Programming Showdex - An Auto-Updating Damage Calculator Built into Showdown!

I'm not quite sure why, but Showdex seems to stop using my Pokemon's Movesets and seems to assume their movesets based on the samples List.

Is this tied to a setting? I've tried checking the "Include Teambuilder" box under sets, without success.

If it helps, this issue started before the update so I believe it's unrelated
I meet the same problem in v1.1.7, it stop using my own teambuild and I have to click one by one by myself. Thanks a lot for the work~
I meet the same problem in v1.1.7, it stop using my own teambuild and I have to click one by one by myself. Thanks a lot for the work~

Fixed this on my own, just had to uncheck the "Apply Usage Sets First" option

Currently, whenever you test boosted stats, you're only able to alter stats of a single kind, if you try boosting Sp.Def for example while you're also boosting Spa, they reset the normal stat to normal.

It'd be great if we could boost multiple stats at once, this would be particularly relevant for Stored Power calcs with Calm Mind users.
Tried updating but it's not working :(

1. PC, Windows 10, Firefox
2. Yes, Hellodex and settings do load but I battles crash (give me the report I sent earleir) and I can't Import or Export (I can change other settings).
3. Yes, About a week ago, but I've not changed anything as far as I know.
4. I have "Pokémon Showdown Randbats Tooltip", but I've been using it for a while with Showdex and I've had no problems before.

Works on Chrome so I'll be using it to play showdown but it is quite strange how it stopped working nevertheless.
Hmmmm this is a tough one, since I can't seem to reproduce it on my end. We're thinking it's most likely caused by another one of your Firefox extensions or your Firefox settings, since it works on Chrome and the error code shows that it's a rendering issue, not a data issue. In other words, that means something external to Showdex is causing it to crash when it tries to display it, most likely an extension or the settings. Maybe try disabling some of your other extensions and check if that fixes the issue. Or try updating Firefox if it's out of date or checking the settings to see if you've changed anything that might be causing issues.
Thankfully it's at least working on Chrome!
Suggestion: When reviewing matches that have already ended, there could be an option for the Pokémon on your opponent's team to remain hidden, as if it were the first time you were watching the replay. This is how replays normally work, and having this option could help maintain the surprise for anyone who is recording content about the match and wants to let the Pokémon be revealed as the match develops. Of course, leaving it as an optional button to reveal or not reveal the six Pokémon from the first turn of the game, anyone would be free to choose to leave them revealed (as it currently works) or not revealed (my suggestion).

I suggested it as a double option (reveal or not reveal) because I think it would be better to have both options instead of just one.

So, if you revisit a battle that's already over, there could be somewhere for you to choose the option you want at the time (not necessarily in the corner I suggested below). It could be another way too. The idea is to have both options.

Interesting idea, I'll add it to our list of future features. But tbh, it's a pretty long list lol so not sure when we'll get to it :) if it turns out to be easy to implement, we might push it out sooner tho. And we'd probably just make it a setting like "Reset Revealed Pokemon During Replay" or something like that.
Suggestion: Make the showdex work properly in the [Gen 9] Random Battle Mayhem format (where it has the rules Camomons Mod, Inverse Mod, Scalemons Mod and Shared Power). It may be challenging to do this, but it would be a cool implementation to help with calculations. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that this format is present in the ladder.

Camomons Mod: Pokémon have their types set to match their first two moves.

Inverse Mod: The mod for Inverse Battle which inverts the type effectiveness chart; weaknesses become resistances, while resistances and immunities become weaknesses.

Scalemons Mod: Every Pokémon's stats, barring HP, are scaled to give them a BST as close to 600 as possible (If you type /scale pikachu, instead of /dt pikachu, in some pokemon showdown chat, for example, you will see the difference).

Shared Power: Once a Pokémon switches in, its ability is shared with the rest of the team.
While we'd love to support as many formats as possible, unfortunately it requires too much custom code that only applies to just this one format. Since it's already a lot of work to support the standard formats and all 9 generations, we have to be selective about what we choose to work on, since we work on this in our free time after work and we only have so much time. So yeah, sadly we won't be able to do this. But we are open source, so maybe someone else would be willing to code it and we could merge that with the main Showdex branch.
Is there anyway to use showdex with the showdown windows client? I tried it once on browser and don't think I can go back, but would still prefer to use the desktop client over browser
We've had a lot of people ask for this, so we're gonna look into it and see if we can do it :totodiLUL: It's possible for sure, but the issue was that it would require us to maintain two separate projects, and it's already tough enough to support one lol. But we'll see what we can do, since it's a really popular request.
It would be nice if the calc autoturned into the mega form upon mega evolving.
Huh that's weird, it seems to be working properly on my end? Does it always not work? Are you on the latest Showdex patch (1.1.7)? What format do you notice the bug in? Hopefully I can reproduce it on my end so I can diagnose the issue. Thanks for sharing!
Could you possibly add a feature which shows if a pokemon has already terrastallized (and the type)? It gets hard to keep track sometimes
We actually do have this already :) If the Tera text is colored, that means tera is still available for that side. Also if you hover over the Tera button, a tooltip will pop up that tells you "Tera is available" or "Tera Used" (and the type). Also if you go into the settings and scroll all the way to the bottom, there's a setting called "Lock Terastallization After Use". When enabled, it disables the Tera button after it's been used, so it's even more obvious. Hope that helps!
Could support for teams with more than 6 pokemon be added? I play a lot of crazyhouse FFAs with people in the showdown lobby so this would be nice to have
What's crazyhouse FFA? Is it a custom game format? It should support having more than 6 pokemon currently. Not sure why it's not working, I'd have to check it out myself if possible.
Fixed this on my own, just had to uncheck the "Apply Usage Sets First" option

