Red font= Removals / Blue font= Additions / Bolded text is comments
Will do the rest later.
EDIT: A'ight done the rest.
Red font= Removals / Blue font= Additions / Bolded text is comments
<p>Skarmory retains its place as one of the premier physical walls in 5th Gen. It also got a useful boost to Sturdy, which now acts as a Focus Sash for Skarmory whenever it is at full health. With Roost, Whirlwind and its huge physical defense, Skarmory can easily take on powerful physical attackers like Ononokusu, Doryuzuu, Randorosu, and Garchomp. Outside of its role as a physical tank, Skarmory has access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, making it a valuable asset for stall oriented teams.</p>
<p>This generation, Skarmory got a lot of competition with the emergence of Nattorei. One big selling point which Skarmory has over Nattorei is its immunity to Ground-type attacks which are used commonly by many physical sweepers. It has reliable recovery in Roost, and the ability to phaze stat boosts with Whirlwind. Once again, Skarmory can also pair up with Blissey forming the famous SkarmBliss combination, which can be used to good effect even in today's fast paced metagame. Despite its low Special Defense which can undermine its walling capabilities, Skarmory shines as one of the best physical walls in the metagame.</p>(Do not mention anything to do with team options in the overview.)
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Roost
move 3: Whirlwind
move 4: Brave Bird / Taunt
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
nature: Impish
ability: Sturdy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
<p>]This is Skarmory's trademark set from the 4th generation, unchanged. With its excellent immense physical bulk, Skarmory can easily get the oppurtunity to lay down Spikes. Roost provides reliable recovery, keeping Skarmory healthy and allowing it to stall longer. Whirlwind helps it phaze stat boosts, and also rack up entry hazard damage with Spikes, making it an excellent Spikes shuffler.</p>
<p>You have two options for the last move. Taunt helps out on Stall teams, against opposing walls, as it allows Skarmory to completely screw up Pokemon like Nattorei, Hippowdon and the like preventing slower walls such as Nattorei and Hippodown from setting up entry hazards of their own. However, Brave Bird prevents Skarmory from becoming complete Taunt bait itself, from faster Pokemon or Mischievious Heart abusers. It also lands OHKO's on Breloom, Birizion and deals heavy damage to even Roobushin. As such, it better suits bulky offense teams.</p>
<p>There are 2 two (Always use letters unless you are referring to the number of EVs.) item choices. Shed Shell will help Skarmory escape unscathed from its best check; Magnet Pull Magnezone. However, Leftovers will provide recovery every turn, and help Skarmory heal of damage from weak attacks on switching in, to maintain Sturdy. The 252 EVs in both Defense and HP maximise Skarmory's physical bulk. The remaining 4 EVs are invested in Speed.</p>
<p>Skarmory really appreciates having a teammate to take the powerful Special attacks which it will find itself prey to. Pairing it with a Special wall such as Chansey or Burungeru will therefore be effective. Chansey, in addition to forming a SkarmBliss-like defensive combination, also has the ability to pass 353 HP Wishes to Skarmory, keeping it healthy. On the other hand, Burungeru also acts as an effective Spin blocker, is although it shares an Electric-type weakness with Skarmory.</p>
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Roost
move 3: Whirlwind
move 4: Brave Bird / Taunt
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
nature: Careful / Impish
ability: Sturdy
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
<p>Despite Skarmory's Special Defense not being the best, it can also utilise its Steel typing to run a Specially Defensive set. Its Steel typing grants it valuable resistances to common Dragon-, Ghost- and Psychic-type Special Attacks. Skarmory should use the same moveset for this set as well, since they are pretty much itt's best options.</p>
<p>This set runs pretty much the same moves as the physically defensive set. Spikes is what distinguishes Skarmory from other bulky Steel-types bar Nattorei. Roost allows Skarmory to heal of any damage obtained while it sets up Spikes and significantly increases its longevity. Whirlwind is explanatory; shuffling between the opponent's team members, thereby racking up residual damage if entry hazards have been layed down. Brave Bird is the primary option for the fourth moveslot as it Skarmory's most reliable form of offense, while Taunt stops slower tanks cold from setting up any form of entry hazards or inflict status. Leftovers is the usual item one would see on the metal Phoenix although Shed Shell despite being useful only in certain situations, can enable Skarmory to escape certain death from the likes of Magnezone.</p>
