Hello there!
Not long ago, Joim had the fantastic idea to make use of Showdown!'s room feature and design something fun for the whole of Showdown! to take part in, separate from battling. The basic idea is you join into a special room devoted to the hunts, where a Room Owner will create and host a scavenger hunt. You then follow a series of hints by identifying what the hints are talking about, and the first person to "scavenge" all three answers is the winner! These games can be held at any time for casual purposes, but official games typically (for now) take place around 21-24 EST (this time still needs confirmation since the introduction of multiple Room Owners. 21-24 is an estimate, though it is entirely up to the EST Room Owners). If you're OCN, you're looking at 21-24 GMT+11.
How to play
You may type /scavengers or /join scavengers to join the room. When a scavenger hunt is active, you can join by using the command /joinhunt. To get your current hint, you can use /scavengerhint as many times as you want, although the first hint will always be declared for you and ensuing hints will be displayed to you once privately. When you think you know the solution to find the next "room", you may try it as many times as you want to answer using /scavenge [solution] (e.g /scavenge magikarp). The system automatically announces winners and people who finish. You may check your game status by typing /scavengerstatus.
The first three people to find out the third "room" will win the prizes of 25, 10, and 5 points respectively. People who win their first, second, and third position within 60 seconds of posting the first hint will get an additional 10 blitzkrieg points. People who manage to reach the final room before spoilers are posted will earn 1 point.
There will be a max of two games a day (EST, OCN).
Games can only be held by administrators or Room Owners. Official games will be lead by Level 51, The Captain, Darnell, Vacate and I.
There can be up to fourteen official games a week (two a day), though these hunts are not guaranteed. While the times of the hunts are more or less set in stone, whether or not a hunt takes place on a given day is up to the Room Owners to decide. There will be a christmas break (sorry). E: with the end of Christmas holidays, hunts will most likely be taking place at the will of whichever Room Owner is active and wishes to fill a timeslot.
Spoiling and spamming will lead to a PS ban and a Scavenger Hunt ban, the last one starting at a one week ban, next one being one month, and next permanent.
The Immortal: 1088 points
Psywaves: 865 points
Angels2002: 591 points
Wan the Avatar: 574 points
ashiemore: 432 points
Snaquaza: 352 points
Instant Apple Pie: 292 points
sirDonovan: 176 points
Sunako: 166 points
hoenn remake: 160 points
macrarazy: 145 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 135 points
Spheals: 126 points
TheMightyRaven: 118 points
Pandon: 116 points
Stinson: 102 points
Timbuktu: 99 points
Mega Eevee X: 97 points
Cyllage: 93 points
Meteordash: 91 points
asgdf: 89 points
Hollywood: 76 points
Not Canadian: 72 points
Spydreigon: 69 points
UU iz da Shizzle: 67 points
Sturdynips: 67 points
Drookez: 66 points
antto: 65 points
Darnell: 61 points
Level 51: 55 points
The Real Red: 55 points
pokemonvortex: 53 points
Dudeman130498: 50 points
EpicPikachu63: 50 points
AnonymouzLSB: 50 points
Cattail Prophet: 48 points
Acedia: 48 points
Regime: 48 points
Xylenn: 45 points
derozans: 42 points
Miikasa: 41 points
Aza: 41 points
Calloflochie: 40 points
FranchescoEnzo: 39 points
JustLetMePlay: 38 points
Alter: 37 points
Scarf Wynaut: 37 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 36 points
Catacomb: 36 points
If you notice a contradiction between the Ladder and Past games, do let me know. I double and triple check, but I'm only human.
Not long ago, Joim had the fantastic idea to make use of Showdown!'s room feature and design something fun for the whole of Showdown! to take part in, separate from battling. The basic idea is you join into a special room devoted to the hunts, where a Room Owner will create and host a scavenger hunt. You then follow a series of hints by identifying what the hints are talking about, and the first person to "scavenge" all three answers is the winner! These games can be held at any time for casual purposes, but official games typically (for now) take place around 21-24 EST (this time still needs confirmation since the introduction of multiple Room Owners. 21-24 is an estimate, though it is entirely up to the EST Room Owners). If you're OCN, you're looking at 21-24 GMT+11.
How to play
You may type /scavengers or /join scavengers to join the room. When a scavenger hunt is active, you can join by using the command /joinhunt. To get your current hint, you can use /scavengerhint as many times as you want, although the first hint will always be declared for you and ensuing hints will be displayed to you once privately. When you think you know the solution to find the next "room", you may try it as many times as you want to answer using /scavenge [solution] (e.g /scavenge magikarp). The system automatically announces winners and people who finish. You may check your game status by typing /scavengerstatus.
The first three people to find out the third "room" will win the prizes of 25, 10, and 5 points respectively. People who win their first, second, and third position within 60 seconds of posting the first hint will get an additional 10 blitzkrieg points. People who manage to reach the final room before spoilers are posted will earn 1 point.
There will be a max of two games a day (EST, OCN).
Games can only be held by administrators or Room Owners. Official games will be lead by Level 51, The Captain, Darnell, Vacate and I.
There can be up to fourteen official games a week (two a day), though these hunts are not guaranteed. While the times of the hunts are more or less set in stone, whether or not a hunt takes place on a given day is up to the Room Owners to decide. There will be a christmas break (sorry). E: with the end of Christmas holidays, hunts will most likely be taking place at the will of whichever Room Owner is active and wishes to fill a timeslot.
Spoiling and spamming will lead to a PS ban and a Scavenger Hunt ban, the last one starting at a one week ban, next one being one month, and next permanent.
The Immortal: 1088 points
Psywaves: 865 points
Angels2002: 591 points
Wan the Avatar: 574 points
ashiemore: 432 points
Snaquaza: 352 points
Instant Apple Pie: 292 points
sirDonovan: 176 points
Sunako: 166 points
hoenn remake: 160 points
macrarazy: 145 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 135 points
Spheals: 126 points
TheMightyRaven: 118 points
Pandon: 116 points
Stinson: 102 points
Timbuktu: 99 points
Mega Eevee X: 97 points
Cyllage: 93 points
Meteordash: 91 points
asgdf: 89 points
Hollywood: 76 points
Not Canadian: 72 points
Spydreigon: 69 points
UU iz da Shizzle: 67 points
Sturdynips: 67 points
Drookez: 66 points
antto: 65 points
Darnell: 61 points
Level 51: 55 points
The Real Red: 55 points
pokemonvortex: 53 points
Dudeman130498: 50 points
EpicPikachu63: 50 points
AnonymouzLSB: 50 points
Cattail Prophet: 48 points
Acedia: 48 points
Regime: 48 points
Xylenn: 45 points
derozans: 42 points
Miikasa: 41 points
Aza: 41 points
Calloflochie: 40 points
FranchescoEnzo: 39 points
JustLetMePlay: 38 points
Alter: 37 points
Scarf Wynaut: 37 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 36 points
Catacomb: 36 points
Aurora: 35 points
Shame that: 35 points
alyssathegreat: 35 points
clerk: 35 points
eriados: 35 points
mammitri: 35 points
le ou: le team: 35 points
LegitimateUsername: 35 points
Zodiax: 33 points
iloverandbats: 32 points
losedude: 30 points
SP458: 26 points
Archiac: 26 points
Ss1234: 26 points
xhiglocke: 26 points
GymLeaderThenin: 25 points
Mithril: 25 points
Aipom: 25 points
Rohep: 25 points
The Ozymandias: 25 points
ghetts: 25 points
Dragon Pulse: 25 points
asdj: 25 points
einstein00-1: 25 points
Dark Sage Green: 21 points
MukUsedDrillPeck: 21 points
YourBoss: 20 points
SilverChiko: 20 points
TheLusterLink: 20 points
RedzoneX: 20 points
yvelZEDD: 20 points
Kezza Bolt: 17 points
Bagon: 16 points
Coronis: 16 points
FriendSafari: 15 points
misstyy': 15 points
4R/a/g/i/o/n: 15 points
Shgeldz: 15 points
Adam Lambert: 11 points
