Scyther deserves a place in the metagame.

We all know that PorygonZ's pre-evo, Porygon 2, is BL in the metagame. Why not the same for Scyther, the pre-evo of Scizor. Here's the set I would most recommend.

Scyther @ Salac Berry
Adamant, Technician
252 Atk. / 6 Def. OR SD / 252 Spd.

Aerial Ace
Swords Dance

- Technician should be used w/ AA, and Swarm should be used w/ U-Turn. W/ Technician, Aerial Ace becomes a 90 base power attack, a physical flying Aura Sphere, and that's without STAB. Scyther can outspeed Jolly Hera without Choice Scarf, with Adamant (309 Spd.), and OHKO with AA. Scyther can also endure Hera's Stone Edge, let Salac Berry kick in, and OHKO with Aerial Ace. Sub is an option, but Endure is more recommended. Scyther has to watch out for Sandstorm or Hail though, but that's mainly it. This pokemon deifnitely deserves a place in the Metagame (most likely BL), because it is definitely better than MOST of the BL and UU types out there because of its impressive attack and speed.
We all know that PorygonZ's pre-evo, Porygon 2, is BL in the metagame. Why not the same for Scyther, the pre-evo of Scizor. Here's the set I would most recommend.

Scyther @ Salac Berry
Adamant, Technician
252 Atk. / 6 Def. OR SD / 252 Spd.

Aerial Ace
Swords Dance

- Technician should be used w/ AA, and Swarm should be used w/ U-Turn. W/ Technician, Aerial Ace becomes a 90 base power attack, a physical flying Aura Sphere, and that's without STAB. Scyther can outspeed Jolly Hera without Choice Scarf, with Adamant (309 Spd.), and OHKO with AA. Scyther can also endure Hera's Stone Edge, let Salac Berry kick in, and OHKO with Aerial Ace. Sub is an option, but Endure is more recommended. Scyther has to watch out for Sandstorm or Hail though, but that's mainly it. This pokemon deifnitely deserves a place in the Metagame (most likely BL), because it is definitely better than MOST of the BL and UU types out there because of its impressive attack and speed.
It's attack and speed stats are good, but nothing special.
Also, you have failed to note that Stealth Rock, which is out 99% of the time, makes Scyther take 50% on a switch in. So Scyther can only switch in 2 or 3 times, depinding on the HP.
Also, why pick this over Yanmega, who has Sleep, Speed Boost, and a special attack stat that does not get ruined by Salamence or Gyarados. Or Ninjask, who has 160 speed, Speed Boost, and BATON PASS! Why??
IcyShock, at first, when thinking about it, you'd probably think yes it does deserve a place. Great attack and speed, making a very good Jolly Physical Sweeper.

Unfortunately, it is crippled by all its weaknesses (quad to rock, and 2x to Fire, Ice, Electric, and Flying), namely Stealth Rock, which takes 50% of its health on a switch-in. Hence, due to all its weaknesses, it isn't used very much, unfortunately. Shame, it looks so cool, easily the coolest bug Pokemon out there.
Just because he's UU doesn't mean he "has no place in the metagame". He can do what he can do, it's common knowledge that Scizor does not own Scyther in every way (which is in turn a common argument used to exclude NFEs in debates...except that this is OU where you could use Squirtle if you wanted to and nobody would care). I don't really see your point - we even have a Scyther analysis already.
dose switching in to stealth rock instantly activate the salac berry? cuz if it did this set would be quite nice.

SR also makes reversal base 75 power right off the bat.

i think when really take a look at this poke thought, its att stat just isnt quite enough. it can destroy in UU though
If it's twice and if it's without Sandstorm, then yes. The HP must be odd for this to work.
and if it's Divisible by 4, then if he Subs once after Stealth Rock, he'll get Salac Boost
dose switching in to stealth rock instantly activate the salac berry? cuz if it did this set would be quite nice.

SR also makes reversal base 75 power right off the bat.

i think when really take a look at this poke thought, its att stat just isnt quite enough. it can destroy in UU though

Berries activate at 25%, switch in on stealth rock into a fighting or ground attack, sub on the switch, berry activates.
Or leave yourself with 1HP after 2 SR's and switch in to get a max power Reversal and Salac activation. That's a tactic that was talked about a lot when SR was first announced but not seen very much in battle. Must be all the sandstorm.
Scyther's not that bad in my opinion
Every once in a while my Scyther can get at least 2 kills
But that's usually if the opponent is an idiot
^^I have managed to wipe off my friend's random team just with a Lv80 random DV'd/EV'd BoltBeamQuake Rayquaza. He had Mewtwo, Walrein, Charizard, Articuno, Zapdos and Marowak. What I'm saying is, if the opponent is an idiot, anything that can happen.

