UU Rotom-W [Done]


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Pokemon Moveset #5: Wishy Washy Rotom | Pokémon Amino


Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric / Water typing and access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance to check Celesteela and Crobat as well as letting it take on other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its utility moves can also greatly aid its team with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog lets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing insurance against +1 Gyarados and +2 Celesteela and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP and reliance on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery limit its role as a pivot due to its susceptibility to Stealth Rock, leaving it vulnerable to Knock Off users like Scizor and Mamoswine. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It also faces competition from Primarina and Slowking, which can check Hydreigon, Azelf, and Cobalion, foes that Rotom-W cannot. When using Rotom-W, one also has to to have additional reinforcements against Excadrill and Zygarde-10%, making it difficult to build with.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe

Volt Switch lets Rotom-W pivot out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth and bring in Scizor and Salamence, while Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, as well as hampering Amooguss's longevity. Defog can be used to capitalize on Rotom-W's solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 Speed EVs let Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can run a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more Speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not worth the loss in bulk.

Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a good VoltTurn core with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, and both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times Rotom-W and its teammates can force out its foes. Since Rotom-W can't handle foes like Cobalion, Excadrill, and Zygarde-10%, which other defensive Water-types usually check, Amoonguss and Tangrowth can greatly benefit it. They can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W offers, bringing them in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon are important, and Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados as well as pivot out against otherwise faster checks like Zarude. Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. However, Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.

Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby and handling Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Thundurus-T well. Trick cripples foes such as non-Choice item Hydreigon to help out a partner like Hex Chandelure. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counters Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.

Other Options

Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn, while Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it leaves Rotom-W unable to touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams and annoy its checks with Discharge paralysis, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to the latter's much higher Speed, greater power, and better coverage.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants; however, they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it and can pivot in and out freely, since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W also doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and is able to freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check Rotom-W better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, as well as absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does, however, get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [autumn, 384720]]
Last edited:

- Rotom-W is a potent good pivot thanks to its additional Water-typing and access to Levitate, allowing it to check a variety of dangerous threats such as Scizor, Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. typing and Levitate letting it check Scizor, Celesteela, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. also lets it be an effective pivot, as Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill risk taking massive damage from it trying to block Volt Switch. added some bulk to this section by expanding on these points
- It's variety of utility moves can also greatly aid its team with whatever it needs; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog lets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. and Defog for its matchup against Skarmory.
Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing good speed control and an entry hazard remover in one slot.
- However, Rotom-W's low HP makes it overreliant on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery leaves it limited as a pivot due to it getting worn down by status and Stealth Rock. add how this leaves it susceptible to powerful wallbreakers such as Hydreigon, Azelf, and Lycanroc-D. bring up how it also hates status like toxic, especially from Pokemon it checks like Hippowdon and defensive celesteela
-maybe worth bringing up inability to check certain ground-types like Excadrill and Zygarde-10% as a defensive water-type, which can mandate certain partners to better handle them

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 12 Def / 248 Spe 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe Nidoking is an unmon so we're making this a bulky spread now, outspeeds adamant max speed scizor and rest is put into defense and HP


- Volt Switch lets it switch out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. add how it brings in teammates like Scizor and Hydreigon into the field
- Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T.
- Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP.
- Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion and Scizor, while hampering Amooguss's longevity greatly.
- Defog can be used since it has a solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. bring up downside of dropping Will-O-Wisp, which is pretty much inability to cripple bulky scizor but also spreading status on the Grass-types
- Toxic can punish defensive Salamence further than Will-O-Wisp. punishes tangrowth more too, better to put this in OO though I haven't seen it used much.
- 248 Speed EVs let it outspeed Nidoking, and the rest are invested in Defense with a Bold nature to check physical attackers like Mamoswine. replace this info with info about the new spread.
-bring up a more specially defensive spread as a better check to foes like Primarina and Nidoqueen,.

