Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric / Water typing and access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance to check Celesteela and Crobat as well as letting it take on other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its utility moves can also greatly aid its team with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog lets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing insurance against +1 Gyarados and +2 Celesteela and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP and reliance on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery limit its role as a pivot due to its susceptibility to Stealth Rock, leaving it vulnerable to Knock Off users like Scizor and Mamoswine. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It also faces competition from Primarina and Slowking, which can check Hydreigon, Azelf, and Cobalion, foes that Rotom-W cannot. When using Rotom-W, one also has to to have additional reinforcements against Excadrill and Zygarde-10%, making it difficult to build with.
name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe
Volt Switch lets Rotom-W pivot out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth and bring in Scizor and Salamence, while Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, as well as hampering Amooguss's longevity. Defog can be used to capitalize on Rotom-W's solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 Speed EVs let Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can run a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more Speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not worth the loss in bulk.
Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a good VoltTurn core with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, and both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times Rotom-W and its teammates can force out its foes. Since Rotom-W can't handle foes like Cobalion, Excadrill, and Zygarde-10%, which other defensive Water-types usually check, Amoonguss and Tangrowth can greatly benefit it. They can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W offers, bringing them in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon are important, and Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados as well as pivot out against otherwise faster checks like Zarude. Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. However, Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.
Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby and handling Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Thundurus-T well. Trick cripples foes such as non-Choice item Hydreigon to help out a partner like Hex Chandelure. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counters Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.
Other Options
Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn, while Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it leaves Rotom-W unable to touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams and annoy its checks with Discharge paralysis, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to the latter's much higher Speed, greater power, and better coverage.
Checks and Counters
**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants; however, they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it and can pivot in and out freely, since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W also doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.
**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and is able to freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check Rotom-W better thanks to their Water immunity.
**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, as well as absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does, however, get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.
- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [autumn, 384720]]
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