Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 38 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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No way to check.

HOWEVER, you could get Jimmy to show you his other so-called SV hatches.

If all of them have the OT Bobby and different IDs, you know that he is a hacker with a hacking friend called Bobby.

Just my opinion , but I don't think that Jimmy will have many friends other than Bobby willing to shinify for him.

Or, here's another idea. Trade with people you know ;)
Okay, that is alittle disappointing.
But yeah I know what you mean. I only deal with people I know.
btw I have a trick room victini, I'll pm you about it alittle later :)

EDIT: So when I start breeding pokes with SV method I should only look for hatchers from Smogon and link their profile pages.
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Okay, that is alittle disappointing.
But yeah I know what you mean. I only deal with people I know.
btw I have a trick room victini, I'll pm you about it alittle later :)

That's life I'm afraid.... Bobby hacker everywhere.

Yay, someone read my wants list!!! :)

(You have no idea how happy this makes me)
Bank Ball orders wanted
dr00 is gonna help me bank a few mons over,so I am taking orders now,tell me what poke and what ball you want,I will take dream ball females in return.
Edit 2: Ball recommendations for shiny Manectric?

These look nice on it, the net ball is for the eyes only, but if you're not much of a fan for details, you can leave it out. :3
People i need your help!
You see, me and my friends had a deal that he will gove me a zaptos for my offer but the problem is that he need to clone it and he cant do that, so please someone who can i really be happy i waited a lot for that zaptos,its only one clone... It wont take more than 5 mintues i guess
Yeah I think he/she is inactive -- i just keep an eye out on IRC channel and here. Hopefully one day soon i'll find someone who can help!

Seems like the best idea and you could always type the SV number into the search engine here.

If anyone has this number up in their thread, it should come up. :)
No way to check.

HOWEVER, you could get Jimmy to show you his other so-called SV hatches.

If all of them have the OT Bobby and different IDs, you know that he is a hacker with a hacking friend called Bobby.

Just my opinion , but I don't think that Jimmy will have many friends other than Bobby willing to shinify for him.

Or, here's another idea. Trade with people you know ;)

EDIT: And what's with Bobby and Jimmy? Let's have good quality names like Rose, Rose 2 or Rose Briar.
Just speaking for myself here, but I reset the game a bunch of times to have access to lots of different SVs quickly. With powersaves you can store each one as a different save and switch between them as required. So I have the same ID (Misty) with lots of different TID and SID combinations (can easily give other [non-shiny] Pokémon caught with each combination). Just to say you can't know they're a hacker just from that.
Just speaking for myself here, but I reset the game a bunch of times to have access to lots of different SVs quickly. With powersaves you can store each one as a different save and switch between them as required. So I have the same ID (Misty) with lots of different TID and SID combinations (can easily give other [non-shiny] Pokémon caught with each combination). Just to say you can't know they're a hacker just from that.

Point taken :)

It must take a long time to keep resetting to get the exact number you need... :/

So we're back to: trade with folks you trust.
Point taken :)

It must take a long time to keep resetting to get the exact number you need... :/

So we're back to: trade with folks you trust.
I didn't actually need any number in particular, just to increase my chances for each egg that I could hatch it shiny.

But agreed, trade with people you trust, and who breed their own Pokémon (so if there is ever a hack found, it can quickly be traced).

From your question on the last page. If the PID of a Pokémon is 0x#### #### in hexadecimal, call the first 4 #'s the HID and the last 4 #'s the LID. And let TID be your trainer ID and SID be your secret ID.

Then for a Pokémon to be shiny you can (there are other numbers that would work too) set:
I offer: shiny manaphy (6 iv), shiny naive magnezone (hp fire), shiny calm empoleon (6 ivs),shiny adamant baton pass blaziken (6 ivs). All theese need to be cloned.

I need: adamant/jolly mewtwo (better with ice punch and drain punch) and all the 5th gen legendaries.
I offer: shiny manaphy (6 iv), shiny naive magnezone (hp fire), shiny calm empoleon (6 ivs),shiny adamant baton pass blaziken (6 ivs). All theese need to be cloned.

I need: adamant/jolly mewtwo (better with ice punch and drain punch) and all the 5th gen legendaries.
I have a jolly victini(adamant is NFT)for the Manaphy
Anyone have small and super large gourgeist, as well as clauncher for spitback for spitback?

5iv HA MONS:

Swinub-icicle crash, stealth rock, freeze dry
Sneasel-taunt, icicle crash,fakeout, ice punch
Venipede- Spikes, Toxic spikes
Stunky- play rough
Zorua-sucker punch

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