<p>As with the first set, there is a move choice over Brave Bird and Taunt. Brave Bird OHKOes Birijion and Breloom even without any investment in Attack, while Taunt allows you to shut down slower walls like Blissey and Nattorei.(You need to seriously expand your analysis.)</p>
<p>The EVs and nature maximise Skarmory's Special Defense. Even without any investment, Skarmory has great Defense and can still take powerful physical attacks. However, an Impish nature can be used to bolster Skarmory's Defense at the cost of some Special Defense.</p>
<p>Instead of running Spikes on Skarmory itself, another Pokemon can be used to lay entry hazards. This will free up a moveslot, and allow Skarmory to run both Brave Bird and Taunt on the same set. This can prove to be very useful against stall teams, since Skarmory can effectively shut down slower walls such as Hippowdon. Deoxys-S is a good candidate for this role, as it can also provide team support with Reflect and Light Screen, softening the Special attacks which Skarmory takes.</p>
[Team Options]
<p>As with any Pokemon which lays entry hazards, a spin blocker is almost mandatory. Evolution Stone Dusclops and Burungeru are both excellent candidates for this role. Dusclops can easily wear down Pokemon which pose a threat to Skarmory such as Starmie and Zapdos with Toxic, Pain Split and Night Shade. Burungeru, though it despite sharing an Electric-type weakness with Skarmory, can take Special hits well with its high Special Defense and HP, and has a reliable recovery move in Recover.</p>
<p>Even though Skarmory can take some hits on the Special side with the investment in Special Defense, it is by no means bulky enough to take strong, super-effective Special attacks. Pairing Skarmory with a Special wall such as Evolution Stone Chansey is a good idea, as Chansey can also pass 352 HP Wishes to Skamory, enhancing its longevity.(Why when Skarmory has Roost?)</p>
<p>Surprisingly, Dugtrio makes a great partner for Skarmory as it can be used to trap and kill Magnezone, who is one of the biggest threats to Skarmory. Dugtrio also deals with the Fire-and Electric-type Pokemon which pose a threat to Skarmory such as Heatran, Zapdos and Borutorosu.</p>
[Optional Changes]
<p>Toxic is an interesting option, and can be used in place of Brave Bird, though it will make Skarmory complete Taunt bait. Surprisingly, Skarmory has access to some boosting moves like Curse, Swords Dance and Agility, which are sadly a waste on Skarmory, who neither has the stats nor the movepool to utilise them effectively. If the recoil damage from Brave Bird proves to be troublesome, Drill Peck is a safer, albeit weaker option.</p>
<p>Counter is another viable move, as Skarmory takes physical hits well, and can help net a surprise KO although once used, loses its surprise factor. Skarmory can also set up lay Stealth Rock, though this would mean having to forgo Spikes.</p>
<p>Magnezone is the best Skarmory counter in existence, as it can effectively trap and eliminate Skarmory with STAB Thunderbolt unless it is holding a Shed Shell. Skarmory's Steel typing gives it weaknesses to common Electric- and Fire-type attacks. This is exploited by powerful Special attackers such as Starmie who, in addition to OHKOing Skarmory with Thunderbolt, can also Rapid Spin entry hazards away. Heatran can take anything Skarmory throws at it, and eliminate it with STAB Fire Blast. In the same vein, Electric-types such as Zapdos and Borutorosu can switch in with ease, and eliminate Skarmory with their STAB, super effective attacks.</p>
[Dream World]
<p>Skarmory gets the ability Broken Armor, which boosts your its Speed and lowers while lowering itsyour Defense every time it are is hit by a physical attack. There is no use trying to utilise such an ability even in conjuction with Swords Dance. You are always better off running Sturdy.</p>
<p>Skarmory retains its place as one of the premier physical walls in 5th Gen. It also got a useful boost to Sturdy, which now acts as a Focus Sash for Skarmory whenever it is at full health. With Roost, Whirlwind and its huge physical defense, Skarmory can easily take on powerful physical attackers like Ononokusu, Doryuzuu, Randorosu, and Garchomp. Outside of its role as a physical tank, Skarmory has access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, making it a valuable asset for stall oriented teams.</p>
<p>This generation, Skarmory got a lot of competition with the emergence of Nattorei. One big selling point which Skarmory has over Nattorei is its immunity to Ground-type attacks which are used commonly by many physical sweepers. It has reliable recovery in Roost, and the ability to phaze stat boosts with Whirlwind. Once again, Skarmory can also pair up with Blissey forming the famous SkarmBliss combination, which can be used to good effect even in today's fast paced metagame. Despite its low Special Defense which can undermine its walling capabilities, Skarmory shines as one of the best physical walls in the metagame.</p>(Do not mention anything to do with team options in the overview.)
