Draft Salamence

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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 14-15

**Overview**: Salamence's access to Dragon Dance along with Moxie makes it a very potent cleaner. It also possesses high Base Power moves and good coverage, allowing it to use its strong offensive stats to break through teams. Its access to reliable recovery and the ability Intimidate give it a use as a defensive Pokemon as well, though its common weaknesses, including a 4x weakness to Ice, hold it back defensively. However, its average Speed and middling defenses mean that it is often reliant on Choice items or Dragon Dance in order to fulfill its potential offensively. These capabilities are further compounded when given the opportunity to be a Tera Captain. You should, more often than not, have this in consideration when drafting it on a team.

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Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Salamence's high Attack and Speed give it the ability to clean late-game if given the opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance, especially when compounded with its ability Moxie. Moxie can also allow Salamence to win while holding a Choice Scarf. Intimidate can also be valuable on a cleaner Salamence, as it provides more opportunities to set up a Dragon Dance with the foe at -1 Attack.

**Wallbreaker**: Salamence's strong attacking stats and high Base Power moves, when paired with offense-boosting items such as Choice Band and Choice Specs, allow for it to break through opposing teams with relative ease.

**Defensive wall**: Salamence's usable natural bulk, solid set of resistances, and access to Intimidate allow for it to act as a defensive answer to some physically offensive Pokemon that do not have strong, super effective coverage or another way to disrupt Salamence such as statusing it.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Air Slash

**Setup moves**: Dragon Dance, Iron Defense

**Utility moves**: Dragon Tail, Roar, Brick Break, Roost, Substitute

**Coverage**: Body Slam, Double-Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Temper Flare, Hydro Pump, Iron Head, Psychic Fangs, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Fire Spin**: Fire Spin gives Salamence the ability to trap and remove a Pokemon that could be an issue for the rest of its team.

**Tailwind**: Tailwind can act as a worse, and turn-sensitive, alternative to Dragon Dance as a Speed-boosting move, though it can also boost the speed of Salamence's teammates.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allows Salamence to switch into battle without worrying about taking chip damage from Stealth Rock. It can maximize its ability to set up a Dragon Dance or allow it to get an extra hit off.

**Choice Band / Choice Specs**: Both of these items allow for Salamence to maximize its offensive stats, and they let it inflict as much damage as possible.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf allows for Salamence to get the speed it needs without needing a turn in battle to set it up. It can also play very nicely with its Moxie ability, allowing for Salamence to clean late-game much easier.

**Lum Berry**: Lum Berry lets Salamence set up a Dragon Dance without worrying about being paralyzed or burned by the opposing Pokemon. It can also use it to cure confusion inflicted by its own Outrage, making it much easier to spam its strongest STAB move in a battle.

Niche Items
**Salac Berry**: Endure and Salac Berry, in combination with Moxie, can act as a replacement for Choice Scarf or Dragon Dance if there is a matchup where living an attack from a specific Pokemon that Salamence can KO with the Speed boost is necessary.

**Resistance Berries**: Berries that help nullify Salamence's weaknesses give it an easier time setting up a Dragon Dance to help it in the long run.

**Damage-boosting items**: Items such as Expert Belt, Life Orb, and Sharp Beak let Salamence further improve its damage output while still allowing it to set up a Dragon Dance and not be locked into just one attacking move.

Salamence's good stats, large coverage movepool, access to Dragon Dance, and Moxie make it a huge offensive threat when given the opportunity to Terastallize. It can use Tera to expand its coverage and allow it to set up a Dragon Dance with more ease. Its access to Intimidate also gives Salamence the ability to deal with some physically offensive threats by Terastallizing into a type that beats them. Salamence can use a STAB Tera type to maximize its damage output, it can use a Tera type to counteract its weaknesses such as Steel or Fire, or it can use a Tera type like Ground, Fire, or Fighting to beat its common answers, including Steel-types. Tera Flying also gives Salamence a more reliable Flying-type STAB move in Tera Blast as opposed to being reliant on Dual Wingbeat.

