Multi Gen Simple Questions, Simple Answers Mk. II (Read Before Making a Thread)

Is it possible to make a Checks Compendium for the ORAS Ubers tier? I would gladly volunteer to make one if no one is intrested
If anything the current one would be updated.

I don't think it's really worth meticulously listing out every check to every viable mon in this tier - you really only need lists for like the top few threats. With all the role compression that must occur in teambuilding, naturally lower viability mons are blanket checked by what you've already assembled to handle the more relevant threats. If for whatever reason you find yourself annoyed by a lower viability Pokemon (most of these are niche defensive threats anyways) you usually make adjustments to your spread or move set, rather than changing mons entirely.
Yes there are tons of physical and special walls in the tier. You just have to figure out which physical threats your physical wall doesn't check, and which special threats your special wall doesn't check, and build the rest of your team accordingly.
Well there arent too many phys walls imo, but yeah, usually it goes something alon those lines.

A lot of reliable ubers checking duties for bulky teams can simply revolve around lugia and supporting it.
I have a question that'll probably sound stupid: how do you correctly calc M-Kangaskhan's Power-Up Punch? I mean, all it shows you is the total damage it does without the Atk boost it gets from the first hit. Am I missing something (does the second hit benefit from the Atk boost or not?, etc.)?
I don't think there is a calculator out there where you can calc it perfectly no matter what you do, but You can make a very good assumption that the second hit will be doing about 75% of what the first hit was.

1.5 (PuP's Attack boost) x 0.5 (Parental Bond's second hit nerf) = 0.75 (of the first hit)
I'm pretty new to all of this and sorry if this is too noobish to ask here but I'm not sure where else to ask. I'm having trouble understanding how legendaries are useful in competitive play. The way I see it, you have one shot at their IVs and a huge pain with berries to alter their EVs. Are their base stats or move sets just so amazing that they're that desirable?
I'm pretty new to all of this and sorry if this is too noobish to ask here but I'm not sure where else to ask. I'm having trouble understanding how legendaries are useful in competitive play. The way I see it, you have one shot at their IVs and a huge pain with berries to alter their EVs. Are their base stats or move sets just so amazing that they're that desirable?
Smogon in general uses the Showdown simulator, where IVs are defaulted to 31 since it's possible to get a perfect IV legendary with enough time and patience. You also technically have multiple shots at a legendary if you don't save after catching one.
So the other day, I was explaining Greninja's role in Ubers to my brother. "It's not generally used as an attacker," I said. "In Ubers, it's kind of outclassed in that regard. But Greninja can lay down Spikes and then immediately use Shadow Sneak to block spinners. Its niche is that it can set hazards and spinblock at the same time."

And my brother says, "Can't Froslass do that too?"

..and I didn't really know how to respond to that. CAN'T Froslass do that too?
So the other day, I was explaining Greninja's role in Ubers to my brother. "It's not generally used as an attacker," I said. "In Ubers, it's kind of outclassed in that regard. But Greninja can lay down Spikes and then immediately use Shadow Sneak to block spinners. Its niche is that it can set hazards and spinblock at the same time."

And my brother says, "Can't Froslass do that too?"

..and I didn't really know how to respond to that. CAN'T Froslass do that too?
First of all, Froslass doesn't have Toxic Spikes while Greninja does. That's already enough to consider Greninja since Toxic Spikes are more damaging to opponent's teams than Spikes.
So the other day, I was explaining Greninja's role in Ubers to my brother. "It's not generally used as an attacker," I said. "In Ubers, it's kind of outclassed in that regard. But Greninja can lay down Spikes and then immediately use Shadow Sneak to block spinners. Its niche is that it can set hazards and spinblock at the same time."

And my brother says, "Can't Froslass do that too?"

..and I didn't really know how to respond to that. CAN'T Froslass do that too?
as outrage said gren has access to toxic spikes while froslass does not and adding to that it outspeeds defog arceus formes and taunts them which froslass cannot do
I have a question that'll probably sound stupid: how do you correctly calc M-Kangaskhan's Power-Up Punch? I mean, all it shows you is the total damage it does without the Atk boost it gets from the first hit. Am I missing something (does the second hit benefit from the Atk boost or not?, etc.)?

Unless I'm missing something obvious, you can calculate it as a base 70 power attack, at least for the first use.
First of all, Froslass doesn't have Toxic Spikes while Greninja does. That's already enough to consider Greninja since Toxic Spikes are more damaging to opponent's teams than Spikes.

Unless your opponent has a poison type, in that case spikes are better than toxic spikes. At least in my experience.
Unless your opponent has a poison type, in that case spikes are better than toxic spikes. At least in my experience.
Exactly but primal groudon made many Toxic types unviable and Gengar doesnt remove them until evolved so yh we can say in ORAS Tspikes is better.
Whose idea was it to have freeze clause in grand slam, and why wasn't it discussed with the community in a public forum or public-visible forum such as policy review beforehand?
Sorry :> I have a bit of a thing about that clause in particular x_x I edited my post to reflect an acknowledgement of the mistake and unrevoked my signup.
what kind of roles does zekrom play??
how far can i go in sweeping with hone claws complemented by tailwind support.
i like electric types, fond of zekrom's design. naturally this makes zekrom my fav

ps: tailwind needs to last 5 turns.