesn't raise its defense by enough to offset the loss in HP. I.E, if an attack dealt 408 damage to a 409 HP Reuniclus, and you moved some EVs to Defense such that Reuniclus has 401 HP, the additional defense would not be enough to lower the damage to 400 damage, so the attack would now KO when it wouldn't have beforehand.

Alternately, you lose special bulk when you do HP->Def(or physical bulk if you do HP->SpDef)

However there is one bigass Reuniclus counter that commonly appears on stall teams I'm stunned NoUserName hasn't mentioned yet; Sp. Def Jirachi. Nothing it uses hits for more than nuetral damage and paraflinch will just destroy it. Barring getting really lucky with Focus Blast (and I mean REALLY lucky, given how often the damn thing misses), it'll beat Reuniclus every time.

Just another reason why to use Flame Orb sometimes over Lefties/Life Orb, no matter how unorthodox it is. On one time I was forced to run a Flame Orb'ed Reuniclus due to needing to avoid getting destroyed by Breloom. In that period, being put to sleep and the situation mentioned above are a bit mitigated. The other odd tidbit with running Flame Orb is that it buys you a few turns to CM if their Tyranitar/Scizor is on the opposing team, they won't feel complied to switch in with the threat of burn.
Do you think a dual screens set could be possible for reuniclus?? He's a little slow, but after he gets trick room up, there's very little that will prevent him from getting the screens up. In the end, you have trick room and dual screens to help your sweepers plow through teams.
Dual Screens and Trick Room is a terrible choice. Too much set-up. Stick to one or the other; Reuniclus isn't a particularly notable Dual Screener either.
Seeing how Reuniclus isnt weak to SR or spikes, do people think regenerator is a good idea? It could potentially be run over recover or it can be used as a proper tank. Maybe a heal bell-er is needed though.
Seeing how Reuniclus isnt weak to SR or spikes, do people think regenerator is a good idea? It could potentially be run over recover or it can be used as a proper tank. Maybe a heal bell-er is needed though.

Without magic gaurd it instantly loses its amazing immunities, can't have 2 abilities at once.
Reuniclus is brilliant! I've been using him on my team late game and he 90% of the time steamrolls through the opponents team.

Well I don't think anyone here was claiming Reuniclus makes stall completely unviable, as there are a host of options for dealing with it (most of them involving taunt on something that can take its hits). Stall is alive and well, though not as popular as last generation and Reuniclus is pretty easily handled by a number of Pokemon that Stall can use anyway (I particularly like Sableye).

@Black Rain: No CM Reuniclus uses Shadow Ball really, so Sableye is pretty much a guaranteed counter to it. If it does carry shadow ball you can be pretty sure it's the Trick Room set, so then you just switch in one of the pink blobs to beat it instead. Really, if you have Sableye and a decent special wall, you're pretty safe from Reuniclus. One or two random idiots using Shadow Ball on Reuniclus aren't going to stop you from being successful 99% of the time. You are right with Quag though. The poor bastard suffers 4MSS enough as it is, let alone with encore and Stockpile is just begging to be critted.

However there is one bigass Reuniclus counter that commonly appears on stall teams I'm stunned NoUserName hasn't mentioned yet; Sp. Def Jirachi. Nothing it uses hits for more than nuetral damage and paraflinch will just destroy it. Barring getting really lucky with Focus Blast (and I mean REALLY lucky, given how often the damn thing misses), it'll beat Reuniclus every time.

So yeah, Reuniclus is definitely a threat Stall has to look out for, but it hardly makes it unusable. Anyone who says so clearly isn't very good at playing stall.

spdef jirachi isnt a counter to reuniclus, if the flinch rate of iron head is about 60% then reuniclus just recovers them off, cm's up and sweeps at plus 6. In fact if all goes to plan your spdef jirachi is set up bait for cm reuniclus, iron head pp will run out and im pretty sure plus 6 focus blast is a ohko.
spdef jirachi isnt a counter to reuniclus, if the flinch rate of iron head is about 60% then reuniclus just recovers them off, cm's up and sweeps at plus 6. In fact if all goes to plan your spdef jirachi is set up bait for cm reuniclus, iron head pp will run out and im pretty sure plus 6 focus blast is a ohko.
This is not true at all...

If you had used Jirachi to take on Reuniclus, then you would know that more often than not paralysis + flinches, which happen 70% of the time, are enough to take down Reuniclus quite easily.
spdef jirachi isnt a counter to reuniclus, if the flinch rate of iron head is about 60% then reuniclus just recovers them off, cm's up and sweeps at plus 6. In fact if all goes to plan your spdef jirachi is set up bait for cm reuniclus, iron head pp will run out and im pretty sure plus 6 focus blast is a ohko.

