RU Forum Ladder

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Narrowly won against Pocket. While a good game, I do apologize for the sudden Ice Beam freeze ruining your Absol's potential sweepage. And for outRoosting a CB Entei with my Moltres. ;_;
Remember, you can only play people in the same rank as you, so Pocket's match vs mostwanted doesn't count. Also it would be helpful if both of the players could post the results!
i'll join rank 5 soon enough dw

edit: do i have to start at rank 1 HONESTLY?

edit1: beat fireMage
edit2: beat /b/utterfree
edit3: beat senegal
edit4: beat New Breed
edit5: beat Harsha
edit6: haxed by Pocket
edit7: beat Pocket g2
edit8: beat New Breed

rank 2
rank 2 post

edit1: beat double01
edit2: beat double01 again
edit3: haxed by double01
edit4: lost to double01 (I USED SHEDINJA)
edit5: beat double01
Hello there RU Forum Ladderers. We have recently altered our point and ranking systems to allow for easier transition between tiers, more clear cut definitions and more competition within ranks. Details of these changes may be found in the OP of this thread.

The RU Forum Ladder will now run rank changes on a weekly basis. At the end of each week users will rank up and down based on the qualifiers laid out in the OP. In the interest of fairness, no rank downs will occur from results of this past week, but rank ups under the old system will occur.

Have a nice day!

Under the old system, rank ups that occur include only blarajan and DittoCrow who now both reside in rank 2. Also, everyone that was above Rank 2 is now set to Rank 2 in order for everyone to have enough battles to complete in a week; if anyone REALLY wants to be put back in their original higher rank, that's fine. At this point records will be wiped and laddering under the new system will begin. Good luck.

will end in 7 days
Lost vs Double01 3 times
Won vs Double01 once


Also if BOTH of the players can confirm the result that would be really helpful!
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