Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 36 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Giving the following away:


Eggs moves: Focus Punch / Circle Throw / Hammer Arm / Double-Edge

Kangaskhan (F) - Adamant - Scrappy - [2371]
Kangaskhan (F) - Adamant - Scrappy - [3557]
Kangaskhan (F) - Adamant - Scrappy - [1851]

All three are in eggs. First three people to PM me get them.
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I have the folowing breeding rejects and other stuff up for trade:

Modest Larvesta, Flame Body, up to 4 IVs.
Impish Gligar, Inmunity/Sand Veil, up to 4 IVs.
Jolly Meditite, up to 4 IVs.
Adamant Larvitar, Guts, up to 4 IVs, Egg Moves: Stealth Rock and Dragon Dance.
Impish Phantump, Harvest/Natural Cure/Frisk, up to 4 IVs (One of the Frisk has 5, though).
Modest Squirtle, up to 3 IVs, Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere.
(1 Modest/ a ton of Calm) Rotom, all of them with 4 IVs

Modest Larvesta, Flame Body, 31/x/x/31/31/31.
Sassy Larvitar, Guts, x/x/31/x/x/x.
Impish Shelmet, Shell Armor, x/x/x/x/31/31
Modest Rotom, x/x/x/31/31/x

Minccino, Timid, Skill Link, x/31/x/x/x/31

This is the stuff I'm looking for, only the abilities matter, unless specified otherwise:

Regenerator Slowpoke
Prankster Sableye
Bulletproof Chespin (good IVs Foreign?)
Unburden Hawlucha (good IVs Foreign?)
Unburden Swirlix (good IVs Foreign?)
Thick Fat Swinub
Unaware Wooper
Adaptability Corphish
Prankster Cottonee
Intimidate Scraggy
Speed Boost Venipede
Regenerator Tangela
Regenerator Foongus
Friend Guard Clefairy
Hustle Nidoran (each gender)

I'm also open to any other offers you make. :$
I'm also open to any other offers you make. :$

I have regenerator slowpokes, heaps of them - not sure what I really need atm. So i'm not fussed what you trade for it. If you wanna give me somethin ok then its welcomed, if not happy just to help :)

Just write on my profile if you want it and we can exchange FC
I am looking for a Dragonite with ExtremeSpeed. Just a minor question, I have a Dragonite with DD, Dragon Claw, Fire Punch, and Roost (Adamant and Weaknite set). I was wondering if it was worth it to rebreed, so I could get a Dragonite with ExtremeSpeed.

FC 3DS: 2079-7698-3256
Looking for a 5 IV female Starly with HA in a Premier Ball. I'm offering RNG breeding services, and yes this includes teaching moves from the Move Tutor.
Hey guys, does anyone reading happen to have a huge power bunnleby or diggersby? I could trade pretty much any normal mon, I just have no idea why I don't have that diggersby tho! I dont care about any of the specfics, as i can do the work once I have him.
Ahoy, smogon!
Trying to track down a Hidden Ability Glisgor/Gligar for a friend. Iv's don't matter.
I have 5 IV Gible, Togetic/Togepi, and Lotad that I could offer in return.
Thanks :D
does anyone have 5 IV clawitzer or clauncher please

edit: i can give 5 iv cloyster with rock blast, icicle spear, shell smash, razor shell

or eevee with 31/x/30/31/31/31 spread for jolteon HP ice

or Solar power charmander modest ?
Dude Awesome!
I have three, one missing Defense, one missing Special Attack, and one missing HP, which do you prefer?
I also have them named by their iv's, do you want me to change the nicknames pre-trade?
FC is 3840-6545-0833
I'll take the one missing hp :3 also, the nicknames do not matter, as I plan to re breed them anyways :3

Edit: Added :)
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