I have a bunch of Quint flawless pokemon and a couple spitbacks I'm looking to offload. Here they are:
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Magikarp, A male with Rattled and 2 females, one with Swift Swim and the other with Rattled (all in net balls)
Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 Gastly, 1 male (Dusk ball)
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Kangaskhan 1 Female with Early Bird and Double-Edge as an egg move (Dusk Ball)
Brave 31/31/31/31/31/x Honedge, 3 female with Shadow Sneak (standard Pokeballs)
A couple of Quad modest Rotoms (1 with 31/x/31/x/31/31, 1 with 31/x/31/31/x/31) (Standard Pokeballs)
For the Quints all I want is another Quint with good nature and ideally appropriate egg moves. I'm however not taking members of the following evolutionary lines: Marill, Gible, Torchic, Swinub, Magikarp, Gastly, Kangaskhan, Honedge. Exceptions to this are if the Swinub has both Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock and is Male, Honedge with a different (but still useful) nature and Shadow Sneak, Female Gible with Iron head/Iron Tail as egg moves and/or Adamant nature, Female Gengar with Disable, Female Torchic with Speed Boost. Those are the only way I'll take members of those lines, otherwise you'll just be giving me another extra I need to trade away. Oh, and I'll take quad spitbacks for the Rotoms.
Reply to this or PM me with offers.
Interested in a quad flawless jolly charmander w/ crunch, dragon dance, and outrage for one of those Rotoms (preferably the one with 31/x/31/31/x/31