Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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10/20/16 @ 10:30 PM GMT-4

unteal (3.14dgeot-Mega) (+5)
Second Place: keeping it icy
Third place: Panda
Fourth Place: Repenting (+5)
Fifth Place: Cyllage
Consolation Prize to: SergioGhouls, kevinrocks, nekoramen, Witch of the Stars, Gallant Spear, Brawl MK, Chupps
Solution: route226, deoxys, hiker

Q1) The player can become trapped in this location as a result of an in-game trade.
Q2) In Pokémon Adventures, this Pokémon Red was at one point in possession of had a number in its nickname. (answer with the Pokémon)
Q3) It appears that if professor juniper didn’t become a pokemon professor, she would become this trainer class in the future.

Special thanks to Rory Mercury and Zipzapadam for respectively making Q2 and Q3, to Flerovium and GoodMorningEspeon for quality checking, and congratulations to everyone who completed the hunt! Also tradition of tealficial=leaks has continued, rip :}
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Reserving a very special official on El veinticuatro de octrube! Make sure to be there! :)

Thanks to Painter Espeon and Flerovium for Qcing, and Thanks for Painter Espeon for Hosting!

Pacific Time: 4 pm
Eastern Time: 7 pm

10/24/16 @ 11 PM GMT
1st Place:
Awesomepi (BLITZ)
2nd Place: Rory Mercury (BLITZ)
3rd Place: Terrapieseven (BLITZ)
4th Place: Meicoo
5th Place: Kids in Kenya (Brawl MK)
Consolation Prizes: GalectiGames, keeping it icy, SergioRules, Bagnet Momb, Nekoramen
Q1: In the games, inside of the Distortion world, this is the only non-legendary pokemon (other than dunsparce) which holds an item.
A: Weavile
Q2: This is the only English Expansion in the TCG which contains Emboar-EX
A: BREAKpoint
Q3: The Japanese Expansion which contains Emboar-EX also contains one other EX pokemon. What is that other EX?
A: Togekiss

Holy moly this hunt was easy, but it was my birthday hunt so its ok! Thank you so much for people attending it and yeah, :)
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Reserving another official (lol) for 6*PM EDT Saturday (22nd). QCed by Painter Espeon and Flerovium :o Hope to see you there!

edit: I won't be able to make 7pm edt so making it 6pm instead

22/10/16 @ 6PM EDT

pokemonvortex (+2)
Second: Meicoo
Third: coinboy
Fourth: chupps
Fifth: keeping it icy
Consolation prize to: SpookoleEC (TheWhiteJayYTGamer), brawlmk, Eeveelution Army

Solutions: Energy Ball, Meditite Meditate, Rapid Spin

1) A certain TCG Lapras card has this move that Lapras is both weak to and cannot learn in-game. (The move exists within the main series)
2) There is a Fighting type Pokemon and a move it can learn which have only a one letter difference in their names. Name both with the format pokemonmove.
3) The Gripper Pokemon used this move in the anime that it cannot learn ingame.

Thanks to Pesp and Val for QCing and grats to all the winners!
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2am GMT, 22nd Oct 2016

First Place:
Painter Skeletegone (Painter Espeon <3) (+4)
Second Place: kierant3hz
Third Place: Chupps
Fourth Place: keeping it icy
Fifth Place: s3.14ritomb
Solutions: Celadon University, Super Brook Jump, Pokemon Break

1) In the anime, Nurse Joys have been known to study for degrees at this educational institution.
2) In Shadows of Almia, a particular character attempts to save another from a circle of Magby and Elekid using this self-proclaimed technique.
3) This variant of Pokemon cards in the TCG is meant to be played sideways and is considered a form of evolution. (Format é as e)

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing and Rory Mercury for hosting!! Another official with exactly 5 finishers :]

[10:02:57] +Alexender: PM me about Rory's love life
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Sunday 10/23/2016 @ 7 PM EDT!

