All Gens RoAPL VII: Talk Thread [& Administrative Decisions]

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RoAPL 6 | Discord | Spreadsheet
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Manager Signups | Player Signups | Talk | Replays | Usage | Week 1 |
Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Semifinals | Finals



Cinnabar Chandelures

Managers: shiloh | Leru
Players (12): snøfall, Kiichikos, Star, Amaranth, Endill, Sakito, talah, Oibaf, vani, Pak, Mr.378, Lord V


Goldenrod Gengars
Zokuru | Meridian
Players (16): Void, elodin, CyberOdin✝, baddummy, BluBirD252, Separation, Rubyblood, mikmer, peng, Winterains, Everything Is Something, Plague von Karma, Sageau, Monsareeasy, Cousiin, Fakee


Indigo Infernapes
Tomahawk | MetalGro$$
Players (13): Emeral, Raiza, eden, TC, ziloXX, watermess, PDC, Heysup, devin, TSR, Lord Thorx, CKW, Siatam


Lilycove Ludicolos
CALLOUS | JabbaTheGriffin
Players (13): SoulWind, Fear, Bushtush, Genesis7, frisoeva, Kristyl, hellpowna, Diophantine, Siglut, brewfasa, Oiseau Bleu, Rokhan, London13


Mossdeep Meteorites
BKC | Jirachee
Players (12): SFG, McMeghan, z0mOG, Vileman, shawyu 1313, Kertscher, Nalorium, Fantos13, mc56556, RealJester, egalvanc, Staxi


Olivine Octillerys
ima | Eternal Spirit
Players (13): 1 True Lycan, Caetano93, watashi, bruno, Aliss, idiotfrommars, Raichy, SOMALIA, choolio, apologies, Hiro', Melanie uwu, kael


Pyrite Pichus
starry blanket | kjdaas
Players (12): dice, FriendOfMrGolem120, LuckOverSkill, Gilbert arenas, Posho, John W, Charmflash, Lucix, Groudon, Abyssal Ruins, 16bit, jacob


Sunyshore Shaymins
Altina | Vulpix03
Players (13): The Quasar, Finchinator, Sadlysius, Excal, Hclat, johnnyg2, Samqian, Chirac, jonfilch, Drogba In Shenhua, ElectricityCat, Chaitanya, nchmax

Auction logs by Rage:
Auction Log (Bidders & Hosts):
Talk Log (Anyone):
"wtf" was removed and "fuck" or "fuk" were replaced with "f" so the pastebin files could be listed public.
Scrappie and irrelevant post-auction lines were edited out from the talk log.

Price Logs
Sorted by price:
Left chronologically:
Sorted by price per teams:
regex search (Notepad++) on Auction Log and remove lines not with .*Scrappie.*has bought.*\!$ using bookmark, mark all; and then do search -> bookmark -> remove unmarked lines.
Additional Steps for Sorted by price:
Delete .*Scrappie:\s, has bought\s, and !
Replace \*\* with [
Replace \[\s?\[ with ]\t
Replace \[\sfor\s with \t
Copy to Excel and reverse Column order, Sort by Price.
Copy back to Notepad++ and Replace \t with
Change FALSE to false if need be.
Sorted by price per teams:
copy from .pricelist, arrange alphabetically and swap columns.
The auction occured on Sunday March 28th at 11:00 AM EDT / 05:00 PM CEST
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Week 1: March 29th

Mossdeep Meteorites
vs. Lilycove Ludicolos
Goldenrod Gengars vs. Indigo Infernapes
Sunyshore Shaymins vs. Pyrite Town Pichus
Cinnabar Chandelures vs. Olivine Octillerys

Week 2: April 5th

Lilycove Ludicolos vs. Olivine Octillerys
Pyrite Town Pichus vs. Cinnabar Chandelures
Indigo Infernapes vs. Sunyshore Shaymins
Mossdeep Meteorites vs. Goldenrod Gengars

