Tournament RUWC 5 - Pools (Tiebreaker on post #128)

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And that should close everything, ty everyone for getting their games done! Really appreciate it! Now for some things that will happen next:

First for Pool 1 and Pool 2 here are the results:


Brazil absolute chad, US South and Pacific tied with 14 wins and 10 losses so here we will have a tiebreaker to decide who is first and second.

And for Pool 3 we also have a tie!

So the winner of the following tiebreaker between Asia and China will face against the 4th best Record which is: Europe.

Will be posting main tiebreaker right below:

Tiebreaker Pool 3:
France (2) vs (1) Asia
SV: PokemonCestDur vs JJ09LIE
SS: dunoks vs Ashbala
BW: BlazingDark vs mad dawg

This one is the most important so the one of US South vs Pacific will be announced on following posts. Please stay tuned!

As per tiebreaker policy the tiebreaker deadline will be on Sunday 10th at 11:59 PM GMT -5. For next round we will make sure there is no tiebreaker possibility since the idea is to not extend this that much. Please stay tuned, the following tiebreaker between Pacific and US South will have the same deadline as well.

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And for the tiebreaker on 2nd Pool check how it is going to go!

Tiebreaker Pool 2 for 1st Place!
US South (0) vs (2) Pacific
SV: Danny vs Ajna
SS: The Strap vs odr
SM: cyanize vs ima

Reminder this tiebreaker will last until Sunday 10th as well! New SV Meta so NO TTAR, NO ALO, NO CHES, AND NO TORKOAL. Yes Overqwil and yes Hisui-Braviary!

Reminder this is just to define 1st and 2nd place of the pool, no one gets eliminated here. Just to define who goes against Brazil.

Best of luck everyone!
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The tiebreakers are done! France will play Europe for a chance of playing on semi-finals in a sudden death round

Final placements for the qualifying phase:

1. Brazil
2. Pacific
3. US South
4. Europe

Will post thread for the sudden death round in a moment. Please stay tuned.
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