Do tutor moves get passed down via breeding? Say, if I breed my Gardevoir from black 2 w/Hyper Voice with a gardevoir from my x version, will I get Hyper Voice babies? Same for Pawniard (Knock Off) and Conkeldurr (Knock Off/Ice PUnch)
No they do not, those tutor moves are not counted as egg moves.
I transfered over 20+ shiny male Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch. They are all 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
I also have some shiny male Adamant Defiant Pawniard with Sucker Punch, Knock Off and Stealth Rock. They are also 31/31/31/X/31/31 and RNG abused by me.
Seeing as some people don't have access to any 5th gen games/don't know how to RNG abuse I am giving them away for free. Let me know if you would like any of them.
I'm also willing to do breeding projects in 5th gen in exchange for Pokemon Y mega stones.
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