Week 3: April 12th

Goldenrod Gengars
vs. Lilycove Ludicolos
Sunyshore Shaymins vs. Mossdeep Meteorites
Cinnabar Chandelures vs. Indigo Infernapes
Olivine Octillerys vs. Pyrite Town Pichus

Week 4: April 19th

Lilycove Ludicolos vs. Pyrite Town Pichus
Indigo Infernapes vs. Olivine Octillerys
Mossdeep Meteorites
vs. Cinnabar Chandelures
Goldenrod Gengars vs. Sunyshore Shaymins

Week 5: April 26th

Sunyshore Shaymins vs. Lilycove Ludicolos
Cinnabar Chandelures vs. Goldenrod Gengars
Olivine Octillerys
vs. Mossdeep Meteorites
Pyrite Town Pichus vs. Indigo Infernapes

Week 6: May 3rd

Lilycove Ludicolos vs. Indigo Infernapes
Mossdeep Meteorites vs. Pyrite Town Pichus
Goldenrod Gengars vs. Olivine Octillerys
Sunyshore Shaymins vs. Cinnabar Chandelures

Week 7: May 10th

Cinnabar Chandelures
vs. Lilycove Ludicolos
Olivine Octillerys vs. Sunyshore Shaymins
Pyrite Town Pichus vs. Goldenrod Gengars
Indigo Infernapes vs. Mossdeep Meteorites

Semifinals: Approximately May 17th

A: 1st vs. 4th
B: 2nd vs. 3rd

Finals: Approximately May 24th
A vs. B
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Hosting Hitmontops: Administrative Decisions


Hosts: HSOWA, Perish Song, and Kris
Monitor: Lutra (Discord Owner)


March 15th: ICBB players are allowed to join, whereas tournament and circuit banned players are not.

March 15th: Activity wins / dead games will be decided by the 3 hosts. Ghosting/other cheating offences will be decided by the hosts subject to site-wide punishment and evidence guidelines.

March 15th: Lilycove Ludicolos, Mossdeep Meteorites and Sunyshore Shaymins have the ability to retain players from their teams last time. The remaining 5 teams were paired with the retain pool of a team either one of the managers played on last year or shared a similar color. Cinnabar Chandelure were paired with Aspertia Arcanines; Goldenrod Gengars were paired with Canalave Crobats; Indigo Infernapes were paired with Mt. Moon Men; Olivine Octillery were paired with Iki Igglybuffs; and Pyrite Town Pichus were paired with Poni Plains Ponytas.

April 26th: Meridian has been banned from the forums, and will not be able to manage in RoAPL anymore. The Goldenrod Gengars have picked Mister Tim to be the new assistant manager; he'll still be able to play.

April 26th: Sharow was recently tourbanned, thus making them unable to participate in this tournament.

Ruleset Changes / Clarifications
March 15th: Entry into the playoffs is decided by the top 4 according to Most Team Points > Most Individual Wins > Least Fail-to-Play Points (2 points for an adjudged loss and 1 point for a dead game). If a tie persists, head-to-head will be evaluated, and a 3-on-3 tiebreaker will be scheduled if the head-to-head was a tie.

March 15th: In the event of a playoffs tiebreak, management of both teams will rank their preferred tiers from #1–#3 (no duplicates) without communicating with each other. Points will be assigned to the ranks in the following way: Higher Seed (#1 or #2 in semis): #1—100000, #2—1000, #3—10, #4&#5—0 | Lower Seed (#3 or #4 in semis): #1—10000, #2—100, #3—1, #4&#5—0. The point values are arbitrary but represent the relationship of higher seed > lower seed > higher seed > lower seed > higher seed > lower seed in terms of weighting. The 3 tiers with the highest number of points will be selected for the tiebreak set and managers will then choose any 3 unique players from each of their teams to play in the determined tier spots. If there's a tie in seeds that can't be broken, the same process will be used but with equal weighting of 100, 10, 1 and the 3rd tier will be decided at random if a tie persists.

