Scizor [GP 1/2]

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Scizor's excellent defensive typing and access to Roost as well as a reliable and strong priority move in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Weavile and Tapu Lele. It can also be a potent revenge killer and late-game sweeper with Swords Dance, being able to clean up weakened teams with ease. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to check threats such as Clefable and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy-Duty (AH) Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. However, although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Flame Body from Heatran and Volcarona if not running Knock Off, as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, which leaves it vulnerable to faster resistant offensive threats such as Urshifu-R and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Impish
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 SpD


Scizor's defensive typing allow it to check the likes of Rillaboom and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch while also preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. Alternatively, U-turn allows Scizor to fulfill the role of a pivot, bringing in a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, making it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele. However, Leftovers can be used instead for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor having to pivot back out immediately. The given EV spread allows Scizor to tank two Sacred Swords from Choice Band Kartana as reliably as possible. It also avoids an OHKO from +2 Rillaboom's Superpower.

Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide additional utility with Intimidate and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Heatran. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran and bringing them in for setup opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise.

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, allowing it to deal with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran better. Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Zapdos, Tangrowth, and Volcarona. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, surprising Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor, and trapping and removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Alternatively, Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone and targeting opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact move that prevents Scizor from getting worn down by Rocky Helmet users.

Offensive Scizor is restricted to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, as it helps it pick up key OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp with a Swords Dance-boosted Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona. Similarly, Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. In return, Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Ferrothorn to open a path for it to sweep late-game; the two of them also wear down one another's checks for setup such as Landorus-T for Weavile and Clefable for Scizor. Spikes support also makes Scizor's job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Garchomp, Slowbro, and Hippowdon. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens, giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and bringing Scizor in with U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so it can start to set up.


Other Options
A specially defensive set is an excellent check to Tapu Lele but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Excadrill and Zeraora. Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost, although it does leave it more vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona, as they can take advantage of it unless predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets, however. Scizor hates going up against Volcarona, as it not only threatens Scizor with its STAB move but also can potentially cripple it by burning it with Flame Body and use it as setup fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking often run Fire-type coverage and can force Scizor out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any setup attempts. However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or inflict hefty damage with Psycho Cut. Rotom-W also can switch into Scizor, as it fears very little from it apart from Knock Off.

**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can lay Spikes to threaten Scizor and its teammates if its Heavy-Duty Boots is removed, while Buzzwole isn’t threatened by Scizor at all apart from the rare Aerial Ace.

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave and Static paralysis, and Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it with Whirlwind or set up Spikes on it.

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [[ausma, 360720], [gomi, 516245]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited by a moderator:

- Scizor’s excellent defensive typing , great durability, what do you mean by this? and access to Roost, as well as its access to reliable and strong priority with Technician Bullet Punch, make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele while also being a potent revenge killer and win condition wincon with Swords Dance that can clean up weakened teams with ease.
- Scizor also comes with an array of utility options, with some of them boosted thanks to its Technician ability: Bullet Punch checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team, while making Scizor less passive, and prevents Scizor from being set up on by more dangerous threats, this part is unnecessary imo - u-turn doesn't deny setup any more than hard switching and Knock Off removes Heavy Duty Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran.
- mention offensive sd scizor's ability to both wallbreak and sweep due to how strong lo technician bp is with attack investment and the variety of coverage options it has as its disposal
- Although Scizor’s typing allows it to check a number of threats, it is extremely vulnerable to Fire coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult and Nidoking. knockless sets also let heatran and volc in basically for free while risking a burn from flame body from either bp or turn Its mediocre Speed tier makes it reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes which leaves it vulnerable to faster offensive threats such as Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Zeraora.
- Specially defensive Scizor is also very passive and can be taken advantage of by set up Pokemon such as Garchomp, Dragapult, and Excadrill. considering it isn't scizor's job to check these mons specifically, this isn't a huge problem and isn't relevant for the overview (nor is it really true, as all of these mons are heavily chipped by knock or bp). a different drawback you haven't mentioned is its struggle vs adverse contact effects vs things like zapdos or ferro
- Lastly, four moveslot syndrome makes Scizor struggle on Swords Dance sets, particularly offensive ones as it can find it hard to break through walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Hippowdon, depending on the set.

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Bullet Punch
move 2: U-turn / Swords Dance
move 3: Roost
move 4: Knock Off / Swords Dance
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Careful
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD

i think sd should be first slash on one of these slots - keep the set as it is for now, i'll ask qc and let u know what to do about it later


- Scizor's defensive typing and Special Defense investment let it check x, y, and z... mention that scizor is commonly used over different spdef walls like spdef clef or blissey, on bulky offense teams, because it's less passive and can revenge kill well
- U-turn and Swords Dance provide Scizor with great role compression- U-turn being able to further fulfil its role as a pivot and generate momentum as well as potentially bring a teammate such as Hydreigon to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran, whereas Swords Dance bolsters Scizor's attack and allows it to be a potent cleaner mid-to-late game when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch. separate this into two sentences, this is kind of tough to read
- Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele over the course of the game.
- Knock Off lets Scizor deprive potential switch-ins such as Heatran Toxapex, pex is a common knock absorber. it doesn't really care about its item too much, making it not a great mention here Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items.
- mention benefits and drawbacks of boots/lefties

- Scizor fits best on bulky offense balanced teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful special attackers in the tier, while maintaining momentum with its teammates. scizor is 100% a bo mon, as shown by all of the partners you mentioned below. see what i said above in set comments first point; if you want a spdef wall for balance 99% of the time you will be going for spdef clef or bliss, or something else that's more passive than scizor
- Pokemon that utilize U-turn and Volt Switch is highly recommended with Scizor. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W are great examples. Landorus-T can provide utility with Intimidate, Stealth Rock, and being a solid check against Garchomp and Excadrill. Tapu Koko can threaten Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt or use U-turn to generate further momentum while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Slowking is another notable teammate that can take on Pokemon utilizing Fire coverage such as Tornadus-T and Nidoking and pivot out safely from Slowking’s checks like Rillaboom and Kartana.
- Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran to U-turn and set up. Hydreigon can also use Defog so that Scizor isn't worn down by hazards and can check Rillaboom, Tapu Lele, and Kyurem as efficiently as possible.
- Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while being able to pressure many of Scizor's threats with its powerful STAB moves. Pressuring Stealth Rock and Defog users such as Landorus-T, Heatran, and Corviknight, which are great switch-ins to Scizor, is an added bonus.
- Heatran provides Scizor with an immunity to Fire, can set up Stealth Rock, and can weaken shared checks in Toxapex and Garchomp.

