Other Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder: V2

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With all this talk about flygons and people here challenging smogon while Karxrida is defending it makes me want to make a silly things on the silly things on the OU ladder thread.

Till that's done I'll go to pokememes and GameFAQS and make fun of filthy casuals defying smogon- oh wait.

Shingeki no Karxrida
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I have seen several bad mono-Bug teams, but a mono-Bug/Flying is priceless (Butterfree, Ninjask, Mothim, Beautifly, Masquerain, Ledian, of all things, when Mega Pinsir exists).

Too many bad things here :
- Solar Beam CharX (in a sun team, but why not CharY ?),
- Switching Vaporeon in when Char is charging Solar Beam
- Cloud Nine Golduck in a sun team (amazing team synergy),
- Exeggutor (using Sleep Powder against Lilligant),
- Golurk in OU
- Sableye Toxic stalling a whole team because, I guess, "real men don't switch"
- "Yolo" Zangoose set up when there is a priority user in the opposing team
- Fury Cutter Scizor
- Lilligant sweep when there is a healthy Char on the other side.

Some random Caterpies in otherwise viable teams.

- Weird TR team
- Chansey staying against Kyurem-B (yolo)
- Hint : Do not use Trick Room when you see an Azumarill in the opponent's team and when you don't have anything to counter it
- What do you do when it happens ? Paralyse it, because it will be even slower
- Sadly, Azumarill used Aqua Jet against Kyurem-B under Trick Room and was KOed
- Thunder Wave + TR Cress
- Claydol
-Frost Breath Glaceon
Frost Breath has a final Base Power equal to that of Ice Beam and ignores Sp. Def boosts. The accuracy thing is kind of an issue if you get haxed, but if you're gonna use Glaceon at all (high Def and Sp. Atk, pity it's Ice-type), Frost Breath is certainly a viable option. If this were Gen V, then yeah Frost Breath would suck. (10 less power than Ice Beam.)
Yes it's Ubers, but there ARENT ANY ACTUAL UBERS :o
(I'm the guy with the randomly slapped together team. No, the one with the Whimsicott is my opponent. Yes I was using a Luxray.)
Errr... No actual Ubers?
Fine, you want a more specific example? Magnezone Moltres!
Toxic on said Moltres
Apparently offensive Whimsicott since it didn't get an attack in
The Scrappy pun...
Porygon2 taking not one, but TWO CRIT EARTHQUAKES! Didn't even take 50% damage. BALLLLLK
Other shit that I missed most likely
Edit: Masqurain. Which I forgot. Whoops
25th Round of silly replays: Divine Wind Edition

Team A:
  • Xatu, when Espeon exists.
  • Drapion.
Team B:
  • Torterra, who thought that using Stealth Rock twice would get through Magic Bounce. It didn't work.

Team A: "uu in ou". Nuff said.
Team B:
  • Espeon using Psychic on an obvious Zoroark disguised as Typhlosion (given away by Nasty Plot).
  • Cloyster using Rock Blast on said Zoroark STILL disguised as Typhlosion (once again, disguise busted by Dark Pulse). What if the move missed?
  • Donphan.
  • Drought Ninetales without any Chlorophyll or Fire-type teammate.
  • Crobat being outsped by both Braviary and Typhlosion. Either it didn't have any EVs in Speed or both had a Scarf (which is viable on both).

Team A:
  • Tyrantrum.
Team B: Certainly an in-game DPP team, with a Thunder + Thunderbolt Sitrus Berry Luxray. Quickly swept by a Greninja.
Xatu does have a few advantages over Espeon though, such as a quad-resistance to Fighting and an immunity to Ground, access to U-turn, Haze and Roost, as well as slightly higher physical defense. It's the most defensive Magic Bounce user.


- Water Gun Blastoise
- Ferrothorn spamming Leech Seed on Mega Venusaur
- Land's Wrath Zygarde
- HP Electric Kyurem-B (or Grass? It was super effective on Azumarill)
Xatu does have a few advantages over Espeon though, such as a quad-resistance to Fighting and an immunity to Ground, access to U-turn, Haze and Roost, as well as slightly higher physical defense. It's the most defensive Magic Bounce user.


- Water Gun Blastoise
- Ferrothorn spamming Leech Seed on Mega Venusaur
- Land's Wrath Zygarde
- HP Electric Kyurem-B (or Grass? It was super effective on Azumarill)
Could have been HP Poison
-acrobatics scizor
-trying to WoW an already-poisoned smeargle
-switching heracross in to take a +6 brave bird
FYI: +6 252+ Atk Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Heracross: 3180-3744 (1052.9 - 1239.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
-dragonite trying to flamethrower a rotom-w to death
-garchomp spamming draco meteor on scolipede subs, even at -6
-arcanine using espeed (repeatedly) on heatran, then fire blast on rotom-w
-clefable waiting until 3% to try to wish. in sand.
-dragonite using espeed instead of EQ on tyranitar (all of TTar's remaining teammates would take at least 2x dmg from EQ, so even predicting a switch it was a stupid move)
-hyper beam infernape
-dragon tail blastoise
-substitute / encore pikachu
-a team of scolipede and manaphy whos trainer forfeited on team preview
-another one switching togekiss in to eat an ice beam. srsly guiz?
-talonflame spamming brave bird on aegislash even after having its attack lowered twice by King's Shield (and doing a whopping 11% on its strongest hit)
-dat anticlimax tho: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-138695812 :(
-TTar OHKO's Gliscor with ice beam -> trainer is shocked it was carrying an ice move (maybe it's just me, but i see waaaay more TTar with it than without.)
-flying press hawlucha
-a guy who forfeited immediately after their (non-drought) ninetales lead was OHKO'd by starmie
-unboosted cloyster trying to rock blast through a golurk's sub
-blizzard blissey (which KO'd the golurk after cloyster was OHKO'd and nearly finished off tyrantrum too)
-trick room team apparently built around musharna and zweilous of all things
-amoonguss. venusaur does the same job, but better, without falling over if something breathes on it wrong
-draining kiss sylveon... that managed to sweep 6-0
-i couldn't bear to keep spectating after that one or this would be longer, srry.

-garchomp trying to finish off a slurpuff it had EQ'd to 37% with dragon pulse. subsequently getting KO'd.
-kyurem-b attempting to finish off the same slurpuff with draco meteor
-fly salamence
-carbink. which proceeded to scare this guy into a forfeit
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