First Place:
bra'_>'wl'<_'mk (+5)
Second Place: Rory the Reaper
Third Place: br'o'il (+5)
Fourth Place: pokemonvortex (+4)
Fifth Place: s3.14ritomb
Consolation prize to: adiass, keeping it icy, ruboo

Solutions: Minccino, Phanpy, Lapras

1) The graphic artist who personally designed both Pikachu and Sylveon is known to have also designed this Pokemon.
2) In gen VI, this Pokemon can learn at least 5 different moves via level-up, but shares a type with none of them. What's the Pokemon?
3) This pokemon is used by a champion during their champion battle that knows STAB moves that would be super-effective against any of that champion's other 5 Pokemon used in the battle. What's the Pokemon?

Note: q3 was not quite worded specifically enough, so added the clarification: "q3 clarification: each of its stabs are super effective against at least 1 other pokemon on the team"
Sorry to anyone who got Aerodactyl!

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and Flerovium for qc'ing and again to Flerovium for hosting as well!

Thanks everybody for participating and hope y'all had fun!
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Super early but whatever

Reserving for an official hunt for Saturday 10/29/16 @ 4 P.M. EDT (8 P.M. GMT 10/30/16), one week from today! Quality checkers are Ambi and Rory Mercury, who is also going to be the host! Hope to see you all there!

First one so /o/

10/23 Update - I found out I had an event next Saturday night, so I moved the hunt to 4. Hope that doesn't bother everyone too much!
Saturday 10/29/16 @ 4 P.M. EDT (8 P.M. GMT 10/30/16)

First Place: Meiboo (Meicoo) (01:18)
Second Place:
FireghtBug (01:20)
Third place:
LifeOrbLileep (01:30)
Fourth Place:
xfix (01:49) (+2)
Faart (Tushaavi) (03:09)
Consolation Prize to:
Gallant Spear ✗, MeButYou82, s3.14ritomb.
Solutions: SolgaleoLunala, Probopass, A Charizard and a Champion.
1. These two Pokemon are known as the Sunne and Moone Pokemon (answer in that order).
2. This Pokemon has 4 noses and no legs.
3. In this round of the Pokemon Adventures Manga, all four members of the Elite 4 of a region debut.

Grats to all finishers! Went well enough for my first one :D
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2am GMT, 23rd Oct 2016

First Place:
Second Place: pokemonvortex
Third Place: Chupps
Fourth Place: AnonymouzLSB
Fifth Place: Meiboo
Consolation Prize to: keeping it icy, brawl mk, kierant3hz, Painter Skeleteon, EMG GL Nitro, Bagnet Momb
Solutions: Photo Board, Assault Vest, Seismic Toss

1) This item can be obtained with 200 Belue Berries in DP, but costs only half of that in Pt.
2) A Pokemon that uses Trick and receives this item will be unable to use Trick again.
3) This move can only be obtained by Blissey if it was hatched as a Chansey.

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing and Rory Mercury for hosting!!
10/25/16 @ 7:40 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: Meicoo
Third Place: pokemonvortex
Fourth Place: Brawl MK
Fifth Place: kierant3hz
Consolation Prize to: terrapieseven, BigPimpin12, LifeOrbLileep, Keeping it Icy, je suis broil

Hitoshi Ariga, a Pokemon designer, is credited with the creation of this Pokemon, which shares it's type with another non-legendary evolutionary line. (Order doesn't matter and Exclude Gen 7/Megas)| Pangoro| This Cafe awards a Togepi for all players who can beat its challenges, one of them being to "protect the fort" (Include the word cafe in your answer)| Locomotive Cafe| This Battle BG, found in X and Y, depicts a Froakie with its eyes closed in a section of its artwork.| starters

Thanks to AnonymouzLSB and Rory Mercury for QCing.
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11PM BST, 26th of October, 2016.

