Scizor's excellent defensive typing and access to Roost as well as a reliable and strong priority move in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Weavile and Tapu Lele. It can also be a potent revenge killer and late-game sweeper with Swords Dance, being able to clean up weakened teams with ease. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to check threats such as Clefable and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy-Duty (AH) Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. However, although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Flame Body from Heatran and Volcarona if not running Knock Off, as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, which leaves it vulnerable to faster resistant offensive threats such as Urshifu-R and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Impish
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 SpD
Scizor's defensive typing allow it to check the likes of Rillaboom and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch while also preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. Alternatively, U-turn allows Scizor to fulfill the role of a pivot, bringing in a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, making it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele. However, Leftovers can be used instead for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor having to pivot back out immediately. The given EV spread allows Scizor to tank two Sacred Swords from Choice Band Kartana as reliably as possible. It also avoids an OHKO from +2 Rillaboom's Superpower.
Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide additional utility with Intimidate and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Heatran. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran and bringing them in for setup opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise.
name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, allowing it to deal with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran better. Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Zapdos, Tangrowth, and Volcarona. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, surprising Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor, and trapping and removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Alternatively, Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone and targeting opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact move that prevents Scizor from getting worn down by Rocky Helmet users.
Offensive Scizor is restricted to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, as it helps it pick up key OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp with a Swords Dance-boosted Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona. Similarly, Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. In return, Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Ferrothorn to open a path for it to sweep late-game; the two of them also wear down one another's checks for setup such as Landorus-T for Weavile and Clefable for Scizor. Spikes support also makes Scizor's job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Garchomp, Slowbro, and Hippowdon. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens, giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and bringing Scizor in with U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so it can start to set up.
Other Options
A specially defensive set is an excellent check to Tapu Lele but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Excadrill and Zeraora. Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost, although it does leave it more vulnerable to being worn down.
Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona, as they can take advantage of it unless predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets, however. Scizor hates going up against Volcarona, as it not only threatens Scizor with its STAB move but also can potentially cripple it by burning it with Flame Body and use it as setup fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking often run Fire-type coverage and can force Scizor out.
**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any setup attempts. However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or inflict hefty damage with Psycho Cut. Rotom-W also can switch into Scizor, as it fears very little from it apart from Knock Off.
**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can lay Spikes to threaten Scizor and its teammates if its Heavy-Duty Boots is removed, while Buzzwole isn’t threatened by Scizor at all apart from the rare Aerial Ace.
**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave and Static paralysis, and Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it with Whirlwind or set up Spikes on it.
- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [[ausma, 360720], [gomi, 516245]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [username2, userid2]]
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