solid teammates section overall, good work

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Swords Dance increases Scizor’s wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon - combined with a priority Bullet Punch, Scizor can plough through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. i would separate its ability to wallbreak with its coverage and its cleaning w bullet punch into two separate sentences here, because of how good it is at performing both roles
- Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Toxapex, Zapdos, and Tangrowth in addition to crippling Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona that rely on Leftovers or Heavy-Duty Boots respectively to check Scizor.
- Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone as well as opposing Scizor at +2.
- Sand Tomb alongside Knock Off allows Scizor to throttle would-be checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Slowbro. make sand tomb description its own sentence. specify how important and convenient it is to hit both steels like zone and heatran AND toxapex in one move while still having room for knock in your moveset. sand tomb also enables other attackers traditionally walled by pex, including weavile, watershifu, etc. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact neutral move. as it is more reliable at the risk of healing the damage off with Regenerator.

- Scizor is dedicated to hyper offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently to fulfilling defensive roles.
- Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor - it helps Scizor pick up key OHKOes such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp after a Swords Dance boost. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for this reason. They can also check Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona respectively.
- Scizor also benefits from dual screens: Alolan Ninetales can create opportunities for Scizor through Encore or Hypnosis while Grimmsnarl can provide Thunder Wave and Taunt support. if u want to mention screens, mention koko. ninetales chips it further with hail, making it a not ideal teammate while grimm screens hasn't really seen usage in the tier since dlc1 at the latest. i would also move this point down to the last point, seeing as dual screens aren't necessary on scizor ho or offense and are, in my opinion, less important than the other stuff listed here
- Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel- and Fairy-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Clefable to open a path for it to sweep late-game or weaken them itself so Scizor can sweep as well.
- Scizor can also fit on Spikes-based hyper offensive teams with setters like Mew. When paired with Spikes, it makes its job of beating physically defensive walls including Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Hippowdon one-on-one much easier.
- Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciates Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Clefable, Slowbro, and specially defensive Hippowdon respectively.

Other Options

- A physically defensive set can also be used as a good check to Swords Dance Rillaboom, Excadrill, and Zeraora. lacking Blaze Kick, but it struggles with the same passivity issues as the specially defensive variant. still wouldn't say it's passive. it just has different targets than spdef. mention its unreliability in checking special attackers like kyu + lele instead, which is why it's uncommon on bo teams as compared to spdef sets
- Rocky Helmet can be ran on bulky Swords Dance sets or defensive sets to punish Pokemon like Kartana and Melmetal. idt i've ever seen this before, especially on spdef sets. mention metal coat instead

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona as they can take advantage of it unless correct prediction. The former doesn‘t like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets however. In particular, Volcarona is especially annoying as if it gets Flame Body off it can not only cripple, but also use it as set up fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking run Fire coverage and force it out. you could just mention flame body on both volcarona and tran in one sentence

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor - being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any set up attempts, however offensive Swords Dance variants; if boosted, can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or taking hefty damage from Psycho Cut. Rotom-W and Swampert can switch into Scizor as they fear very little from it apart Knock Off and become vulnerable to being worn down.

**Bulky Steel-types**: Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up; Ferrothorn can layer Spikes to threaten Scizor’s teammates and itself if it chooses to use Knock Off on them while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind.

**Electric-types**: Zapdos and Zeraora resist Scizor's Bullet Punch and can retaliate with Heat Wave or force it out with their powerful STAB moves; Zeraora is prone to being worn down however and neither Zapdos or Zeraora want to be hit by Knock Off.

solid overall - i'd reorganize these last two points into flying-types (zapdos corv skarm) and grass-types (ferro tang) instead of steels and electrics. these two groupings make more sense based on how their defensive typing lets them switch into and beat scizor rather than how it's organized currently

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
additions, removals, comments
great work! lmk when you've implemented and i'll take another look before stamping

- Scizor’s excellent defensive typing and access to Roost, as well as its access to reliable and strong priority with Technician Bullet Punch, make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele while also being a potent revenge killer and win condition with Swords Dance that can clean up weakened teams with ease.
- Scizor also comes with an array of utility options, with some of them boosted thanks to its Technician ability: Bullet Punch checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy Duty Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran.
- Offensive Swords Dance Scizor's wallbreaking potency is not to be underestimated, as it can easily generate opportunities to set up thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal as well as a Life Orb Technician-boosted Bullet Punch.
- Although Scizor’s typing allows it to check several threats, it is extremely vulnerable to Fire coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult and Nidoking. torn is probably worth mentioning here as well It is also vulnerable to Flame Body targets such as Heatran and Volcarona if not running Knock Off as they it can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes it reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes which leaves it vulnerable to faster offensive threats such as Landorus-T, Urshifu-R Garchomp, and Zeraora. changed this bc scizor is actually pretty good at revenging garchomp, while watershifu is a more applicable choice here
- Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from the likes of Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.
- Four moveslot syndrome also makes Scizor struggle on Swords Dance sets, particularly offensive ones as it can find it hard to break through walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Hippowdon, depending on the set. i would revise these examples, focusing on ground-neutral/immune steels primarily. while knock + tomb gains the universal utility of knock, it loses access to ferro, corv, and skarm. it can hit pex with both suggested sets while it somewhat struggles vs hippo with both sets

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Bullet Punch
move 2: U-turn / Swords Dance
move 3: Roost
move 4: Knock Off / Swords Dance
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Careful
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD

- Scizor's defensive typing and Special Defense investment let it check the likes of Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele, making it a reliable choice on bulky offense teams that benefit from its less passive nature and ability to revenge kill more reliably compared to other options like Blissey or specially defensive Clefable. good to compare to mons that would typically be used on fat so the reader understands what ur talking about better
- U-turn and Swords Dance provides Scizor with great role compression- U-turn being able to further fulfil its role as a pivot and generate momentum as well as potentially bring a teammate such as Hydreigon to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran.
- Swords Dance bolsters Scizor's attack and allows it to be a potent cleaner mid-to-late game when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch. what i striked is unnecessary. sd also lets it beat things like reuni or clef that would otherwise be able to possibly set up on it
- Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele over the course of the game.
- Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items.
- Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, creating more opportunities for it to nab a Swords Dance boost and making it a sturdier check to threats like Tapu Lele and Kyurem. However, Leftovers can be used instead of Heavy Duty Boots for added longevity but is in most cases inferior to Heavy Duty Boots due to the frequency of Scizor constantly pivoting out.

- Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful special attackers while maintaining momentum with its teammates.
- Pokemon that utilize U-turn and Volt Switch is highly recommended with Scizor. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W are great examples. Landorus-T can provide utility with Intimidate, Stealth Rock, and is a solid check against Garchomp and Excadrill. Tapu Koko can threaten Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt or use U-turn to generate further momentum while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Slowking is another notable teammate that can take on Pokemon utilizing Fire coverage such as Tornadus-T and Nidoking and pivot out safely from Slowking’s checks like Rillaboom and Kartana.
- Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran to U-turn and set up. Hydreigon can also use Defog so that Scizor isn't worn down by hazards and can check Rillaboom, Tapu Lele, and Kyurem as efficiently as possible.
- Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while being able to pressure many of Scizor's threats with its powerful STAB moves. Pressuring Stealth Rock and Defog users such as Landorus-T, Heatran, and Corviknight, which are great switch-ins to Scizor, is a bonus.
- Heatran provides Scizor with an immunity to Fire, can set up Stealth Rock, and can weaken shared checks in Toxapex and Garchomp. garchomp as a sciz check is kind of a reach... could maybe revise this to something like rotom-w

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Swords Dance increases Scizor’s wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon - thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, it can take care of would-be checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Corviknight. the new coverage doesn't let it beat corviknight specifically, find a better example to put here
- Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch also helps Scizor plough through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T.
- Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Toxapex, Zapdos, and Tangrowth in addition to crippling Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona that rely on Leftovers or Heavy Duty Boots to check Scizor.
- Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone as well as opposing Scizor at +2.
- Sand Tomb provides Scizor with much-needed coverage, getting rid of key Steel-types such as Heatran and Magnezone as well as trapping Toxapex so other attackers such as Weavile and Urshifu-S can wallbreak more efficiently. move this up, it's first slash in the set Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact neutral move.

- Scizor is dedicated to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles.
- Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor - it helps Scizor pick up key OHKOes such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp after a Swords Dance boost. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for this reason. They can also check Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona respectively.
- Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel- and Fairy-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Clefable to open a path for it to sweep late-game or weaken them itself so Scizor can sweep as well.
- Scizor can also fit on Spikes-based hyper offensive teams with setters like Mew. When paired with Spikes, it makes its job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Hippowdon one-on-one much easier.
- Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Clefable, Slowbro, and specially defensive Hippowdon respectively.
- Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens: this gives Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and using U-turn to bring it in safely.

Other Options

- A physically defensive set can also be used as a good check to Swords Dance Rillaboom, Excadrill, and Zeraora but is more unreliable against key threats such as Kyurem and Tapu Lele.
- Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost while being less vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona as they can take advantage of it unless correct prediction. The former doesn‘t like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets however. In particular, Volcarona is especially annoying as if it gets Flame Body off it can not only cripple but also use it as set up fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking run Fire coverage and force it out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor - being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any set up attempts, however, offensive Swords Dance variants; if boosted, can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or taking hefty damage from Psycho Cut. Rotom-W and Swampert can switch into Scizor as they fear very little from it apart Knock Off and become vulnerable to being worn down.

**Grass-types**: Ferrothorn can layer Spikes to threaten Scizor’s teammates and itself if it chooses to use Knock Off on them while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind while Tangrowth can stomach most of Scizor's attacks unboosted and wear it down with Knock Off or incapacitate it with Sleep Powder. split this up into 2-3 sentences to help it read better

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory resist Scizor's Bullet Punch fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up; Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave, while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind.

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
qc 1/2, good work
comments in orange
additions/changes in purple
removals will be strikes


Scizor’s excellent defensive typing and access to Roost, as well as its access to reliable and strong priority with Technician Bullet Punch, make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele while also being a potent revenge killer and win condition with Swords Dance that can clean up weakened teams with ease. Scizor also comes with an array of utility options, with some of them boosted thanks to its Technician ability: Bullet Punch checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy Duty Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. Offensive Swords Dance Scizor's wallbreaking potency is not to be underestimated, as it can easily generate opportunities to set up thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal as well as a Life Orb Technician-boosted Bullet Punch. Referring to specific sets is probably best saved for the sets themselves as opposed to the overview, which is just talking about Scizor overall. Although Scizor’s typing allows it to check several threats, it is extremely vulnerable to Fire coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It is also vulnerable to Flame Body targets such as Heatran and Volcarona if not running Knock Off as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes it reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes which leaves it vulnerable to faster offensive threats such as Landorus-T, Urshifu-R, and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from the likes of Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on. Four moveslot syndrome also makes Scizor struggle on Swords Dance sets, particularly offensive ones as it can find it hard to break through Ground-neutral or immune Steel-types such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory, depending on the set. Not really? Bullet Punch and Superpower/Knock Off cover quite a bit of difference, and it mostly just comes down to the needs of a team. This is kind of misleading given the bases SD is generally able to cover, so I'd just outright remove this.

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Bullet Punch
move 2: U-turn / Swords Dance
move 3: Knock Off / Swords Dance
move 4: Roost

item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Careful
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD

This move order is much cleaner and gives you easier transitions from one explanation to the other.