First Place:
Brawl MK (01:49)
Second Place:
Rory the Reaper (01:50)
Third Place:
s3.14ritomb (01:52)
Fourth Place:
Chupps (02:44)
Fifth Place:
pokemonvortex (06:57)
crobat, croconaw, cottonee.

1) In the main-series of games, this is the highest-levelled Pokemon of dual-typing that Giovanni's son uses.
2) This Pokemon that Silver uses is under-levelled (cannot be legitimately obtained at that level) in one battle.
3) This Pokemon, according to its dex entry, weighs more if it is rainy.

Thank you to Gleeb and lotiasite for QCing! <3
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Reserving an official hunt on Thursday, October 27th at 4 PM EDT.

QC'd by Dylas and QC'd and hosted by Rory Mercury

Winner: Brawl MK.
Second place: Flero♥vium~.
Third place: Panda.
Fourth place: BigPimpin12
Fifth Place: Darthakin
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex, sanjay, terrapiescareven, Gallant Spear ✗.

SuperGlitch, Wingull, Exeter

1. A glitch Pokemon in Pokemon Red and Blue uses Charizard's (Pokemon Red and Blue) sprite. What move does it learn at level 207?
2. Out of all the Pokemon found in Remains Island, which has the highest recruitment rate?
3. The name of the town in which Ash obtained the egg that would hatch into his Phanpy is a play on the name of this city.|Exeter

Thanks to Dylas for QCing and Rory the Reaper for QCing and hosting!
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10/28/16 @ 11:30 PM GMT-4

Alyvia (04:39)
Second place: LegendaryMouse
Third Place: AnonymouzLSB (+5)
Fourth Place: chupps (+5)
Fifth Place: Mt. Lanakila (Brawl MK)
cobalion, 404, cyllage city

Q1) This Pokémon is described as having a glare that can make Pokémon obey it; however, it cannot learn the move Glare.
Q2) Under normal battle conditions, what is the maximum amount of damage that can be dealt (in HP) by the move Final Gambit?
Q3) Where in the Pokémon world can a Pokémon be found whose nickname would be impossible to enter?

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Flerovium for quality checking, and thanks to everyone who participated for participating! Sorry about being late, work let me go later than i thought they would n_n
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Official Hunt
Thursday, October 27th

QCed by Trauer Rory Mercury and Valiancy Flerovium

(reserved for saturday but apparently someone else reserved, so this is my next best convenient time)
Winner: Brawl MK (12:16) (+2)
Second Place:
Meiboo (Meicoo) (14:14)
Third Place: Devoxys-Spoopy (Devoxys) (14:16)
Fourth Place: keeping it icy (14:18)
Fifth Place: Chupps (14:24)
Consolation Prizes to: Panda, pokemonvortex, DatHeatmor

Solutions: firepunch, ssaqua, mistysurge

What was the winning move in Game 2 of the 2016 Pokemon National Championships: VG Masters Finals?
2) In this main series location, it is possible to fight a team of eight in a double battle instead of the traditional six.
3) Of all the abilities which contain the name of a Gym Leader, name the last alphabetically.

q3 had some "surge" alts, but I guess ltsurge is his name in-game, so I left that out

also, i like the 2 second gaps lol
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Hii reserving an official for 7PM EDT Friday 28th. i guess pesp was right. QCed by Flerovium and Gleeb \o/

also im an eager nub :}

28/10/16 @ 7PM EDT

Rory The Reaper (Rory Mercury)
Second: terrapieseven
Third: Mt. Lanakila (Brawl MK)
Fourth: Pancake
Fifth: Panda
Consolation prize to: kierant3hz, Gallant Spear, s3.14ritomb
Solutions: Feint, Gust, Pokemon Ranger Professor Sycamore

1) In Generation 4, which move (that has a base power) had the most positive priority?
2) There are some Pokemon in the anime who have used moves they cannot learn in the games. Besides Tackle, which move has been used by the most Pokemon that cannot learn it?
3) What two Supporter cards from the Steam Siege expansion are Full Art cards? (format any é as e, alphabetical order)

