Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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For Trade:
5 IV Flawless Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with Extreme Speed, Aqua Jet and Dragon Dance
5 IV Flawless Jolly Poison Heal/Effect Spore Shroomish with Bullet Seed
5 IV Flawless Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
5 IV Flawless Modest Sap Sipper/Hydration Goomy
5 IV Flawless Immunity Gligar
5 IV Flawless Adamant Blaze Charmander with Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Flare Blitz and Outrage
5 IV Flawless Natural Cure/Frisk Phantump (also have a 6 IV Natural Cure one)
4 IV Flawless Bold Prankster Sableye with Recover and Trick
BP Items
Lucky Eggs

Looking for:
5 IV Flawless Impish Chespin with Spikes and Synthesis
5 IV Flawless Modest/Timid/Mild/Rash Deino (I'll make good offers for 6 IV Mild/Rash Deinos)
5 IV Flawless Modest/Calm/Bold Anticipation Eevee with Hyper Voice
5 IV Flawless Jolly Prankster (=> Justified) Riolu with Bullet Punch and Crunch
5 IV Flawless Bold/Timid Rotom
Competitively Breed HP pokés (like HP Fire Froakie and HP Ice/Grass Rotom) - Will normally trade 2 pokés or 1 poké and an item for them
5 IV Flawless Competitive Shiny pokés (obviously will offer more then one poké for them)
Competitive Pokébank Legends (mainly Heatran, Thundurus and Tornadus) - Will trade 2 or 3 of my pokés for them, depending on the offer (can be RNG'd and/or cloned, but please no hack)

These are my mainly wants, but feel free to make offers. PM me if interested.
CMT for Sableye
LF all the following (All female and with relevant IVs):
-Prankster Sableye with Recover
-Friend Guard Scatterbug
-Telepathy Noibat
-Dry Skin Croagunk with Drain Punch and Fake Out
-HP Ice Helioptile
-Swift Swim Poliwag
-Swift Swim Ludicolo
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looking to trade some spit backs and such

excadrill, (29-31-30-25-31-31) magnet rise, iron head, stealth rock, rapid spin ada, mold breaker
pawniard adamant, defiant, 31/31/27/x/31/31 stealth rock, knock off, pursuit, sucker punch
phantump impish (some harvest, some natural cure) 4iv's imprison venom drench
joltik mostly timid, 4iv, pursuit, cross poison, disable
tyrunt, jolly, 3 fang dragon dance (unsure iv's)
roselia sleep powder, giga drain, spikes, leaf storm
Also have some non competitive legendaries that people may need.
6iv dittos

or to work on breeding projects, can also do some 5th gen stuff and tutoring

Primarily looking for power items, gotta get my ev training on.
Yes, female. I actually have 6 IV males. What do you think would be fair to give me?
I Need a 5iv male if thats ok, right now my best offers in stock are Aerodactly pressure adamant, tyrunt jolly or adamant with fangs and dd dance, and a Kangashkan jolly scrappy all 5iv (no sp.atk)
You can have six different 5 IV males if you want. (I'm not entirely sure which IVs my 5 IV females are, I have to check again.) Well, I've done Khan before. It is great for plowing through Maison. I could use Aerodactl or Tyrunt though.
You can have six different 5 IV males if you want. (I'm not entirely sure which IVs my 5 IV females are, I have to check again.) Well, I've done Khan before. It is great for plowing through Maison. I could use Aerodactl or Tyrunt though.

awesome, can you check if you have a male with x / 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 ?
Still looking for Macho Brace, 1x Power Lens, 1x Power Bracer, 2x Power Belt, 2x Power Band and 2x Power Weight. Have a look in my thread for payment. ;)
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