Scizor's defensive typing and Special Defense investment let it check the likes of Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele, making it a reliable choice on bulky offense teams that benefit from its less passive nature and ability to revenge kill more reliably compared to other options like Blissey or specially defensive Clefable. Talking about what kinds of teams it fits on isn't necessary, especially as you literally just repeat this in the teammates section anyway. If you want to highlight its benefits in comparison to Clefable/Blissey, explain what makes it stand out by itself rather than explain what kinds of teams it fits on. U-turn and Swords Dance provides Scizor with great role compression- U-turn being able to further fulfil its role as a pivot and generate momentum as well as potentially bring a teammate such as Hydreigon to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Save teammate examples for the teammates section. On the other hand, Swords Dance makes Scizor a potent cleaner mid-to-late game when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch, preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. How does SD by itself not make it setup fodder? Scizor running U-turn and/or Knock Off does this anyway, and it muddies the purpose of Swords Dance on this set to mention anyway. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele over the course of the game. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, creating more opportunities for it to nab a Swords Dance boost and making it a sturdier check to threats like Tapu Lele and Kyurem. Just wording it like "a more reliable switch-in" better complements Heavy-Duty Boots' purpose on Scizor. However, Leftovers can be used instead of Heavy Duty Boots for added longevity but is in most cases inferior to Heavy Duty Boots due to the frequency of Scizor constantly pivoting out.

Rearrange your explanations of Knock Off, U-turn, and Swords Dance to be next to each other, and rearrange Roost to be the last explained move.

Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful special attackers while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Pokemon that utilize U-turn and Volt Switch are highly recommended with Scizor. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W are great examples. Landorus-T can provide utility with Intimidate, Stealth Rock, and is a solid check against Garchomp and Excadrill. Tapu Koko can threaten Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt or use U-turn to generate further momentum while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Slowking is another notable teammate that can take on Pokemon utilizing Fire coverage such as Tornadus-T and Nidoking and pivot out safely from its checks like Rillaboom and Kartana for Scizor to take advantage of. Hopefully that should make this sentence more clear. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran to U-turn and for set up opportunities. Hydreigon can also use Defog so that Scizor isn't worn down by hazards and can check Rillaboom, Tapu Lele, and Kyurem as efficiently as possible. Defog Hydreigon is heavily decreasing in use, Scizor has HDB to alleviate hazard pressure, and you just repeat points you've already made in the previous sentence anyway. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while being able to pressure many of Scizor's threats with its powerful STAB moves. Like what? Pressuring Stealth Rock and Defog users such as Landorus-T, Heatran, and Corviknight, which are great switch-ins to Scizor, is a bonus. You can easily compress this sentence into the previous one; I would just remove Corviknight, as it does beat Urshifu 1v1. Heatran provides Scizor with an immunity to Fire, can set up Stealth Rock, and can weaken shared checks in Toxapex and Rotom-W.

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor’s wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon - thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, it can take care of would-be checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos. Zapdos is kind of finicky as Scizor doesn't really have the speed tier or the strength even when boosted to beat it anyway. Maybe mention defensive Heatran instead? Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch also helps Scizor plough through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Toxapex, Zapdos, and Tangrowth in addition to crippling Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona that rely -on Leftovers or Heavy Duty Boots to check Scizor. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with much-needed coverage, getting rid of key Steel-types such as Heatran and Magnezone as well as trapping Toxapex so other attackers such as Weavile and Urshifu-S can wallbreak more efficiently. I dislike these teammate mentions, and they probably shouldn't be mentioned here anyway. Saying "much-needed" isn't really necessary, you can just say "provides Scizor with a useful, Technician-boosted option that beats [x]" or smth like that". I'd also like to see Sand Tomb being a proponent of luring and beating Heatran being mentioned since Heatran very frequently switches into Scizor. Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone as well as opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact neutral move. In what ways is the lack of contact relevant?

Scizor is dedicated to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor - it helps Scizor pick up key OHKOes such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp after a Swords Dance boost. With what move? Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for this reason. They can also check Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona respectively. You can mesh the previous two sentences into one. Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel- and Fairy-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Clefable to open a path for it to sweep late-game or weaken them itself so Scizor can sweep as well. Can Weavile pressure anything in particular itself that Scizor appreciates? Landorus-T is a pretty major example. Scizor can also fit on Spikes-based hyper offensive teams with setters like Mew. When paired with Spikes, it makes its job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Clefable, Slowbro, and specially defensive Hippowdon respectively. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens: this gives Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and using U-turn to bring it in safely. Can Tapu Koko pivot against anything in particular that Scizor can use as a setup opportunity?

Other Options

A physically defensive set can also be used as a good check to Swords Dance Rillaboom, Excadrill, and Zeraora but is more unreliable against key threats such as Kyurem and Tapu Lele. Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost while being less vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona as they can take advantage of it unless correct prediction. The former doesn‘t like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets however. In particular, Volcarona is especially annoying as if it gets Flame Body off it can not only cripple but also use it as set up fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking run Fire coverage and force it out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor - being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any set up attempts, however, offensive Swords Dance variants; if boosted, can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or taking hefty damage from Psycho Cut. Rotom-W and Swampert can switch into Scizor as they fear very little from it apart from Knock Off and their vulnerability to chip damage become vulnerable to being worn down.

**Grass-types**: Ferrothorn can layer Spikes to threaten Scizor’s teammates and itself if it chooses to use Knock Off on them while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind. Tangrowth can stomach most of Scizor's attacks unboosted and wear it down with Knock Off or incapacitate it with Sleep Powder. This is the Grass-type section yet you mention Skarmory? Why not just repurpose this into a physical wall section, and maybe just add Toxapex into here? You can probably justify dropping off Swampert and Rotom-W as Scizor can do a pretty ok job overloading/pivoting against them. I also dislike calling this the Grass-type section hugely because Scizor literally has a superior type matchup and STAB U-turn, so this just comes off as being really confusing and offputting.

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory resist Scizor's Bullet Punch fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up; Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave, while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind.