Thanks to Gleeb and Flerovium for QCing! Grats to all the winners!
Reserving official for Saturday , 29/10/16, @ 7PM EDT. QCed by Rory Mercury and Painter Espeon. :3

29/10/16 @ 7PM EDT

Meiboo (Meicoo) (+2)
Second: Panda
Third: Darthakin (+2)
Fourth: Incinerar (embar) (+5)
Fifth: pokemonvortex
Consolation prize to: Flerovium
Solutions: Wartortle, Stall, Fantina

1) In Pearl Marsh (In Pokemon Rumble World), what is the only NFE (Tier) Pokemon that is listed as a “Boss”?
2) This signature ability has the shortest name. (signature means only one Pokemon has it)|
3) The English voice actor of Meloetta in the anime also voiced this Gym Leader.

Thanks to Rory and Pesp for QCing and grats to all the winners \o/
lol to everyone who tried Piloswine for Q1 even though it says NFE (tier)
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And his name is... OFFICIAL HUNT
tu tu tu tu
Sunday, October 30th 11PM EDT

QC: Flerovium and Rory Mercury
30/10/16 @ 11PM EDT

Second place: keeping it icy
Third place: s3.14ritomb
Fourth place: GoodMorningEspeon (+5)
Fifth place: chupps
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: dragalge, teamrocket, isee

What is the most used NU Pokemon of November 2014?
2. Of all the avatars usable by regular users, this one has two people and a Pokemon in it. (use the avatar's name, not the number)
3. This is the shortest sentence that pops out in the dialog box when you press "I'm Feeling Lucky" on Pokemon Showdown's Pokedex.
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30/10/16 @ 2AM GMT

Second: Ninjadog13
Third: adiass (+4)
Fourth: GoddessBooty
Fifth: Meicoo
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, females, Gleeb
Solutions: Magnet, Rapidash, Tauros

1) This item’s name is contained in the names of three moves, along with an ability.
2) What fully evolved Pokemon has an ability that shares its name with a TCG expansion pack it is in?
3) Of all the Pokemon Ash used against a Frontier Brain that was not obtained from Hoenn, which one’s BST is the closest to the average of all their BSTs?

[13:11:19] nitrodog96: .g magnet
[13:11:23] nitrodog96: fUCK
nitrodog96 left
So this was actually leaked not even a minute into the hunt; but luckily not many people saw hue hue hue
[13:15:20] %Gleeb: how tf do you even get q1
[13:26:04] %Gleeb: wtf does q2 even mean
Gleeb has finished the hunt in 8th place! (21:58)
Sorry for people who got Iron got q1; I just told them it was one ability, and not two :}

Thanks to Alexender for collabing with me and making Q3! And thanks to AnonymouzLSB and Rory Mercury for QCing ^_^
Reserving a Halloween official for 10/31/16 @ 7 P.M. EDT (11 P.M. GMT), about 1 day and 1 1/2 hours from this post! Quality checkers are Ambi and Rory Mercury (again), but this time hosted by Flerovium! Be there or get spooped. :ghost:

Monday 10/31/16 @ 7 P.M. EDT

First Place: Frosty Timp (2:49) +4
Second Place: Panda (4:49) +4
Third place: Devoxys-Spoopy (Devoxys) (6:55) +2
Fourth Place: Meiboo (Meicoo) (7:48) +2
Fifth Place
: keeping it icy (9:30)
Consolation Prize to: TheWhoDoctor, cheekycreeper
Solutions: Ghost12, The Tower of Terror, Astonish
1. This Pokemon type is immune to the most types. In Gen 6, how many total formes are there of that type (include megas)? Format answer as [type][number].
2. This is the first episode of the Pokemon Anime where there are multiple Ghost-type Pokemon.
3. Gengar can use this move in Pokken Tournament that can turn into Shadow Stealth when not on the ground.

