CMT for SableyeFor Trade:
5 IV Flawless Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with Extreme Speed, Aqua Jet and Dragon Dance
5 IV Flawless Jolly Poison Heal/Effect Spore Shroomish with Bullet Seed
5 IV Flawless Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
5 IV Flawless Modest Sap Sipper/Hydration Goomy
5 IV Flawless Immunity Gligar
5 IV Flawless Adamant Blaze Charmander with Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Flare Blitz and Outrage
5 IV Flawless Natural Cure/Frisk Phantump (also have a 6 IV Natural Cure one)
4 IV Flawless Bold Prankster Sableye with Recover and Trick
BP Items
Lucky Eggs
Looking for:
5 IV Flawless Impish Chespin with Spikes and Synthesis
5 IV Flawless Modest/Timid/Mild/Rash Deino (I'll make good offers for 6 IV Mild/Rash Deinos)
5 IV Flawless Modest/Calm/Bold Anticipation Eevee with Hyper Voice
5 IV Flawless Jolly Prankster (=> Justified) Riolu with Bullet Punch and Crunch
5 IV Flawless Bold/Timid Rotom
Competitively Breed HP pokés (like HP Fire Froakie and HP Ice/Grass Rotom) - Will normally trade 2 pokés or 1 poké and an item for them
5 IV Flawless Competitive Shiny pokés (obviously will offer more then one poké for them)
Competitive Pokébank Legends (mainly Heatran, Thundurus and Tornadus) - Will trade 2 or 3 of my pokés for them, depending on the offer (can be RNG'd and/or cloned, but please no hack)
These are my mainly wants, but feel free to make offers. PM me if interested.