Draft Strategy
Salamence provides teams with a large array of offensive capabilities in one Pokemon. Having Pokemon that enable it as much as possible is ideal when building a team around it.

**Flexible offensive threats**: Pokemon that are capable of being either a wallbreaker or a cleaner in any given matchup pair very well alongside Salamence. They allow for Salamence to have more flexibility in its own sets rather than being stuck performing just one of its roles on a team. Pokemon that complement Salamence nicely include Sneasler, Darkrai, and Urshifu-S.

**Entry hazard removal**: Salamence's weakness to Stealth Rock can prevent it from performing its best due to it being unable to live attacks as well as limit its opportunities to switch in. Its lack of defog as a Flying-type can also leave a team lacking in hazard removal. Thus, having good hazard removal alongside Salamence greatly lessens the burden that these faults cause for the rest of its team. Pokemon like Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Terapagos are excellent partners for these reasons.

**Entry hazard setters**: Salamence enjoys having the opposing team weakened for its Dragon Dance sets to be as effective as possible. Thus, having good hazard setters is great to force the opposing Pokemon to be as close as possible to be within range of Salamence's attacks. Excellent hazard setters to pair with it include Hisuian Samurott, Meowscarada, and Glimmora.

**Good Ice resistances**: Pokemon that help to cover Salamence's crippling 4x weakness to Ice are highly appreciated. Pokemon that fill this role nicely include Empoleon, Bronzong, and Heatran.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel-types**: As Steel-type Pokemon resist both of Salamence's STAB types, a bulky Steel-type can be difficult for Salamence to break through on its own. Salamence does have coverage to hit them super effectively, but there are still some that are an annoyance even with the coverage to hit them. Pokemon like Jirachi, Bronzong, and Hisuian Goodra fit into this category.

**Strong priority move users**: While Salamence does have solid physical bulk, especially in combination with Intimidate, it can still be revenge killed by strong priority moves. Ice Shard in particular is a massive problem for Salamence. It is often OHKOed by STAB Ice Shard without protection from a Yache Berry. While it does resist some priority moves like Mach Punch, Vacuum Wave, and Jet Punch, it can still struggle to survive attacks like Bullet Punch from Scizor and Sucker Punch from Kingambit if its HP gets too low.

**Fast Choice Scarf / Booster Energy users**: Due to Salamence's middling Speed tier, it can be easily revenge killed by Pokemon holding Speed-boosting items with strong, super effective coverage. Pokemon capable of revenge killing Salamence at +1 Speed include Iron Bundle, Meowscarada, and Latios.

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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 13-15

**Overview**: Salamence's strong offensive capabilities allow it to be a well-rounded offensive threat. Its access to Dragon Dance along with Moxie makes it a very potent cleaner. It also possesses strong base-power moves and good coverage allowing it to use its strong offensive stats to break through teams. Its access to reliable recovery and the ability Intimidate give it a use as a defensive Pokemon as well, though its common weaknesses, including a 4x weakness to Ice, hold it back defensively. However, its average speed and middling defenses mean that it is often reliant on Choice Items or Dragon Dance in order to fulfill its potential offensively. (i think tera should be mentioned here, you dont rly draft mence unless u plan on teraing it, otherwise u just get dnite)

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Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Salamence's high attack and speed give it the ability to clean an endgame if given the opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance, especially when compounded with its ability Moxie. Moxie can also allow Salamence to win while holding a Choice Scarf.

**Wallbreaker**: Salamence's strong attacking stats and high base-power moves when paired with attack-boosting items, such as Choice Band and Choice Specs, allow for it to break through opposing teams with rather ease.