SorryForYourLoss: 11 points
Politoed: 11 points
PsYkIk985: 11 points
FookMi: 11 points
Nickokster: 11 point
Arcticblast: 10 points
Chillarmy: 10 points
UnovaChampion N: 10 point
Empoleon XV: 10 points
Nani Man: 10 points
Trainer10913: 10 points
Gotta Troll Fast: 10 points
KhaosComplex: 10 points
Ubodot: 10 points
kentaroc: 10 points
Shrekle's Shekels: 10 points
Gargoyle31: 10 points
lazerbeam: 10 points
Cobalt the Master: 10 points
coldgenisis: 10 points
Dylas: 10 points
Cranham: 7 points
Champion Fizz ♫: 7 points
LordBlah: 7 points
Spieky: 7 points
Attack Order: 6 points
wontuns: 6 points
ajhockeystar: 6 points
Pikachuun: 5 points
BetaHousing: 5 points
CactusCacti: 5 points
scotteh: 5 points
Louly Bob: 5 points
watersitfall: 5 points
Chikorita Meister: 5 points
Christato: 5 points
Feskit: 5 points
Fumduck: 5 points
High Ranger Amelia: 5 points
Lum_Beri: 5 points
Moneyminty: 5 points
FIREEEE: 5 points
barton: 5 points
flappyduck: 5 points
PokeGyarados: 5 points
Propyixie: 5 points
Suisho: 5 points
The Captain: 5 points
Whskey: 5 points
flyingclement: 5 points
JerryDaBaws: 5 points
brainiac222: 5 points
Bean: 5 points
Hairy Toenail: 4 points
offler: 3 points
Saburo: 3 points
Magnetonium: 3 points
Main Janitor: 2 points
Rextreff: 2 points
slayerx725232: 2 points
specmence: 2 points
Alexxi: 1 point
BAN FLATTER: 1 point
Cannons: 1 point
Catchy: 1 point
Dazzles: 1 point
Deluge: 1 point
Dildora: 1 point
Dragio: 1 point
Energyburst2: 1 point
Frizy: 1 point
Genital Warts: 1 point
Jaffa Ball: 1 point
Kangaaroo: 1 point
Leafeon's Wish: 1 point
Quarkiki: 1 point
ShinyEsp: 1 point
Skitty: 1 point
SlugKing: 1 point
Sound of Freedom: 1 point
TalkTakesTime: 1 point
The Devil's Son: 1 point
TheSlimmyShady: 1 point
Vgc is so fun: 1 point
Zerowaltz: 1 point
don't lose: 1 point
ghana7: 1 point
jdarden: 1 point
jester147: 1 point
making us crazy: 1 point
omgnowayitsuu: 1 point
thegreatfollower5: 1 point
ThePokemonDeoxys: 1 point
16bit: 1 point
kennysmith: 1 point
Crestfall: 1 point
Oxbridge: 1 point
Invictus Coldburn: 1 point
hiimbored123: 1 point
TalonUsesBraveBird: 1 point
tylerk1432: 1 point
Majoera: 1 point
Swirlyder: 1 point
Salmon: 1 point
M Night Shyamalan: 1 point
Smurph: 1 point
LunarSol: 1 point
alexthechud: 1 point
Zipzapadam: 1 point
ShadowCogg: 1 point
Beastlycheeze: 1 point
Zaiden: 1 point
DevilDuke: 1 point
kevinrocks: 1 point
Maximanz: 1 point
Nick Young: 1 point
FirePhoenix24: 1 point
Raymon the Mailman: 1 point
Sylennt: 1 point
AmpharosTheBeast: 1 point
heypokemon: 1 point
Shame that: 35 points
alyssathegreat: 35 points
clerk: 35 points
eriados: 35 points
mammitri: 35 points
le ou: le team: 35 points
LegitimateUsername: 35 points
Zodiax: 33 points
iloverandbats: 32 points
losedude: 30 points
SP458: 26 points
Archiac: 26 points
Ss1234: 26 points
xhiglocke: 26 points
GymLeaderThenin: 25 points
Mithril: 25 points
Aipom: 25 points
Rohep: 25 points
The Ozymandias: 25 points
ghetts: 25 points
Dragon Pulse: 25 points
asdj: 25 points
einstein00-1: 25 points
Dark Sage Green: 21 points
MukUsedDrillPeck: 21 points
YourBoss: 20 points
SilverChiko: 20 points
TheLusterLink: 20 points
RedzoneX: 20 points
yvelZEDD: 20 points
Kezza Bolt: 17 points
Bagon: 16 points
Coronis: 16 points
FriendSafari: 15 points
misstyy': 15 points
4R/a/g/i/o/n: 15 points
Shgeldz: 15 points
Adam Lambert: 11 points
SorryForYourLoss: 11 points
Politoed: 11 points
PsYkIk985: 11 points
FookMi: 11 points
Nickokster: 11 point
Arcticblast: 10 points
Chillarmy: 10 points
UnovaChampion N: 10 point
Empoleon XV: 10 points
Nani Man: 10 points
Trainer10913: 10 points
Gotta Troll Fast: 10 points
KhaosComplex: 10 points
Ubodot: 10 points
kentaroc: 10 points
Shrekle's Shekels: 10 points
Gargoyle31: 10 points
lazerbeam: 10 points
Cobalt the Master: 10 points
coldgenisis: 10 points
Dylas: 10 points
Cranham: 7 points
Champion Fizz ♫: 7 points
LordBlah: 7 points
Spieky: 7 points
Attack Order: 6 points
wontuns: 6 points
ajhockeystar: 6 points
Pikachuun: 5 points
BetaHousing: 5 points
CactusCacti: 5 points
scotteh: 5 points
Louly Bob: 5 points
watersitfall: 5 points
Chikorita Meister: 5 points
Christato: 5 points
Feskit: 5 points
Fumduck: 5 points
High Ranger Amelia: 5 points
Lum_Beri: 5 points
Moneyminty: 5 points
FIREEEE: 5 points
barton: 5 points
flappyduck: 5 points
PokeGyarados: 5 points
Propyixie: 5 points
Suisho: 5 points
The Captain: 5 points
Whskey: 5 points
flyingclement: 5 points
JerryDaBaws: 5 points
brainiac222: 5 points
Bean: 5 points
Hairy Toenail: 4 points
offler: 3 points
Saburo: 3 points
Magnetonium: 3 points
Main Janitor: 2 points
Rextreff: 2 points
slayerx725232: 2 points
specmence: 2 points
Alexxi: 1 point
BAN FLATTER: 1 point
Cannons: 1 point
Catchy: 1 point
Dazzles: 1 point
Deluge: 1 point
Dildora: 1 point
Dragio: 1 point
Energyburst2: 1 point
Frizy: 1 point
Genital Warts: 1 point
Jaffa Ball: 1 point
Kangaaroo: 1 point
Leafeon's Wish: 1 point
Quarkiki: 1 point
ShinyEsp: 1 point
Skitty: 1 point
SlugKing: 1 point
Sound of Freedom: 1 point
TalkTakesTime: 1 point
The Devil's Son: 1 point
TheSlimmyShady: 1 point
Vgc is so fun: 1 point
Zerowaltz: 1 point
don't lose: 1 point
ghana7: 1 point
jdarden: 1 point
jester147: 1 point
making us crazy: 1 point
omgnowayitsuu: 1 point
thegreatfollower5: 1 point
ThePokemonDeoxys: 1 point
16bit: 1 point
kennysmith: 1 point
Crestfall: 1 point
Oxbridge: 1 point
Invictus Coldburn: 1 point
hiimbored123: 1 point
TalonUsesBraveBird: 1 point
tylerk1432: 1 point
Majoera: 1 point
Swirlyder: 1 point
Salmon: 1 point
M Night Shyamalan: 1 point
Smurph: 1 point
LunarSol: 1 point
alexthechud: 1 point
Zipzapadam: 1 point
ShadowCogg: 1 point
Beastlycheeze: 1 point
Zaiden: 1 point
DevilDuke: 1 point
kevinrocks: 1 point
Maximanz: 1 point
Nick Young: 1 point
FirePhoenix24: 1 point
Raymon the Mailman: 1 point
Sylennt: 1 point
AmpharosTheBeast: 1 point
heypokemon: 1 point
25th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: TheMightyRaven
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: Weebl, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: 3, psychoboost, 9
25th of July
Winner: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: Angels2002.
Third place: xhiglocke.
Consolation prize to: iloverandbats, Pandon.
Solution: route8, deckknight, mtcoronet.
24th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: xhiglocke.
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck.
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Magnetonium.
Solution: thatsright, thesuperherosecret, mechamew2.
24th of July
Winner: Psywaves.
Second place: Dylas.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: specmence, heypokemon.
Solution: lightball, memoric, meteorite.
23rd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Real Red.
Second place: sirDonovan.
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Fayaz_hopper, Wan the Avatar, ajhockeystar, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: julian, ovalcharm, tcg.
23rd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: TheMightyRaven.
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: Spheals 3.
Consolation prize to: ss1234, specmence, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: 18, boulognesurmer, platinum.
22nd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: TheMightyRaven
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: AmpharosTheBeast, Archiac, MukUsedDrillPeck, AgentCronos~
Solution: skateboard, pokemonpuzzleleague, absorbbulb
22nd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: AnonymouzLSB
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: ls, 9556, bite.
21st of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: TheMightyRaven
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: Regime, Wan the Avatar
Solution: magnemite, 7414873, Articuno
20th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: macrarazy.
Second place: Angels2002.
Third place: Cyllage.
Consolation prize to: Sylennt.
Solution: seismitoad, floette, vineonsbattlingretirementthread.
20th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Catacomb [BLITZ]
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Meteordash
Consolation Prize to: TheMightyRaven, Raymon the Mailman
Solution: N/A
19th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan The Avatar
Third Place: Spieky
Consolation Prize to: TheMightyRaven, Magnetonium, ImKoof, The Real Red, Spheals, Maxelus.