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

qc 2/2 when implemented! let me look over this one more time before you send it to gp though

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AM Check, implement if you want to :blobwizard:

Remove (RC) remove comma (RP) remove period (RH) remove hyphen
Add (AC) add comma (AP) add comma (AH) add hyphen

Scizor's excellent defensive typing,(AC) and access to Roost, as well as reliable and strong priority in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch (RC) make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. (AP) while It can also being a potent revenge killer and win condition with Swords Dance that can clean up weakened teams with ease. I wanted to separate the sentences due to it being very long and you are talking about its defensive capabilities then the offensive capabilities. Scizor also comes with an array of utility options, with some of them boosted thanks to its Technician. (AP) ability: Bullet Punch checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy Duty Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. Although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Heatran and Flame Body targets such as Heatran and from Volcarona if not running Knock Off, (AC) as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. A Its mediocre Speed tier also makes it Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, (AC) which leaves it vulnerable to faster offensive threats such as Landorus-T, Urshifu-R, and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-Turn U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Careful
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD


Scizor's defensive typing and Special Defense investment let it check the likes of Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner in the mid-to-late game mid- or late-game when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch, preventing it from possibly being set up (space) on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. U-turn alongside Swords Dance provides Scizor with great role compression. (AP) U-turn can further fulfill its role as a pivot and generate momentum and potentially to bring a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, creating more opportunities for it to nab a Swords Dance boost and make it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele and Kyurem. However, Leftovers can be used instead of Heavy Duty Boots for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor constantly having to pivot out.

Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful special attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Pokemon that utilize U-turn and Volt Switch is highly recommended with Scizor. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W are great examples. can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide utility with Intimidate, (RC) and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Excadrill. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Slowking is another notable teammate who can take on Pokemon utilizing Fire-type coverage such as Tornadus-T and Nidoking, (AC) and pivot out safely from its checks like Rillaboom and Kartana for Scizor to take advantage of. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran for setting up opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise. Heatran provides Scizor with an immunity to Fire a Fire-type immunity, can set up Stealth Rock, and can weaken shared checks in Toxapex and Rotom-W.

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon,(AP) (RH) thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, it can take care of better dealing with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran. Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Toxapex, Zapdos, and Tangrowth, (AC) in addition to crippling Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona that rely on Leftovers or Heavy Duty Boots to check Scizor. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, luring in Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor and trapping and eliminating removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone, as well as opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact neutral move which prevents it from getting chipped from Rocky Helmet users.

Scizor is dedicated to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, (AC) (RH) as it helps Scizor it pick up key OHKOes OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp after with a Swords Dance boosted Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for this reason as they can also check checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona, respectively. Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel- and Fairy-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Clefable to open a path for it to sweep late-game or weaken them itself as well as a critical target in Landorus-T and Garchomp itself so Scizor can sweep as well. Scizor can also fit on Spikes-based hyper offensive teams with setters like Mew. When paired with Spikes, it makes its job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Clefable, Slowbro, and specially defensive Hippowdon, respectively. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens: this gives, (AC) giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and using U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so Scizor can start to set up.

Other Options

A physically defensive set can also be an excellent check to Swords Dance Rillaboom, Excadrill, and Zeraora but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Kyurem and Tapu Lele. Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost while being less vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona as they can take advantage of it unless correct prediction predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets however. In particular, Volcarona is incredibly annoying as if it gets Flame Body off, it can not only cripple but also use it as set-up (AH) fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking run Fire-type coverage and force it out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, (AC) (RH) being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any set up attempts.(AP); (RSC) however However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants; if boosted, can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or taking hefty damage from Psycho Cut. Rotom-W and Swampert can switch into Scizor as they fear very little from it apart from Knock Off and their vulnerability to chip damage.

**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can layer Spikes to threaten Scizor's teammates and itself Scizor and its teammates if it chooses to use Knock Off on them its Heavy-Duty Boots are removed, while Hippowdon takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind. Tangrowth can stomach most of Scizor's attacks unboosted and wear it down with Knock Off or incapacitate it with Sleep Powder.

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory resist Scizor's Bullet Punch fear very little from Scizor it except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, (AC) (RSC) Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave, while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind.

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [ausma, 360720]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Overall solid work, but you often used hyphens as commas and colons a lot.
Last edited:
AM check so take everything with a grain of salt.

Scizor's excellent defensive typing, access to Roost, as well as reliable and strong priority in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. (reword the part in defensive pokemon of choice for teams... into, "that its a great defensive check (insert checks) with offensive presence.") It can also be a potent revenge killer and win condition with Swords Dance that can clean up weakened teams with ease (mention Bullet Punch here since Swords Dance is what makes it deadly). Scizor also comes with an array of utility options, with some of them boosted thanks to Technician. (fluff, the first part of technician is only true for Bullet Punch) Bullet Punch checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile (we already know what Bullet Punch does no need to elaborate further) U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy Duty Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos Volcarona(Replace all Zapdos mention since its fallen in viability to Volcarona), and Heatran. Although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Heatran and Flame Body from Volcarona if not running Knock Off, as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance take advantage of it. (fluff) Its mediocre Speed tier also makes Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, which leaves it vulnerable to faster offensive threats such as Landorus-T, Urshifu-R, and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos Volcarona (once more Volcarona is more relevant and can abuse Scizor if its not Knock Off) and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Impish
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 SpD


Scizor's defensive typing and Special Defense investment let it check the likes of Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner in the mid- or late-game when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch, preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. U-turn alongside Swords Dance provides Scizor with great role compression. (elaborate this line on how it is great role compression with those two or remove it.) U-turn can further fulfill its role as a pivot and generate momentum to bring a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, creating more opportunities for it to nab a Swords Dance boost and make it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele and Kyurem. However, Leftovers can be used instead of Heavy Duty Boots for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor constantly having to pivot out. The given EV spread allows Scizor to tank two Sacred Swords from Kartana as reliably as possible (mention that it also lives Rillaboom boosted superpower here). It also avoids a 2HKO from Kyurem’s Draco Meteor and being OHKOed by +2 Superpower from Rillaboom. (given how Draco Meteor is not as common anymore you could say the special defense investment helps it switch into Tapu Lele and Kyurem)

Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful physical and special attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates.(give examples of both) Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide utility with Intimidate and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Excadrill. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Slowking is another notable teammate who can take on Pokemon utilizing Fire-type coverage such as Tornadus-T and Nidoking, and pivot out safely from its checks like Rillaboom and Kartana for Scizor to take advantage of. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran for setting up opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise. Heatran provides Scizor with a Fire-type immunity, can set up Stealth Rock, and can weaken shared checks in Toxapex and Rotom-W. (a mention of Tapu Fini should be included given how the offensive and defensive synergy they have is really well given how most Tapu Fini beats majority of Scizor's checks).