This weighting method is used to avoid a third default tier, avoid giving the higher seed information about the lower seed's pick(s) and vice versa, and tries to avoid a single random decision which can be replicated extremely easily in short time (and thus having to put blind faith in the host). It favours what tiers both managers want, as opposed to avoiding what they least want. If the higher seed's first two picks and the lower seed's first or second pick are all unique, those will be the three tiers. If the higher seed shares both picks with the lower seed, the higher seed's third pick is the third tier. Where there is no higher seed, there is an opportunity to go with three tiers if one tier is shared. If there are none or two shared, a random decision determines the final tier (either between picks 2 or 3).

March 15th: A team week win is worth 2 points. A team tie is worth 1 point. A team loss is worth 0 points. All gens matches are FT1W, except RBY which is FT2W. All match results give individual wins and losses. Dead games and ties give neither a win or loss.

March 15th: Retains will return again. However, teams can retain a max of 3 players and cannot trade retain rights. The retain rules follow the same format as the SPL ones. If a manager wants to retain a player, managers must do a forum or discord PM with all the hosts: HSOWA, Perish Song, and Kris and tell which player they want to retain and what their correct retain price is (last year's price plus 3k, but 10k minimum).

March 15th: The maximum number of players a team can have is 20 players (10 starters and 10 subs). The minimum amount of players a team needs stays 12 (10 starters and 2 subs). All teams have 120k auction credit.

March 15th: Like last year there will be no midseason at all, but managers will be able to trade and/or sellback players from the start of the Week 2 until the end of Week 4. Sellback replacements consist of any valid unbought player. Players traded or bought as a sellback replacement will not be able to play until the following week. Sellback replacement order will be determined by highest value of the player being sold back. In the event of a tie, the first manager to send a valid PM is prioritized. For a sellback to be valid, managers must do a forum PM with all the hosts: HSOWA, Perish Song, and Kris. The deadline will be on Saturday 23:59PM EDT each week (2-4) and we will announce the sellbacks on the Sunday, and let you know earlier if there are any sellback replacement request clashes.

March 15th: Both Players involved within a match whose replays are missing (not saved or publicly available) will have a counter incremented. In the case of RBY, because of FT2W, every missing replay will increment the counter by 1, while in all other gens, the counter will be incremented by 2. When the counter reaches 4, a player cannot play for the following 2 weeks. Should they return and then further increase the counter to 6 (counter not reset), they cannot play the following 3 weeks. To prevent missing replays and allow battles to potentially be reloaded, we recommended every player to play their matches on

April 16th: All weekly lineups should follow this format:

RBY OU: Player A
RBY OU: Player B
GSC OU: Player C
GSC OU: Player D
ADV OU: Player E
ADV OU: Player F
DPP OU: Player G
DPP OU: Player H
BW OU: Player I
BW OU: Player J

Failure to list the tiers will result in this tier and slot order will be assumed. If the tiers (gens) are posted in reverse, the slots will be assumed to be in ascending order, e.g. 1 will be above 2. This is known as the Ascending Slots Interpretation. The Reverse Slots Interpretation was incorrectly used in the first 3 weeks of RoAPL VII, where the slots were also reversed (in descending order like the generations of the tiers), e.g. 2 was above 1.

Retains / Trades / Sellbacks
March 17th: The Mossdeep Meteorites have retained SFG for 15.5k. They have 104.5k credits remaining.

March 20th: The Cinnabar Chandelures have retained snøfall for 10k. They have 110k credits remaining.

March 21st: The Olivine Octillery have retained 1 True Lycan for 13k. They have 107k credits remaining.

March 24th: The Sunyshore Shaymins have retained The Quasar for 11k. They have 109k credits remaining.

March 25th: The Indigo Infernapes have retained Emeral for 13k. They have 107k credits remaining.

March 27th: The Cinnabar Chandelures have retained Kiichikos for 10k. They have 100k credits remaining.