**Defensive Switch** Salamence's usable natural bulk, solid set of resistances, and access to Intimidate allow for it to act as a defensive answer to some Physically offensive Pokemon that do not have strong, super-effective coverage, or if they do not possess another way to disrupt Salamence such as statusing it.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Air Slash

**Setup moves**: Dragon Dance (add iron defense either here or niche, its p real against teams with mostly physical attackers alongside if theres a good singular coverage option vs opp team w/ tera blast / whtev)

**Utility moves**: Dragon Tail, Roar, Tailwind, Brick Break, Roost, Substitute

**Coverage**: Body Slam/, Double-Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Blast/, Flamethrower/, Temper Flare, Hydro Pump, Iron Head, Psychic Fangs, Rock Slide/, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw

Niche Moves
**Fire Spin**: Fire Spin gives Salamence the ability to trap and remove a Pokemon that could be an issue for the rest of its team

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allow Salamence to switch into battle without worrying about taking chip damage from Stealth Rock everytime. It can maximize its ability to set up a Dragon Dance or allow it to get an extra hit off.

**Choice Band (add space between slashes)/ Choice Specs**: Both of these items allow for Salamence to maximize its offensive stats, and they let it inflict as much damage as possible.

**Choice Scarf** Choice Scarf allows for Salamence to get the speed it needs from Dragon Dance without needing a turn in battle to set it up. It can also play very nicely with its Moxie ability, allowing for Salamence to clean an endgame much easier.

**Resistance Berries** Berries that help nullify Salamence's weaknesses give it an easier time setting up a Dragon Dance to help it in the longrun. (would move to niche, usually the rocks damage is better for longevity)

**Lum Berry** Lum Berry lets Salamence set up a Dragon Dance without worrying about being Paralyzed or Burned by the opposing Pokemon. It can also use it to cure a Confusion inflicted by its own Outrage, making it much easier to spam its strongest STAB move in a battle.

**Damage-boosting items** Items such as Expert Belt, Life Orb, Sharp Beak etc. let Salamence further improve its damage output while still allowing it to set up a Dragon Dance and not be locked into just one attacking move. (i would move to niche)

Niche Items
**Salac Berry**: Endure and Salac Berry with Moxie can act as a replacement for Choice Scarf or Dragon Dance if there is a matchup where living an attack from a specific Pokemon, that Salamence can revenge with the speed boost, is necessary.

Salamence's high base-stat total, large coverage movepool, access to Dragon Dance, and access to Moxie make Salamence a huge offensive threat when given the opportunity to Terastalize. It can use it to expand its coverage, allow it to set up a Dragon Dance with more ease. Its access to Intimidate also gives Salamence the ability to deal with some Physically offensive threats by Terastalizing into a type that beats them. Salamence can use either STAB Tera type to maximize its damage output, it can use a Tera type to counteract its weaknesses such as Steel or Fire, and it can use it to beat its common asnwers such as Ground, Fire, or Fighting to beat Steel types.

Draft Strategy
Salamence provides teams with a large array of offensive capabilities in one pokemon. Having Pokemon that enable it as much as possible is ideal when building a team around it.

**Flexible Offensive Threats**: Pokemon that are capable of being either a wallbreaker or a cleaner in any given matchup pair very well alongside Salamence. They allow for Salamence to have more flexibility in its own sets, rather than being stuck performing just one of its roles on a team. Pokemon that complement Salamence nicely include Sneasler and Urshifu-S. (u kinda did this here anyways with sneasler/urshi single but i would specify top tier offensive threats that arent reliant on tera since u draft mence to tera it)

**Hazard Removal**: Salamence's weakness to rocks can prevent it from performing at its best due to it being unable to live attacks as well and limit its switch-in opportunities. Its lack of defog as a Flying-type can also leave a team lacking in the removal department. Thus, having good removal alongside Salamence heavily lessens the burden that these faults cause for the rest of its team. Pokemon like Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Terapagos are excellent partners with it for these reasons because of this.

