Salamence (Full Revamp)

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that is 100% irrelevant to competitive pokemon and you know it, why did you even bother giving that as a reason? are you as likely to use extrasensory or shadowball on your raikou on shoddy because hp ground/ice aren't as accessible? and "really shouldn't be using that slot anyway" is just horrible and contradictory, you may think i am being mean but seriously "what?" if you're going to express indifference at the usefulness of a moveslot why even bother sounding off on it?

anyway, i know i am not a salamence nor do i "own" all salamence everywhere but i am at the least amused at the fact that several of you think i did not run extensive calcs (like i have to back up my "For some numbers:" posts for a good two years now) when i wrote the original analysis and suggested hp ground over hydro pump and not earthquake. let me go over this one more time.

Empoleon has been calm like 23% of the time over the last three months on both the standard and suspect ladders. Its usage has steadily dropped the last three months, from #53 to #57 to #64. Even if we assume that all Calm Empoleon used were all 252HP/252SpD, does a BL pokemon 64th in usage really warrant a -Def Nature and a move inferior to its special counterpart in literally every other situation? No, and here is why:

Modest, 350 SpA Choice Specs Salamence using Hidden Power Ground on a 372HP/301SpD (max/max) "Modest" Empoleon: 47.31-55.91%

you guys seem to think that "with stealth rock down" is a convincing argument and to this end maybe you know something i dont, so hey, i am going to use it here to make my point: over 60% of the time, Empoleon will be 2HKOed by Specsmence HP Ground. the above calc reflects a 75.48% chance of a max HP/SpD neutral SpD nature Empoleon being 2HKOed, and when you multiply the ~77% chance that a neutral SpD nature will be the case, and then further account for the high possibility that not all Calm Empoleon are ("were") 252HP/252SpD and the 3.55% chance that Specsmence HP Ground still 2HKOs 372HP/331SpD Empoleon (the most Specially defensive spread possible), you get something like 61% as the chance any Empoleon will be 2HKOed by HP Ground (the statistics are not so refined as to indicate the EVs that any given Nature used in practice but Empoleon maxed SpD only about 31% of the time). Why isn't that "enough" for a BL pokemon especially when you consider the fact that Empoleon is not going to be at 100% HP, as my calcs generously reflect, every time it switches in to counter Specsmence regardless of SR?

Obviously HP Ground outdamages EQ in every other situation of note, unless we want to start touting "Max HP/SpD Careful Probopass/Bastiodon in a Sandstorm" as Specsmence counters. Even then, EQ will actually never OHKO either one at full HP, doing 99% max to Probopass and 87% max to Bastiodon, even with a neutral Attack nature that lowers one of your defenses, where HP ground 2HKOs both almost every time (49% min to max/max 324HP/438SpD Careful Probopass in the sand) so yeah just covering all bases here. So, unless you're afraid of running into Empoleon in general, and it not being 2HKOed 39% of the time if you do, if it has 100% HP when it switches in, don't use Earthquake on Specsmence, which simplifies to don't use Earthquake on Specsmence.

The move that would be dropped is Hydro Pump, a move that is 80% accurate and doesn't always OHKO Heatran, its only target.

umbarsc: mild lowers defense, not special defense if i recall correctly

If there are any specific 3HKOs turned into 2HKOs worth noting it'd be great to mention them.

But yeah can we all agree hydro pump at least sucks balls and HP Ground / Earthquake should be used?

you've been saying this stuff for a while and i am going to prove you wrong now so you stop:

Standard non-Scarf Heatran is slower than Specsmence every time. Salamence does 102% minimum with Specs Hydro Pump to the most defensive set that has a move that can hit Salamence for SE (the alternate option on the last move on the last set in the analysis). The most defensive set has only a 300 SpA Overheat to hit Salamence with, and will therefore never have anything to do with Specsmence heads up until it is too late.

