Interested in:
Your Eevee, Tympole, Ferroseed, and Lucario.
I have:
4-5 IV Calm Vullaby,
3-4 IV HA Mareanie (natures vary)
3-5 IV HA Bold/Calm Corsola
5-6 IV Infiltrator Timid/Modest Dreepy
3-4 IV Jolly Ponyta
5 IV HA Timid Charmander
4 IV HA Jolly Drilbur
5 IV Mimikyu
4 IV Adamant Axew
4 IV Adamant Trapinch
4 IV Swinub
5 IV Jolly Jangmo-o
5 IV HA Jolly Magikarp
I can do those for the Calm Vullaby, Jolly Jangmo-o, Timid Dreepy, and Timid Charmander. PM me so we can set up a time to trade!