**Hazard Setting** Salamence enjoys having the opposing team weakened for its Dragon Dance sets to be as effective as possible. Thus, having good hazard setters is great to force the opposing Pokemon to be as close as possible to be within range of Salamence's attacks. Excellent hazard setters to pair with it include Hisuian Samurott, Meowscarada, and Glimmora.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel Types**: As Steel-type Pokemon resist both of Salamence's STABs, a bulky Steel type can be difficult for Salamence to break through on its own. Salamence does have coverage to hit them super effectively, but there are still some that are an annoyance even with the coverage to hit them. Pokemon like Jirachi, Bronzong, and Hisuian Goodra fit into this category.

**Strong Priority**: While Salamence does have solid Physical bulk, especially with Intimidate, it can still be revenged by strong priority moves. Ice Shard in particular is a massive problem for Salamence. It is often OHKO'd by STAB Ice Shard without protection from a Yache Berry. While it does resist some priority moves like Mach Punch, Vacuum Wave, and Jet Punch, it can still struggle to live through attacks like Bullet Punch from Scizor and Sucker Punch from Kingambit. if its health gets too low.

**Fast Choice Scarf (add space)/Booster Energy Users**: Due to Salamence's middling speed tier, it can be easily revenged by Pokemon holding speed boosting items with strong Super-effective coverage. Pokemon capable of revenging Salamence at +1 speed include Iron Bundle, Meowscarada, and Latios.
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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 13-15 14-15 points

**Overview**: Salamence's strong offensive capabilities allow it to be a well-rounded offensive threat. Its access to Dragon Dance along with Moxie makes it a very potent cleaner. It also possesses strong base-power moves and good coverage allowing it to use its strong offensive stats to break through teams. Its access to reliable recovery and the ability Intimidate give it a use as a defensive Pokemon as well, though its common weaknesses, including a 4x weakness to Ice, hold it back defensively. However, its average speed and middling defenses mean that it is often reliant on Choice Items or Dragon Dance in order to fulfill its potential offensively. These capabilities are further compounded when given the opportunity to be a Tera captain. It should, more often than not, have this in consideration when drafting it on a team.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Salamence's high attack and speed give it the ability to clean an endgame if given the opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance, especially when compounded with its ability Moxie. Moxie can also allow Salamence to win while holding a Choice Scarf. Make it more clear that Intimidate is also viable on Dragon Dance sets since the -1 Attack lets Salamence set up easier too.

**Wallbreaker**: Salamence's strong attacking stats and high base-power moves when paired with attack-boosting items, such as Choice Band and Choice Specs, allow for it to break through opposing teams with rather ease.

**Defensive Switch wall** Salamence's usable natural bulk, solid set of resistances, and access to Intimidate allow for it to act as a defensive answer to some Physically offensive Pokemon that do not have strong, super-effective coverage, or if they do not possess another way to disrupt Salamence such as statusing it.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Air Slash

**Setup moves**: Dragon Dance, Iron Defense

**Utility moves**: Dragon Tail, Roar, Tailwind, Brick Break, Roost, Substitute
Move Tailwind to niche moves. It's real, but not common enough to be in common utility moves.

**Coverage**: Body Slam, Double-Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Temper Flare, Hydro Pump, Iron Head, Psychic Fangs, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Fire Spin**: Fire Spin gives Salamence the ability to trap and remove a Pokemon that could be an issue for the rest of its team

Add a Tailwind section here

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allow Salamence to switch into battle without worrying about taking chip damage from Stealth Rock everytime. It can maximize its ability to set up a Dragon Dance or allow it to get an extra hit off.

**Choice Band / Choice Specs**: Both of these items allow for Salamence to maximize its offensive stats, and they let it inflict as much damage as possible.

**Choice Scarf** Choice Scarf allows for Salamence to get the speed it needs from Dragon Dance without needing a turn in battle to set it up. It can also play very nicely with its Moxie ability, allowing for Salamence to clean an endgame much easier.