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Sorry for the late response, I got super busy with work, but glad you were able to figure it out! That's probably a bug, since it shouldn't be applying Showdown Usage sets for your side. We'll look into it and see if we can include a fix with the next patch. Thanks for bringing it to our attention :)
does anyone know if this is compatible with tampermonkey? thats the only way i know how to use scripts
No idea honestly, maybe someone else can chime in if they have experience with it! Since we integrate with Showdown, if you change something with Showdown, it could affect Showdex as well, just depends on what you're changing.
Huh that's weird, it seems to be working properly on my end? Does it always not work? Are you on the latest Showdex patch (1.1.7)? What format do you notice the bug in? Hopefully I can reproduce it on my end so I can diagnose the issue. Thanks for sharing!
on older gens ou for example, when i mega evolve my mawile i have to manually change form to mega. It would be cool if i didnt have to do that
In random battles, if the automatically selected set for the opposing pokemon is revealed to be the wrong one due to the opposing pokemon using a move that isn’t in the automatically selected set showdex should automatically switch to a possible set instead of just replacing a move on the now revealed to be incorrect set with the newly revealed move (if it could also switch sets when an amount of damage that is impossible for the automatically selected to deal is dealt to a set that can deal said amount of damage that would be great)
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What's crazyhouse FFA? Is it a custom game format? It should support having more than 6 pokemon currently. Not sure why it's not working, I'd have to check it out myself if possible.
CrazyHouse is a custom rule in which if you KO an opposing pokemon it gets added to your team
Two suggestions:

(01) Make the extension work in this mode:
[Gen 9] Random Roulette (Random Battles in a random generation! [Gen 1] Random Battle - [Gen 9] Random Battle).
It's just an assorted mode between generations 1 to 9, it shouldn't be complex to make it work here since the base already exists in the code (generations 1 to 9).

(02) Allow us to increase (or decrease) more than one value in the calc at once by clicking on the + (or -). Now, if you click on + Speed, you cannot click on + SpD without losing the + of the Speed you had clicked on, forcing it to be done one at a time. The calculator here, for example, allows us to do what I'm suggesting.
Just learned about Showdex today and tried it. I mainly play gen 2. Showdex 1.1.8 will not work in any gen 1 or 2 battle whether playing or spectating. I've included the error message provided. It is working in all gen 3 battles and newer. This is occurring in both Chrome and Edge. I am on a PC running Windows 10 Home. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Showdex, uninstalling my other browser extensions, refreshing Showdown, and restarting both browsers after reinstalling showdex and removing the extensions. Happy to provide any other info I can. I'm excited about your extension!

Edit: I'm updating the image to make it easier to read.

Edit 2: Same thing happens in Firefox, but in Firefox I can see Calcdex load briefly with the correct mon on the field, but it crashes after about a second every time in both gen 1 and 2. It works fine in Gen 3-9.

Edit 3: As of 11/18 on Edge Calcdex is working perfectly in GSC.

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In random battles, if the automatically selected set for the opposing pokemon is revealed to be the wrong one due to the opposing pokemon using a move that isn’t in the automatically selected set showdex should automatically switch to a possible set instead of just replacing a move on the now revealed to be incorrect set with the newly revealed move (if it could also switch sets when an amount of damage that is impossible for the automatically selected to deal is dealt for a set that can deal said amount of damage that would be great)
Yup we agree, we plan to do the auto set switching in a future patch. We won't be doing it based on damage tho, just based on revealed info such as items, moves, and ability.
Just learned about Showdex today and tried it. I mainly play gen 2. Showdex 1.1.8 will not work in any gen 1 or 2 battle whether playing or spectating. I've included the error message provided. It is working in all gen 3 battles and newer. This is occurring in both Chrome and Edge. I am on a PC running Windows 10 Home. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Showdex, uninstalling my other browser extensions, refreshing Showdown, and restarting both browsers after reinstalling showdex and removing the extensions. Happy to provide any other info I can. I'm excited about your extension!

Edit: I'm updating the image to make it easier to read.

Edit 2: Same thing happens in Firefox, but in Firefox I can see Calcdex load briefly with the correct mon on the field, but it crashes after about a second every time in both gen 1 and 2. It works fine in Gen 3-9.

Edit 3: As of 11/18 on Edge Calcdex is working perfectly in GSC.

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Thanks for reporting! We pushed out a hotfix patch (1.1.9) that fixes this issue in Gens 1 & 2. So update the extension and it should be working :)
Slight QOL suggestion,

Could we get automatic stat boosts when we press the Tera button on the Ogerpon forms? It'd be nice for both offensive and defensive calcs :)
(mainly only relevant for every form but Teal Mask)