All Gens RoAPL VII: Manager Signups

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Hello everyone!
I will be hosting RoAPL VII alongside Kris and Perish Song. The format will be the same as last year: 2x Gens 1-5 OU, meaning 10 slots, with 8 teams. You will have until the 13th of March to apply for a spot alongside an 'assman' of your choice, as the chosen managers will be posted here later that day. Player Signups will start on March 14th and will last until 26th March, with the auction happening either on March 27th or 28th. As some people were curious, managers and their assmans still cannot play.

Example signup

Team Name: Sunyshore Skitties
Bio: I won RoAPL as a manager. I've shown I can do it. I also won a 64-man RBY tournament, and went 10-6 in SPL over 2 seasons.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): @Kris

Criteria for Team Names:

  • Same letter must be at the start of each word (initials) [Sunyshore Skitties]
  • First word = first word of a pokemon location [Sunyshore]
  • Second word = pokemon name plural [Skitties]
  • KK initials are banned.
If you want to take up on a team from last year (which we prefer to establish franchises and retains), just use its name and it will be all good!
Have fun everyone! Feel free to ask any of the hosts if you have questions.

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Team Name: Hearthome Heatrans
Bio: this year we will team up with one of PS China community leaders and manager of chinese team Drogba in Shenhua. Personally played in most iterations of RoAPL and managed in it once, manager of Team USSR and captained Team Asia(ncy) in some world cups and RoA Olympics, have some good results in rby tours.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Drogba In Shenhua
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Team Name: Aspertia Arcanines
Bio: I have managed the zoomer gang in cpl and also managed plenty of side pls where as M has managed the previous edition of roapl,Wcop, Ssd as well and has plenty of managing experience. Looking forward to team up with him again
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Mysterious M
Team Name: Aspertia Arcanines
Bio: I have managed the zoomer gang in cpl and also managed plenty of side pls where as M has managed the previous edition of roapl,Wcop, Ssd as well and has plenty of managing experience. Looking forward to team up with him again
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Mysterious M

Team Name: Sunyshore Shaymins
Assistant Manger: Vulpix03
Bio: Was on the Shaymins for 2 years, and got promoted to assistant manager last iteration after the initial assistant manager got banned. I have co captained Asia in WCOP. I am very in touch with current ADV metagame and community, and have played official ADV games. Vulpix has experience in multiple official tours and played for the Shaymins last year too. We believe we are a good duo to continue taking this franchise forward.
Team Name: Hearthome Heatrans
Bio: this year we will team up with one of PS China community leaders and manager of chinese team Drogba in Shenhua. Personally played in most iterations of RoAPL and managed in it once, manager of Team USSR and captained Team Asia(ncy) in some world cups and RoA Olympics, have some good results in rby tours.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Drogba In Shenhua
Confirm my comrade
Team Name: Pyrite Town Pichus (not too picky if there's another franchise you want to assign us)
Bio: i managed US Midwest to playoffs this last WCoP, and i've managed in multiple unofficial tournaments (POCL, POGP, OUPL, etc.). i have been an active contributor to the RoA forums for years now, and while that has been for ORAS, i do have a great understanding of the old generation playerbases. kim is a tournament director and an RoA forum and room mod, meaning she's contributed a ton to all sorts of old generation tournaments and to RoA in general. she also has experience managing unofficial tournaments (POCL, WCoPP). she's very active and knowledgeable about the old generation playerbases (especially RBY, ADV, and DPP). both of us would be active and try our best for this tournament.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): kjdaas
Team Name: Indigo Infernapes
Bio: I have managed before in the first 2 seasons of RoAPL and got my team to finals both times. I also captained Team Europe in WCoP twice, managed OUPL once, captained RoA Olympics once, and more recently I have co-captained RoA Olympics and Retro Cup of Pokemon. MG's tour experience should speak for itself. We are both boomers, so only play old gens.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): MetalGro$$
Team Name: Eterna Empoleons
Bio: Managed Europe last year for WcoPP (lost in finals), currently managing Europe again but on PO this time. BlazingDark managed France last year on PO and is taking the team again this year, he also played for his country in rcop and did best record of gsc pool (5-1, but they lost in finals). We both have great experience in oldgens especially in bw dpp and gsc for him and adv dpp rby for me. We know a lot about oldgen playerbase and we always build a good atmosphere in our teams.
Commitment: We are really motivated and very active so we will, without a doubt, send lineups in time
Assistant Manager: BlazingDark
Team Name: Eterna Empoleons
Bio: Managed Europe last year for WcoPP (lost in finals), currently managing Europe again but on PO this time. BlazingDark managed France last year on PO and is taking the team again this year, he also played for his country in rcop and did best record of gsc pool (6-1, but they lost in finals). We both have great experience in oldgens especially in bw dpp and gsc for him and adv dpp rby for me. We know a lot about oldgen playerbase and we always build a good atmosphere in our teams.
Commitment: We are really motivated and very active so we will, without a doubt, send lineups in time
Assistant Manager: BlazingDark
Team Name: Pyrite Town Pichus (not too picky if there's another franchise you want to assign us)
Bio: i managed US Midwest to playoffs this last WCoP, and i've managed in multiple unofficial tournaments (POCL, POGP, OUPL, etc.). i have been an active contributor to the RoA forums for years now, and while that has been for ORAS, i do have a great understanding of the old generation playerbases. kim is a tournament director and an RoA forum and room mod, meaning she's contributed a ton to all sorts of old generation tournaments and to RoA in general. she also has experience managing unofficial tournaments (POCL, WCoPP). she's very active and knowledgeable about the old generation playerbases (especially RBY, ADV, and DPP). both of us would be active and try our best for this tournament.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): kjdaas

Confirming, Im ready to win this tour:swole:
Team Name: Lutra Lucarios
Bio: Being a manager for Roapl being a dream since my early childhood, as big of a dream as to meet my boy Coscu himself(puede ser pan? Puede ser pan), and well tbh i just wanna crush Callous team cause you know people cant even talk about sports there( A CASA).
Assistant Manager Enzonana.
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Team Name: Goldenrod Gengars
Bio: Zokuru : SPL Player for 2 consecutive years with a 8-4 record in GSC. Smogon classic V Playoffs. Been playing on the competitive scene for a while, involved in oldgens a lot. Managed a lot of teams in french tours and PPL last year.
Meridian : Former WCup/SPL player (back in the late BW/early XY era). Recently got back into the game and managed to get picked in SPL this year. BW main. Retro Cup/WCoPP with France last year with positive records. Involved a lot in the french competitive scene.

