Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Interested in:
Your Eevee, Tympole, Ferroseed, and Lucario.
I have:
4-5 IV Calm Vullaby,
3-4 IV HA Mareanie (natures vary)
3-5 IV HA Bold/Calm Corsola
5-6 IV Infiltrator Timid/Modest Dreepy
3-4 IV Jolly Ponyta
5 IV HA Timid Charmander
4 IV HA Jolly Drilbur
5 IV Mimikyu
4 IV Adamant Axew
4 IV Adamant Trapinch
4 IV Swinub
5 IV Jolly Jangmo-o
5 IV HA Jolly Magikarp

I can do those for the Calm Vullaby, Jolly Jangmo-o, Timid Dreepy, and Timid Charmander. PM me so we can set up a time to trade!
Hello to all! Looking these pokes just for pokedex so i can give them back if the user needs them


Thanks in advance
Looking for in gen 6:
- a Modest/Timid Groudon (RNG)
- Poke ball Event Vivillon (RNG)
- Modest Diancie (RNG, non shiny)
- Regi Trio (RNG, non shiny)
- Lake Trio (RNG)
- Timid or Modest HA Landorus

I can trade TSV shinies for the RNG mons or do some breeding projects (gen 6 or 7).

Also, anyone with Sun or Ultra Sun able to RNG a shiny Lunala using a NA code?
Im playing Pokemon moon and would like to get the mega swampert item
I can trade you another mega item from the BP shop or a legendary or ultra beast or whatever
just lemme know :)
Just going to post this here, need to make some space in my boxes. Will release them all after the weekend.

26x 5IV Atk missing Beast Ball Modest Duraludon
26x 5IV Atk missing Beast Ball HA Modest Duraludon
5x 4IV Premier Ball HA Quiet Corsola
4x 5IV Premier Ball HA Quiet Corsola
8x 4IV Dive Ball Jolly Darumaka
3x 4IV Dusk Ball Modest Dreepy
20x 4IV Heavy Ball Impish Rookidee, 3 eggmoves
30x 4IV Premier Ball HA Timid Snom
72x 5IV missing Sp.Atk Premier Ball Jolly Ponyta, 4 eggmoves

Galar Pokémon in matching balls with eggmoves, just make an offer.
LF Solosis, Sableye and (Spritzee/)Aromatisse for dex completion. And Zamazenta touch-trade. Don't care too much about IVs or abilites (though HA Sableye would be a cool bonus).

FT most everything for dex filling.
HA 4IV breedject Impidimp in repeat ball (5+)
HA 5IV breedject Meowth-G in primier ball (3).

PM me if you can.
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LF: breedject HA Scraggy in Sword/Shield. Ball/IVs/nature/gender don’t matter
Got it, but I still have the breedjects if anyone is LF them

FT: breedjects of:
HA Corsola (Moon ball)
HA Falinks (Ultra ball)
HA Rookidee (Luxury Ball)
HA Farfetch’d (Level Ball)
HA Eevee (Repeat/Love Ball)
HA Drilbur (Repeat Ball)
HA Mareanie (Dive Ball)
HA Hatenna (Dream Ball)
HA Applin (Ultra Ball)
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Any chance I can get one of those HA Drilbur for a crisp high five? Lol

LF: breedject HA Scraggy in Sword/Shield. Ball/IVs/nature/gender don’t matter
Got it, but I still have the breedjects if anyone is LF them

FT: breedjects of:
HA Corsola (Moon ball)
HA Falinks (Ultra ball)
HA Rookidee (Luxury Ball)
HA Farfetch’d (Level Ball)
HA Eevee (Repeat/Love Ball)
HA Drilbur (Repeat Ball)
HA Mareanie (Dive Ball)
HA Hatenna (Dream Ball)
HA Applin (Ultra Ball)
I am desperate for that HA Drilbur if you wanna hook a dude up.

Mod edit: Don't double post.
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I am looking for a tart apple, does anyone want to trade it for a sweet apple?

Also I'm looking for a net ball Deino (modest/timid would be perfect).