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon, thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, better dealing with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran.(you could shorten these sentences into how swords dance and its coverage helps scizor break it checks) Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Toxapex, Zapdos, and Tangrowth, in addition to crippling Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona that rely on Leftovers or Heavy Duty Boots to check Scizor. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, luring in Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor and trapping and removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone, as well as opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact move which prevents it from getting chipped from Rocky Helmet users.

Scizor is dedicated to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, as it helps it pick up key OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp with a Swords Dance boosted Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona. Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel- and Fairy-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Clefable to open a path for it to sweep late-game or weaken Landorus-T and Garchomp itself so Scizor can sweep as well. Scizor can also fit on Spikes-based hyper offensive teams with setters like Mew. When paired with Spikes, it makes its job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Clefable, Slowbro, and specially defensive Hippowdon. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens, giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and using U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so Scizor can start to set up.

Other Options

A physically defensive set can also be an excellent check to Swords Dance Rillaboom, Excadrill, and Zeraora but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Kyurem and Tapu Lele. (considering the main set is physically defensive inclined is the main set probably doesn't need a mention down here.) Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost while being less vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona as they can take advantage of it unless predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets however. In particular, Volcarona is incredibly annoying as if it gets Flame Body off, it can not only cripple but also use it as set-up fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking run Fire-type coverage and force it out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any set up attempts. However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or taking hefty damage from Psycho Cut. Rotom-W and Swampert can switch into Scizor as they fear very little from it apart from Knock Off and their vulnerability to chip damage.

**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can lay Spikes to threaten Scizor and its teammates if its Heavy-Duty Boots are removed, while Hippowdon takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind. (Hippowdon is Specially Defensive these days so it will be misleading having it here, though you can mention something else like Buzzwole.) Tangrowth can stomach most of Scizor's attacks unboosted and wear it down with Knock Off or incapacitate it with Sleep Powder.

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight Zapdos (irrelevant) and Skarmory resist Scizor's Bullet Punch fear very little from it except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave, while Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind. (mention Tornadus-T that can take hits and pressure it out with Heat Wave)

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [ausma, 360720]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
Trial QC check approved by airfare
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[Overview] Scizor's excellent defensive typing, access to Roost, as well as reliable and strong priority in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Rillaboom Weavile, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele.rilla usage is in the dumpster while weavile usage is insanely high It can also be a potent revenge killer and win condition with Swords Dance that can clean up weakened teams with ease. Scizor also comes with an array of utility options, with some of them boosted thanks to Technician. useless sentence Bullet Punch checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy Duty Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. Although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Heatran and Flame Body from Volcarona if not running Knock Off, as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, which leaves it vulnerable to faster resistant offensive threats such as Landorus-T, Urshifu-R, and Zeraora. not specific enough to just say bullet punch leaves it vulnerable vs faster offensive threats when its priority Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Impish evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 SpD


Scizor's defensive typing and Special Defense defensive investment let allow it check the likes of Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner in the mid- or late-game cleaner already kind of indicates mid to late game when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch, while additionally preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. U-turn alongside Swords Dance provides Scizor with great role compression. useless sentence again U-turn can further fulfill its allows Scizor to fulfill the role as a of a pivot and generate momentum to by bringing in a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, creating more opportunities for it to nab a Swords Dance boost and make it doesn't really do this, if anything this is something to add as a benefit to lefties because it allows you to sustain yourself more easily when ur staying in for longer than 2 turns making it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele and Kyurem. However, Leftovers can be used instead of Heavy Duty Boots for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor constantly having to pivot out. The given EV spread allows Scizor to tank two Sacred Swords from Choice Banded Kartana as reliably as possible. It also avoids a 2HKO from Kyurem’s Draco Meteor and being OHKOed by +2 Superpower from Rillaboom.
Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful special attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide utility with Intimidate and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Heatran Excadrill. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Slowking is another notable teammate who can take on Pokemon utilizing Fire-type coverage such as Tornadus-T and Nidoking, and pivot out safely from its checks like Rillaboom and Kartana for Scizor to take advantage of. Dead mon usage and viability wise Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran for setting up opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise. Heatran provides Scizor with a Fire-type immunity, can set up Stealth Rock, and can weaken shared checks in Toxapex and Rotom-W.

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb ability: Technician
nature: Adamant evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon, thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, better dealing with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran. Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Toxapex, Zapdos and Tangrowth, in addition to crippling Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona that rely on Leftovers or Heavy Duty Boots to check Scizor. revise this sentence entirely, it doesnt make sense to say knock can be used to cripple Heatran and Toxapex when sand tomb hits both, and knock doesnt harm toxapex at all really Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, luring in Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor and trapping and removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone, as well as opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact move which prevents it from getting chipped from Rocky Helmet users.

Offensive Scizor is dedicated restricted to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, as it helps it pick up key OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp with a Swords Dance boosted Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona. Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel- and Fairy-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Clefable and Ferrothorn to open a path for it to sweep late-game ,while abusing one another's checks for setup such as Landorus-T for Weavile and Clefable for Scizor or weaken Landorus-T and Garchomp itself so Scizor can sweep as well. Scizor can also fit on Spikes-based hyper offensive teams with setters like Mew. They aren't weakening things that'll literally never stay in vs them, its better to say they abuse one another's counterplay for set up When paired with Spikes, it makes its job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Tankchomp Clefable, Slowbro, and specially defensive Hippowdon. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens, giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and using U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so Scizor can start to set up.


