All Gens RoA Olympics 4: Finals [16T/320P Won by Spain]

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xImRaptor gives MegaLucario the win.
won in 3 for the gold in ADV OU :heart:

I wanted to write a quick post to thank all LA players for playing with me and trusting me as their captain, even if the format didn't feel like a team tournament I truly appreciate your willingness :blobnom:

s/o Kiichi for being the cutest user ever <3
s/o Linear, Dizno, Gacu for some of the teams I used :)

See you all in WCOP!
Well, It's been three years since I inned for first time in this tour, the results was decent, at least to me that was one of my first teamtour in general and won a silver in rby ubers, and start loving this tier (yes, it's crazy but rby ubers is a tier that I enjoy jajaja), but the thing that I stayed about that olympics was met xJoelituh, one of the person that help me a lot to grow up in RBY and as a player.

The next year I was excited to try again this tour, so joel told me to be assman with iles and made a new team spain, the results was veeery god, with heartattacks finals to be in the end seconds (and yes, again with silver in rby ubers, was sad). I love how we worked and the atmosphere of the team, so I was expected again the next year to try again and win the tour.

And here we are, some new partners in the team and others form the last Olympics, but same captains (except iles rip) to finally make Spain great agai... I mean win this tour, we worked in a good way (with a bad round 2) and I'm proud of every member of the team, no matter if he lost in fisrt round, second, semis or in the final, everyone did a good paper in the tour, so I won't do shotouts for every member :heart: . In the end I never won the gold in rby ubers, but at least in rby ou so was nice.

Another thing that I would like to highlight is how team Spain in this tour has grown in a good way along this three years (idk the fisrt year of olympics works), we were in the half of the board and in the last two years fighting with the fisrt position, I hope that we do the same in next editions.

No more to say, thanks to the team and joel to be another year his assman, see ya in future tours folks :blobthumbsup:
Finally, after 3 years, we finally conquered this team tournament, specially with how close last year's was. I know this is no official tournament, but still, it feels great to win this, and I would like to thank everyone who cheered for us and those who played with us.

tenzai I'm still sad that you didn't manage to win first round, because I know how much you have improved as a player and how good you are atm in DOU. Keep going and play some more old gens bro.

Chano One of my oldest friends in here, which I wish he was more active overall in Smogon because how good he can be and I hope he can be back to his XY Ubers level and destroy everyone, everywhere! Also, not happy you got quite stolen but, you know how this game is so.

Real FV13 You get me on my nerves, you play really good when you want to, but you need to calm yourself down and stop questioning your plays when you are sure of what to do, gratz for your gold in BW UU tho, and thanks for the sacrifice in DPP LC.

Sceptross You've been a beast the whole tournament, I know how busy you have been, but between the past edition, and this one, you've been insane, so I'm so happy we had another opportunity to have you here and how

Garay oak I'm fully aware that you have been busy with other tournaments, and despite the results, you are an awesome player and I'm happy to have seen you grow and being an amazing player now. PS: Gz for the green trophy again.

Sinkyr Ever since I met you, I saw your enourmous potential and I loved how you improved overall on everything and got to the point that I can throw you anywhere and you will do awesome, hope we meet again irl soon bro.

Zwein Not part of the team, but I know you have been supporting us and Sinkyr specially in the back, so you definitely need a shoutout, thanks :)

Sadlysius A quick shoutout to you, because you made us ensure the win against Asia, thanks and congratz for your gold, buddy!

Eeveeto To this day, I still don't know how you do it, but you manage to win despite, your wacky teams. I wish you were a bit more open with others suggestions/teams, but that will make you uncomfortable, so I fully understand that. However, I'm still happy for your win and that you finish it with the same thing that won that battle against MDragon.

SoulWind I don't need to tell you anything, you are a beast and my favourite player to watch, good luck in other tournaments and amazed with your perfomance as always!

Ranshiin We pretty much got close thanks to this tournament, so I think you being my co-captain this year was the best choice, despite me being as active as usual, I'm really happy for you for finally getting a gold in one of your mains, your overall improvement and aptitude through the tour, until next tour bro!

About myself, I think I could have done better as a player and as a captain, but still I'm quite happy with my performance and how I have improved overall all through these years, specially with team building, which seems to be what I enjoy the most.

Until next tournament guys :)
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