Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Anybody have a spare Riolu/Lucario with its HA? No other details needed, just having a hard time tracking one down.

I have a bunch of flawless HA males in eggs with four egg moves and a Jolly nature. You can have one, if you want one. I don't need them, since they're leftovers from TSV matching/hatching. Already got the shiny Lucario I wanted...
I have a bunch of flawless HA males in eggs with four egg moves and a Jolly nature. You can have one, if you want one. I don't need them, since they're leftovers from TSV matching/hatching. Already got the shiny Lucario I wanted...
If it's no trouble, I'd appreciate it greatly. Is there by any chance anything you're looking for? By the by, good on ya for landing the shiny.
If it's no trouble, I'd appreciate it greatly. Is there by any chance anything you're looking for? By the by, good on ya for landing the shiny.

It's no trouble at all. Those damn flawless leftover eggs take up way too much of my boxspace anyway. The only reason why I haven't started an egg giveaway yet, is because I'm too lazy to double check all of them...
You can have the Riolu egg for free.

I probably should mention that the "name" of the egg will be the ESV. I used the QR code exploit to change it and saved afterwards, again... because of laziness. If you have a problem with that, nevermind. Otherwise those eggs are completely "legit" and all of them were produced by me...
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It's no trouble at all. Those damn flawless leftover eggs take up way too much of my boxspace anyway. The only reason why I haven't started an egg giveaway yet, is because I'm too lazy to double check all of them...
You can have the Riolu egg for free.
You're a lifesaver, mate. And nah, it's alright, it's all for a pet project anyways. I'll just give ya a nice Zorua I just hatched in return. I'll go ahead and add you right quick. Feel free to do the same at your leisure.
Hey dudes, I used to play a lot of pokemon X, but I kinda stopped playing it a few months ago. I have recently bought pokemon OR, and I want to get back into the game. Whats new? (All I know is about the mega evolutions the game came out with)
LF Haunter tradeback. Time to evolve my Haunter into my second favorite mon! Can somebody help me out with that real quick?
LF Haunter tradeback. Time to evolve my Haunter into my second favorite mon! Can somebody help me out with that real quick?
I can help :) Info is in my sig, and logging on now.

in case you can't see it: IGN: Joshua | FC: 0817-3836-6374
Hey, everyone! What are some recommended egg moves and Poke Balls for Druddigon and Pangoro?


EMs for Druddigon: Poison Tail, Sucker Punch, Glare, and Pursuit.

For Pangoro: Foul Play, Quick Guard, Me First, and Storm Throw.
Hey, everyone! What are some recommended egg moves and Poke Balls for Druddigon and Pangoro?
If we're talking standard colorations, I might recommend Great Ball/Lure Ball for Druddigon and Lux Ball/Premier Ball for Pangoro. As for the egg moves, Pangoro only has five anyways, so I would say maybe just skip either Quash or Me First. With Druddigon, I think Sucker Punch would be the most solid choice overall, with maybe Glare and Pursuit for their potential utility and Iron Tail as coverage against fairies (though I would imagine Gunk Shot would be a better choice for that purpose). I'm no strategist, just my two cents. Edit: I am also not very fast.
If we're talking standard colorations, I might recommend Great Ball/Lure Ball for Druddigon and Lux Ball/Premier Ball for Pangoro. As for the egg moves, Pangoro only has five anyways, so I would say maybe just skip either Quash or Me First. With Druddigon, I think Sucker Punch would be the most solid choice overall, with maybe Glare and Pursuit for their potential utility and Iron Tail as coverage against fairies (though I would imagine Gunk Shot would be a better choice for that purpose). I'm no strategist, just my two cents.
Sorry, bud. Lure Ball isn't legal on Druddigon. Hacks aren't allowed to be traded here.
I was thinking of opening a thread with "what if" pokes/balls combination precisely to sorta have registered what isn't legal. Dunno if the mods would be ok with that.
For example: shiny Umbreon on Moon Ball (how beautiful would that be)
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