Shiftry (Swords Dance)


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Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Seed Bomb / Bullet Seed
ability: Chlorophyll
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Swords Dance is used to boost Shiftry's Attack stat to impressive levels, allowing it to muscle through teams. Knock Off is a powerful STAB move that removes the target's item, making it a spammable move with no drawbacks that can cripple nearly all Pokemon. Sucker Punch is a strong priority move that allows Shiftry to OHKO Hitmonlee at +2 as well as threaten faster Pokemon. Seed Bomb is another STAB move that allows Shiftry to hit Pokemon such as Alomomola, Aromatisse, and Rhyperior for super effective damage, while Bullet Seed is mainly used to KO Omastar leads, preventing them from setting up any entry hazards. Low Kick is an option, as at +2 it KOes Cobalion as well as Virizion after Stealth Rock damage. This allows Shiftry to work as a lure to these two Pokemon. Low Kick should only be used with Focus Sash; Shiftry can set up as these Pokemon switch in, take any hit, and KO in return with Low Kick. With Focus Sash, Shiftry can also potentially break through a slightly weakened Aromatisse with Seed Bomb.

Set Details

The EV spread is straightforward, with maximum Attack and Speed investment. A Jolly nature is used primarily to outspeed Adamant Gallade and Hitmonlee and OHKO them at +2 with Sucker Punch, which outprioritizes the latter's Mach Punch. Life Orb is used to maximize damage output, although Focus Sash is an option that should only be used with Low Kick. An Adamant nature is not preferred because it leaves Shiftry prone to being revenge killed by the likes of Mach Punch Hitmonlee.

Usage Tips

Swords Dance Shiftry should be used as a late-game sweeper and should only attempt to sweep when its checks and counters, such as Cobalion, Virizion (in case you're not using Focus Sash), and Drapion are either weakened or eliminated. Shiftry can also be used early-game for its strong Knock Off, or to revenge kill with Sucker Punch. This will also lead the opponent into thinking that Shiftry is not carrying Swords Dance, only to be surprised with a late-game sweep. Beware of U-turn Gligar, as it can potentially KO Shiftry. If Bullet Seed is used and the opponent has what looks like an Omastar lead, then Shiftry should be used as a lead to prevent Omastar from setting up entry hazards. Finally, Knock Off is a spammable move that cripples a lot of Pokemon, so use it freely.

Team Options

Entry hazards are important for Swords Dance Shiftry as they can really help it sweep late-game by inflicting residual damage on the opponent's Pokemon. For this reason, Spikes users such as Omastar, which also has access to Stealth Rock, and Accelgor are appreciated. Qwilfish has access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, the latter of which really weaken offensive teams, allowing Shiftry to easily sweep. Stealth Rock users such as Druddigon, Cobalion, and Rhyperior are also appreciated. The latter two can also check Drapion and Skuntank.

Doublade is a good partner as it can counter Cobalion and Virizion, two Pokemon that could potentially counter Shiftry. Additionally, Doublade can also spinblock and keep the entry hazards that Shiftry loves intact. Certain wallbreakers, such as Clawitzer, Choice Specs Meloetta, and Choice Specs or Calm Mind Delphox, are good to wear down the opponent's walls, giving Shiftry an easier time sweeping. Hitmonlee is also a wallbreaker, and it has access to Rapid Spin to remove any entry hazards on Shiftry's side of the field. Choice Band Dugtrio is a good partner because it can trap and KO a slightly weakened Cobalion and OHKO Virizion with Aerial Ace. Life Orb Dugtrio also has access to Memento, which can help Shiftry set up. Finally, if Focus Sash and Low Kick are used, then Pokemon that like Aromatisse, Cobalion, and Virizion gone are appreciated; Hitmonlee, Choice Band Druddigon, Sharpedo, and Electric-types in general are some examples of these.
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things i'm unsure of:
- low kick mention in moves, kinda has no place but good for cobalion switch ins
- focus sash in set details
Low kick seems way to niche to me, when this gets added to the main analysis make a mention of it in oo. Also Focus Sash is just not a good item for Shiftry imo, it likes having the power of LO, it can even bluff some of its other sets and then set up later on in the match. I would say make no mention of focus sash. Also under team options mention a choice banded Dugtrio for taking care of your Coballion problem. Also under usage tips mention you can bluff a non SD set by forcing switches and spamming knock off.
Montsegur good catch on the dugtrio bit. it also has AA (ik ppl dont use it but its fucking legit) to nail Virizion and the LO set has Memento to ease set up for Shiftry. Mentioned both of the sets. Also removed focus sash and low kick because I was never convinced about them either tbh, but I heard about it on irc and wanted to ask here.