Other Options
A physically defensive set can also be an excellent check to Swords Dance Rillaboom, Excadrill, and Zeraora but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Kyurem and Tapu Lele. this is the main set :p put max spdef in here instead Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost ,although it does leave it more vulnerable to being worn down while being less vulnerable to being worn down. seems like a simple mistake, nothing more to add

Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona as they can take advantage of it unless predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets however. In particular, Volcarona is incredibly annoying as if it gets Flame Body off, it can not only cripple but also use it as set-up fodder. Scizor is setup fodder flame body or no flame body, reword this Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking often run Fire-type coverage and can force it out. not garunteed on any of the pokemon listed at all, besides maybe nidoking

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any set up attempts. However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or taking hefty damage from Psycho Cut. Rotom-W and Swampert can switch into Scizor as they it fears very little from it apart from Knock Off and their vulnerability to chip damage. swampert getting knocked is horrible, rotom wash kinda works i guess given pain split. iffy on this bit though

**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can lay Spikes to threaten Scizor and its teammates if its Heavy-Duty Boots are removed, while Hippowdon takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind.replace this example with something else, whirlwind is very rare on hippo and scizor can tank hippo's eqs and continually spam SD vs it Tangrowth can stomach most of Scizor's attacks unboosted and wear it down with Knock Off or incapacitate it with Sleep Powder. pretty irrelevant pokemon with low usage, a good replacement here would be something like Buzzwole

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory resist Scizor's Bullet Punch fear very little from it Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave and static paralysis, while and Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind or set spikes on it.
[CREDITS] - Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [ausma, 360720]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Qc 3/3, onto GP it goes
Last edited:
GP 1/2 this is a diff app check

Scizor's excellent defensive typing, and access to Roost, (RC) as well as a reliable and strong priority move in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Weavile, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. It can also be a potent revenge killer and win conditionlate-game sweeper with Swords Dance that can, (AC) being able to clean up weakened teams with ease. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to checks threats such as Clefable, Kyurem, and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy-Duty (AH) Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. AHowever, although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Heatran and Flame Body from Heatran and Volcarona if not running Knock Off, as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, which leaves it vulnerable to faster resistant offensive threats such as Urshifu-R and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Impish
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 SpD


Scizor's defensive typing allow it to check the likes of Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch, while additionally (RC) while also preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. Alternatively, U-turn allows Scizor to fulfill the role of a pivot by, (AC) bringing in a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up., (comma) making it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele and Kyurem. However, Leftovers can be used instead of Heavy Duty Boots for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor constantly having to pivot back out immediately. The given EV spread allows Scizor to tank two Sacred Swords from Choice Band Kartana as reliably as possible. It also avoids a 2HKO from Kyurem’s Draco Meteor and being OHKOed by +2n OHKO from +2 Rillaboom's Superpower from Rillaboom.

Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide additional utility with Intimidate and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Heatran. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and Kyurem and appreciate Scizor luring Fire-types like Heatran and bringing them in for setting up opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise.

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon, (RC) thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, betterallowing it to dealing with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran better. Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Zapdos, Tangrowth, and Volcarona. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, luring insurprising Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor, (AC) and trapping and removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Alternatively, Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone, as well as (RC) and targeting opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact move that prevents itScizor from getting chipped fromworn down by Rocky Helmet users.

Offensive Scizor is restricted to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, as it helps it pick up key OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp with a Swords Dance-boosted (AH) Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona. Similarly, Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. In return, Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Ferrothorn to open a path for it to sweep late-game while abusing; (SC) the two of them also wear down one another's checks for setup such as Landorus-T for Weavile and Clefable for Scizor. When paired with Spikes, it makes it support (from?) also makes Scizor's job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Garchomp, Slowbro, and Hippowdon. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens, giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and usingbringing Scizor in with U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so Scizorit can start to set up.


Other Options
A specially defensive set is an excellent check to Kyurem and Tapu Lele but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Excadrill and Zeraora. (gonna have to go entirely ig?) Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost, although it does leave it more vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona, (AC) as they can take advantage of it unless predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets, however. Scizor hates going up against Volcarona, (AC) as it not only does it threatens Scizor with its STAB move but also can potentially cripple it by potentially burning it with Flame Body and use it as setup fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking often run Fire-type coverage and can force itScizor out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any setup attempts. However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or inflictake hefty damage fromwith Psycho Cut. Rotom-W also can switch into Scizor, (AC) as it fears very little from it apart from Knock Off.

**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can lay Spikes to threaten Scizor and its teammates if its Heavy-Duty Boots areis removed, while Pokemon like Buzzwole isn’t threatened by Scizor at all apart from the rare Aerial Ace.

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave and sStatic paralysis, and Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it out with Whirlwind or set sup Spikes on it.

Add Remove Comments (AH) = Add Hyphen (AC) = Add Comma

GP 2/2



Scizor's excellent defensive typing and access to Roost as well as a reliable and strong priority move in a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch make it the defensive Pokemon of choice for teams that need checks to Pokemon such as Weavile and Tapu Lele. It can also be a potent revenge killer and late-game sweeper with Swords Dance, being able to clean up weakened teams with ease. Bullet Punch allows Scizor to check threats such as Clefable and Weavile, U-turn provides momentum for the team while making Scizor less passive, and Knock Off removes Heavy-Duty (AH) Boots and Leftovers from its checks such as Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Heatran. However, although Scizor's typing allows it to check several threats, it is incredibly vulnerable to Fire-type coverage from Pokemon like Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking. It can also be taken advantage of by Flame Body from Heatran and Volcarona if not running Knock Off, as they can cripple Scizor and use it to set up Stealth Rock or Quiver Dance. Its mediocre Speed tier also makes Scizor reliant on Bullet Punch for revenge killing purposes, which leaves it vulnerable to faster resistant offensive threats such as Urshifu-R and Zeraora. Scizor also struggles against adverse contact effects from Zapdos and Ferrothorn, leaving it more vulnerable as the game goes on.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / U-turn
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-(AH)Duty Boots / Leftovers
ability: Technician
nature: Impish
evs: 248 HP / 172 Def / 88 SpD


