Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 37 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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HELP making a sun team and cant think of 3 more pokemon to put in it. So far mega houndoom, meowstic, and venusaur. Any help is needed
I'm not seeing the point in a Rash Zapdos, I'll reset.

Though then again I reseted on a 29/x/31/30/31/31 Modest Zapdos. My standards are a bit higher than most. lol
Update & Repost of my wants...

Looking for the following spitbacks as females (because of them shmexy balls), and preferably with more 31 IVs:
The following Pokemon listed are on their lowest evolutionary stages, but you can also trade their evos.

Note: The ones slashed in blue means it's reserved for others to trade to me next time, or for others to receive from me next time. The one slashed in red simply means it's already taken ^_^

HA Chespin @ Nest/Premier/Luxury/Repeat/Dusk ball
HA Bunnelby @ Premier/Luxury/Heal/Ultra ball
HA Fletchling @ Luxury/Repeat/Timer/Premier ball
HA Skiddo @ Nest/Premier/Luxury ball
HA Pancham @ Luxury/Premier ball
HA Espurr @ Luxury/Net/Premier/Ultra/Dive ball
Honedge @ Premier/Luxury/Repeat/Ultra/Timer/Dusk ball
HA Swirlix @ Premier/Heal/Luxury/Repeat
HA Inkay @ Luxury/Premier/Quick/Nest/Dive/Dusk ball
Tough Claws Binacle @ Premier/Luxury/Heal/Dive/Dusk ball
Poison Point Skrelp @ Dive/Luxury/Heal/Nest ball
Clauncher @ Premier/Luxury/Quick/Dive/Great ball
HA Helioptile @ Ultra/Luxury/Repeat/Premier ball
HA Hawlucha in Premier/Luxury/Dusk/Nest ball
Prankster Klefki @ Heal ball
HA Phantump @ Luxury/Dusk/Premier/Nest/Timer ball
HA Pumpkaboo (Super Size preferred) @ Luxury/Dusk/Quick ball
HA Bergmite @ Dive/Premier/Quick ball
Infiltrator Noibat @ Luxury/Dusk/Heal ball
HA Froakie in Quick/Premier ball
HA Charmander @ Repeat/Luxury/Dive/Dusk/Premier ball
HA Bulbasaur @ Nest/Dusk/Luxury ball
HA Squirtle @ Heal/Premier/Dive ball
HA Gothorita @ Luxury/Premier/Heal ball
HA Litwick @ Premier/Luxury/Repeat/Timer ball
HA Togepi @ Premier/Great/Luxury ball
Mewtwonite Y
A few heart scales
A few rare candies

My offers (most are PokeBank'd)...

shiny Calm female Level 6 31/x/31/31/31/31 Water Absorb Jellicent @ Heal Ball
shiny Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Tornadus @ Dusk Ball
shiny Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 Thundurus @ Master Ball
shiny Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Landorus @ Luxury Ball
non-shiny 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Cobalion @ Quick Ball
non-shiny 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Virizion @ Dusk Ball
shiny Timid HP Grass Heatran @ Premier Ball
shiny Timid HP Grass Heatran @ Timer Ball
shiny Timid Mesprit @ Premier Ball

x3 31/31/31/x/31/31 shiny female Jolly Pinsirs bred from Emerald (with Body Slam & Double-Edge tutor moves, cloned via Emerald Battle Tower cloning glitch)
x3 31/31/31/x/31/31 shiny Jolly Kangaskhans bred from Emerald (with Body Slam tutor move, cloned via Emerald Battle Tower cloning glitch)

31/31/x/31/31/31 & 31/31/31/31/31/x female Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling spitbacks @ Timer Ball (with Tailwind & Snatch egg moves)
x2 31/31/31/31/31/x & x2 31/31/x/31/31/31 female Modest Protean Froakie spitback @ Luxury Ball (with Toxic Spikes)

