Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Do tutor moves get passed down via breeding? Say, if I breed my Gardevoir from black 2 w/Hyper Voice with a gardevoir from my x version, will I get Hyper Voice babies? Same for Pawniard (Knock Off) and Conkeldurr (Knock Off/Ice PUnch)

No they do not, those tutor moves are not counted as egg moves.

I transfered over 20+ shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch. They are all 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
I also have some shiny male Adamant Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Knock Off and Stealth Rock. They are also 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
Seeing as some people don't have access to any 5th gen games/don't know how to RNG abuse I am giving them away for free. Let me know if you would like any of them.

I'm also willing to do breeding projects in 5th gen in exchange for Pokemon Y mega stones.
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I'm looking for an Eevee with Anticipation! IVs/nature/gender don't matter. In return I can offer any 4-5 IV of the following:

Jolly Justified Riolu w/ Bullet Punch, Crunch, Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick
Quiet/Brave/Adamant Honedge (can make it 6IV but will take a bit of time)
Adamant/Jolly Iron fist/Scrappy Pancham w/ Storm Throw
Adamant Marill w/ Belly Drum, Aqua Jet
Calm Regenerator Foongus
Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
Calm Mr. Mime
Adamant Quick Feet Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed
Bold Water Absorb Frillish w/ Acid Armor, Pain Split, Recover, Confuse Ray
Calm/Timid Volt Absorb Minun

And any BP items if you want to sweeten the deal.
If I get a male Duskull with Trick (from the Dream World), transfer it up, and breed it with a female Dusclops from Gen VI with its HA, can I, in theory, get a 6IV Dusknoir with Trick (without grinding in the Dream World for one)?
I'm looking for an Eevee with Anticipation! IVs/nature/gender don't matter. In return I can offer any 4-5 IV of the following:

Jolly Justified Riolu w/ Bullet Punch, Crunch, Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick
Quiet/Brave/Adamant Honedge (can make it 6IV but will take a bit of time)
Adamant/Jolly Iron fist/Scrappy Pancham w/ Storm Throw
Adamant Marill w/ Belly Drum, Aqua Jet
Calm Regenerator Foongus
Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
Calm Mr. Mime
Adamant Quick Feet Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed
Bold Water Absorb Frillish w/ Acid Armor, Pain Split, Recover, Confuse Ray
Calm/Timid Volt Absorb Minun

And any BP items if you want to sweeten the deal.
I can help you out, do you have any of those 5 IV female in special balls?
LF pokebanked RNGed but non hacked

Eevee - Bold - Anticipation - 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Wish, Hyper Voice and Heal Bell
Timburr - Adamant - Guts - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Knock Off, Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Mach Punch
Scizor - Adamant - Technician 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Bug Bite, Knock Off, Super Power

Offering multiple 'mon and/or Items from my thread for each!
I can give you the Timburr you're looking.
No they do not, those tutor moves are not counted as egg moves.

I transfered over 20+ shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch. They are all 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
I also have some shiny male Adamant Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Knock Off and Stealth Rock. They are also 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
Seeing as some people don't have access to any 5th gen games/don't know how to RNG abuse I am giving them away for free. Let me know if you would like any of them.

I'm also willing to do breeding projects in 5th gen in exchange for Pokemon Y mega stones.
Can I have a timburr please?
Hey guys i have a lot of legendaries for trade im really looking for shinys but willing to take offers pm or reply if interested.

Hasty suicune
careful entei
hasty kyurem/ice has pokerus
lonely reshriham
modest zekrom
mild terakion
hardy cobalion
naughty virizion
calm deoxys ATK mode
gentle Registeel has pokerus
adamant regirock
jolly regiice
careful uxie
No they do not, those tutor moves are not counted as egg moves.

I transfered over 20+ shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch. They are all 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
I also have some shiny male Adamant Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Knock Off and Stealth Rock. They are also 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
Seeing as some people don't have access to any 5th gen games/don't know how to RNG abuse I am giving them away for free. Let me know if you would like any of them.

I'm also willing to do breeding projects in 5th gen in exchange for Pokemon Y mega stones.
can i have a paniward? please?
No they do not, those tutor moves are not counted as egg moves.

I transfered over 20+ shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch. They are all 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
I also have some shiny male Adamant Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Knock Off and Stealth Rock. They are also 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
Seeing as some people don't have access to any 5th gen games/don't know how to RNG abuse I am giving them away for free. Let me know if you would like any of them.

I'm also willing to do breeding projects in 5th gen in exchange for Pokemon Y mega stones.
I can haz Timburr? :]
Hey guys i have a lot of legendaries for trade im really looking for shinys but willing to take offers pm or reply if interested.

Hasty suicune
careful entei
hasty kyurem/ice has pokerus
lonely reshriham
modest zekrom
mild terakion
hardy cobalion
naughty virizion
calm deoxys ATK mode
gentle Registeel has pokerus
adamant regirock
jolly regiice
careful uxie
No they do not, those tutor moves are not counted as egg moves.

I transfered over 20+ shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch. They are all 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
I also have some shiny male Adamant Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Knock Off and Stealth Rock. They are also 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
Seeing as some people don't have access to any 5th gen games/don't know how to RNG abuse I am giving them away for free. Let me know if you would like any of them.

I'm also willing to do breeding projects in 5th gen in exchange for Pokemon Y mega stones.
Can I have a Timburr? I can give you Timid Analytic Staryu 31/x/31/31/31/31 in return. :)
Hi guys, I'm looking for a Carvanha or Sharpedo with Speed Boost. I don't really care about it's nature or IVs.

Among the pokemon I have for trade (all have 3-4 IVs) are:
HA Eevee
HA Phantump
HA Dratini

Please PM me if you're interested in trading :)
Last call! I've got a bunch of Shroomish for trade (in Quick Balls):

Egg Move: Bullet Seed
Quick Feet: 3 Male, 2 Female
Effect Spore: 3 Male
Poison Heal: 1 Female

In return, I'd love 5 IV pokes I don't have in my thread (link is in my sig), or ones that I DO have in my thread but are improvements (a female with a cooler ball, a male with more egg moves, a different nature, etc.) PM me offers!
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