Scizor's defensive typing allow allows it to check the likes of Rillaboom and Tapu Lele. Swords Dance turns Scizor into a powerful cleaner when combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch while also preventing it from possibly being set up on by the likes of Clefable and Reuniclus. Knock Off deprives potential switch-ins such as Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Zapdos of their items. Alternatively, U-turn allows Scizor to fulfill the role of a pivot, bringing in a teammate to take advantage of its checks such as defensive Landorus-T and Heatran. Roost is essential for checking Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tapu Lele throughout the game. Heavy-Duty Boots is the preferred item to ensure that Scizor can stay healthy regardless of entry hazards being up, making it a more reliable switch-in to threats like Tapu Lele. However, Leftovers can be used instead for added longevity but is in most cases inferior due to the frequency of Scizor having to pivot back out immediately. The given EV spread allows Scizor to tank two Sacred Swords from Choice Band Kartana as reliably as possible. It also avoids an OHKO from +2 Rillaboom's Superpower.

Scizor fits best on bulky offense teams thanks to its great defensive utility that allows it to check the myriad of powerful attackers in the tier while maintaining momentum with its teammates. Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, and Rotom-W can form good VoltTurn cores with Scizor. Landorus-T can provide additional utility with Intimidate and Stealth Rock and is a solid check against Garchomp and Heatran. Tapu Koko threatens Corviknight and Tornadus-T with Thunderbolt, while Rotom-W can take on Landorus-T and Heatran with Hydro Pump and Pain Split. Garchomp and Hydreigon are both great offensive Dragon-types that benefit from Scizor checking Tapu Lele and appreciate Scizor luring in Fire-types like Heatran and bringing them in for setup opportunities. Urshifu-R is a great teammate that can provide U-turn support while pressuring Stealth Rock users such as Landorus-T and Heatran, which are great switch-ins to Scizor otherwise.

name: Offensive Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Bullet Punch
move 3: Knock Off / Superpower
move 4: Sand Tomb / Psycho Cut
item: Life Orb
ability: Technician
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Swords Dance increases Scizor's wallbreaking potential up to a new echelon thanks to the variety of coverage moves at its disposal, allowing it to deal with checks such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Heatran better. Swords Dance combined with a Technician-boosted Bullet Punch allows Scizor to plow through Pokemon like Clefable, Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Knock Off pressures foes that would be able to tank Bullet Punch like Zapdos, Tangrowth, and Volcarona. Sand Tomb provides Scizor with practical coverage, surprising Heatran, which frequently switches into Scizor, and trapping and removing Toxapex and Magnezone. Alternatively, Superpower hits the aforementioned Heatran, (AC) as well as threatening checks such as Corviknight, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone and targeting opposing Scizor at +2. Psycho Cut can also be run instead of Sand Tomb to OHKO Toxapex after a Swords Dance boost and serve as a solid non-contact move that prevents Scizor from getting worn down by Rocky Helmet users.

Offensive Scizor is restricted to offense teams due to its poor longevity and vulnerability to being worn down quickly, preventing it from consistently fulfilling defensive roles. Entry hazard support is essential for Scizor, as it helps it pick up key OHKOs on Pokemon such as Rillaboom and offensive Garchomp with a Swords Dance-boosted Bullet Punch. Teammates such as Landorus-T and Garchomp complement it nicely for by checking Fire-types such as Heatran and Volcarona. Similarly, Pokemon that can weaken checks like Landorus-T, Toxapex, Corviknight, and Kartana such as Rillaboom, Weavile, and Volcarona are appreciated. In return, Weavile appreciates Scizor weakening Steel-types such as Corviknight, Magnezone, and Ferrothorn to open a path for it to sweep late-game; the two of them also wear down one another's checks for setup such as Landorus-T for Weavile and Clefable for Scizor. Spikes support also makes Scizor's job of beating physically defensive walls such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and physically defensive Hippowdon one-on-one much easier. Other good teammates include Hawlucha and Zeraora, which appreciate Scizor's ability to weaken checks like Garchomp, Slowbro, and Hippowdon. Tapu Koko can also provide dual screens, giving Scizor more opportunities to set up while providing support with Taunt and bringing Scizor in with U-turn against foes like Ferrothorn and Blissey so it can start to set up.


Other Options
A specially defensive set is an excellent check to Tapu Lele but is unreliable against crucial threats such as Excadrill and Zeraora. Metal Coat gives Scizor a notable boost to its Bullet Punch, ensuring KOs on the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko after a Swords Dance boost, although it does leave it more vulnerable to being worn down.

Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Coverage**: Scizor struggles to get past Heatran and Volcarona, as they can take advantage of it unless predicted correctly. The former does not like switching into Knock Off or Superpower on offensive sets, however. Scizor hates going up against Volcarona, as it not only threatens Scizor with its STAB move but also can also potentially cripple it by burning it with Flame Body and use it as setup fodder. Other Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tornadus-T, and Nidoking often run Fire-type coverage and can force Scizor out.

**Water-types**: Toxapex is one of the best switch-ins to Scizor, being able to punish it with Scald and Haze off any setup attempts. However, boosted offensive Swords Dance variants can trap Toxapex with Sand Tomb or inflict hefty damage with Psycho Cut. Rotom-W also can also switch into Scizor, as it fears very little from it apart from Knock Off.

**Physical Walls**: Ferrothorn can lay Spikes to threaten Scizor and its teammates if its Heavy-Duty Boots is removed, while Buzzwole isn’t isn't (ASCII apostrophes) threatened by Scizor at all apart from the rare Aerial Ace.

**Bulky Flying-types**: Corviknight, Zapdos, and Skarmory fear very little from Scizor except for Knock Off or Superpower. Corviknight can tank most of its attacks and pivot out with U-turn or set up with Bulk Up, Zapdos threatens Scizor out with Heat Wave and Static paralysis, and Skarmory takes very little damage from Scizor and can phaze it with Whirlwind or set up Spikes on against it.

- Written by: [[PA, 430787]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [[ausma, 360720], [Gomi, 516245]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216], [deetah, 297659]]