**Lum Berry** Lum Berry lets Salamence set up a Dragon Dance without worrying about being Paralyzed or Burned by the opposing Pokemon. It can also use it to cure a Confusion inflicted by its own Outrage, making it much easier to spam its strongest STAB move in a battle.

Niche Items
**Salac Berry**: Endure and Salac Berry with Moxie can act as a replacement for Choice Scarf or Dragon Dance if there is a matchup where living an attack from a specific Pokemon, that Salamence can revenge with the speed boost, is necessary.

**Resistance Berries** Berries that help nullify Salamence's weaknesses give it an easier time setting up a Dragon Dance to help it in the longrun.

**Damage-boosting items** Items such as Expert Belt, Life Orb, Sharp Beak etc. let Salamence further improve its damage output while still allowing it to set up a Dragon Dance and not be locked into just one attacking move.

Salamence's high base-stat total, large coverage movepool, access to Dragon Dance, and access to Moxie make Salamence a huge offensive threat when given the opportunity to Terastalize. It can use it Tera to expand its coverage, allow coverage and to set up a Dragon Dance with more ease. Its access to Intimidate also gives Salamence the ability to deal with some Physically offensive threats by Terastalizing into a type that beats them. Salamence can use either STAB Tera type to maximize its damage output, it can use a Tera type to counteract its weaknesses such as Steel or Fire, and it can use it to beat its common asnwers answers such as Ground, Fire, or Fighting to beat Steel types. Tera Flying should be talked about in its own sentence. Tera Flying Tera Blast gives it a strong reliable physical Flying-type STAB move. Tera Flying + DDance is its best set IMO

Draft Strategy
Salamence provides teams with a large array of offensive capabilities in one pokemon. Having Pokemon that enable it as much as possible is ideal when building a team around it.

**Flexible Offensive Threats**: Pokemon that are capable of being either a wallbreaker or a cleaner in any given matchup pair very well alongside Salamence. They allow for Salamence to have more flexibility in its own sets, rather than being stuck performing just one of its roles on a team. Pokemon that complement Salamence nicely include Sneasler, Darkrai, and Urshifu-S.

**Hazard Removal**: Salamence's weakness to rocks can prevent it from performing at its best due to it being unable to live attacks as well and limit its switch-in opportunities. Its lack of defog as a Flying-type can also leave a team lacking in the removal department. Thus, having good removal alongside Salamence heavily lessens the burden that these faults cause for the rest of its team. Pokemon like Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Terapagos are excellent partners with it for these reasons because of this.

**Hazard Setting** Salamence enjoys having the opposing team weakened for its Dragon Dance sets to be as effective as possible. Thus, having good hazard setters is great to force the opposing Pokemon to be as close as possible to be within range of Salamence's attacks. Excellent hazard setters to pair with it include Hisuian Samurott, Meowscarada, and Glimmora.

I would add a brief "Good Ice resist" section here since foes are encouraged to bring Ice coverage vs Salamence teams.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel Types**: As Steel-type Pokemon resist both of Salamence's STABs, a bulky Steel type can be difficult for Salamence to break through on its own. Salamence does have coverage to hit them super effectively, but there are still some that are an annoyance even with the coverage to hit them. Pokemon like Jirachi, Bronzong, and Hisuian Goodra fit into this category.

**Strong Priority**: While Salamence does have solid Physical bulk, especially with Intimidate, it can still be revenged by strong priority moves. Ice Shard in particular is a massive problem for Salamence. It is often OHKO'd by STAB Ice Shard without protection from a Yache Berry. While it does resist some priority moves like Mach Punch, Vacuum Wave, and Jet Punch, it can still struggle to live through attacks like Bullet Punch from Scizor and Sucker Punch from Kingambit. if its health gets too low. Mention that it can and often does use a defensive Tera to live priority

**Fast Choice Scarf / Booster Energy Users**: Due to Salamence's middling speed tier, it can be easily revenged by Pokemon holding speed boosting items with strong Super-effective coverage. Pokemon capable of revenging Salamence at +1 speed include Iron Bundle, Meowscarada, and Latios.