VM me for offers, or visit if I'm online.
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lol I'm sorry xD but it makes me wonder, with pokebank can I load up my pokes, reset my xy cart and get them back? Because id love to go back and SR xerneas, mewtwo and diffrent birdie :P
Ye, you can. You cant bring items into bank though, so mega stones and the likes would be lost.
Ye, you can. You cant bring items into bank though, so mega stones and the likes would be lost.
that's no biggie, it would be good to re run thru and get all the stones back... As i traded a lot of em to get my breeding and shiny collection xD Sadly I'll lose my spot at 600ish on my dex xD
that's no biggie, it would be good to re run thru and get all the stones back... As i traded a lot of em to get my breeding and shiny collection xD Sadly I'll lose my spot at 600ish on my dex xD
This is why you get powersaves :P Able to create multiple save files just for Legendary runs/SV hoarding and still keep your original save :)
Since the OI SQSA thread is pretty much dead for now, I'll ask here.

On Serebii, for Feebas/Milotic it states that using a Kelpsy Berry to max Beauty is a method of evolution.

As far as I know, just like in generation 5, Beauty is not measured in XY. Or does it keep track of the Beauty stat a Feebas had before transferring?

Either way, I'd like to know more/whether I can evolve Feebas (when I get around to actually breeding one) w/o trading (stupid Prism Scale/trade evolutions -_-). I'd test/try this myself, but am lacking a Feebas and sound supply of Kelpsy Berries.

The Serebii page is here.
Since the OI SQSA thread is pretty much dead for now, I'll ask here.

On Serebii, for Feebas/Milotic it states that using a Kelpsy Berry to max Beauty is a method of evolution.

As far as I know, just like in generation 5, Beauty is not measured in XY. Or does it keep track of the Beauty stat a Feebas had before transferring?

Either way, I'd like to know more/whether I can evolve Feebas (when I get around to actually breeding one) w/o trading (stupid Prism Scale/trade evolutions -_-). I'd test/try this myself, but am lacking a Feebas and sound supply of Kelpsy Berries.

The Serebii page is here.
The new method of evolution is the only you can use =/ Unfortunately.
Trade it holding prism scale =/
(Cross posting from my thread, hope this is allowed)
In celebration of me and thiagodd 's joint trade thread grand opening, I'm giving away these Pokes today :)
All are male except stated otherwise.

Feel free to request any of these for free :)
Please leave a message on my profile only so it's easier to keep track. PMs/replies in the thread will be ignored.
First come first served :)

Eevee @ Dream Ball | Modest | Anticipation | 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | Wish / Yawn / Curse / Charm
Riolu @ Dream Ball | Jolly | Inner Focus/Prankster | 31/31/31/xx/31/31 | Crunch / Bullet Punch
Growlithe @ Fast Ball | Impish | Flash Fire | 31/31/31/xx/31/31 | Crunch / Flare Blitz / Morning Sun / Close Combat

Dratini @ Luxury Ball | Jolly | Shed Skin | 31/31/31/xx/31/31 | Extreme Speed
Misdreavus @ Moon Ball | Timid | Levitate | 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | Psywave / Skill Swap / Wonder Room / Nasty Plot
Heracross @ Net Ball | Adamant | Swarm | 31/31/31/xx/31/31 | Rock Blast (reserved)
Scyther (F) @ Sport Ball | Adamant | Swarm | 31/31/31/xx/31/31 | Baton Pass / Defog
Honedge @ Premier Ball | Quiet | No Guard | 31/xx/31/31/31/0 | None (reserved)

Togepi @ Dream Ball | Modest | Super Luck | 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | None
Helioptile @ Luxury Ball | Timid | Dry Skin / Sand Veil | 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | None

Adding these guys:
Zorua @ Luxury Ball | Hasty | Illusion | 31/31/xx/31/xx/31 or 31/31/31/xx/31/31 | Sucker Punch, Extrasensory, Snatch, Memento
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I need a female Squirtle in a Dive Ball. Don't care about IV's, nature, moves. HA would be nice, but if not I'm okay with that too. Who can help me? :)
So if I want Water Spout, Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse on Blastoise, is that possible? If so, how do I do that?
Chain breed Water spout, first breed male wailmer with water spout with female remoraid to get male remoraid with water spout. Breed that (male remoraid with water spout) with female squirtle to get female squirtle with water spout. Breed Male Clawitzer with Aura sphere and d.pulse with Female Squirtle (with water spout) to get all three egg moves.
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