Solution: icicle crash, RBG, Vacate
19th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: iloverandbats.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: Xylenn.
Solution: celebivoiceoftheforest, exeggcute, yellowforest.
18th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: Cyllage
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven, Maximanz, M36Lucas, RhazhBash, Sunako, Meteordash, macrarazy
Solution: magnemite, gorocksquadbase, 45
17th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: GoodMorningEspeon.
Second place: LegitimateUsername.
Third place: ajhockeystar.
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven.
Solution: gogoat, 535, aerilate.
17th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: GoodMorningEspeon.
Second place: coldgenisis.
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: metalsonic, reflect, 2580.
16th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Ss1234.
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: teamsecretomega, theschoolofhardknocks, mekkah.
15th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: TheMightyRaven.
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, Meteordash.
Solution: pyroar, lol, porygon.
14th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: losedude.
Consolation prize to: Regime.
Solution: raindance, combee, gravity.
13th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Archiac
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Coronis
Consolation prize to: Xylenn
Solution: sapphire, atriplefightingchance, reflection
12th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second Place: macrarazy
Third Place: LordBlah
Consolation Prize to: No-one
Solution: 18, indigo plateau, zoroark
12th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: einstein00-1.
Second place: macrarazy.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Hollywood, FirePhoenix24.
Solution: acupressure, 6930, whistle.
11th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Sunako
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: The Immortal
Solution: holdback, hot, icirruscity
11th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: Coronis.
Third place: iloverandbats.
Consolation prize to: Nick Young.
Solution: 3000, zebraiken, 255.
10th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: asdj.
Second place: LegitimateUsername.
Third place: Xylenn.
Consolation prize to: Aza.
Solution: Tokyo City, Revive, Capture Styler
9th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Cobalt the Master
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: Sunako, Xylenn, Therazer456, luvoratorrrry, Zipzapadam, EpicPikachu63
Solution: casey, abra, oshawott
8th and 9th of July
Winner of Scavenger hunt: TheMightyRaven.
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: route8, axewcottoneedeerlingdrilburduosionminccinopetililpikachupurrloinreshiramsawsbuckscraggysolosisswannatepig, thescramblechallange.
8th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: chanseyporygon2, retaliaterocksmash, 412
7th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ].
Second place: Shgeldz.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, antto, slayerx725232, smelliott.
Solution: anoritharmaldoshuckle, cacophony, 0x09
6th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: Darnell [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Magnetonium, Aza, Spheals, Regime, TheMightyRaven, antto
Solution: torkoal, astara, shedinja
5th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: losedude.
Second place: Regime.
Third place: No-one
Conolation prize to: No-one
Solution: psywavessnaquazaspydreigon, ninetalespolitoed, basculinfrogadierluvdiscraticateswanna.
4th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: geodudegoldeenonixpidgeottostaryuzubat, rarecandytreatment, auraspheredrasna
2nd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: antto
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Maximanz
Solution: surskit, theshadowtriad, deerling
1st of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal. [BLITZ]
Second place: Drookez.
Third place: Sunako.
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: parfumpalace, diggersby, clefable
29th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: Sunako, PlasmaKirby
Solution: abitetoremember, crowncity, pupitar
28th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, antto
Solution: aragornbird, 3306, ascoldaspryce
25th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Third place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: macrarazy, Spheals
Solution: seadra, askaninjask, meteormash
24th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Zodiax
Second place: macrarazy
Third place: lazerbeam
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Sunako
Solution: bluefrog, ggfan, barcelonaspain
23rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: The Immortal
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: iceberg, theplayer, carbink
22nd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: macrarazy
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: flappy duck
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: poisonfang, pinkgoldpeach, v
21st of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: SorryForYourLoss
Third place: Psywaves
Consolation prize to: MeteorDash, Aza
Solution: daimonji, crinoids, magneton
19th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake
Second place: no one
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: psywave, biffbillbobbotchbuffybutcherchuckfootchhootchhutchmitchpatch, pachirisu
17th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: macrarazy.
Second place: ashiemore.
Third Place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: splendidocious, nosepassstaryu, ralph.
16th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves.
Second place: The Immortal.
Third place: Wan the Avatar.
Consolation prize to: macrarazy.
Solution: earth, honedge, achurningturmoilofchaos.
15th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Cyllage.
Second place: macrarazy.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Sunako.
Solution: blissey, zebstrika, powerherb.
14th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: mail, beautifly, ashandhisfriends.
13th of June
Winner: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: Rohep [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: iloverandbats, Wan the Avatar
Solution: jubilifecity, beauty, harmoknight
12th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: watersitfall
Consolation prize to: DevilDuke, The Immortal
Solution: magma, pokestarstudios, dugtrio
11th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: The Immortal
Third Place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: shedinja, porygonporygon2, geosengetown.
9th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: antto
Consolation prize to: Instant Apple Pie, SorryForYourLoss
Solution: shelley, grumpig, bmelts
9th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place: Sunako
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Agous, Cranham
Solution: slayer95, dragontype, kecleon
8th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: no one
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: bunnelby, chesnaught, mareep
7th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, FranchescoEnzo
Solution: steeledges, poison80, aerialace
6th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: antto
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Cranham
Consolation Prize: Not Canadian, Zaiden
Solution: mtsilver, 13, mjb
5th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: no one
Third place: no one
Solution: lightofruin, aterrifyingmonster, layudaisland
4th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: UnovaChampiO n.n
Third place: FIREEEE
Consolation prize to: antto, Cyllage
Solution: portazo, munna, undellatown
3rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: devoncorporation, johto, selfrevive
3rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake [BLITZ]
Second place: SilverChiko [BLITZ]
Third place: macrarazy
Consolation prize to: ShadowCogg, Beastlycheeze
Solution: Scizor, Pierce, Shellshocker
3rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second Place: macrarazy
Third Place: antto
Consolation prize to: Cranham
Solution: pokmonshipwreck, hawlucha, insidescoop.
2nd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: FranchescoEnzo
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: spacialrift, fiore, thefreshprinceofbelinternet
31st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [Blitz]
Second place: Instant Apple Pie
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: ashiemore, Zipzapadam
Solution: mew, burnet, holo
31st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza
Second place: macrarazy
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prize to: Instant Apple Pie, Spheals
Solution: scyther, willfaggotasslicker, birkal
30th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek [BLITZ]
Third place: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: sirDonovan, The Immortal
Solution: 35, mudsport, steeledges
30th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: le ou: le team [BLITZ]
Second place: TheLusterLink [BLITZ]
Third place: The Real Red [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: macrarazy, alexthechud
Solution: articuno, griseousorb, porygon
29th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Aza
Third place: ashiemore
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, Wan the Avatar
Solution: memento, tropius, sableye
29th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal[BLITZ]
Second place: FranchescoEnzo[BLITZ]
Third place: Scotteh
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: royalty, pansage, whimsicott
28th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sunako
Second place: Rohep
Third place: Champion Fizz
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: cinccino, johnny, pikachu
25th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: Instant Apple Pie
Consolation prize to: Sunako, Shgeldz
Solution: acedia, nosepass, ferrothorn
25th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sunako [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: Instant Apple Pie [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Smurph, Gargoyle31
Solution: braixen, bagon, armaldo
24th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Trainer10913
Third place: ashiemore
Consolation prize to: Catacomb, Cattail Prophet
Solution: qwilfish, calendar(calender), squirtle
23rd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Scarf Wynaut
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Sunako
Consolation prize to: Instant Apple Pie
Solution: waryfighter, pokeroulette, watmelberry
22nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake [BLITZ]
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: Aza
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, Champion Fizz ♫
Solution: 6, elecman, cometshard
22nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prize to: macrarazy, LunarSol
Solution: relicanth, dragonrage, nidorina
21st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Champion Fizz ♫, ajhockeystar
Solution: zorbees, bib, 12391
20th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Darnell
Second place: Shrekle's Shekels
Third place: pokemonvortex
Consolation prize to: M Night Shyamalan, Long Penis
Solution: splash, 60, slugma
19th of May [NO POINTS!]
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Shgeldz
Second place: Scotteh
Third place: Instant Apple Pie
Consolation prize to: Long Penis, ashiemore
Solution: weatherball, oblivia, skypeakstationpasses
18th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: flyingclement
Consolation prize to: Pandon, FranchescoEnzo
Solution: march, coolstorybrobat, hyperbeam
17th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Test2017
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: Notting H¡ll
Consolation prize to: Spheals, Derozans
Solution: lightscreen, snorlax, 4
16th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: Sunako
Third place: Acedia
Consolation prize to: 6 y/o loli, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: mantine, 39, 502
14th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake
Second place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Third place: ashiemore
Consolation prize to: wontuns, Swirlyder.
Solution: bloo, castform, mingot
14th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Blintz
Second place: DeRozans
Third place: Sunako
Consolation prize to: tylerk1432, Mjoera ^-^
Solution: pokemondreamradar, rbg, bittercold.