Commitment: Really active, extremely motivated, will both do our best to win this tournament and provide a great experience to our teammates. Assistant Manager: Meridian
Team Name: Baton Pass Octillerys
ima - 8-3 in the Smogon Snake Draft. Managed and won RBYPL. Managed both CPL 1 & 2. Most points in BW in live stours the last 2 seasons it was still in stour. I am in touch with ADV RBY DPP BW
Eternal Spirit - Brazil manager. Managed snake and a lot of other stuff. He is most knowledgeable in RBY GSC ADV DPP BW. We have teamed in several official team tournaments together and have great synergy.
Commitment: I want to win this shit. Case closed.
Assistant Manager: Eternal Spirit

If I am selected as manager you will see highlight games LIVE on my Twitch channel (and I will upload them to YouTube)
I wanna add that i did 8-1 in spl once, and that i almost repeated this feat for the latest edition of it. Like i know its showing im 2-7, but if you swap those numbers i believe you will get impressed and will notice that everything is based in angles, perspective and points of view nowdays, be it on smogon, Instagram photos or whatever. Im p sure ima and I are the best options you could ask for to manage in this prestigious tournament and you would never regret picking us.
Team Name: Goldenrod Gengars
Bio: Zokuru : SPL Player for 2 consecutive years with a 8-4 record in GSC. Smogon classic V Playoffs. Been playing on the competitive scene for a while, involved in oldgens a lot. Managed a lot of teams in french tours and PPL last year.
Meridian : Former WCup/SPL player (back in the late BW/early XY era). Recently got back into the game and managed to get picked in SPL this year. BW main. Retro Cup/WCoPP with France last year with positive records. Involved a lot in the french competitive scene.

Commitment: Really active, extremely motivated, will both do our best to win this tournament and provide a great experience to our teammates. Assistant Manager: Meridian

Team Name: Mossdeep Meteorites (does it have to be a pokemon's name? that was the team's name last year.)
Bio: BKC : One of the best players ever, mastered every gen that's in this tour. Needs no introduction
Jirachee : Many years in SPL both as a player and as a manager, played and managed RoAPL. Inventor of Dark Gem Tyranitar. A fan favorite
Commitment: BKC has no life outside of this website. I'm back after a long hiatus but very active thanks to my schedule now allowing for it.
Manager / Assistant manager: BKC will be the manager and I will be the assistant.

Team Name: Baton Pass Octillerys
ima - 8-3 in the Smogon Snake Draft. Managed and won RBYPL. Managed both CPL 1 & 2. Most points in BW in live stours the last 2 seasons it was still in stour. I am in touch with ADV RBY DPP BW
Eternal Spirit - Brazil manager. Managed snake and a lot of other stuff. He is most knowledgeable in RBY GSC ADV DPP BW. We have teamed in several official team tournaments together and have great synergy.
Commitment: I want to win this shit. Case closed.
Assistant Manager: Eternal Spirit

If I am selected as manager you will see highlight games LIVE on my Twitch channel (and I will upload them to YouTube)

Illegal team name ex BIGs brother! Read the rules!
Team Name: Slateport Slaking ( he cant stay. RIP. Sunshine )

Bio: Managed in UPL, where we did finale. Also managed a lot of french tours, at least 5 of them. I was also being part of the Sharks last spl, where I was helping in a lot of tier. I'm also having knowledge in all tier, and aware of the playerbase in each of them. For my results as a player, I'm known to be a very versatile player, which globaly end in a positive record in any tier I'm playing, 80% of the time. My co-cap, Sharow , is complementing my weakness, which would be a specialisation in a tier.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Sharow

Logo in coming, I keep this one there under this time tho. Look at how beautifull that Slaking is.

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Team Name: Slaking Sunshine
Bio: Managed in UPL, where we did finale. Also managed a lot of french tours, at least 5 of them. I was also being part of the Sharks last spl, where I was helping in a lot of tier. I'm also having knowledge in all tier, and aware of the playerbase in each of them. For my results as a player, I'm known to be a very versatile player, which globaly end in a positive record in any tier I'm playing, 80% of the time. My co-cap, Sharow , is complementing my weakness, which would be a specialisation in a tier.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Sharow

View attachment 322047
Team Name: Slaking Sunshine
Bio: Managed in UPL, where we did finale. Also managed a lot of french tours, at least 5 of them. I was also being part of the Sharks last spl, where I was helping in a lot of tier. I'm also having knowledge in all tier, and aware of the playerbase in each of them. For my results as a player, I'm known to be a very versatile player, which globaly end in a positive record in any tier I'm playing, 80% of the time. My co-cap, Sharow , is complementing my weakness, which would be a specialisation in a tier.
Commitment: We will be active throughout the whole tournament and will, without fail, send our team lineups in time.
Assistant Manager (or Manager): Sharow

View attachment 322047

This is also a team name that doesn’t follow the rules. Does anyone actually read the rules?
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