I have for trade:

Net ball Riolu - Female - Jolly - Steadfast - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (1)
Net ball Riolu - Male - Jolly - Inner Focus - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (2)
Net ball Riolu - Male - Jolly - Prankster - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (3) (All Riolu have Bullet Punch and Vacuum wave).
Great ball Rufflet - Male - Jolly - Hustle - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (1)
Love ball Eevee - Male - Modest - Anticipation - 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Nest ball Ferroseed - Female - Careful - Iron barbs - 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Ultra ball Rookidee - Male/Female - Careful - Big Pecks - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (2 male, 1 female) They have roost and tailwind.

Lf amother flame orb and toxic orb

FT: pick 3 5 iv spread mons from my thread in my signature. 3 mons per orb

I can give you another flame orb for Darumaka if it's ok :)
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Hey all!

I have a lot of perfect 5 IV (31/31/31/x/31/31) jolly net ball dreepy for trade (from shiny breeding). I'm looking for:

- Any non-standard pokeball breedject
- Level ball larvitar
- Level ball timburr

I can't trade until later tonight, but let me know if you'd like to trade anything.
LF: breedject HA Scraggy in Sword/Shield. Ball/IVs/nature/gender don’t matter
Got it, but I still have the breedjects if anyone is LF them

FT: breedjects of:
HA Corsola (Moon ball)
HA Falinks (Ultra ball)
HA Rookidee (Luxury Ball)
HA Farfetch’d (Level Ball)
HA Eevee (Repeat/Love Ball)
HA Drilbur (Repeat Ball)
HA Mareanie (Dive Ball)
HA Hatenna (Dream Ball)
HA Applin (Ultra Ball)
I’d love to take the Farfetch‘d off your hands if it’s still available.
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I am looking for a tart apple, does anyone want to trade it for a sweet apple?

Also I'm looking for a net ball Deino (modest/timid would be perfect).

I have for trade:

Net ball Riolu - Female - Jolly - Steadfast - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (1)
Net ball Riolu - Male - Jolly - Inner Focus - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (2)
Net ball Riolu - Male - Jolly - Prankster - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (3) (All Riolu have Bullet Punch and Vacuum wave).
Great ball Rufflet - Male - Jolly - Hustle - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (1)
Love ball Eevee - Male - Modest - Anticipation - 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Nest ball Ferroseed - Female - Careful - Iron barbs - 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Ultra ball Rookidee - Male/Female - Careful - Big Pecks - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (2 male, 1 female) They have roost and tailwind.

I can give you another flame orb for Darumaka if it's ok :)
i can help you with this along with a tart apple, will pm you my availability
so 2 trade (flame orb and sweet apple for tart apple and darumaka)~
LF - Flame Orb

Will trade several 5iv breedables, have HA dive ball Darumaka, HA Timer Ball Drilbur, HA beast ball Applin, dive ball zigzagoon, dive ball wingull, dive ball shellder, moon ball dreepy
LF someone with a living dex to breed me some pokemon or someone that can breed these. I just need the pokemon

FT: 2 pokemon per breedject (4 ivs) or 3 pokemon per 5 iv spread from my thread

Here is what i'm looking for right now
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LF: HA Phantump, HA karrablast & 0 speed IV ditto.

FT: HA ralts, scraggy, Riolu, drilbur, rufflet, salandit, Darumaka, vulpix, chewtle, Ponyta, duraludon, maractus, corsola, Eevee, snom, litwick, applin.

Most have 4-5 iv's, matching balls and egg moves.
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LF HA Love Ball Hattena. Have many rare ball breedjects I can offer in return!

Jolly Level Ball Drilbur (HA Available)
Modest Moon Ball Sinistea (HA Available)
Adamant Ultra Ball Morpeko
Jolly Lure Ball Ralts (HA Available)
Jolly Dream Ball Yamper
Timid Love Ball Togepi
Modest Moon Ball Dreepy
Jolly Dive Ball Magikarp
Timid Love Ball Eevee
Adamant Timer Ball Growlithe
Modest Love Ball Ponyta
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