12th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Spydreigon
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: FullTwist, Cyllage
Solution: watchog, corocoro, james
11th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Third place: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Sunako, asgdf
Solution: prem, 4, psystrike
10th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Not Canadian
Second place: Nickokster
Third place: Cyllage
Consolation prize to: (W) Soldier Noobie, Acedia
Solution: glaceon, kecleon, souldew
9th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: magikarp, archeops, fennekin
9th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, Kezza Bolt
Solution: rapidash, pwnemon, c
8th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: Aza
Third place: slayerx725232
Consolation prize to: Saburo, Blintz
Solution: flying, tgmd, trinitrotoluene
7th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Timbuktu
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: UU iz da shizzle
Consolation prize to: Blintz, TalonUsesBraveBird
Solution: yellow, 94, bulbasaur
6th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Spheals
Second place: Blintz
Third place: lazerbeam
Consolation prize to: derozans, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: 1200, darkrai, 546
6th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: EpicPikachu63 / Aipom
Second place: Aza
Third place: FullTwist
Consolation prize to: FranchescoEnzo, Acedia
Solution: smart, doubleteamswift, elise
5th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: sirDonovan [BLITZ]
Second place: Meteordash [BLITZ]
Third place: Blintz
Consolation prize to: UU iz da shizzle, ashiemore
Solution: feebas, mayseggcellentadventure, cranidos
4th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: ★☆★FookMi?★☆★
Third place: Kezza Bolt
Consolation prize to: antto, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: magikarpsrevenge, oglemi, ice
4th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: YourBoss [BLITZ]
Third place: Drookez [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Darnell, The Immortal
Solution: february, todd, drwiseman
3rd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: pokemonvortex
Second place: Meteordash
Third place: The Real Red
Consolation prize to: Spieky, Cyllage
Solution: lidermaximo, alter, mrgold
3rd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sunako
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: Aza, hiimbored123
Solution: sinnoh, metalcoat, xtransceiver
2nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: Cyllage [BLITZ]
Third place: Not Canadian
Consolation prize to: Kezza Bolt, blintz
Solution: electric, cacophony, 178956971
2nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Meteordash
Second place: LegitimateUsername
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Fookalicious, Saburo
Solution: sandattack, firefang, pkgaming
1st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Aza
Consolation prize to: Saburo, macrarazy
Solution: iceclimbers, tf2, gorgeousroyal
29th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Cyllage
Second place: Blintz
Third place: wontuns
Consolation prize to: Spheals, Hairy Toenail
Solution: fashionadvisor, 23, firepledge.
29th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Darnell
Consolation prize to: Bagon, FullTwist
Solution: setsuna, magmar, latios
28th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Blintz
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: FullTwist, Saburo
Solution: photoboard, 5, mikedecishere
27th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: (Ì) Shgeldz, The Immortal
Solution: retromail, officerjenny, kabukidance
26th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Spheals
Third place: Drookez
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, FranchescoEnzo
Solution: kalospokemonleague, antar, fennekin
25th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: barton
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, antto
Solution: dedenne, gravity, talktakestime
24th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Nani Man
Third place: JerryDaBaws
Consolation prize to: Oxbridge, Invictus ColdBurn
Solution: Zapdos, Vile Seed, Cool
22nd of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: asgdf [BLITZ]
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Attack Order
Consolation prize to: Bean, Crestfall
Solution: darnell, skylight, 6934
21st of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Empoleon XV
Third place: Loulybob
Consolation prize to: Spieky, kennysmith
Solution: stantler, firespin, naturalgift
20th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prize to: Cometstorm, Aza
Solution: unsouvenirinoubliable, tennisace, darkrai
19th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: UU iz da Shizzle [BLITZ]
Second place: Spheals
Third place: Aza
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Psywaves
Solution: 2, hylian, 8
18th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: Cometstorm
Third place: Kezzà Bolt
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, The Immortal
Solution: gulpin, smog, thesuggestionbox
17th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: Kezzà Bolt
Consolation prize to: 16bit, Cattail Prophet
Solution: swordsdance, growl, pryce
16th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Agous [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prize to: (W) Soldier Noobie, Attack Order
Solution: purugly, victoryroad, spikeshell
15th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Cattail Prophet [BLITZ]
Second place: asgdf
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prize to: Mega Eevee X, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: yellow, amargasaurus, tough
14th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Meteordash
Second place: The Real Red
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Aza
Solution: mingot, snowball, f00
13th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Dragon Pulse
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Realwoodo, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: earth, kinesis, 21
12th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Darnell
Third place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prize to: The Immortal, Bean
Solution: 1983, verbatim, frizy
7th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: Not Canadian
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: tobes, scizor, pokestarstudios
6th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Pandonphan
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, Drookez
Solution: volcano, murph, celestictown
5th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Spydreigon
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Bean
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, ThePokemonDeoxys
Solution: redew, buck, dugtrio
4th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan [BLITZ]
Third place: Pikachuun
Consolation prize to: Darnell, Hairy Toenail
Solution: pocket, pink, 12
3rd of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Angels
Third place: Cometstorm
Consolation prize to: Spheals
Solution: legitimateusername, dragonbean, treasure
30th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Shane Grace
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, Psywaves
Solution: delko, cameronpalace, 9
29th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Not Canadian [BLITZ]
Second place: Timbuktu [BLITZ]
Third place: Realwoodo [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: The Immortal, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: 180, helpinghand, 11
28th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prizes to: Spydreigon, HeracrossTheGreek
Solution: mismagius, zracknel, ewan
28th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan The Avatar [BLITZ]
Third Place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: making us crazy, Sturdynips
Solution: psystrike, 5, pokeathlondome
27th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place:
Third place: Kezza Bolt [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Not Canadian, Psywaves
Solution: miltank, matblock, pechaberry
26th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Timbuktu [BLITZ]
Third place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Psywaves, The Immortal
Solution: beldum, hershel, 1996
25th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Third place: Realwoodo
Consolation prize to: Zerowaltz, Pandonphan
Solution: seaslug, trapinch, zoroark
24th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: Kezza Bolt
Third place: Angels2002
Consolation prize to: Darnell, Bean
Solution: saganabyss, rayquaza, sharpedo
23rd of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Angels2002
Third place: Snaquaza
Consolation prize to: Cannons, Alexxi
Solution: dialga, brycen, dougjustdoug
22nd of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Mega Eevee X [BLITZ]
Second place: Pandonphan
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: Dildora, BAN FLATTER
Solution: ambipom, skullfossil, wardenslowpoke
22nd of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Spheals
Third place: Angels2002
Consolation prize to: Realwoodo, Shane Grace
Solution: seedot, gloom, machida
21st of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Nani Man
Consolation prize to: Darnell, thegreatfollower5
Solution: eggemergency, magneton, kecleon
21st of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Pandonphan [BLITZ]
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek
Third place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prize to: SP458, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: skuntank, bronzor, mountfuji
20th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: Shane Grace
Consolation prize to: Darnell, Stinson
Solution: moltres, edward, jas61292
18th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: Cometstorm [BLITZ]
Third place: tigerton [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: offler, Labyrinthine
Solution: tree, bagworm, japanese
17th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: asgdf
Consolation prize to: Bean, Politoed
Solution: dracometeor, dubai, plasmablast
16th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: sirDonovan [BLITZ]
Second place: Politoed
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: TalkTakesTime, Timbuktu
Solution: cryogonal, ingo, oglemi
15th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Mega Eevee X
Second place: Instant Apple Pie
Third place: Driflooning
Consolation prizes to: asgdf, Wan the Avatar
Solution: scizor, hugendugen, perfume
14th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: BetaHousing
Consolation prizes to: Mega Eevee X, offler
Solution: chingling, arcticblast, jarkkooikarinen
13th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Instant Apple Pie
Third place: Feskit
Consolation prizes to: offler, Darnell
Solution: anabel, orenberry, 27
12th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Driflooning
Second place: Stinson
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prizes to: Kezza Bolt, Hairy Toenail
Solution: orangeislands, frozen, cacnea
12th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: mammitri [BLITZ]
Second place: ✿DarkSageGreen✿ [BLITZ]
Third place: asgdf