- Rotom-W best fits on Voltturn, balance, and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela and potential hazard control.
- Rotom-W forms a VoltTurn core synergizes well with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, while both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W.
- Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times it and its teammates can force out its foes.
- Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W brings can be brought in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss.
- Amoonguss and Tangrowth act as secondary checks to Keldeo and Primarina so it doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. add how they check swampert, excadrill, and zygarde-10%, all massive problems to rotom-w.
-checks to hydreigon are important, so are Pokemon that break chansey. list them.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, Zygarde-10%, and +1 Gyarados. This also gives it the ability to pivot out against faster checks like Zarude.
- Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill.
- Pain Split can be used over Defog if its team already has other entry hazard control for more longevity.
- Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss, but it has to be preserved until its faster checks are removed. it's more of scarf no longer necessary, its not really faster checks like hydra being gone but more of "ok lycanroc / Gyarados is dead i dont need my scarf anymore"

- Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on heavy balance and bulky offense teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey with Trick.
- Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby, benefits from being brought in on Zarude, while also absorbing Knock Off for it.
- Salamence and Excadrill can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain split to aid its longevity. add how mence checks zarude
-bring up amoonguss/tangrowth as primary checks to keldeo and primarina while also beating zarude and zydog
-nihilego can check scarf hydreigon and pressures Pokemon like Thundurus-T.
-chansey can clear status with aromatherapy and handles Hydreigon and primary checks Nidoqueen.

Other Options

- Rocky Helmet can be used to punish pivoting moves like Diggersby's Body Slam or U-turn Zarude's U-turn. fits better because zarude kills you Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify.
- A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to its much higher Speed, power, and better coverage.
- Rotom-W can run more bulky sets to better check Scizor, but the loss in Speed gives it a tougher matchup against Nidoking and Mamoswine. spread changed so bulky set is now the main one

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants, but they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it, and pivot in and out freely since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Though none of these want to switch into it directly, Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can fill that role better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Hydreigon**: Hydreigon can fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, and can absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does however get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. I would remake this section to be powerful wallbreakers, Hydreigon can get lots of info on it since its a hard counter to it (aka keep this info basically), but I would also add powerful threats Rotom-W must run from like Lycanroc-D as well as threats that can still nail it with neutral damage like Keldeo and Primarina

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
QC 1/3 nice work
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I congratulate you on an excellently written analysis. Very good understanding of Rotom-W and how it fits on teams.

I believe Monky25 intends for this to count as a second QC after you edit this into your post. Feel free to ask if you have questions or if I inadvertently made errors.


- Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its additional Electric and Water-typing and access to Levitate, allowing it to check a variety of dangerous threats such as Scizor, Celesteela, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. two notes - one, the electric typing is important in my opinion for the uncommon flying resistance so it should be mentioned and two, even if you don't mention the electric type, it's a bit odd to say "additional" water typing, you can say secondary or just it's typing in general. no real opinion on this you can include if you want, doesn't matter much to me
- It's Its variety of utility moves can also greatly aid its team with whatever it needs certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog lets fets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. You don't have to say certain roles but Rotom cannot do "whatever [its teams] needs" - for example it cannot knock off. Just be more modest.
- Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing good speed control and an entry hazard remover in one slot. examples here would be good (revenge killing +2 Celesteela is nice for example).
- However, Rotom-W's low HP makes it overreliant on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery and leaves it limited as a pivot due to it getting worn down by Stealth Rock easily, leaving it vulnerable to strong wallbreakers like Hydreigon, Azelf, Lycanroc-D. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also pose issues. Assume you forgot to finish this sentence but yes it's a good sentence to include.
- It's also unable to check certain Ground-types like Excadrill and Zygarde-10% which makes it difficult to use as a defensive Water-type, since it needs additional teammates to handle them.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe


- Volt Switch lets it switch out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth, and brings in Scizor and Hydreigon to the field. Your choice but I'd drop out a grass type and add Chansey or maybe Hydreigon for some variety.
- Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T.
- Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP.
- Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion and Dragon Dance Salamence, while hampering Amooguss's longevity greatly.
- Defog can be used since it has a solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor, and unable to meaningfully (this is one word) damage Grass-types.
- 72 Speed EVs lets Rotom-W outspeed maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical pysical threats, but it can change to a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Include more speed as an option as well, to outspeed threats such as Nidoqueen and Gyarados. Explain why this spread isn't optimal (if you don't know, tell us, but I'd like to let you explain yourself here, I'd also like for you to make a spread yourself - please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions)

- Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela.
- Rotom-W forms a VoltTurn core well with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, while both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W.
- Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times it and its teammates can force out its foes.
- Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W brings can be brought in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss.
- Amoonguss and Tangrowth check important threats to Rotom-W like Swampert, Zygarde-10%, and Excadrill; they can also act as secondary checks to Keldeo and Primarina so it Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. I would also consider taking out secondary here, I find that the bulky grass is actually the primary check to keld and prim and Rotom-W is secondary, although your point about relieving pressure is very valuable and should stay. you could say "work in tandem with Rotom-W to take on Primarina and Keldeo"
- Checks to both Chansey and Hydreion are important, so Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, Zygarde-10%, and +1 Gyarados. This also gives it the ability to pivot out against faster checks like Zarude. Maybe include +2 Celesteela or add it over Zygarde, as you are not a great Zygarde check still and Celesteela is super important. You don't need to include Modest as Modest is the only standard set.
- Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill and other hazard setters. I know this set is notably better vs Exca than the other one because you outspeed it, but just reading this matter of fact is strange you single out Exca because you can defog vs any setter.
- Pain Split can be used over Defog if its team already has other entry hazard control for more longevity.
- Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss, and can be used once Rotom's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed. This is a sentence that has the right examples but didn't put the idea down so I just made it super explicit. Amoonguss is fine but fyi black sludge is in the analysis set so I'd use Tang instead (although arguably AV hurts you a lot too so idk).

- Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on heavy balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey with Trick.
- Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby, benefits from being brought in on Zarude, while also absorbing Knock Off for it. Mention good type synergy (with examples of either the type or the moves/mons Cobalion and Rotom-w resist for each other).
- Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter can also check Zarude. Defog Salamence counters Zarude so you can use that word if you want instead of check.
- Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Great point, this is what I talked about earlier when using the word secondary.
- Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Thundurus-T well.
- Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and checks Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Feel free to say counter over check and add how Teleport Chansey works well too.

Other Options

- Rocky Helmet can be used to punish pivoting contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn. Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify.
- Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog. give a reason why
- A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to its much higher Speed, power, and better coverage. i wouldn't mention it but flagging for your awareness stored power expert belt was used in an scl game, I really don't suggest adding this but if you want to make a case for adding it feel free to

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants, but they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it, and pivot in and out freely since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can fill that role better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, and can absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does however get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to handle many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina. I might switch handle to "switch in" because you technically beat Lycanroc and some Prim 1v1 but sure your choice.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
amqc check, implement what you want
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Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric- and Water-typing with access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance, letting it check Celesteela and Crobat, as well as other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill (in the event that an exca switches in on volt, they can just ko you for trying to hpump. id replace this with like nidoqueen or something similar) that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its variety of (main washtom set isnt rly running more than wisp / fog as utility moves, twave exists but again thats not slashed / mentioned) utility moves can also greatly aid its team with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog fets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing good speed control against +1 Gyarados +2 Celesteela (its mono-volt and hpump doesnt do enough to it imo) and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP makes it overreliant on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery leaves it limited as a pivot due to it getting worn down by Stealth Rock easily, leaving it vulnerable to strong wallbreakers like Hydreigon, Azelf, Lycanroc-D. mention how it hates knock moreso than other mons that rely on leftovers as well, since psplit is famously not that reliable as sole recovery. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It's also unable to check certain Ground-types like Excadrill and Zygarde-10% makes it difficult to use as a defensive Water-type, since it needs additional teammates to handle them.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe


Volt Switch lets it pivot switch out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth, and brings in Scizor and Salamence Hydreigon (drei losing scarf can b annoying and most arent scarf roost, so that damage sticks. mence doesnt mind as much and more immediately threatens both w tox / dwb / hurricane.) to the field. Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, while hampering Amooguss's longevity. greatly. (im annoyed by wisp too but i cant remember a time where im like "oh no my amoong is done for". regen + synth stun spore is increasing in popularity fast.) Defog can be used since it has a solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor, and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 72 Speed EVs lets Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical pysical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can change to a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not worth the loss in bulk.

Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a VoltTurn core well with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, while both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times it and its teammates can force out its foes. Amoonguss and Tangrowth check important threats to Rotom-W like Swampert, Zygarde-10%, and Excadrill; they can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W brings in pivoting them can be brought in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon Hydreion are important, so Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split (not particularly hard to fit removal w scarf washer imo)
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados. This also gives it the ability to pivot out against faster checks like Zarude. Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill, while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. Pain Split can be used over Defog if its team already has other entry hazard control for more longevity. Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss, and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.

Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on heavy balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby, and handling Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude, while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Thundurus-T well. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counter Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.

Other Options

Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn. Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it can't touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to its much higher Speed, power, and better coverage.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, but and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants, but they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it, and pivot in and out freely since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check it better fill that role better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, and can absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does however get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
gonna go over Sulo's am check in this check. Colours are gonna be:

add remove comment Sulo's check
comment My check

amqc check, implement what you want
add remove comment

Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric- and Water-typing with access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance, letting it check Celesteela and Crobat, as well as other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill (in the event that an exca switches in on volt, they can just ko you for trying to hpump. id replace this with like nidoqueen or something similar) i think this is fine personally, exca is more likely to want to switch in than some of the others like nidoqueen if anything precisely because it does KO you if it does, so mentioning that pump wipes it out on the switch is big that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its variety of (main washtom set isnt rly running more than wisp / fog as utility moves, twave exists but again thats not slashed / mentioned) utility moves can also greatly aid its team with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog fets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing good speed control against +1 Gyarados +2 Celesteela (its mono-volt and hpump doesnt do enough to it imo) think this is still relevant too, theres both the situations of just damaging it to prevent it getting free set up + its inability to necessarily do huge damage to you while you high hp too, having both mentioned is fine tho and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP makes it overreliant on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery leaves it limited wording is funky here as a pivot due to it getting worn down by Stealth Rock easily, leaving it vulnerable to strong wallbreakers like Hydreigon, Azelf, Lycanroc-D. mention how it hates knock moreso than other mons that rely on leftovers as well, since psplit is famously not that reliable as sole recovery. yea agree with this bit, can just add something about like it being annoying from mons it checks like sciz/mamo Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It's also unable to check certain Ground-types like Excadrill and Zygarde-10% makes it difficult to use as a defensive Water-type, since it needs additional teammates to handle them. tbh its a lot more than just those 2 to me compared to other waters, if anything its not really a defensive water at all as far as building goes considering it doesn't check any of the stuff like hyd, coba, azelf etc you mention above that prim/king can check. can mention how this has to be taken into account in building too over just the grounds.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe


Volt Switch lets it pivot switch out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth, and brings in Scizor and Salamence Hydreigon (drei losing scarf can b annoying and most arent scarf roost, so that damage sticks. mence doesnt mind as much and more immediately threatens both w tox / dwb / hurricane.) to the field. Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, while hampering Amooguss's longevity. greatly. (im annoyed by wisp too but i cant remember a time where im like "oh no my amoong is done for". regen + synth stun spore is increasing in popularity fast.) Defog can be used since it has a solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor, and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 72 Speed EVs lets Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical pysical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can change to a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not worth the loss in bulk.

Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a VoltTurn core well with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, while both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times it and its teammates can force out its foes. Amoonguss and Tangrowth check important threats to Rotom-W like Swampert, Zygarde-10%, and Excadrill; they can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W brings in pivoting them can be brought in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon Hydreion are important, so Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

would try and get some of the extra "need checks for" stuff centred around some of the big mons that wash doesn't cover as a water, in particular i'd want to see mention of more reliable answers to cobalion.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split (not particularly hard to fit removal w scarf washer imo)
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados. This also gives it the ability to pivot out against faster checks like Zarude. Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill, while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. Pain Split can be used over Defog if its team already has other entry hazard control for more longevity. Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss, and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.

Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on heavy balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby, and handling Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude, while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Choice Scarf Hydreigon tbh i actually don't really get what the hyd mention has to do with anything here at all, nihi would not be my main way of pressuring it anyway with these fatter balances unless i knew i could instantly force process with that and Thundurus-T well. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counter Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.

tbh im not vibing with the idea that scarf wash + a coba and/or exca would be considered heavy balance lol, can just tone that down to balance in the opening id say. i do kinda think scarf wash only fits on fatter balances myself so im skeptical of the mole mention at all but if you keep it i would tone down the original line to reflecft this.

would like to see a mention of things that appreciate the trick on targets like amoonguss (or like non choice hydreigons too for a chandy mention for instance)

Other Options

Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn. Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it can't touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to its much higher Speed, power, and better coverage. can mention how discharge from this lets it kinda annoy checks with para too.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, but and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants, but they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it, and pivot in and out freely since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check it better fill that role better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, and can absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does however get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

qc 3/3 when implemented
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric- and Water- Electric / Water typing with access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance, letting it to check Celesteela and Crobat (RC) as well as letting it take on other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its utility moves can also greatly aid its team with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog fets lets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing good speed control insurance against +1 Gyarados and +2 Celesteela and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP and reliance on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery limits limit its role as a pivot due to it getting worn down by its susceptibility to Stealth Rock easily, leaving it vulnerable to Knock Off users like Scizor and Mamoswine. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It also faces competition from Primarina and Slowking, which can check Hydreigon, Azelf, and Cobalion, (AC) which Rotom-W cannot. When using Rotom-W, it one also has to to have additional reinforcements against Excadrill and Zygarde-10%, making it difficult to build with.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe


Volt Switch lets it Rotom-W pivot out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth (RC) and brings bring in Scizor and Salamence, (AC) to the field. while Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, while as well as hampering Amooguss's longevity. Defog can be used since it has a to capitalize on Rotom-W's solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor (RC) and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 Speed EVs lets let Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can change to a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more Speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not worth the loss in bulk.

Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a good VoltTurn core well with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often; (SC) Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, while and both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times it Rotom-W and its teammates can force out its foes. Since Rotom-W can’t can't handle foes like Cobalion, Excadrill, and Zygarde-10%, that which other defensive Water-types usually check, Amoonguss and Tangrowth can greatly alleviate benefit it. They can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W brings in, pivoting bringing them in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon are important, so and Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados. This also gives it the ability to as well as pivot out against faster checks like Zarude. Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill (RC) while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. Pain Split can be used over Defog if its team already has other entry hazard control for more longevity. However, Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss (RC) and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.

Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby (RC) and handling Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude (RC) while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Thundurus-T well. Trick cripples foes such as non-Choice item Hydreigon to help out a partner like Hex Chandelure. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counter Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.

Other Options

Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn, (comma) while Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it can't leaves Rotom-W unable to (unless nuance here is inaccurate?) touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams and annoy its checks with Discharge paralysis, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to its the latter's much higher Speed, greater power, and better coverage.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, but and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants; (SC) but however, they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it (RC) and can pivot in and out freely since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W also doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and is able to freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check it Rotom-W better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses (RC) and can as well as absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does, (AC) however, (AC) get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Pokemon Moveset #5: Wishy Washy Rotom | Pokémon Amino


Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric / Water typing with and access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance to check Celesteela and Crobat as well as letting it take on other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its utility moves can also greatly aid its team; with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog lets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing insurance against +1 Gyarados and +2 Celesteela and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP and reliance on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery limit its role as a pivot due to its susceptibility to Stealth Rock, leaving it vulnerable to Knock Off users like Scizor and Mamoswine. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It also faces competition from Primarina and Slowking, which can check Pokemon that Rotom-W cannot like Hydreigon, Azelf, and Cobalion, which Rotom-W cannot. When using Rotom-W, one also has to to have additional reinforcements against Excadrill and Zygarde-10% are needed, making it difficult to build with.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe


Volt Switch lets Rotom-W pivot out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth and bring in the likes of I assume these are not the only things that can safely switch in Scizor and Salamence, while Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, as well as hampering Amooguss's longevity. Defog can be used to capitalize on Rotom-W's solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 Speed EVs let Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed optional but I think it sounds better Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can change to a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more Speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not usually if it is being mentioned, I assume it happens at least sometimes worth the loss in bulk.

Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a good VoltTurn core with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, and both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times Rotom-W and its teammates can force out its foes. Since Rotom-W can't handle foes like Cobalion, Excadrill, and Zygarde-10%, which other defensive Water-types usually check, Amoonguss and Tangrowth can greatly benefit it. They can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate that Rotom-W can bring them in against the pivoting Rotom-W brings in, bringing them in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon such as Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss are important, and Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados as well as pivot out against faster checks like Zarude. Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill, while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. However, Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss, and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.

Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates that Choice Scarf Rotom-W outspeeds Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby and handles Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Thundurus-T well. Trick cripples foes such as non-Choice item Hydreigon to help out a A partner like Hex Chandelure appreciates that Trick cripples checks like non-Choice item Hydreigon. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counters Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.

Other Options

Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn, while Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it leaves Rotom-W unable to touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams and annoy its checks with Discharge paralysis, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to the latter's its much higher Speed, greater power, and better coverage.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants; however, they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it and can pivot in and out freely since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W also doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and is able to freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check Rotom-W better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, as well as absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does, however, get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [username2, userid2]]
2/2 GP Team done

Rotom-W is a potent pivot thanks to its Electric / Water typing with and access to Levitate, giving it a rare Flying resistance to check Celesteela and Crobat as well as letting it take on other dangerous threats such as Scizor, Hippowdon, and Mamoswine. Hydro Pump brilliantly complements Volt Switch, wiping out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Excadrill that attempt to block Volt Switch, giving it nearly unblockable momentum. Its utility moves can also greatly aid its team with certain roles; Will-O-Wisp can let it punish Amoonguss and Scizor, while Defog lets it remove entry hazards thanks to its strong matchup against common entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon. Choice Scarf sets can also provide great role compression to a team, providing insurance against +1 Gyarados and +2 Celesteela and an entry hazard remover in one slot. However, Rotom-W's low HP and reliance on Leftovers and Pain Split for recovery limit its role as a pivot due to its susceptibility to Stealth Rock, leaving it vulnerable to Knock Off users like Scizor and Mamoswine. Status from Pokemon that it is supposed to check like Hippowdon and defensive Celesteela also poses issues. It also faces competition from Primarina and Slowking, which can check Hydreigon, Azelf, and Cobalion, which foes that Rotom-W cannot. When using Rotom-W, one also has to to have additional reinforcements against Excadrill and Zygarde-10%, making it difficult to build with.

name: Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Defog
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 Spe


Volt Switch lets Rotom-W pivot out against checks like Amoonguss and Tangrowth and bring in Scizor and Salamence, while Hydro Pump lets it nail Volt Switch blockers like Hippowdon, Excadrill, and Thundurus-T. Pain Split can be used on Chansey and the aforementioned Grass-types for some good recovery thanks to their massive HP, though Rotom-W must watch out for Toxic from Chansey. Will-O-Wisp cripples the likes of Cobalion, Scizor, and Dragon Dance Salamence, as well as hampering Amooguss's longevity. Defog can be used to capitalize on Rotom-W's solid matchup against entry hazard setters like Skarmory and Hippowdon, though dropping Will-O-Wisp leaves it susceptible to bulky Swords Dance Scizor and unable to meaningfully damage Grass-types. 88 Speed EVs let Rotom-W outspeed Adamant maximum Speed Scizor, with the rest invested into HP and Defense to check physical threats like Mamoswine and Salamence, but it can change to run a specially defensive spread with a Calm nature to better handle Primarina and Nidoqueen. Rotom-W can run more Speed to outpace Nidoking, but the relatively empty Speed tier in between is not worth the loss in bulk.