As for the bit about bluffing a non-SD set, idk, sounds kinda too unneeded especially as Shiftry can be accompanied by hitmonlee or another defogger, which can blow shiftry's cover from team preview.. I have been in cases where Shiftry's sucker punch/knock off came in handy early-game though, and then managed to set up later in the game.

edit: i added it in anyway. no point in mentioning it can be used early-game without mentioning that it can bluff a non-SD set, so yeah. it kinda fit in there.
Low kick is just for two specific pokemon one of which can be trapped by Dugtrio, it just seems to me that seeing as this set is ment to sweep taking off stab coverage to handle two pokemon isn't ideal. I think it would be better to mention ways to beat them with teammates i.e. Dugtrio for Coballion and some other things for Virizion in team options. Also while trying to calc vs Aromatisse idk what spread you were using but I couldn't find one where it gets 2HKO'd by non LO Shiftry, I'm on my phone though so calcing is kind of a pain lol.
Low kick is just for two specific pokemon one of which can be trapped by Dugtrio, it just seems to me that seeing as this set is ment to sweep taking off stab coverage to handle two pokemon isn't ideal. I think it would be better to mention ways to beat them with teammates i.e. Dugtrio for Coballion and some other things for Virizion in team options. Also while trying to calc vs Aromatisse idk what spread you were using but I couldn't find one where it gets 2HKO'd by non LO Shiftry, I'm on my phone though so calcing is kind of a pain lol.

The point is to lure those two targets easily seeing as they, under normal circumstances, are amazing checks to Shiftry. With Dugtrio you'll have to get it in for free through sacking a Pokemon or double switches which can't always work. Spirit said he got the idea from Sash SD Zoroark, and I remember how well that went, so it's not really bad at all. It also gives other sweepers/pokemon that like cobalion and aroma removed a chance to shine, examples are Sharpedo, Electric-types (jolt/helio/rotom-c), and CB Druddigon, who is allowed to freely spam Outrage when cobalion and/or aroma are removed.

As for Shiftry not 2HKOing Aroma, here's the calc:

+2 252 Atk Shiftry Seed Bomb vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Aromatisse: 193-228 (47.5 - 56.1%) -- 24.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

I guess SR or a spike is required here, but I can see Shiftry either doing massive damage to it or outright killing it assuming it switches in as Sash Shiftry uses SD. This is all assuming Aromatisse is at 100% HP, too.

I'll test this sometime soon when I can, but from my experience with Zoroark (which is almost identical in the sense of luring those two mons) it looks pretty good. I never looked at Sash + Low Kick from that angle before on Shiftry.
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AM Check



Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Seed Bomb / Bullet Seed
ability: Chlorophyll
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Swords Dance is used to boost Shiftry's above average Attack stat to impressive levels, allowing it to muscle through a lot of teams. Knock Off is a good and powerful STAB option (it has a main slash, it isn't really an option) that removes the target's item, making it a spammable move with no drawbacks that can cripple nearly all Pokemon. Sucker Punch is a strong priority move that allows Shiftry to OHKO Hitmonlee at +2, and as well as threaten faster Pokemon. Seed Bomb is another STAB move that allows Shiftry to hit Pokemon like Alomomola, Aromatisse, and Rhyperior for a lot of super effective damage, while Bullet Seed is used mainly used to KO Omastar leads, preventing them from setting up any hazards. Low Kick is an option because it KOes Cobalion and, (RC) with Stealth Rock or Low Kick followed by Sucker Punch, Virizion at +2, allowing Shiftry to work as a lure to those two Pokemon, but. (AP) This should only be used with Focus Sash. With that, it can set up as they switch in, live take (live implies life or death; Pokemon faint) any hit, and KO with Low Kick. It This also means that Shiftry can potentially break through a slightly weakened Aromatisse with Seed Bomb.

Set Details
The EV spread is straightforward, with max Attack and Speed investment. Jolly is used primarily to outspeed Adamant Gallade and Hitmonlee and OHKO at +2 with Sucker Punch, outprioritizing the latter's Mach Punch. Life Orb is used to maximize damage output, although Focus Sash is an option that should only be used with if Low Kick is being used. Adamant is not preferred because it makes Shiftry easily revenge killed by the likes of Mach Punch Hitmonlee.

Usage Tips
Swords Dance Shiftry ishould be used as a late-game sweeper with the boosted to attack, and should only attempt to sweep when its checks and counters, mainly Pokemon like such as Cobalion, Virizion (in case you're not using Focus Sash), and Drapion are either weakened or eliminated. It Shiftry can also be used early-game for its strong Knock Off, or to revenge kill with Sucker Punch. This will also lead the opponent into thinking that Shiftry is not carrying Swords Dance only to be surprised with a late-game sweep late-game. Beware of the likes of U-turn Gligar, as it can potentially KO Shiftry. If Bullet Seed is used and the opponent has what looks like an Omastar lead (its the only set getting an analysis, soooo), then Shiftry should be used as a lead to prevent Omastar from setting up hazards. Finally, Knock Off is a spammable move that cripples a lot of Pokemon, so use it freely.

