Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 32 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Looking for a Female HA Bulbasaur with 3+ IV's (including Atk, preferably). Don't care about Nature or Egg Moves.

For trade:
5 IV Modest Charmanders with Dragon Pulse
5 IV Timid Cyndaquils with Extrasensory
5 IV Adamant Marills with Aqua Jet (Some have Thick Fat, but you can change it with an Ability Capsule.)
3/4 IV Modest Togepis
3/4 IV Timid Protean Froakies (I have a 5 IV Male, but it only has Torrent)
Phiones with bad IV's, but Phione isn't that competitive anyways, so it shouldn't make much difference.
BP items if that interests you.
Bumping for the new page.
It's probably a long shot, but does anyone happen to have a [Drill Run, Megahorn, Knock Off, Pursuit] Karrablast for trade? Nature and IV's do not matter to me. I'd be willing to trade a 31/31/31/x/31/x Jolly - Rock Head [Wide Guard, Tailwind, Whirlwind, Roost] Aerodactyl for any ole one (I get lazy with breeding, so I bred all four on one for ease of choice).
I'm really looking for a Bouffalant right now, and GTS is being a pain in my ass. Can I get one here from someone who doesn't want a zapdos for it?
I'm really looking for a Bouffalant right now, and GTS is being a pain in my ass. Can I get one here from someone who doesn't want a zapdos for it?
Sure, but I want a Lugia for it.

Just kidding, I'll breed up one for you in a bit.
Does anyone have an extra HA 5IV Adamant Shroomish with Bulllet Seed for Trade? I'm offering 5IV Bold Koffings, Naughty Charmander with Ddance and Outrage, Naive Bagon with Ddance, Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar with ThunderPunch, and Timid Litwick with Haze and Clear Smog.
hi everyone!
im looking for the following:

Clefairy (5/6IV)
Cute Charm/Magic Guard
with Softboiled/wish and Stealth Rock (B2/W2 MoveTutor)

Conkeldurr (5/6IV)
with Ice Punch and Knock Off from B2/W2 MoveTutor
and Drain Punch and Mach Punch egg moves.

check my thread in my sig for trades.

can anyone help please? :)
That's absolutely fair. Thank you very much. I have a Chople Berry ready.
Sure, just give me a bit. I have two more batches of eggs to hatch (won't take long) and I'm dealing with a terrible. I want to punch babies. Gender ratio indifference :(
Sure, just give me a bit. I have two more batches of eggs to hatch (won't take long) and I'm dealing with a terrible. I want to punch babies. Gender ratio indifference :(

That sucks. I need to head out within 20 minutes, btw. If you don't finish in that time, do you plan on being on anytime today or tomorrow? I don't want to inconvenience you too much.
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