Aprill 11th: Following a sellback of Rubyblood for 3k, The Goldenrod Gengars have purchased Mister Tim for 3k as a replacement.

April 26th: Following a sellback of Sharow for 3k, The Indigo Infernapes have purchased Heysup for 3k as a replacement.
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Auction results


Gilbert arenas12000
shawyu 131310500
John W10000
Abyssal Ruins10000
Lord Thorx5500
Everything Is Something5000
Lord V4500
Plague von Karma3500
Melanie uwu3000
Oiseau Bleu3000
Drogba In Shenhua3000
RE: Lineup Submission Format

All weekly lineups should follow this format:

RBY OU: Player A
RBY OU: Player B
GSC OU: Player C
GSC OU: Player D
ADV OU: Player E
ADV OU: Player F
DPP OU: Player G
DPP OU: Player H
BW OU: Player I
BW OU: Player J

Failure to list the tiers will result in this tier and slot order being assumed. If the tiers (gens) are posted in reverse, the slots will be assumed to be in ascending order, e.g. 1 will be above 2. This is known as the Ascending Slots Interpretation. The Reverse Slots Interpretation was incorrectly used in the first 3 weeks of RoAPL VII, where the slots were also reversed (in descending order like the generations of the tiers), e.g. 2 was above 1.

There was also a mistake in Week 1 in a single pair of slots, and an ambiguous situation in week 3 that led to the Reverse Slots Interpretation being followed except for a single pair of slots whose order was explicitly stated. Arguably, this could have implied the Acending Slots Interpretation be applied instead, but it was not.

I will make all lineup screenshots available for RoAPL VII, but this won't be a standard feature for all RoA team tournaments due to it being a relatively laborius task.
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RE: ziloXX vs jonfilch

Both players scheduled for Saturday, but both players decided to reschedule after jon couldn't play. zilo offered to play Sunday at 10pm his time, but jon said he couldn't play for the rest of the night and had to go to sleep. However, we have logs of him trying to schedule another game on a different server that same night after he stated he had to sleep, which suggests he was avoiding the game, possibly fishing for a dead game. Because of this, we are awarding the activity win to ziloXX.
As tour hosts are blatantly dismissing our team privately, can we discuss elodin vs talah in the open?

Neither player messaged to try and schedule until today, where elodin messaged and talah, who replied saying there's no way he can play this week.

Honestly feels like this should be an activity win for elodin as talah literally did not make any contact whatsoever to the point that he did not utter a word until he was already unavailable for the rest of the week - there has been absolutely zero effort on his end to get this game done. Talah has been, in the strictest definition of the word, inactive. However, we understand that elodin leaving things late does not reflect well on him either and as such, our team has been open to a double sub basically all day today and made this clear to tour hosts.

We've had hours and hours to get a game done, and we have a deep squad with BW experience precisely for situations such as this.

And for some reason tour hosts are resistant to double-subbing, which is already doing our opponents a favour considering their player did less than the bare minimum this week, as talah was happy staying silent until after he was already unavailable.

If this actually goes down as a dead game, its an absolute joke of a decision. We're down 5-4, have had all day to get the final game done and several bench players ready to step up anytime, but apparently refusing to sub inactive players when you're winning the week is a legit strategy? Would love to hear the tournament hosts' official stance on this rather than telling us to leave them alone on discord, cheers.

edit: it is what it is - the fact that we would have played this game if our opps had available subs is an odd ruling that i don't understand but w/e. Have a feeling this will be abused at some point.
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As tour hosts are blatantly dismissing our team privately, can we discuss elodin vs talah in the open?

Neither player messaged to try and schedule until today, where elodin messaged and talah, who replied saying there's no way he can play this week.

