Season 6 (Week 5 [DP UU #2]) Won by Maniaclyrasist

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Great Sage

Banned deucer.
Post "in" to participate.
Send a PM to "Great Sage" on Shoddy when you win your match, losers need not PM as it could cause confusion.
Additionally, please do note that today's tour is UU. If you want to know if a certain Pokemon is allowed, check the UU Ladder for a list of banned Pokemon.

For reference on what is allowed see below please!!!!!!
(Weezing, Shedinja, Articuno, Aerodactyl, Venusaur, and Miltank are NOT allowed)!!!!!!!!!

General Smogon Tour Rules
The following is a list of general rules and information when participating in a Smogon Tour.
  • You must have a Smogon Forum account to sign-up for a Smogon Tour tournament.
  • You are allowed to play in any tournament that is readily available.
  • When the tour registration begins, sign-up at the Smogon Tour section of the Smogon Forums. There are 32 spots for registration. If you do not make the 32 mark, you can still sign-up as a substitute player if a player does not show up. Substitute players will only be applied in the first round.
  • You must use your forum nickname as your Shoddy Battle nickname in order to play.
  • If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
  • There is a fifteen minute time limit for each round. If you exceed the time limit, notify the current host. He or she will determine the winner based on the current advantage between the players.
  • Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
Smogon Tour Battling Rules
The following are the rules when playing your match. Be sure that you check all the rules before challenging your opponent.
  • Species Clause. A player cannot have two of the same pokemon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
  • In the UU environment, you are not allowed to use pokemon classified as Uber, BL, or OU.
  • All tiers are based on Smogon Tiers.
  • Sleep Clause. A player cannot put two or more different opposing pokemon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing pokemon.
  • Freeze Clause. A player cannot freeze two or more different opposing Pokemon.
  • Evasion Clause. A player cannot increase their pokemon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
  • OHKO Clause. Players cannot use moves that have a chance of instantly KO opposing Pokemon. For example, Horn Drill is an illegal move to have on a pokemon's move set.
  • Self-KO Clause. Players cannot use moves such as Explosion or Selfdestruct that force a tie. If a move that has recoil damage causes a tie, the user of the move is the winner.
Send a PM to "Great Sage" on Shoddy when you win your match, losers need not PM as it could cause confusion.

Match List!
Round 1
RB Golbat vs Stellar
Havak vs latinoheat
Sk vs Twist of Fate
Pocket vs Wulfspade
highstakespkmn vs spies
LightWolf vs Gaborik
Fabbles vs martinky24
nitharshan21 vs Kinnias
zangzag vs Fear
DeadDuck vs crossfire
imperfectluck vs King of Hax
Fishy vs JabbaTheGriffin
Loki vs Athrosu
PoliPower vs Taylor
Gouki vs Queso Grande
Slobroking vs Earthworm
gmann54 vs Eddie Brock
OGBaLLiN vs Veteran In Love
Annhialator Zero vs Aqualuffy
Caelum vs husk
Vivises vs Twash Man
itachi109 vs Limitless
BL Fighter vs sportfreak
Arin vs Shiny Crobat
Astamatitos vs Olie
Giga Punch vs pokefreakman
dxfan212 vs Phylab
ceramic vs moi
AbsolDeath vs Maniaclyrasist
SuperSimon vs Holyknight
Sapientia vs PurpleWeezing
rkatzam vs The_Elitist

Round 2
vs Kinnias
imperfectluck vs Sk
Queso Grande vs Sapientia
ceramic vs Phylab
Earthworm vs Stellar
itachi109 vs martinky24
husk vs gmann54
Veteran In Love vs Gaborik
Astamatitos vs Taylor
DeadDuck vs Havak
Giga Punch vs sportfreak
Aqualuffy vs Holyknight
JabbaTheGriffin vs spies
Maniaclyrasist vs Twash Man
Arin vs rkatzam
Pocket vs zangzag

Round 3
itachi109 vs zangzag
Maniaclyrasist vs husk
Holyknight vs Taylor
sportfreak vs Loki
JabbaTheGriffin vs Havak
Gaborik vs Sk
Earthworm vs Queso Grande
Arin vs ceramic

Round 4
Havak vs itachi109
Arin vs Sk
Holyknight vs Maniaclyrasist
Earthworm vs Loki

Round 5
vs itachi109
Loki vs Arin

Round 6
Maniaclyrasist vs Arin


Won a round (1 point)
Veteran In Love
Giga Punch
Twash Man

Won two rounds (2 points)
Queso Grande

Won three rounds (3 points)

Won four rounds (5 points)

Won five rounds (7 points)

Won Sunday Tour of Week 4 (9 points)
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