Yes and no. While it's true that Iron Head only flinches 60% of the time, you're also forgetting about paralysis. Specially Defensive jirachi typically abuse the 'ParaFlinch' combo, where they inflict paralysis on the opponent (with either Thunder Wave, Body Slam or Thunder), and then Iron Head to death.

This is important, because then not only do you have to hit through the 60% Flinch chance, but there's also that 25% chance to be fully paralyzed. In my experience, CM Reuniclus is simply unable to get past this Jirachi without an extraordinary amount of luck.

However. It should be noted that if Reuniclus absorbs some other status during the battle (Toxic or Burn), then things get interesting. In this scenario, you only have to worry about the flinch chance, and given CM Reun's good bulk + Recover, it actually has a good chance of winning in this scenario. However, there is always the chance that, well, Haxrachi is going to Hax you and win. Therefore, it is never advisable for Reuniclus to square off against Jirachi unless absolutely necessary, and you have no other recourse.

Technically, Jirachi relies on 'luck' to beat Reuniclus, so there's always the chance that you'll come out on top; but generally speaking, you almost never will.

EDIT: First ever Ninja'd. :p
Spdef jirachi is not a counter to reuniclus. All he has to do is trick a flame orb onto your jirachi and you're screwed. Jirachi also has no ways of boosting his attack, and this is a recipe for death in the long run for him.
Spdef jirachi is not a counter to reuniclus. All he has to do is trick a flame orb onto your jirachi and you're screwed. Jirachi also has no ways of boosting his attack, and this is a recipe for death in the long run for him.
Okay...but then Reuniclus only has three moveslots left. You're probably going to use Psychic/Psyshock, so you get to pick two of Calm Mind/Recover/coverage move. Without Calm Mind, you're not that powerful (particularly without Life Orb, since you ran a Flame Orb). Without Recover, your health is pretty limited, and physical attackers will mess you up badly. Without a coverage move, Tyranitar walls you cold, and a lot of Pokemon just won't take that much damage from Psychic/Psyshock.

Of course, there's also no room at all on there for Trick Room (unless you run Trick Room + Psychic + coverage move, which, as I mentioned, is much less threatening without Life Orb), so fast physical attackers will ruin you. So you can either use Flame Orb Reuniclus as a Jirachi lure, which it doesn't do that well, given that your opponent knows about the Flame Orb as soon as you can send it out. Or you can use Reuniclus to actually try to kill things on your opponent's team effectively, and accept that SpDef Jirachi will usually beat you (though your odds are much better if you switch in on Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, or Toxic Spikes).
Spdef jirachi is not a counter to reuniclus. All he has to do is trick a flame orb onto your jirachi and you're screwed. Jirachi also has no ways of boosting his attack, and this is a recipe for death in the long run for him.

...You're right...and yet wrong.

SpDef Jirachi is indeed not a counter to Trick Reuniclus...but that's it. Not every Reuniclus is running Flame Orb and Trick (nor do many sets have the luxury of even devoting said space to doing so).
Most Reuniclus don't use the Flame Orb set(its really pretty rare), and most are either Trick Room or Defensive Calm Mind. Both of these sets are walled pretty steadily by Jirachi as Jirachi can heavily damage both of these sets and has access to reliable recovery in the form of Wish. Although it relies a little bit on luck(Para/Flinch), Specially Defensive Jirachi is in most cases considered a counter to Reuniclus.
Okay so Reuniclus takes 17.9% - 21.2% from specially-defensive Jirachi's Iron Head. This means that in order for Jirachi to kill leftovers Reuniclus from full health, it would need to land approximately 8 iron heads flinches / paralysis in a a row (could be as little as 7 and as many as 9 depending on damage rolls). The chances of this happening are around 5.7%, assuming Reuniclus is paralyzed.

In order to do more damage than Reuniclus can heal with Recover in one turn (50%), Jirachi would need to prevent Reuniclus from moving 4 turns in a row with Iron Head. The chances of this are 24%.

If Jirachi only prevents Reuni from moving three times or less while it's at full health, it can Calm Mind with (statistical) safety. The chances of this happening are higher than the chances of it not happening.

At +6, Reuni easily KOs with Focus Blast -> Psyshock.

So no, SpD Jirachi does not counter Reuni unless the Reuni user is statistically cursed. LO CM Reuni loses pretty handily to Jirachi though.

Edit: This doesn't take crits into account, which push the odds more in Jirachi's favor, but not substantially enough to consider it a counter or even anything more than a shaky check.
Just saying Magic Guard is supposed to stop full paralysis, however Pokemon Online doesn't do that, so paralysis still affects Magic Guard Pokemon.