Consolation prizes to: Gensokyo, ➹Dazzles+
Solution: imperials, zero, ursula
11th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: EpicPikachu63
Second place: Stinson
Third place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prizes to: slayerx725232, Energyburst2
Solution: studeeoh, antar, venomoth
11th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sturdynips
Second place: kentaroc
Third place: Christato
Consolation prizes to:
Solution: spy, d, er
10th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Mega Eevee X [BLITZ]
Second place: Driflooning [BLITZ]
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prizes to: SlugKing, TheSlimmyShady
Solution: pokemondash, ilexforest, erma
9th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: pokemonvortex
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: Lum_Beri
Consolation prizes to: Instant Apple Pie, Pandonphan
Solution: surf, surskit, tearsofprinces
9th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Ubodot
Third place: ★Wh➶skey★
Consolation prizes to: Kangaaroo, slayerx725232
Solution: chespin, flannery, 5
8th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prizes to: omgnowayitsuu, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: auroraticket, emerald, lumiosecity
8th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Pandonphan [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Third place: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Timbuktu, Scarf Wynaut
Solution: kurt, silphscope, dynamicpunch
28th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: alyssathegreat [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: Dudeman130498 [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Cometstorm, Labyrinthine
Solution: diglett, 165, 3000
27th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: PokeGyarados
Consolation prizes to: ShinyEsp, Jaffa Ball
Solution: july, blaziken, barrier
25th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Driflooning [BLITZ]
Third place: Stinson [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: jdarden, Pandonphan
Solution: flying, buck, bouffalant
24th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Stinson
Third place: Moneyminty
Consolation prizes to: Nickokster, don't lose
Solution: almia, noivern, mountelbrus
23rd of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: UU iz da Shizzle
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prizes to: Snaquaza, asgdf
Solution: bivalve, glaciate, aceemerald
22nd of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prizes to: pokemonvortex, Main Janitor
Solution: charizard, sandattack, aggron
21st of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Stinson
Second place: Gensokyo
Third place: Acedia
Consolation prizes to: Sturdynips, Catchy
Solution: pikachusvacation, luminoussprings, icebeam
20th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Driflooning
Second place: Lum_Beri
Third place: Snaquaza
Consolation prize to: Spheals, jester147
Solution: psyduck, jamesturner, 40
20th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: Gotta Troll Fast
Third place: Cometstorm
Consolation prizes to: LordBlah, Rextreff
Solution: rotomheat, jessiemisty, primeape
19th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Scarf Wynaut
Third place: ♥Alexxi
Consolation prizes to: Main Janitor, UU iz da Shizzle
Solution: scyther, jigglypufflucariopikachu, hoothoot
19th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels 2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan The Avatar
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prizes to: Cometstorm, Lordblah
Solution: bug, yanma, pikachu
18th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels 2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: R/a/g/i/o/n [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Dark Sage Green, Timbuktu
Solution: malamar, 107, lillipup
18th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Driflooning [BLITZ]
Second place: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Third place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Cometstorm, ghana7
Solution: cresselia, aldaron, tobybro
17th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: clerk [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: FriendSafari [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Rextreff, Scarf Wynaut
Solution: elekid, charon, rhyhorn
17th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: parahaxmore
Consolation prizes to: Wan the Avatar, Timbuktu
Solution: iago, pallas, bandersnatch
16th of February
First place: Aurora [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002
Third place: Cometstorm
Consolation prize(s) to: Nani Man, The Devil's Son
Solution: roseliberry, snorlax, cromat
15th of February
First place: Drookez [BLITZ]
Second place: Sturdynips
Third place: LegitimateUsername
Consolation prize(s) to: Angels2002, Kangaaroo
Solution: canada, corphish, wikipedia
9th of February
First place: parahaxmore [BLITZ]
Second place: Shane Grace
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize(s) to: Stinson, Snaquaza
Solution: teddiursa, v4victini, 37
8th of February
First place: Dudeman130498 [BLITZ]
Second place: Stinson [BLITZ]
Third place: UU iz da Shizzle [BLITZ]
Consolation prize(s) to: Deluge, Skitty
Solution: darach, fiore, unova
1st of February
First place: GymLeaderThenin
Second place: Alakazazm
Third place: Propyixie
Consolation prize(s) to: Stinson, Zekromney Style
Solution: enguarde, russia, 6
30th of January
First place: ghetts
Second place: Adam Lambert
Third place: Stinson
Consolation prize(s) to:
Leafeon's Wish
, Dragio
Solution: november, valerie, tropius
29th of January
First place: Alakazazm [BLITZ]
Second place: Zekromney Style
Third place: Suisho
Consolation prize(s) to: Hairy Toenail, Alexxi
Solution: layell, chimchar, 85
24th of December
First place: The Immortal
Second place: Gensokyo
Third place: Stinson
Consolation prize(s) to: Acedia, Adam Lambert
Solution: manectric, palmer, surskit
23rd of December
First place: Calloflochie [BLITZ]
Second place: slayerx725232
Third place: Chikorita Meister
Consolation prize(s) to: Quarkiki, PokeGyarados
Solution: mareep, illumise, electrode
20th of December
First place: SP458
Second place: JustLetMePlay
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize(s) to: Sound of Freedom, Vgc is so fun
Solution: monaco, 99, overheat
Host: Shame That
13th of December
~Double points~
First place: Angels2002
Second place: yvelZEDD
Third place: Acedia
Consolation prize(s) to: JustLetMePlay
Solution: kalospowerplant, 96, 310
Host: Level 51
10th of December 2013
First place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Sturdynips [BLITZ]
Third place: PokeGyarados [BLITZ]
Solution: playrough, neilpatrickharris, defense
Host: Flame Emblem
9th of December 2013
First place: Angels2002
Second place: PsYkIk985
Third place: Calloflochie
Consolation prize to: JustLetMePlay
Solution: macduff, eye, rincewind
Host: Shame That
9th of December 2013
First place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place: RedzoneX [BLITZ]
Third place: Spheals [BLITZ]
Solution: distributeddenialofservice, orsonscottcard, protean
Host: Flame Emblem
8th of December 2013
First place: Level 51 [BLITZ]
Second place: Gensokyo [BLITZ]
Third place: PokeGyarados
Consolation prize to: Genital Warts
Solution: luminousmoss, sidney, dousedrive
Host: Shame That
7th of December 2013
First place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Leonardo DiCaprio
Third place: Fumduck
Consolation prize to: Spheals
Solution: hippowdon, rue, 2
Host: Flame Emblem
7th of December 2013
First place: The Ozymandias
Second place: Treecko
Third place: PokeGyarados
Consolation prize to: PsYkIk985
Solution: fairy, lumiosegalette, sceptile
Host: The Captain
6th of December 2013
First place: asgdf
Second place: Labyrinthine
Third place: Snaquaza
Solution: thirteen, mario, fiddle
Host: Flame Emblem
6th of December 2013
First place: Labyrinthine
Second place: Sturdynips
Solution: fire, swirlix, oddish
Host: Treecko
5th of December 2013
First place: eriados [BLITZ]
Second place: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Third place: misstyy' [BLITZ]
Consolation prize(s) to: asgdf
Solution: trickroom, zigzagoon, tournaments
Host: Flame Emblem
5th December 2013
-Second game-
First place: JustLetMePlay
Second place: Shame That
Third place: Treecko
Solution: shaymin, klefki, chasm
Host: Joim
-First game-
First place: Acedia
Second place: KhaosComplex
Third place: High Ranger Amelia
Solution: wont, treecko, rapture
Host: Joim
4th December 2013
First place: Treecko [BLITZ]
Second place: Level 51 [BLITZ]
Third place: asgdf
Consolation prize(s) to: Coronis, Frizy
Solution: stunfisk, smogonpremierleague, quandary
Host: Joim
3rd December 2013
First place: Mithril
Second place: Arcticblast
Third place: brainiac222
Solution: sneasel, sylveon, zweilous
Host: Joim
29th November 2013
First place: Treecko
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: CactusCacti
Solution: garyoak, MEWTWO, bucolic
Host: Joim
28th November 2013
First place: Shame That
Second place: Chillarmy
Third place: The Captain
Solution: mikel, doge, seasoning's greetings
Host: Joim
27th November 2013
No winners.
Solution: delibird, RBY, ErupTran
Host: Joim
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: TheMightyRaven
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: Weebl, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: 3, psychoboost, 9
25th of July
Winner: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: Angels2002.
Third place: xhiglocke.
Consolation prize to: iloverandbats, Pandon.
Solution: route8, deckknight, mtcoronet.
24th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: xhiglocke.
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck.
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Magnetonium.
Solution: thatsright, thesuperherosecret, mechamew2.
24th of July
Winner: Psywaves.
Second place: Dylas.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: specmence, heypokemon.
Solution: lightball, memoric, meteorite.
23rd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Real Red.
Second place: sirDonovan.
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Fayaz_hopper, Wan the Avatar, ajhockeystar, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: julian, ovalcharm, tcg.
23rd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: TheMightyRaven.
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: Spheals 3.
Consolation prize to: ss1234, specmence, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: 18, boulognesurmer, platinum.
22nd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: TheMightyRaven
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: AmpharosTheBeast, Archiac, MukUsedDrillPeck, AgentCronos~
Solution: skateboard, pokemonpuzzleleague, absorbbulb
22nd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: AnonymouzLSB
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: ls, 9556, bite.
21st of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: TheMightyRaven
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: Regime, Wan the Avatar
Solution: magnemite, 7414873, Articuno
20th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: macrarazy.
Second place: Angels2002.
Third place: Cyllage.
Consolation prize to: Sylennt.
Solution: seismitoad, floette, vineonsbattlingretirementthread.