Team Options
Entry hazards are important for Swords Dance Shiftry as they can really help it sweep late-game by inflicting residual damage on the opponent's Pokemon. For that reason, Spikes users such as Omastar, (AC) whicho also has access to Stealth Rock, (AC) and Accelgor are appreciated. Qwilfish has access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, the latter which really weaken offensive teams, making Shiftry easily sweep. Stealth Rock users such as Druddigon, Cobalion, and Rhyperior are also appreciated. Bonus points to the latter two as they can check Drapion and Skuntank.

Doublade is a good partner as it can counter Cobalion and Virizion if Shiftry is not using Focus Sash and Low Kick, two Pokemon that could potentially counter Shiftry. Additionally, Doublade can also prevent Rapid spinblock and keep the entry hazards which that Shiftry loves intact. Some wallbreakers such as Calm Mind or Choice Specs Delphox, Clawitzer, and Choice Specs Meloetta are good to wear down the opponent's walls, making Shiftry have an easier time sweeping. Hitmonlee is also a wallbreaker, and has access to Rapid Spin to remove any unneeded entry hazards. Choice Band Dugtrio is a good partner to because it can trap and KO a slightly weakened Cobalion, (RC) and OHKO Virizion with Aerial Ace. Life Orb Dugtrio also has access to Memento which can help Shiftry set up. Finally, if Focus Sash + Low Kick is used, then Pokemon that like Aromatisse, Cobalion, and Virizion gone are appreciated; Hitmonlee, Choice Band Druddigon, Sharpedo, and Electric-types in general are some examples.
Mysteria i'll implement most of your check but there's this

although Focus Sash is an option that should only be used with if Low Kick is being used

I want to emphasize that Focus Sash should only be used with Low Kick, "if" implies otherwise
ok doing shortly



Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Seed Bomb / Bullet Seed
ability: Chlorophyll
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Swords Dance is used to boost Shiftry's Attack stat to impressive levels, allowing it to muscle through a lot of teams. Knock Off is a good and powerful STAB move that removes the target's item, making it a spammable move with no drawbacks that can cripple nearly all Pokemon. Sucker Punch is a strong priority move that allows Shiftry to OHKO Hitmonlee at +2 as well as threaten faster Pokemon. Seed Bomb is another STAB move that allows Shiftry to hit Pokemon like Alomomola, Aromatisse, and Rhyperior for super effective damage, while Bullet Seed is mainly used to KO Omastar leads, preventing them from setting up any entry hazards. Low Kick is an option, as at +2 it KOes Cobalion as well as Virizion after Stealth Rock damage (putting Virizon into Sucker Punch range is kind of implied). This allows Shiftry to work as a lure to these two Pokemon. Low Kick should only be used with Focus Sash; Shiftry can set up as these Pokemon switch in, take any hit, and KO in return with Low Kick. With Focus Sash, Shiftry can also potentially break through a slightly weakened Aromatisse with Seed Bomb.

Set Details

The EV spread is straightforward, with maximum Attack and Speed investment. A Jolly nature is used primarily to outspeed Adamant Gallade and Hitmonlee and OHKO them at +2 with Sucker Punch, which outprioritizes the latter's Mach Punch. Life Orb is used to maximize damage output, although Focus Sash is an option that should only be used with Low Kick. An Adamant nature is not preferred because it leaves Shiftry prone to being revenge killed by the likes of Mach Punch Hitmonlee.

Usage Tips

Swords Dance Shiftry should be used as a late-game sweeper with the boost to Attack, and should only attempt to sweep when its checks and counters, such as Cobalion, Virizion (in case you're not using Focus Sash), and Drapion are either weakened or eliminated. Shiftry can also be used early-game for its strong Knock Off, or to revenge kill with Sucker Punch. This will also lead the opponent into thinking that Shiftry is not carrying Swords Dance, (AC) only to be surprised with a late-game sweep. Beware of the likes of U-turn Gligar, as it can potentially KO Shiftry. If Bullet Seed is used and the opponent has what looks like an Omastar lead, then Shiftry should be used as a lead to prevent Omastar from setting up entry hazards. Finally, Knock Off is a spammable move that cripples a lot of Pokemon, so use it freely.

Team Options

Entry hazards are important for Swords Dance Shiftry as they can really help it sweep late-game by inflicting residual damage on the opponent's Pokemon. For this reason, Spikes users such as Omastar, which also has access to Stealth Rock, and Accelgor are appreciated. Qwilfish has access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, the latter of which really weaken offensive teams, allowing Shiftry to easily sweep. Stealth Rock users such as Druddigon, Cobalion, and Rhyperior are also appreciated. The latter two can also check Drapion and Skuntank.