I run a Reversal/Aerial Ace/Pursuit/X-Scissor Scyther on a rain dance team. Works quite well, I just have to be wary of random Thunders flying around.
The main problem is Stealth Rock though, but STAB Aerial Ace w/ Technician is viable, and it is one of the best pre-evos out there. You just need to use it at the right time (ex: not in Sandstorm or w/ Stealth Rock). It definitely needs to lead the team, because it has a lesser chance that it'll be affected by SR. It does deserve a place though. Personally, I think it should be in BL since you don't have Sand Streamers in that level. Oh, I never said it was better than Yanmega or Ninjask, I said it was better than MOST bug flyers.
Scyther has to watch out for Sandstorm or Hail though, but that's mainly it. This pokemon deifnitely deserves a place in the Metagame (most likely BL)

Your suggestion means, basically, that Scyther will be used much less than he is, as Sandstorm is up a majority of the time in OU at the moment and that's the only real metagame BL are eligible for, barring the rare one that works in Ubers.
It's attack and speed stats are good, but nothing special.
Also, you have failed to note that Stealth Rock, which is out 99% of the time, makes Scyther take 50% on a switch in. So Scyther can only switch in 2 or 3 times, depinding on the HP.
Also, why pick this over Yanmega, who has Sleep, Speed Boost, and a special attack stat that does not get ruined by Salamence or Gyarados. Or Ninjask, who has 160 speed, Speed Boost, and BATON PASS! Why??
Comparing Scyther to Yanmega and Ninjask is COMPLETELY irrevelant. Yanmega is a fast Hypnosis lead whom uses SPECIAL attacks, and Ninjask is a very fast BPer which has mediocre Atk, uber speed and sucky stats in everything else. Scyther is best as a late-game sweeper; 80 at both defenses help it abuse its x4 resistances (grass, fight) and it can at least 2HKO stuff like Tyranitar, Heracross, Alakazam, Weavile, Gengar and Sceptile. (too lazy for calcs atm)
Comparing Scyther to Yanmega and Ninjask is COMPLETELY irrevelant. Yanmega is a fast Hypnosis lead whom uses SPECIAL attacks, and Ninjask is a very fast BPer which has mediocre Atk, uber speed and sucky stats in everything else. Scyther is best as a late-game sweeper; 80 at both defenses help it abuse its x4 resistances (grass, fight) and it can at least 2HKO stuff like Tyranitar, Heracross, Alakazam, Weavile, Gengar and Sceptile. (too lazy for calcs atm)
Same typing, extreme similarities. Oh, and the question was: Why would you use it over Jask and Mega?
Ninjask can 2HKO Tar and Weavile, and the rest, lol. Those were some crappy examples.
Again, it has relaatively few things it can do well and be different from these. It's mediocre, and that is why it is UU.
...then realising you've lost 75% of your health only to die helpessly against any OU physical wall. Even Cress is 3HKO'd on average. If he can't get pass any walls without three Swords Dances then he has no place as a sweeper outside of UU.

As for the Revving set, if I went through the trouble of changing the weather, I'd much rather reward myself with a Medicham, Blaziken or Heracross Reversal sweep rather than lolScyther.
Medicham, Blaziken or Heracross Reversal sweep rather than lolScyther.
The only reversal sweep Scyther is good at is switching in on SR twice to get free max power Reversal. Otherwise he is outclassed by Lucario (like every Reversaler actually).

And do keep in mind, Scyther is base 105 speed. Medicham, Blaziken are 80 and Hera is 85. That means you can outspeed more things with a Salac Boost (Scyther's 463 maxSpd/neutral is pretty hard to beat compared to base 80's 388) and not get stopped short by that pesky Jolteon, Aerodactyl, Ninjask (!), or Crobat.

Sadly, 110 base attack is kinda wallable.
I do know his Swarm X-scissor can dent Cresselia though, a pokemon most Reversalers can't get around.
Scyther can have a place in the metagame if you want it to; you are not restricted from using it in standard play.
It deserves, in my opinion, to be in BL. OU is where Hippowdon and Tyranitar are, and they're the main sand streamers. Even in Hail, Scyther can most likely outspeed and KO Abomasnow with Aerial Ace, even if it does get it with Ice Shard (some defense EVs may be a good idea for quick-hitting moves).
The point is, pokemon in BL are BANNED for play in UU, which obviously means if Scyther was moved to BL, it would be used in OU play, where there are the Sandstormers you mentioned. I know, you might say play in a BL match, but what are the chances of that happening?