20th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Catacomb [BLITZ]
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Meteordash
Consolation Prize to: TheMightyRaven, Raymon the Mailman
Solution: N/A
19th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan The Avatar
Third Place: Spieky
Consolation Prize to: TheMightyRaven, Magnetonium, ImKoof, The Real Red, Spheals, Maxelus.
Solution: icicle crash, RBG, Vacate
19th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: iloverandbats.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: Xylenn.
Solution: celebivoiceoftheforest, exeggcute, yellowforest.
18th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: Cyllage
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven, Maximanz, M36Lucas, RhazhBash, Sunako, Meteordash, macrarazy
Solution: magnemite, gorocksquadbase, 45
17th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: GoodMorningEspeon.
Second place: LegitimateUsername.
Third place: ajhockeystar.
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven.
Solution: gogoat, 535, aerilate.
17th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: GoodMorningEspeon.
Second place: coldgenisis.
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: metalsonic, reflect, 2580.
16th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Ss1234.
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: teamsecretomega, theschoolofhardknocks, mekkah.
15th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: TheMightyRaven.
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, Meteordash.
Solution: pyroar, lol, porygon.
14th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: losedude.
Consolation prize to: Regime.
Solution: raindance, combee, gravity.
13th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Archiac
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Coronis
Consolation prize to: Xylenn
Solution: sapphire, atriplefightingchance, reflection
12th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second Place: macrarazy
Third Place: LordBlah
Consolation Prize to: No-one
Solution: 18, indigo plateau, zoroark
12th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: einstein00-1.
Second place: macrarazy.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Hollywood, FirePhoenix24.
Solution: acupressure, 6930, whistle.
11th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Sunako
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: The Immortal
Solution: holdback, hot, icirruscity
11th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar.
Second place: Coronis.
Third place: iloverandbats.
Consolation prize to: Nick Young.
Solution: 3000, zebraiken, 255.
10th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: asdj.
Second place: LegitimateUsername.
Third place: Xylenn.
Consolation prize to: Aza.
Solution: Tokyo City, Revive, Capture Styler
9th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Cobalt the Master
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: Sunako, Xylenn, Therazer456, luvoratorrrry, Zipzapadam, EpicPikachu63
Solution: casey, abra, oshawott
8th and 9th of July
Winner of Scavenger hunt: TheMightyRaven.
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: route8, axewcottoneedeerlingdrilburduosionminccinopetililpikachupurrloinreshiramsawsbuckscraggysolosisswannatepig, thescramblechallange.
8th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: chanseyporygon2, retaliaterocksmash, 412
7th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ].
Second place: Shgeldz.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, antto, slayerx725232, smelliott.
Solution: anoritharmaldoshuckle, cacophony, 0x09
6th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: Darnell [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Magnetonium, Aza, Spheals, Regime, TheMightyRaven, antto
Solution: torkoal, astara, shedinja
5th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: losedude.
Second place: Regime.
Third place: No-one
Conolation prize to: No-one
Solution: psywavessnaquazaspydreigon, ninetalespolitoed, basculinfrogadierluvdiscraticateswanna.
4th of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: No-one
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: geodudegoldeenonixpidgeottostaryuzubat, rarecandytreatment, auraspheredrasna
2nd of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: antto
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Maximanz
Solution: surskit, theshadowtriad, deerling
1st of July
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal. [BLITZ]
Second place: Drookez.
Third place: Sunako.
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: parfumpalace, diggersby, clefable
29th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: Sunako, PlasmaKirby
Solution: abitetoremember, crowncity, pupitar
28th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, antto
Solution: aragornbird, 3306, ascoldaspryce
25th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Third place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: macrarazy, Spheals
Solution: seadra, askaninjask, meteormash
24th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Zodiax
Second place: macrarazy
Third place: lazerbeam
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Sunako
Solution: bluefrog, ggfan, barcelonaspain
23rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: The Immortal
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: iceberg, theplayer, carbink
22nd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: macrarazy
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: flappy duck
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: poisonfang, pinkgoldpeach, v
21st of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: SorryForYourLoss
Third place: Psywaves
Consolation prize to: MeteorDash, Aza
Solution: daimonji, crinoids, magneton
19th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake
Second place: no one
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: psywave, biffbillbobbotchbuffybutcherchuckfootchhootchhutchmitchpatch, pachirisu
17th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: macrarazy.
Second place: ashiemore.
Third Place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: splendidocious, nosepassstaryu, ralph.
16th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves.
Second place: The Immortal.
Third place: Wan the Avatar.
Consolation prize to: macrarazy.
Solution: earth, honedge, achurningturmoilofchaos.
15th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Cyllage.
Second place: macrarazy.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Sunako.
Solution: blissey, zebstrika, powerherb.
14th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: mail, beautifly, ashandhisfriends.
13th of June
Winner: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: Rohep [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: iloverandbats, Wan the Avatar
Solution: jubilifecity, beauty, harmoknight
12th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: Cattail Prophet
Third place: watersitfall
Consolation prize to: DevilDuke, The Immortal
Solution: magma, pokestarstudios, dugtrio
11th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: The Immortal
Third Place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: shedinja, porygonporygon2, geosengetown.
9th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: antto
Consolation prize to: Instant Apple Pie, SorryForYourLoss
Solution: shelley, grumpig, bmelts
9th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place: Sunako
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Agous, Cranham
Solution: slayer95, dragontype, kecleon
8th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: no one
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: bunnelby, chesnaught, mareep
7th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Instant Apple Pie
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, FranchescoEnzo
Solution: steeledges, poison80, aerialace
6th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: antto
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Cranham
Consolation Prize: Not Canadian, Zaiden
Solution: mtsilver, 13, mjb
5th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: no one
Third place: no one
Solution: lightofruin, aterrifyingmonster, layudaisland
4th of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: UnovaChampiO n.n
Third place: FIREEEE
Consolation prize to: antto, Cyllage
Solution: portazo, munna, undellatown
3rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: no one
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: devoncorporation, johto, selfrevive
3rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake [BLITZ]
Second place: SilverChiko [BLITZ]
Third place: macrarazy
Consolation prize to: ShadowCogg, Beastlycheeze
Solution: Scizor, Pierce, Shellshocker
3rd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second Place: macrarazy
Third Place: antto
Consolation prize to: Cranham
Solution: pokmonshipwreck, hawlucha, insidescoop.
2nd of June
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: FranchescoEnzo
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: spacialrift, fiore, thefreshprinceofbelinternet
31st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [Blitz]
Second place: Instant Apple Pie
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: ashiemore, Zipzapadam
Solution: mew, burnet, holo
31st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza
Second place: macrarazy
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prize to: Instant Apple Pie, Spheals
Solution: scyther, willfaggotasslicker, birkal
30th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek [BLITZ]
Third place: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: sirDonovan, The Immortal
Solution: 35, mudsport, steeledges
30th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: le ou: le team [BLITZ]
Second place: TheLusterLink [BLITZ]
Third place: The Real Red [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: macrarazy, alexthechud
Solution: articuno, griseousorb, porygon
29th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Aza
Third place: ashiemore
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, Wan the Avatar
Solution: memento, tropius, sableye
29th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal[BLITZ]
Second place: FranchescoEnzo[BLITZ]
Third place: Scotteh
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: royalty, pansage, whimsicott
28th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sunako
Second place: Rohep
Third place: Champion Fizz
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: cinccino, johnny, pikachu
25th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: Instant Apple Pie
Consolation prize to: Sunako, Shgeldz
Solution: acedia, nosepass, ferrothorn
25th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sunako [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: Instant Apple Pie [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Smurph, Gargoyle31
Solution: braixen, bagon, armaldo
24th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Trainer10913
Third place: ashiemore
Consolation prize to: Catacomb, Cattail Prophet
Solution: qwilfish, calendar(calender), squirtle
23rd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Scarf Wynaut
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Sunako
Consolation prize to: Instant Apple Pie
Solution: waryfighter, pokeroulette, watmelberry
22nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake [BLITZ]
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: Aza
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, Champion Fizz ♫
Solution: 6, elecman, cometshard
22nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place: W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prize to: macrarazy, LunarSol
Solution: relicanth, dragonrage, nidorina
21st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Champion Fizz ♫, ajhockeystar
Solution: zorbees, bib, 12391
20th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Darnell
Second place: Shrekle's Shekels
Third place: pokemonvortex
Consolation prize to: M Night Shyamalan, Long Penis
Solution: splash, 60, slugma
19th of May [NO POINTS!]
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Shgeldz
Second place: Scotteh
Third place: Instant Apple Pie
Consolation prize to: Long Penis, ashiemore
Solution: weatherball, oblivia, skypeakstationpasses
18th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: flyingclement
Consolation prize to: Pandon, FranchescoEnzo
Solution: march, coolstorybrobat, hyperbeam
17th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Test2017
Second place: ashiemore
Third place: Notting H¡ll
Consolation prize to: Spheals, Derozans
Solution: lightscreen, snorlax, 4
16th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: Sunako
Third place: Acedia
Consolation prize to: 6 y/o loli, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: mantine, 39, 502
14th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: hoenn remake
Second place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Third place: ashiemore
Consolation prize to: wontuns, Swirlyder.