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**Draft order**: Round 4 onwards

**Price range**: 14-15

**Overview**: Salamence's strong offensive capabilities allow it to be a well-rounded offensive threat. this doesn't really say much-"it's offensive, so it's an offensive threat" is what it boils down to, so it's mostly fluff Its Salamence's access to Dragon Dance along with Moxie makes it a very potent cleaner. It also possesses strong base-power high Base Power moves and good coverage, (ac) allowing it to use its strong offensive stats to break through teams. Its access to reliable recovery and the ability Intimidate give it a use as a defensive Pokemon as well, though its common weaknesses, including a 4x weakness to Ice, hold it back defensively. However, its average Speed and middling defenses mean that it is often reliant on Choice items or Dragon Dance in order to fulfill its potential offensively. These capabilities are further compounded when given the opportunity to be a Tera Captain. It You should, more often than not, have this in consideration when drafting it on a team.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Salamence's high Attack and Speed give it the ability to clean an endgame late-game if given the opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance, especially when compounded with its ability Moxie. Moxie can also allow Salamence to win while holding a Choice Scarf. Intimidate can also be valuable on a cleaner Salamence, (ac) as it gives it provides more opportunities to set up a Dragon Dance with the opponent foe at -1 Attack.

**Wallbreaker**: Salamence's strong attacking stats and high base-power Base Power moves, (ac) when paired with attack offense-boosting items (rc) such as Choice Band and Choice Specs, allow for it to break through opposing teams with rather relative ease.

**Defensive wall**: (acol) Salamence's usable natural bulk, solid set of resistances, and access to Intimidate allow for it to act as a defensive answer to some physically offensive Pokemon that do not have strong, super (rh, as) effective coverage (rc) or if they do not possess another way to disrupt Salamence such as statusing it.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Air Slash

**Setup moves**: Dragon Dance, Iron Defense

**Utility moves**: Dragon Tail, Roar, Brick Break, Roost, Substitute

**Coverage**: Body Slam, Double-Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Temper Flare, Hydro Pump, Iron Head, Psychic Fangs, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Fire Spin**: Fire Spin gives Salamence the ability to trap and remove a Pokemon that could be an issue for the rest of its team. (ap)

**Tailwind**: Tailwind can act as a worse, and turn-sensitive, alternative to Dragon Dance as a Speed-boosting (ah) move, though it can also boost the speed of Salamence's teammates.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allow allows Salamence to switch into battle without worrying about taking chip damage from Stealth Rock everytime. It can maximize its ability to set up a Dragon Dance or allow it to get an extra hit off.

**Choice Band / Choice Specs**: Both of these items allow for Salamence to maximize its offensive stats, and they let it inflict as much damage as possible.

**Choice Scarf**: (acol) Choice Scarf allows for Salamence to get the speed it needs from Dragon Dance without needing a turn in battle to set it up. It can also play very nicely with its Moxie ability, allowing for Salamence to clean an endgame late-game much easier.

**Lum Berry**: (acol) Lum Berry lets Salamence set up a Dragon Dance without worrying about being paralyzed or burned by the opposing Pokemon. It can also use it to cure a confusion inflicted by its own Outrage, making it much easier to spam its strongest STAB move in a battle.

Niche Items
**Salac Berry**: Endure and Salac Berry, (ac) in combination with Moxie, (ac) can act as a replacement for Choice Scarf or Dragon Dance if there is a matchup where living an attack from a specific Pokemon (rc) that Salamence can revenge KO with the Speed boost (rc) is necessary.

**Resistance Berries**: (acol) Berries that help nullify Salamence's weaknesses give it an easier time setting up a Dragon Dance to help it in the long (as) run.