Rotom-W best fits on balance and bulky offense teams as an effective defensive pivot against deadly foes like Mamoswine and Meteor Beam Celesteela. Rotom-W forms a good VoltTurn core with other pivots such as Scizor and Zarude, since they are all able to pivot around and come in on each other's checks often. Scizor can come in on Tangrowth and opposing Zarude, while Zarude can come in on Zygarde-10%, and both appreciate Skarmory and Celesteela being handled by Rotom-W. Entry hazards from Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Nidoqueen can be especially deadly due to how many times Rotom-W and its teammates can force out its foes. Since Rotom-W can't handle foes like Cobalion, Excadrill, and Zygarde-10%, which other defensive Water-types usually check, Amoonguss and Tangrowth can greatly benefit it. They can also work in tandem to check Keldeo and Primarina so Rotom-W doesn't get overwhelmed as easily. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Choice Specs Hydreigon also appreciate the pivoting Rotom-W brings in offers, bringing them in on Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Checks to both Chansey and Hydreigon are important, and Cobalion, Conkeldurr, and Togekiss help out in this regard. The latter can also provide Heal Bell support to help sustain Rotom-W's longevity.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Defog / Pain Split
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

(remove line break here)
Choice Scarf lets Rotom-W outspeed many faster threats like Keldeo, +2 Celesteela, and +1 Gyarados as well as pivot out against otherwise faster checks like Zarude. (bc youre not pivoting out on scarf zarude) Defog gives it emergency entry hazard control against Excadrill (RC) while still reliably beating every other entry hazard setter. However, Pain Split can be used over Defog if the team already has a form of entry hazard removal, letting Rotom-W retain its longevity against checks like Chansey and Tangrowth. Trick cripples Chansey, Slowking, and Amoonguss (RC) and can be used once Rotom-W's revenge killing role is no longer needed, such as if Gyarados and Lycanroc-D are removed.

Choice Scarf Rotom-W fits on balance teams that appreciate some form of speed and entry hazard control in one slot that can cripple bulky Pokemon like Chansey and Amoonguss with Trick. Cobalion appreciates Rotom-W outspeeding Azelf, Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Diggersby and handling Ground- and Fire-type moves coming its way. Cobalion can be brought in on Grass-types like Amoonguss and Zarude while also absorbing Knock Off for Rotom-W. Excadrill and Salamence can act as hazard control in place of Rotom-W to let it run Pain Split to aid its longevity. The latter also counters Zarude. Amoonguss and Tangrowth can act as primary checks to Keldeo and Primarina while also handling Zarude and Zygarde-10%. Nihilego provides Stealth Rock support and pressures Thundurus-T well. Trick cripples foes such as non-Choice item Hydreigon to help out a partner like Hex Chandelure. Chansey clears status with Aromatherapy and counter counters Hydreigon and Nidoqueen.

Other Options

Rocky Helmet can be used to punish contact moves like Diggersby's Body Slam and U-turn, while Rindo Berry lets it safely check a +2 Gyarados. However, losing out on the passive recovery of Leftovers makes them hard to justify. Toxic can be used to punish Tangrowth further than Will-O-Wisp, but it is often not worth it over that or Defog, since it leaves Rotom-W unable to touch Amoonguss at all. A Nasty Plot set with Pain Split can exploit bulkier teams and annoy its checks with Discharge paralysis, but it can't hit Grass-types and is greatly outclassed by Thundurus-T as a Nasty Plot user due to the latter's much higher Speed, greater power, and better coverage.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types and Grass-type coverage**: Tangrowth and Amoonguss stonewall Rotom-W completely, but they don't appreciate Will-O-Wisp, and must be careful of Trick on Choice Scarf variants; however, they can give it a detrimental item like Assault Vest or Black Sludge. Zarude outspeeds it and can pivot in and out freely, (AC) since it does not care about Will-O-Wisp thanks to Jungle Healing. Rotom-W also doesn't appreciate additional Grass-type coverage like Power Whip from Gyarados and Energy Ball from Azelf.

**Certain Ground-types**: Excadrill and Zygarde-10% can ignore Rotom-W's Levitate with Mold Breaker Earthquake and Thousand Arrows, though they do not want to directly switch into it. Swampert is neutral to Hydro Pump, can fire back with Toxic, and is able to freely pivot out thanks to Flip Turn. Seismitoad and Gastrodon can check Rotom-W better thanks to their Water immunity.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Hydreigon can freely switch in and fire off powerful Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors and Dark Pulses, as well as absorb Trick from Rotom-W. It does, however, get chipped down by Will-O-Wisp. Rotom-W is also unable to switch into many offensive Pokemon like Lycanroc-D, Azelf, and even other Water-types like Keldeo and Primarina.

- Written by: [[romanji, 524894]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [username2, userid2]]