Honestly feels like this should be an activity win for elodin as talah literally did not make any contact whatsoever to the point that he did not utter a word until he was already unavailable for the rest of the week - there has been absolutely zero effort on his end to get this game done. Talah has been, in the strictest definition of the word, inactive. However, we understand that elodin leaving things late does not reflect well on him either and as such, our team has been open to a double sub basically all day today and made this clear to tour hosts.

We've had hours and hours to get a game done, and we have a deep squad with BW experience precisely for situations such as this.

And for some reason tour hosts are resistant to double-subbing, which is already doing our opponents a favour considering their player did less than the bare minimum this week, as talah was happy staying silent until after he was already unavailable.

If this actually goes down as a dead game, its an absolute joke of a decision. We're down 5-4, have had all day to get the final game done and several bench players ready to step up anytime, but apparently refusing to sub inactive players when you're winning the week is a legit strategy? Would love to hear the tournament hosts' official stance on this rather than telling us to leave them alone on discord, cheers.
Where have we been hesitant on double subbing or anything of the sort? We have not declared any decision regarding this game in the managers channel or in public, so I'm very confused where you got this from. As for us telling your managers to "leave us alone", I did jokingly say to tag us another time on top of the 5 times they had already tagged us, but nowhere did I tell them to stop bothering us. All I said was that I couldn't comment on the situation yet because I haven't been home or actively looking on smogon at all today and that I would do so as soon as I could.

Stop being so passive aggressive over a decision that hasn't actually been made just because you're relaying what your managers told you.

Anyway, I am trying to get a double sub to happen (no promises). Thanks.
RE: ziloXX vs jonfilch

After an appeal by the Shaymins, we have re-evaluated the activity win—our decision will stay the same. Whilst Jon supposedly had to sleep and couldn't play, there are logs of him chatting in another Discord server around 1 am his time. Furthermore, he offered to play for a tournament on another server, one hour later, at 2 am. Therefore the activity win will stand.
RE: talah vs elodin

Neither player contacted each other until Sunday night. A double sub wasn't a possibility, as the Chandelures did not have subs available, so this is a dead game.

RE: Hiro' vs Staxi

Staxi missed scheduled time, and no sub was made by the Meteorites, so Hiro' will get the activity win.

RE: bruno vs McMeghan

bruno asked to be subbed out, however Octilleries did not have any subs available, so McMeghan will get the activity win.

RE: Abyssal Ruins vs Lord Thorx

The series started, and Abyssal Ruins went 1-0 up, however Lord Thorx had to leave after game 1, and the series did not get finished. Activity win to Abyssal Ruins.
Added to the tiebreaker tier explanation. Changes in green bold.

In the event of a playoffs tiebreak, management of both teams will rank their preferred tiers (no duplicates) from #1-#3 without communicating with each other. Points will be assigned to the ranks in the following way: Higher Seed (#1 or #2 in semis): #1—100000, #2— 1000, #3—10, #4&#56—0 | Lower Seed (#3 or #4 in semis): #1—10000, #2—100, #3—1, #4—#56—0. The point values are arbitrary but represent the relationship of higher seed > lower seed > higher seed > lower seed > higher seed > lower seed in terms of weighting. The 3 tiers with the highest number of points will be selected for the tiebreak set and managers will then choose any 3 unique players from each of their teams to play in the determined tier spots. If there's a tie in seeds that can't be broken, the same process will be used but with equal weighting of 100, 10, 1 and the 3rd tier will be decided at random if a tie persists.

This weighting method is used to avoid a third default tier, avoid giving the higher seed information about the lower seed's pick(s) and vice versa, and tries to avoid a single random decision which can be replicated extremely easily in short time (and thus having to put blind faith in the host). It favours what tiers both managers want, as opposed to avoiding what they least want. If the higher seed's first two picks and the lower seed's first or second pick are all unique, those will be the three tiers. If the higher seed shares both picks with the lower seed, the higher seed's third pick is the third tier. Where there is no higher seed, there is an opportunity to go with three tiers if one tier is shared. If there are none or two shared, a random decision determines the final tier (either between picks 2 or 3).
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