Since non-Scarf Heatran is slower than Salamence and probably knows it, it will not likely be switching in unless sure that it is a Specsmence and that it will not be using its fourth move. But since it is slower than Salamence and will also always die to Hydro Pump if it hits, it cannot pose a threat to Salamence outside of bluffing a Choice Scarf (which won't be possible with SR down if Heatran has Leftovers). If Heatran were set on staying in on the second turn for whatever reason, Salamence would have a 96% chance of killing it.

Scarf Heatran has no more than 40 HP EVs, going on both the current analysis and what's been posted in the Platinum revamp. Specs Hydro Pump kills 80% of the time Heatran Switches in. Regardless of what move Salamence used, Scarf Heatran is a 100% check to any Choice Salamence.

Besides, is Heatran switching into Salamence straightaway now that DD is all the more popular? In the same way Heatran is a Scizor check but not necessarily a counter thanks to Superpower (and Bullet Punch to clean up if needed), Scarftran is a Salamence check but not a counter thanks to DD.

The real issue is the seeming disregard of Hydro Pump's damage on everything that could predict a Ground move on Specsmence. By the nature of Choice pokemon, we are only concerned with those pokemon who are certain they are facing Specsmence, one that is not locked in to any move, and they haven't seen its fourth move but are predicting a move they will either be immune to or take not too much damage from. For some relevant numbers on standard, popular spreads, Modest, 350SpA Choice Specs Salamence's Hydro Pump on:

332HP/236SpD (4EVs/min) Gyarados: 29-34% (anything but Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse)
282HP/196SpD (4EVs/min) Scizor: 82-96% (Scizor is relevant because of Dragon Pulse, either ground move and the threat of Bullet Punch)
341HP/196SpD (min/min) Salamence: 34-40% (anything but Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse)
338HP/320SpD (max/96EVs) Bronzong: 42-49% (anything but Fire Blast)
386HP/296SpD (20EVs/min) Cresselia: 39-46% (either ground move and general bulk)

In every case but Scizor's regarding possible viable switches into Specsmence, HP Ground does literally nothing. Pokemon like Blissey and Snorlax aren't listed because they don't resist anything Specsmence can throw at them, but I would be remiss if I didn't note that Hydro Pump's average damage is still 96 to Hidden Power's 70. You can even miss with the first Hydro Pump and stay in to fire again on a low HP (pokemon that is both 2HKOed by HP Ground and OHKOed by Hydro Pump). 140 damage is very close to 120, and this difference is more than made up in my opinion when you remember that locked-in Water is a fantasic attacking type with only three resistances, one of which is hard-pressed to switch into the Dragon-Type Specsmence since half its moves will OHKO, compared to locked-in Ground, which not only type can exploit (three) but Ability as well (Water Absorb is very scarce compared to Levitate).

And then there is the general damage issue: if you take normal damage from both Pump and HP Ground, Pump is superior, as in the case of Blissey and Snorlax. If you take SE damage from HP Ground but normal damage from Pump, Hydro Pump is probably a 2HKO anyway, as in the case of pokemon like Metagross. Only Magnezone is OHKOed by HP Ground every time where Pump doesn't stand a significant chance of OHKOing as well (76% max), since Pump does 107% max to Lucario, and HP Ground does 79% max to Metagross (never OHKOs).

Finally, there's the deterrent issue: Hydro Pump can at least deter, by virtue of no immunities and general inexploitability compared to HP Ground, pokemon like the above Bronzong and Gyarados and Cresselia if Salamence is locked in, where there is just not much that a 70 base power HP Ground is going to be deterred by since there are just not that many pokes that are weak to ground, meaning that Salamence must switch instead of just considering switching. There are five pokemon in the latest top 25 that are weak to Ground: Heatran, Lucario, Metagross, Infernape and Tyranitar. Heatran carries a Scarf some 63% of the time, making the move Specsmence is locked in on a moot point since it outspeed for the HP Ice OHKO threat. Lucario takes 107% max from Pump anyway as stated above, which guarantees death by way of LO recoil if it uses Extremespeed but doesn't kill and Sala hits with Pump...and if faster with Ice Punch Luke makes the locked-in move a moot point. Metagross takes 79% max from HP Ground as stated above but 68% max from Pump and is honestly deterred by either, regardless of the moot-point Bullet Punch. And Infernape and Tyranitar are of course hit harder by Pump. I don't know how more plain it can be that Hydro Pump not only doesn't "suck balls" but should still be the main option over HP Ground.

