Art by 0Nl
⏮ RoAPL 6 | Discord | Spreadsheet
Manager Signups | Player Signups | Talk | Replays | Usage | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Semifinals | Finals
Manager Signups | Player Signups | Talk | Replays | Usage | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Semifinals | Finals
Hello everyone!
I will be hosting RoAPL VII alongside Kris and Perish Song. The format will be the same as last year: 2x Gens 1-5 OU, meaning 10 slots, with 8 teams. You will have until the 13th of March to apply for a spot alongside an 'assman' of your choice, as the chosen managers will be posted here later that day. Player Signups will start on March 14th and will last until 26th March, with the auction happening either on March 27th or 28th. As some people were curious, managers and their assmans still cannot play.
Example signup
Team Name: Sunyshore Skitties
Bio: I won RoAPL as a manager. I've shown I can do it. I also won a 64-man RBY tournament, and went 10-6 in SPL over 2 seasons.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): @Kris
Criteria for Team Names:
- Same letter must be at the start of each word (initials) [Sunyshore Skitties]
- First word = first word of a pokemon location [Sunyshore]
- Second word = pokemon name plural [Skitties]
- KK initials are banned.
Have fun everyone! Feel free to ask any of the hosts if you have questions.
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