Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Looking for female Johto starters in any balls other than Pokeball. CML for what I can give in return, I'll do 2:1 trades, especially if they're not the usual balls (Dive/Totodile, Nest/Chikorita, Luxury/Cyndaquil). Spitbacks are okay.

Edit: Also, I had a lot of fun chain-breeding Wide Guard onto a Honedge so if anyone has any EMs they want me to breed for them, let me know! I'm in the mood for a really complicated breeding project so feel free to specify nature, IVs, and balls too and I'll do my best to get it done.

Yay, 200th post :D
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hahaha my thread is nowhere close to serious as other users. I am working on improving it though. So I have a question I am almost done with getting this

which one of these should I do next?


View attachment 18039(alpha sapphire omega ruby shiny mega)


View attachment 18040


I guess while I'm asking for your opinions can you please list them in the order I should try to get the eggs for these.

Edit: some more opinions would be nice:/
I know this is asking a lot but can I have a few more peoples opinions?
I think the order you should do them is (based on how common they are):

Cubone (I might ask for one when you're done :0)
close to the same as someone else's ok that probably will be the order I follow in might swap ttar and kanga around though. Also congrats on 200 posts:)
Edit: Man no love for the birdy farfetch'd also if you could list them in order of importance plz:/ sorry for asking a lot
I know this is asking a lot but can I have a few more peoples opinions?
Sableye and Farfetch'd. They're probably the least common ones amongst the list.
I'd be happy to give you my Kangaskhan/Tyranitar for a female Love Ball Farfetch'd once you're done with appropriate egg moves, etc. :)
Sableye and Farfetch'd. They're probably the least common ones amongst the list.
I'd be happy to give you my Kangaskhan/Tyranitar for a female Love Ball Farfetch'd once you're done with appropriate egg moves, etc. :)
Probably Farfetch'd. Talking from a trading point of view the others have been done to death. (excluding Sableye, but even if he's gonna be Mega one turn of priority Taunt/Will-o-wisp could be crucial)

Edit: Did... I just ninja .com? :DD
I guess the birdy then sableye and then the others will be figured done next thanks everyone.
How does one become an approved cloner? I've recently learned how to clone pokemon, and I'd like to help people out ^ ^
Clone for someone and don't steal it. That's it or you could've been super stupidly helpful in the past, then be asked to do everything else by default including helping with childbirth.

Edit: English is hard.
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Hey guys um im soft resting on sapphire version and was wondering if the battery has run dry can I still get a shiny kyogre? And dose it make an difference about my trainer number? Plz help
Hey guys um im soft resting on sapphire version and was wondering if the battery has run dry can I still get a shiny kyogre? And dose it make an difference about my trainer number? Plz help
Yes, you can. It's actually easier to get a shiny when the battery is dry.

You could've edited your post to say that instead of double posting, but congratulations anyway. I guess.
What is the "minimum" level to determine a wild Pokemon's IVs usually considered? Since I have to catch something to Calibrate my DS, and I also will need to check the IVs on the RNG subjects.

I need a good Pokemon to wall
- Kyurem
- The Musketeers

I've already got 3 slots used up (2 Chatot and the Synchronizer). Also need recommendations on each Musketeers' nature (going with Naive on Kyurem for Black)
What is the "minimum" level to determine a wild Pokemon's IVs usually considered? Since I have to catch something to Calibrate my DS, and I also will need to check the IVs on the RNG subjects.

I need a good Pokemon to wall
- Kyurem
- The Musketeers

I've already got 3 slots used up (2 Chatot and the Synchronizer). Also need recommendations on each Musketeers' nature (going with Naive on Kyurem for Black)
Just use the first area of Victory road. Put in some bulky shit, maybe a multi purpose Pokemon like False Swipe Spore Smeargle and you'll be fine. Whenever I catch stuff I usually rely on Dark Voiding it with my Darkrai, then tossing balls until I catch it as Bad Dreams saps its health.
What is the "minimum" level to determine a wild Pokemon's IVs usually considered? Since I have to catch something to Calibrate my DS, and I also will need to check the IVs on the RNG subjects.

I need a good Pokemon to wall
- Kyurem
- The Musketeers

I've already got 3 slots used up (2 Chatot and the Synchronizer). Also need recommendations on each Musketeers' nature (going with Naive on Kyurem for Black)
I used Victory Road (room with no WNPCS) or Giant Chasm, inside the cave.
What is the "minimum" level to determine a wild Pokemon's IVs usually considered? Since I have to catch something to Calibrate my DS, and I also will need to check the IVs on the RNG subjects.

I need a good Pokemon to wall
- Kyurem
- The Musketeers

I've already got 3 slots used up (2 Chatot and the Synchronizer). Also need recommendations on each Musketeers' nature (going with Naive on Kyurem for Black)

I calibrated using the standing legendary itself (in my case, zekrom in black 2). It was level 70, so in the end, I didn't even need any of the rare candies I'd collected to get a result.
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