In sum, those posting in peer edits should probably have a very good handle on the reasoning behind the original sets for which they are suggesting changes!
I'd like to jump in here and ask when was it believed that Hydro Pump is only for Heatran? Hydro Pump is very helpful for Tyranitar and Rhyperior, as well as being a nice safe move at times. Say its Specs Mence vs. a Hippowdon and a Skarmory. We could Fire Blast hoping to catch a Skarmory switch - in to draco meteor or we could draco meteor in case he stays in. Instead, we have the luxury of Hydro Pump which will OHKO Hippowdon anyway and also hit Skarmory severely hard.
it was never "only for heatran", i think this is a misconception spread by those who have made assumptions about the set ever since i made it
Honestly, I think Salamance deserved a Chain set rather than Garchomp before it was an Uber and more than Tyranitar. Garchomp is gone, and Tyranitar does not have the power Salamance has in the Special Attack stat.

- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Flamethrower
- Hydro Pump
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Mild
EVs: 252 Spd / 204 SAtk / 52 Atk


<p>This guy deserved a chain set more than Garchomp and Tyranitar. He is far more powerful than the two above. The idea is to switch him in late in the game, Dragon Dance up, and attack. Why late in the game? It would be ideal to know what the foe is using for a physical wall. If it is a Bronzong or a Skarmory, you would use Flamethrower after a DD. If you saw a Hippowdon, a Gliscor, a Weezing, or a Rhyperior, you would use Hydro Pump. It takes a fair bit of prediction, but it will pay off if it works.</p>

<p>Here are some damage calculations on some common Pokemon, including "walls," with neutral natures:
Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Skarmory: 341-401 HP (OHKO)
Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Bronzong: 227-266 HP (2KO)
Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Hippowdon: 420-494 HP (OHKO)
Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Rhyperior with Sandstorm and Solid Rock: 460-541 HP (OHKO)
<!-- I did my own math on Rhyperior, feel free to check -->
Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Weezing: 215-252 HP (2KO)
Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Swampert: 175-206 HP (12% 2KO, 88% 3KO)
Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SDef Gliscor: 407-478 (OHKO)
Hydo Pump vs. 4 HP / 0 SDef CS Heatran: 306-360 (67% Chance of OHKO)

<p>Those suckers that switch in will get smoked. A STAB LO DD Dragon Claw will take care of a Special wall that switches in (it 2KOs Blissey.) This set is one of the most threatening and surprsing in Pokemon, with only a select few that can truly counter it.</p>

Later on...
<p> For ChainMence, the EVs are set for an OHKO with Hydro Pump on Hippowdon. 252 SAtk EVs is always an option, as Salamance's Attack stat is already high without EVs. But always have Max Speed to tie other Base 100 threats. </p>

<p>Dusknoir with Ice Punch is one of the best counters for the ChainMence set. He is not 2KOed by Hydro Pump with no SDef EVs and Max HP, and will take a Dragon Claw. Swampert with Avalanche is another example of a counter. He is 2KOed by Hydro Pump 12% of the time with Min SDef and Max HP, but if you want Salamance stopped, you must take risks. </p>

This set takes care of Heatran, which will be a theme in the Platinum metagame. I also think Physical walls will have trouble holding down Physical Sweepers already. For example, Gliscor WAS one of the best Lucario counters, but Lucario got Ice Punch! Really, Salamance will just make things more miserable for these walls and make it easier for his teammates to sweep after him if necessary.
The first thing I thought when I read the ChainChomp analysis was "...Why Garchomp?".
A mixed Salamence would definetly benefit more from the bluff DragonDances as it can hit particularly well from both attacking stats, and the DD boosts would make Dragon Claw a force to be reckoned with. Props to you, ExplorerAce. =)
Ugh, uh, do you even know why Chain Chomp is named that? It's not like "Chain" is a term for a mixed sweeper lure wall killer, it's because Chain Chomp is a character in the Mario series...