Grats to all finishers! Hope you all liked the ghost/spooky theme o.o
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Tuesday 11/1/16 at 8 P.M. EST

First Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: terrapieseven
Third place: pokemonvortex
Fifth Place: Panda
Consolation Prize to: keeping it icy, coinboy, females (kierant3hz), pancake

The default moves known by this Gen 1 Pokemon at level 1 in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow are Leer and Quick Attack. |Electabuzz|Which fully evolved gen IV Pokemon requires the most experience to reach level 100? |Drifblim|This move does special-based damage in exactly two generations, but did physical-based damage in the generation when it was introduced. |Bite

Solutions: Electabuzz, Drifblim, Bite

Gratz to all finishers!

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and Rory Mercury for qc'ing, and thanks again to Rory Mercury for hosting as well!
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Congratulations to the October Ladder winners: Brawl MK in 1st with 313 points, Meicoo in 2nd with 271 points, and Awesomepi in 3rd with 251 points :)
Brawl MK: 313
Meicoo: 271
3.14dgeot-mega (awesomepi): 251
Chupps: 211
keeping it icy: 174
pokemonvortex: 142
Rory Mercury: 121
Panda: 106
adiass: 92
kierant3hz: 84
Terrapiseven: 60
Devoxys: 60
LifeOrbLileep: 57
AnonymouzLSB: 56
Painter Espeon: 56
Gleeb: 55
6Infernapes: 40
Manaphy286: 40
castaways: 40
Frosty♡Timp: 44
coinboy: 38
Darthakin: 38
Aeolia: 35
Ninjadog13: 35
Flerovium: 35
lotiasite: 30
WizardsofDra: 25
Wan the Avatar: 25
SergioRules: 23
Alyvia: 20
Level 51: 20
FireghtBug: 16
a random duck: 16
LegendaryMouse: 15
pancake: 15
Broil: 15
GoodMorningEspeon: 10
Cyczer: 10
Embar: 10
Fuuta of the Stars: 10
Repenting: 10
Kyubiisaan: 10
xfix: 7
TheWhiteJayYTGamer: 6
DarkShinyGiratina: 6
BigPimpin: 6
AquaponicsLyfe: 5
GoddessBooty: 5
ScarfWynaut: 5
Ninetales Alolan: 5
PK Aero: 1
girisawesomer: 1
Faart: 1
The November ladder twist will be the same as last December–one non-Pokemon question each hunt. Good luck everyone!!

p.s. the first official won't follow this twist since it was already reserved.
Reserving an official today. It will be hosted in around 5 hours 49 mins from this post. (7pm GMT, correct me if I'm wrong.)
Hosted by Ambi
QC by Rory Mercury and Flerovium

2nd November, 2016 @ 7PM GMT

1st: 3.14dgeot-Mega [BLITZ] (:54)
2nd: pokemonvortex (01:18)
3rd: coinboy (01:48)
4th: 6Infernapes (02:43)
5th: Cyczer (03:59)

Consolation: Gallant Spear


Q1) In Pokemon Battle Revolution; This Pokemon with an event move is able to be purchased. What Pokemon is it and what is the event-exclusive move to the Pokemon? Format: [Pokemon Move]
A: pikachusurf

Q2) Secret Power can burn an opponent in this type of terrain. (Answer with a noun)
A: Volcano

Q3) In Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire; This is the only non Legendary Pokemon that can be captured in the Ruins. (Excluding Pokemon that can be captured anywhere)
A: Beldum
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10 PM EST 11/3/2016 Thursday

First Place
: terrapieseven
Second Place: Ninjadog13
Third place: Embar
Fourth Place: FrostyTimp
Fifth Place: MOO nlightwizard
Consolation Prize to: DONK IT, 3.14dgeot-Mega


Q1: This gen 1 Pokemon has the highest base stat total among those who only learn moves of the same type as they are via level-up in the gen 1 games.