Doublade is a good partner as it can counter Cobalion and Virizion if Shiftry is not using Focus Sash and Low Kick, two Pokemon that could potentially counter Shiftry. Additionally, Doublade can also spinblock and keep the entry hazards that Shiftry loves intact. Certain wallbreakers, (AC) such as Calm Mind or Choice Specs Delphox, Clawitzer, and Choice Specs Meloetta, (AC) are good to wear down the opponent's walls, giving Shiftry have an easier time sweeping. Hitmonlee is also a wallbreaker, and it has access to Rapid Spin to remove any unneeded entry hazards on Shiftry's side of the field. Choice Band Dugtrio is a good partner because it can trap and KO a slightly weakened Cobalion and OHKO Virizion with Aerial Ace. Life Orb Dugtrio also has access to Memento, (AC) which can help Shiftry set up. Finally, if Focus Sash and Low Kick are used, then Pokemon that like Aromatisse, Cobalion, and Virizion gone are appreciated; Hitmonlee, Choice Band Druddigon, Sharpedo, and Electric-types in general are some examples of these.
GP 1/2
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Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Seed Bomb / Bullet Seed
ability: Chlorophyll
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Swords Dance is used to boost Shiftry's Attack stat to impressive levels, allowing it to muscle through teams. Knock Off is a powerful STAB move that removes the target's item, making it a spammable move with no drawbacks that can cripple nearly all Pokemon. Sucker Punch is a strong priority move that allows Shiftry to OHKO Hitmonlee at +2 as well as threaten faster Pokemon. Seed Bomb is another STAB move that allows Shiftry to hit Pokemon like such as Alomomola, Aromatisse, and Rhyperior for super effective damage, while Bullet Seed is mainly used to KO Omastar leads, preventing them from setting up any entry hazards. Low Kick is an option, as at +2 it KOes Cobalion as well as Virizion after Stealth Rock damage. This allows Shiftry to work as a lure to these two Pokemon. Low Kick should only be used with Focus Sash; Shiftry can set up as these Pokemon switch in, take any hit, and KO in return with Low Kick. With Focus Sash, Shiftry can also potentially break through a slightly weakened Aromatisse with Seed Bomb.

Set Details

The EV spread is straightforward, with maximum Attack and Speed investment. A Jolly nature is used primarily to outspeed Adamant Gallade and Hitmonlee and OHKO them at +2 with Sucker Punch, which outprioritizes the latter's Mach Punch. Life Orb is used to maximize damage output, although Focus Sash is an option that should only be used with Low Kick. An Adamant nature is not preferred because it leaves Shiftry prone to being revenge killed by the likes of Mach Punch Hitmonlee.

Usage Tips

Swords Dance Shiftry should be used as a late-game sweeper and should only attempt to sweep when its checks and counters, such as Cobalion, Virizion (in case you're not using Focus Sash), and Drapion are either weakened or eliminated. Shiftry can also be used early-game for its strong Knock Off, or to revenge kill with Sucker Punch. This will also lead the opponent into thinking that Shiftry is not carrying Swords Dance, only to be surprised with a late-game sweep. Beware of U-turn Gligar, as it can potentially KO Shiftry. If Bullet Seed is used and the opponent has what looks like an Omastar lead, then Shiftry should be used as a lead to prevent Omastar from setting up entry hazards. Finally, Knock Off is a spammable move that cripples a lot of Pokemon, so use it freely.

Team Options

Entry hazards are important for Swords Dance Shiftry as they can really help it sweep late-game by inflicting residual damage on the opponent's Pokemon. For this reason, Spikes users such as Omastar, which also has access to Stealth Rock, and Accelgor are appreciated. Qwilfish has access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, the latter of which really weaken offensive teams, allowing Shiftry to easily sweep. Stealth Rock users such as Druddigon, Cobalion, and Rhyperior are also appreciated. The latter two can also check Drapion and Skuntank.

Doublade is a good partner as it can counter Cobalion and Virizion, two Pokemon that could potentially counter Shiftry. Additionally, Doublade can also spinblock and keep the entry hazards that Shiftry loves intact. Certain wallbreakers, such as Calm Mind or Choice Specs Delphox, Clawitzer, and Choice Specs Meloetta, are good to wear down the opponent's walls, giving Shiftry an easier time sweeping. Hitmonlee is also a wallbreaker, and it has access to Rapid Spin to remove any entry hazards on Shiftry's side of the field. Choice Band Dugtrio is a good partner because it can trap and KO a slightly weakened Cobalion and OHKO Virizion with Aerial Ace. Life Orb Dugtrio also has access to Memento, which can help Shiftry set up. Finally, if Focus Sash and Low Kick are used, then Pokemon that like Aromatisse, Cobalion, and Virizion gone are appreciated; Hitmonlee, Choice Band Druddigon, Sharpedo, and Electric-types in general are some examples of these.