Anyhow the reason Garchomp always worked as bait is because he wasn't seen as a special attacker. Salamence is _often_ seen as a mixed attacker. Besides, that set doesn't pound through what the standard DD set doesn't (Cresselia and Porygon2, mostly).

Salamence may have the stats to run such a set, but it simply doesn't get the movepool to OHKO-2HKO its most common switch ins: Bulky Waters and, possibly, Cresselia. On the other and, Tyranitar has access to ce Beam, Flamethrower AND Thunderbolt, which he benefits in when wall breaking.

Also, Mixmence pretty much outclasses the "Chainmence" as a wall breaker IMO. The set could be mentioned in Other Optios, though.
Salamence may have the stats to run such a set, but it simply doesn't get the movepool to OHKO-2HKO its most common switch ins: Bulky Waters and, possibly, Cresselia. On the other and, Tyranitar has access to ce Beam, Flamethrower AND Thunderbolt, which he benefits in when wall breaking.

Also, Mixmence pretty much outclasses the "Chainmence" as a wall breaker IMO. The set could be mentioned in Other Optios, though.

yeah. mixmence>chainmence IMO. everything you listed in the hydro pump calcs are hit almost as hard or harder by draco meteor. Comparing it to the DD set, the only advantage I see is OHKOing gliscor with hydro pump.

Salamence's draco meteor is actually stronger against water types than tyranitar's tbolt. 210 bp vs 190 bp, plus the 15 higher base special attack.
Chainmence isn't a bad idea, but it needs to play a little differently. As stated, it needs to be able to handle bulky waters and it doesn't really do that with your set. However, the idea isn't bad. For starters, Dragon Dance could easily be listed on the Mixmence set for a psuedo-Chainmence:

name: MixMence
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Outrage
move 3: Flamethrower / Dragon Dance
move 4: Earthquake / Dragon Dance
item: Life Orb
nature: Naive / Rash
evs: 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176 Spe


Theres the mixmence set that should be used IMO. Dragon Dance can be used over either for a psuedo-chain mence. It can sweep, and it can wall break. Now, here is a ChainMence that I used long ago that could work now with Outrage's boosted power:

name: ChainMence
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage / Dragon Claw
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Yache Berry
nature: Mild
evs: 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176 Spe


This set was very good at breaking down common Salamence counters if using a double-dragon strategy. Outrage should help this significantly with its added power, as you can probably 2HKO Cressela and Bulky Waters after a Dragon Dance with Outrage, with Yache Berry saving you. It's not as effective as Aldaron's special defensive set for doing this, but this one has the advantage of being able to Flamethrower Zong for 2HKO (I think, Fireblast can be used if it doesn't) and OHKOing Skarm. Hydro Pump will nail Scarftran for good damage (Yache again saves you if it isn't a KO) and also hits Gliscor and Hippo hard.
Chris is me said:
Ugh, uh, do you even know why Chain Chomp is named that? It's not like "Chain" is a term for a mixed sweeper lure wall killer, it's because Chain Chomp is a character in the Mario series...
I did not know that. Sorry :[

bogmire said:
Comparing it to the DD set, the only advantage I see is OHKOing gliscor with hydro pump.

It OHKOs Hippowdon. I see some every now and then, and they are fantastic physical walls. This guy OHKOs him, which was the purpose of the EVs. You also would not be able to get the guaranteed 2KO on Weezing with Fire Blast (27% chance of a 2KO.)