Solution: bloo, castform, mingot
14th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Blintz
Second place: DeRozans
Third place: Sunako
Consolation prize to: tylerk1432, Mjoera ^-^
Solution: pokemondreamradar, rbg, bittercold.
12th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Spydreigon
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: FullTwist, Cyllage
Solution: watchog, corocoro, james
11th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Third place: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Sunako, asgdf
Solution: prem, 4, psystrike
10th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Not Canadian
Second place: Nickokster
Third place: Cyllage
Consolation prize to: (W) Soldier Noobie, Acedia
Solution: glaceon, kecleon, souldew
9th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: Gargoyle31
Third place: No-one
Consolation prize to: No-one
Solution: magikarp, archeops, fennekin
9th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, Kezza Bolt
Solution: rapidash, pwnemon, c
8th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: Aza
Third place: slayerx725232
Consolation prize to: Saburo, Blintz
Solution: flying, tgmd, trinitrotoluene
7th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Timbuktu
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: UU iz da shizzle
Consolation prize to: Blintz, TalonUsesBraveBird
Solution: yellow, 94, bulbasaur
6th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Spheals
Second place: Blintz
Third place: lazerbeam
Consolation prize to: derozans, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: 1200, darkrai, 546
6th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: EpicPikachu63 / Aipom
Second place: Aza
Third place: FullTwist
Consolation prize to: FranchescoEnzo, Acedia
Solution: smart, doubleteamswift, elise
5th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: sirDonovan [BLITZ]
Second place: Meteordash [BLITZ]
Third place: Blintz
Consolation prize to: UU iz da shizzle, ashiemore
Solution: feebas, mayseggcellentadventure, cranidos
4th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: ★☆★FookMi?★☆★
Third place: Kezza Bolt
Consolation prize to: antto, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: magikarpsrevenge, oglemi, ice
4th of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: YourBoss [BLITZ]
Third place: Drookez [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Darnell, The Immortal
Solution: february, todd, drwiseman
3rd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: pokemonvortex
Second place: Meteordash
Third place: The Real Red
Consolation prize to: Spieky, Cyllage
Solution: lidermaximo, alter, mrgold
3rd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sunako
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek
Consolation prize to: Aza, hiimbored123
Solution: sinnoh, metalcoat, xtransceiver
2nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second place: Cyllage [BLITZ]
Third place: Not Canadian
Consolation prize to: Kezza Bolt, blintz
Solution: electric, cacophony, 178956971
2nd of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Meteordash
Second place: LegitimateUsername
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Fookalicious, Saburo
Solution: sandattack, firefang, pkgaming
1st of May
Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Aza
Consolation prize to: Saburo, macrarazy
Solution: iceclimbers, tf2, gorgeousroyal
29th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Cyllage
Second place: Blintz
Third place: wontuns
Consolation prize to: Spheals, Hairy Toenail
Solution: fashionadvisor, 23, firepledge.
29th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Darnell
Consolation prize to: Bagon, FullTwist
Solution: setsuna, magmar, latios
28th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Blintz
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: FullTwist, Saburo
Solution: photoboard, 5, mikedecishere
27th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: hoenn remake
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: (Ì) Shgeldz, The Immortal
Solution: retromail, officerjenny, kabukidance
26th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Spheals
Third place: Drookez
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, FranchescoEnzo
Solution: kalospokemonleague, antar, fennekin
25th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: barton
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, antto
Solution: dedenne, gravity, talktakestime
24th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Nani Man
Third place: JerryDaBaws
Consolation prize to: Oxbridge, Invictus ColdBurn
Solution: Zapdos, Vile Seed, Cool
22nd of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: asgdf [BLITZ]
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Attack Order
Consolation prize to: Bean, Crestfall
Solution: darnell, skylight, 6934
21st of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Empoleon XV
Third place: Loulybob
Consolation prize to: Spieky, kennysmith
Solution: stantler, firespin, naturalgift
20th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prize to: Cometstorm, Aza
Solution: unsouvenirinoubliable, tennisace, darkrai
19th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: UU iz da Shizzle [BLITZ]
Second place: Spheals
Third place: Aza
Consolation prize to: Cattail Prophet, Psywaves
Solution: 2, hylian, 8
18th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: Cometstorm
Third place: Kezzà Bolt
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, The Immortal
Solution: gulpin, smog, thesuggestionbox
17th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: Kezzà Bolt
Consolation prize to: 16bit, Cattail Prophet
Solution: swordsdance, growl, pryce
16th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Agous [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prize to: (W) Soldier Noobie, Attack Order
Solution: purugly, victoryroad, spikeshell
15th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Cattail Prophet [BLITZ]
Second place: asgdf
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prize to: Mega Eevee X, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: yellow, amargasaurus, tough
14th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Meteordash
Second place: The Real Red
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Aza
Solution: mingot, snowball, f00
13th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Dragon Pulse
Second place: Psywaves
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Realwoodo, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: earth, kinesis, 21
12th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Darnell
Third place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prize to: The Immortal, Bean
Solution: 1983, verbatim, frizy
7th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: Not Canadian
Consolation prize to: no one
Solution: tobes, scizor, pokestarstudios
6th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves
Second place: Pandonphan
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, Drookez
Solution: volcano, murph, celestictown
5th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Spydreigon
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Bean
Consolation prize to: Meteordash, ThePokemonDeoxys
Solution: redew, buck, dugtrio
4th of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan [BLITZ]
Third place: Pikachuun
Consolation prize to: Darnell, Hairy Toenail
Solution: pocket, pink, 12
3rd of April
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Angels
Third place: Cometstorm
Consolation prize to: Spheals
Solution: legitimateusername, dragonbean, treasure
30th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Shane Grace
Consolation prize to: Spydreigon, Psywaves
Solution: delko, cameronpalace, 9
29th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Not Canadian [BLITZ]
Second place: Timbuktu [BLITZ]
Third place: Realwoodo [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: The Immortal, (W) Soldier Noobie
Solution: 180, helpinghand, 11
28th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prizes to: Spydreigon, HeracrossTheGreek
Solution: mismagius, zracknel, ewan
28th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan The Avatar [BLITZ]
Third Place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: making us crazy, Sturdynips
Solution: psystrike, 5, pokeathlondome
27th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place:
Third place: Kezza Bolt [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Not Canadian, Psywaves
Solution: miltank, matblock, pechaberry
26th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Timbuktu [BLITZ]
Third place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: Psywaves, The Immortal
Solution: beldum, hershel, 1996
25th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Third place: Realwoodo
Consolation prize to: Zerowaltz, Pandonphan
Solution: seaslug, trapinch, zoroark
24th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: Kezza Bolt
Third place: Angels2002
Consolation prize to: Darnell, Bean
Solution: saganabyss, rayquaza, sharpedo
23rd of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Angels2002
Third place: Snaquaza
Consolation prize to: Cannons, Alexxi
Solution: dialga, brycen, dougjustdoug
22nd of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Mega Eevee X [BLITZ]
Second place: Pandonphan
Third place: AnonymouzLSB
Consolation prize to: Dildora, BAN FLATTER
Solution: ambipom, skullfossil, wardenslowpoke
22nd of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Spheals
Third place: Angels2002
Consolation prize to: Realwoodo, Shane Grace
Solution: seedot, gloom, machida
21st of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Nani Man
Consolation prize to: Darnell, thegreatfollower5
Solution: eggemergency, magneton, kecleon
21st of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Pandonphan [BLITZ]
Second place: HeracrossTheGreek
Third place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prize to: SP458, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: skuntank, bronzor, mountfuji
20th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Second place: sirDonovan
Third place: Shane Grace
Consolation prize to: Darnell, Stinson
Solution: moltres, edward, jas61292
18th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: Cometstorm [BLITZ]
Third place: tigerton [BLITZ]
Consolation prize to: offler, Labyrinthine
Solution: tree, bagworm, japanese
17th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Psywaves [BLITZ]
Second place: The Immortal [BLITZ]
Third place: asgdf
Consolation prize to: Bean, Politoed