Q2: This man finished second in a U.S. presidential election despite receiving only one electoral vote. Write out his full name.

Q3: This move's index number is the same number as that of the sum of its base power and its default pp.

Solutions: Tauros, John Quincy Adams, Wrap

Gratz to the finishers, and thanks for participating!

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Flerovium for qc'ing, and extra thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting!
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Reserving an official for 11/6/16 @ 9 P.M. EST (11/7/16 @ 2 A.M. GMT). Quality Checkers are xfix and Painter Espeon, the latter of which will be the host!

:toast: :toast:
Sunday 11/6/16 @ 9. P.M. EST
First Place
: Rory Mercury
Second Place: chupps
Third Place: ILRB
Fourth Place: ScarfWynaut
Fifth Place: Panda
Consolation Prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, pancake, 3.14dgeot-Mega, Atletico Madridsy (Happiness)
Solutions: From sun to moon moon to sun, Olympia, Magica
1. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link must play a song to access a location where there is a poem within a song. What is the 3rd line of the poem?
2. This Pokemon character speaks mainly with only a type of poem.
3. This character in the anime, who is also a Character of the Day, is based off of Olympia.

Grats to all finishers, wanted to make the questions harder but QC didn't allow for it ;_;
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Reserving an official for 11/4/16 @ 10:30 EDT. Quality Checkers are Rory Mercury who is hosting also, and Painter Espeon

First Place: Wan The Avatar
Second Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third Place: Painter Oshawott
Fourth Place: chupps
Fifth Place: ll AH^o^ (Brawl MK)
Consolation Prize to: TheWhoDoctor, Ninjadog13, AnonymouzLsb, castaways, lotiasite

Q1: This person in the Battle Arcade can give you up to two items, one of them after twenty one successive battles and the second one after forty nine successive battles. (You must defeat them to obtain the item, of course. Answer is the person)

A: Dahlia

Q2: This Trainer class's name was originally intended to be used when battling Silph Co's leader in the Gen 1 games, but it remained unused.

A: Chief

Q3: In The Elder Scrolls Online,the member of the Five Companions who ended up serving Molag Bal and betraying the Emperor Varen Aquilarios ended up being betrayed by this person.

A: Abnur Tharn

Thank you for attending and this is the first leak i've had ;x;
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Reserving an official for 5/11/16 @ 6PM EDT, or in half an hour. QCers are painter pespeon and trauer mercury. Hope you can be there!

5/11/2016 @ 6PM EDT

Second: MeButYou82
Third: terrapieseven
Fourth: xfix
Fifth: ScarfWynaut
Consolation prize to: Darthakin, coinboy

Solutions: Deino, Barboach, Fishin' Lakitu

1) Which Pokemon evolves at the latest level of all the LC Pokemon that are part of 3 stage evolutionary lines?
2) This Pokemon was meant to debut in an episode of the anime that was banned, and made its real debut 9 episodes later.
3) This is the name given to the species of Lakitu responsible for starting and ending races in the “Mario Kart” franchise.

Thanks to the Teal Mod Duo (painter espeon and rory mercury) for quality cheching and thanks to yall for coming!
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10:30 PM GMT, 7th of November, 2016.
Meicoo [BLITZ]
3rd: Chauque
4th: ScarfWynaut
5th: coinboy
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, Sergio Rules.
Solutions: 720, croagunk, gladysporterzoo.

1) A certain Pokemon Shuffle stage features a Pokemon that is not a mega evolution as its boss. What is the dex number of the Pokemon that is the boss of the stage mentioned?
2) In Pokken Tournament, this Pokemon has been revealed to be available as both a playable character and a Support Pokemon.
3) This is the first zoo where Harambe the gorilla lived.

Thank you to Painter Espeon and Dylas for QCing! <3
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