I must say though, Chirs is me is right, it might not catch to many people off guard to see this.
Sorry to chance the topic, but Salamance with 4 Hlth / 252 Att (or SpcAtt) / 252 Speed, should have 4 Def or SpDef instead of Hlth, as with those extra 4 Hlth EVs, he takes maximum SR damage, and dies after swapping into SR 4 times.
and Hydro Pump picks off the rest, including Pokemon like Heatran, Bastiodon, and Probopass

This isn't really that great of a reason to use Hydro Pump over Hidden Power Ground, as Hidden Power Ground OHKOes all of them. : /
This isn't really that great of a reason to use Hydro Pump over Hidden Power Ground, as Hidden Power Ground OHKOes all of them. : /

Uh, that's not a reason at all why to use Hydro Pump. Meaning it's not meant to be a reason.

Regarding the specially defensive set, should it be mentioned that Dragonite does that better with superior SpD? Or is Intimidate and 100 base speed all that more useful (could be)?
We were in the wrong guys. Hydro Pump IS the best option for SpecsMence for reasons Jumpman already stated. I guess we were so bent on saying "HP Ground hits Heatran and Empoleon better!" when in reality, Hydro Pump is just a damn good move on the set because of the power and neutrality it brings, while adding perfect coverage. Empoleon is pretty much non-existant in OU, and defensive Empoleon even moreso. Tentacruel doesn't like Draco Meteor much, and the other three mention (Bastodian, wtf???) don't like Hydro much either.

Regarding the specially defensive set, they play a bit differently. Dragonite is much better for setting up on its counters for a sweep, Salamence can do it kind of like a wall-breaker. Aldaron described how to use it by saying you can DD the switch, Outrage them for the KO and surviving their Ice attack if they live. Dragonite just screens in their face and goes for the sweep.
Is there any particular reason that Salamence is running maximum speed? You would think that 285 would be more than enough on the DD sets.
and two salamence are going to meet eachother when...? Either Salamence already has a DD when the other one comes in, or you attacked, got intimidated and should switch out.
you do have a point skiddle, but I'm wondering if the 14 points would actually do Salamence much good elsewhere like in HP or SpD thanks to LO
well 20 EVs of it can go into attack, as the sets only have 232 Attack EVs, and I guess the rest could be thrown into special attack or even defense
inclined to agree since Scarfmence was only used 10% of the time last month and 5 attack points probably makes more difference than just tying stuff maybe if you're not DDed. like even scarf flygon, used 34.6% of the it going to try to check every once-DDed Salamence? I guess I'd try it as a revenge check and know that sala isn't beating me unless its jolly, but is 299 speed sala staying in assuming the probably-scarfed Flygon is Adamant and not Jolly?

| Flygon | Nature | Jolly | 33.4 |
| Flygon | Nature | Adamant | 32.8 |
Might I suggest Aqua Tail be given serious consideration for a slash next to Earthquake on the Dragon Dance set? Rhyperior is a legitimate threat to consider these days, and even if Mence is carrying Leftovers, a +1 Aqua Tail has a 92% chance to OHKO the most defensive Rhyperior that is typically used (404/296). With Earthquake, you'll lose.

It will still deal with Heatran, and Fire Blast already covers all relevant Steel-types.
But then Empoleon walls you.

I'm thinking it's generally less effective on the likes of Metagross to run Fire Blast for them, but maybe? Seriously, how often do you run into Rhyperior? It's not worth it for one Pokémon that's seriously threatened by one DD Outrage anyway (though not an instant KO by any means).

Wouldn't Surf be better if you really absolutely despised Rhyperior?
Aqua Tail is still effective against Heatran and the bulky Grounds, and Fire Blast still hits Steels. I'll reverse that and say why would you sacrifice Rhyperior coverage just to gain coverage on Empoleon?

Either way, it seems worthy of a slash over Earthquake.
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