Solution: dracometeor, dubai, plasmablast
16th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: sirDonovan [BLITZ]
Second place: Politoed
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: TalkTakesTime, Timbuktu
Solution: cryogonal, ingo, oglemi
15th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Mega Eevee X
Second place: Instant Apple Pie
Third place: Driflooning
Consolation prizes to: asgdf, Wan the Avatar
Solution: scizor, hugendugen, perfume
14th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: BetaHousing
Consolation prizes to: Mega Eevee X, offler
Solution: chingling, arcticblast, jarkkooikarinen
13th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: The Immortal
Second place: Instant Apple Pie
Third place: Feskit
Consolation prizes to: offler, Darnell
Solution: anabel, orenberry, 27
12th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Driflooning
Second place: Stinson
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prizes to: Kezza Bolt, Hairy Toenail
Solution: orangeislands, frozen, cacnea
12th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: mammitri [BLITZ]
Second place: ✿DarkSageGreen✿ [BLITZ]
Third place: asgdf
Consolation prizes to: Gensokyo, ➹Dazzles+
Solution: imperials, zero, ursula
11th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: EpicPikachu63
Second place: Stinson
Third place: (W) Soldier Noobie
Consolation prizes to: slayerx725232, Energyburst2
Solution: studeeoh, antar, venomoth
11th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Sturdynips
Second place: kentaroc
Third place: Christato
Consolation prizes to:
Solution: spy, d, er
10th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Mega Eevee X [BLITZ]
Second place: Driflooning [BLITZ]
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prizes to: SlugKing, TheSlimmyShady
Solution: pokemondash, ilexforest, erma
9th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: pokemonvortex
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: Lum_Beri
Consolation prizes to: Instant Apple Pie, Pandonphan
Solution: surf, surskit, tearsofprinces
9th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Ubodot
Third place: ★Wh➶skey★
Consolation prizes to: Kangaaroo, slayerx725232
Solution: chespin, flannery, 5
8th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Pandonphan
Consolation prizes to: omgnowayitsuu, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: auroraticket, emerald, lumiosecity
8th of March
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Pandonphan [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Third place: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Timbuktu, Scarf Wynaut
Solution: kurt, silphscope, dynamicpunch
28th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: alyssathegreat [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: Dudeman130498 [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Cometstorm, Labyrinthine
Solution: diglett, 165, 3000
27th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: PokeGyarados
Consolation prizes to: ShinyEsp, Jaffa Ball
Solution: july, blaziken, barrier
25th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Driflooning [BLITZ]
Third place: Stinson [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: jdarden, Pandonphan
Solution: flying, buck, bouffalant
24th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Second place: Stinson
Third place: Moneyminty
Consolation prizes to: Nickokster, don't lose
Solution: almia, noivern, mountelbrus
23rd of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: UU iz da Shizzle
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prizes to: Snaquaza, asgdf
Solution: bivalve, glaciate, aceemerald
22nd of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Driflooning
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prizes to: pokemonvortex, Main Janitor
Solution: charizard, sandattack, aggron
21st of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Stinson
Second place: Gensokyo
Third place: Acedia
Consolation prizes to: Sturdynips, Catchy
Solution: pikachusvacation, luminoussprings, icebeam
20th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Driflooning
Second place: Lum_Beri
Third place: Snaquaza
Consolation prize to: Spheals, jester147
Solution: psyduck, jamesturner, 40
20th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: Gotta Troll Fast
Third place: Cometstorm
Consolation prizes to: LordBlah, Rextreff
Solution: rotomheat, jessiemisty, primeape
19th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Scarf Wynaut
Third place: ♥Alexxi
Consolation prizes to: Main Janitor, UU iz da Shizzle
Solution: scyther, jigglypufflucariopikachu, hoothoot
19th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels 2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan The Avatar
Third place: Timbuktu
Consolation prizes to: Cometstorm, Lordblah
Solution: bug, yanma, pikachu
18th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels 2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: R/a/g/i/o/n [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Dark Sage Green, Timbuktu
Solution: malamar, 107, lillipup
18th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Driflooning [BLITZ]
Second place: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Third place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Cometstorm, ghana7
Solution: cresselia, aldaron, tobybro
17th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: clerk [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Third place: FriendSafari [BLITZ]
Consolation prizes to: Rextreff, Scarf Wynaut
Solution: elekid, charon, rhyhorn
17th of February
Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Angels2002
Second place: parahaxmore
Consolation prizes to: Wan the Avatar, Timbuktu
Solution: iago, pallas, bandersnatch
16th of February
First place: Aurora [BLITZ]
Second place: Angels2002
Third place: Cometstorm
Consolation prize(s) to: Nani Man, The Devil's Son
Solution: roseliberry, snorlax, cromat
15th of February
First place: Drookez [BLITZ]
Second place: Sturdynips
Third place: LegitimateUsername
Consolation prize(s) to: Angels2002, Kangaaroo
Solution: canada, corphish, wikipedia
9th of February
First place: parahaxmore [BLITZ]
Second place: Shane Grace
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize(s) to: Stinson, Snaquaza
Solution: teddiursa, v4victini, 37
8th of February
First place: Dudeman130498 [BLITZ]
Second place: Stinson [BLITZ]
Third place: UU iz da Shizzle [BLITZ]
Consolation prize(s) to: Deluge, Skitty
Solution: darach, fiore, unova
1st of February
First place: GymLeaderThenin
Second place: Alakazazm
Third place: Propyixie
Consolation prize(s) to: Stinson, Zekromney Style
Solution: enguarde, russia, 6
30th of January
First place: ghetts
Second place: Adam Lambert
Third place: Stinson
Consolation prize(s) to:

Solution: november, valerie, tropius
29th of January
First place: Alakazazm [BLITZ]
Second place: Zekromney Style
Third place: Suisho
Consolation prize(s) to: Hairy Toenail, Alexxi
Solution: layell, chimchar, 85
24th of December
First place: The Immortal
Second place: Gensokyo
Third place: Stinson
Consolation prize(s) to: Acedia, Adam Lambert
Solution: manectric, palmer, surskit
23rd of December
First place: Calloflochie [BLITZ]
Second place: slayerx725232
Third place: Chikorita Meister
Consolation prize(s) to: Quarkiki, PokeGyarados
Solution: mareep, illumise, electrode
20th of December
First place: SP458
Second place: JustLetMePlay
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize(s) to: Sound of Freedom, Vgc is so fun
Solution: monaco, 99, overheat
Host: Shame That
13th of December
~Double points~
First place: Angels2002
Second place: yvelZEDD
Third place: Acedia
Consolation prize(s) to: JustLetMePlay
Solution: kalospowerplant, 96, 310
Host: Level 51
10th of December 2013
First place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Sturdynips [BLITZ]
Third place: PokeGyarados [BLITZ]
Solution: playrough, neilpatrickharris, defense
Host: Flame Emblem
9th of December 2013
First place: Angels2002
Second place: PsYkIk985
Third place: Calloflochie
Consolation prize to: JustLetMePlay
Solution: macduff, eye, rincewind
Host: Shame That
9th of December 2013
First place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place: RedzoneX [BLITZ]
Third place: Spheals [BLITZ]
Solution: distributeddenialofservice, orsonscottcard, protean
Host: Flame Emblem
8th of December 2013
First place: Level 51 [BLITZ]
Second place: Gensokyo [BLITZ]
Third place: PokeGyarados
Consolation prize to: Genital Warts
Solution: luminousmoss, sidney, dousedrive
Host: Shame That
7th of December 2013
First place: Angels2002 [BLITZ]
Second place: Leonardo DiCaprio
Third place: Fumduck
Consolation prize to: Spheals
Solution: hippowdon, rue, 2
Host: Flame Emblem
7th of December 2013
First place: The Ozymandias
Second place: Treecko
Third place: PokeGyarados
Consolation prize to: PsYkIk985
Solution: fairy, lumiosegalette, sceptile
Host: The Captain
6th of December 2013
First place: asgdf
Second place: Labyrinthine
Third place: Snaquaza
Solution: thirteen, mario, fiddle
Host: Flame Emblem
6th of December 2013
First place: Labyrinthine
Second place: Sturdynips
Solution: fire, swirlix, oddish
Host: Treecko
5th of December 2013
First place: eriados [BLITZ]
Second place: Snaquaza [BLITZ]
Third place: misstyy' [BLITZ]
Consolation prize(s) to: asgdf
Solution: trickroom, zigzagoon, tournaments
Host: Flame Emblem
5th December 2013
-Second game-
First place: JustLetMePlay
Second place: Shame That
Third place: Treecko
Solution: shaymin, klefki, chasm
Host: Joim
-First game-
First place: Acedia
Second place: KhaosComplex
Third place: High Ranger Amelia
Solution: wont, treecko, rapture
Host: Joim
4th December 2013
First place: Treecko [BLITZ]
Second place: Level 51 [BLITZ]
Third place: asgdf
Consolation prize(s) to: Coronis, Frizy
Solution: stunfisk, smogonpremierleague, quandary
Host: Joim
3rd December 2013
First place: Mithril
Second place: Arcticblast
Third place: brainiac222
Solution: sneasel, sylveon, zweilous
Host: Joim
29th November 2013
First place: Treecko
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: CactusCacti
Solution: garyoak, MEWTWO, bucolic
Host: Joim
28th November 2013
First place: Shame That
Second place: Chillarmy
Third place: The Captain
Solution: mikel, doge, seasoning's greetings
Host: Joim
27th November 2013
No winners.
Solution: delibird, RBY, ErupTran
Host: Joim
If you notice a contradiction between the Ladder and Past games, do let me know. I double and triple check, but I'm only human.
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