**Damage-boosting items**: (acol) Items such as Expert Belt, Life Orb, and Sharp Beak etc. let Salamence further improve its damage output while still allowing it to set up a Dragon Dance and not be locked into just one attacking move.

Salamence's high base-stat total good stats, large coverage movepool, access to Dragon Dance, and access to Moxie make Salamence it a huge offensive threat when given the opportunity to Terastalize Terastallize. It can use Tera to expand its coverage and allow it to set up a Dragon Dance with more ease. Its access to Intimidate also gives Salamence the ability to deal with some physically offensive threats by Terastalizing Terastallizing into a type that beats them. Salamence can use either a STAB Tera type to maximize its damage output, it can use a Tera type to counteract its weaknesses such as Steel or Fire, and or it can use it to a Tera type like Ground, Fire, or Fighting to beat its common answers, (ac) such as Ground, Fire, or Fighting to beat including Steel-types (ah). Tera Flying also gives Salamence a more reliable 2x boosted STAB in Tera Blast Flying-type STAB move in Tera Blast as opposed to being reliant on Dual Wingbeat.

Draft Strategy
Salamence provides teams with a large array of offensive capabilities in one Pokemon. Having Pokemon that enable it as much as possible is ideal when building a team around it.

**Flexible offensive threats**: Pokemon that are capable of being either a wallbreaker or a cleaner in any given matchup pair very well alongside Salamence. They allow for Salamence to have more flexibility in its own sets (rc) rather than being stuck performing just one of its roles on a team. Pokemon that complement Salamence nicely include Sneasler, Darkrai, and Urshifu-S.

**Entry hazard removal**: Salamence's weakness to rocks Stealth Rock can prevent it from performing at its best due to it being unable to live attacks as well and as limit its switch-in opportunities to switch in. Its lack of defog as a Flying-type can also leave a team lacking in the hazard removal department. Thus, having good hazard removal alongside Salamence heavily greatly lessens the burden that these faults cause for the rest of its team. Pokemon like Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Terapagos are excellent partners with it for these reasons because of this for these reasons.

**Entry hazard Setting setters**: (acol) Salamence enjoys having the opposing team weakened for its Dragon Dance sets to be as effective as possible. Thus, having good hazard setters is great to force the opposing Pokemon to be as close as possible to be within range of Salamence's attacks. Excellent hazard setters to pair with it include Hisuian Samurott, Meowscarada, and Glimmora.

**Good Ice Resists resistances**: Pokemon that help to cover Salamence's crippling 4x weakness to Ice-type attacks are highly appreciated. Pokemon that fill this role nicely include Empoleon, Bronzong, and Heatran.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel-types**: As Steel-type Pokemon resist both of Salamence's STABs STAB types, a bulky Steel-type (ah) can be difficult for Salamence to break through on its own. Salamence does have coverage to hit them super effectively, but there are still some that are an annoyance even with the coverage to hit them. Pokemon like Jirachi, Bronzong, and Hisuian Goodra fit into this category.

**Strong priority move users**: While Salamence does have solid physical bulk, especially in combination with Intimidate, it can still be revenged revenge killed by strong priority moves. Ice Shard in particular is a massive problem for Salamence. It is often OHKO'd OHKOed by STAB Ice Shard without protection from a Yache Berry. While it does resist some priority moves like Mach Punch, Vacuum Wave, and Jet Punch, it can still struggle to live through survive attacks like Bullet Punch from Scizor and Sucker Punch from Kingambit (rp) if its health HP gets too low.

**Fast Choice Scarf / Booster Energy users**: Due to Salamence's middling Speed tier, it can be easily revenged revenge killed by Pokemon holding Speed-boosting (ah) items with strong, (ac) super (rh, as) effective coverage. Pokemon capable of revenging revenge killing Salamence at +1 Speed include Iron Bundle, Meowscarada, and Latios.

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