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Roost
move 3: Whirlwind
move 4: Brave Bird / Taunt
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
nature: Impish
ability: Sturdy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
<p>]This is Skarmory's trademark set from the 4th generation, unchanged. With its excellent immense physical bulk, Skarmory can easily get the oppurtunity to lay down Spikes. Roost provides reliable recovery, keeping Skarmory healthy and allowing it to stall longer. Whirlwind helps it phaze stat boosts, and also rack up entry hazard damage with Spikes, making it an excellent Spikes shuffler.</p>
<p>You have two options for the last move. Taunt helps out on Stall teams, against opposing walls, as it allows Skarmory to completely screw up Pokemon like Nattorei, Hippowdon and the like preventing slower walls such as Nattorei and Hippodown from setting up entry hazards of their own. However, Brave Bird prevents Skarmory from becoming complete Taunt bait itself, from faster Pokemon or Mischievious Heart abusers. It also lands OHKO's on Breloom, Birizion and deals heavy damage to even Roobushin. As such, it better suits bulky offense teams.</p>
<p>There are 2 two (Always use letters unless you are referring to the number of EVs.) item choices. Shed Shell will help Skarmory escape unscathed from its best check; Magnet Pull Magnezone. However, Leftovers will provide recovery every turn, and help Skarmory heal of damage from weak attacks on switching in, to maintain Sturdy. The 252 EVs in both Defense and HP maximise Skarmory's physical bulk. The remaining 4 EVs are invested in Speed.</p>
<p>Skarmory really appreciates having a teammate to take the powerful Special attacks which it will find itself prey to. Pairing it with a Special wall such as Chansey or Burungeru will therefore be effective. Chansey, in addition to forming a SkarmBliss-like defensive combination, also has the ability to pass 353 HP Wishes to Skarmory, keeping it healthy. On the other hand, Burungeru also acts as an effective Spin blocker, is although it shares an Electric-type weakness with Skarmory.</p>
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Roost
move 3: Whirlwind
move 4: Brave Bird / Taunt
item: Leftovers / Shed Shell
nature: Careful / Impish
ability: Sturdy
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
<p>Despite Skarmory's Special Defense not being the best, it can also utilise its Steel typing to run a Specially Defensive set. Its Steel typing grants it valuable resistances to common Dragon-, Ghost- and Psychic-type Special Attacks. Skarmory should use the same moveset for this set as well, since they are pretty much itt's best options.</p>
<p>This set runs pretty much the same moves as the physically defensive set. Spikes is what distinguishes Skarmory from other bulky Steel-types bar Nattorei. Roost allows Skarmory to heal of any damage obtained while it sets up Spikes and significantly increases its longevity. Whirlwind is explanatory; shuffling between the opponent's team members, thereby racking up residual damage if entry hazards have been layed down. Brave Bird is the primary option for the fourth moveslot as it Skarmory's most reliable form of offense, while Taunt stops slower tanks cold from setting up any form of entry hazards or inflict status. Leftovers is the usual item one would see on the metal Phoenix although Shed Shell despite being useful only in certain situations, can enable Skarmory to escape certain death from the likes of Magnezone.</p>
<p>As with the first set, there is a move choice over Brave Bird and Taunt. Brave Bird OHKOes Birijion and Breloom even without any investment in Attack, while Taunt allows you to shut down slower walls like Blissey and Nattorei.(You need to seriously expand your analysis.)</p>
<p>The EVs and nature maximise Skarmory's Special Defense. Even without any investment, Skarmory has great Defense and can still take powerful physical attacks. However, an Impish nature can be used to bolster Skarmory's Defense at the cost of some Special Defense.</p>
<p>Instead of running Spikes on Skarmory itself, another Pokemon can be used to lay entry hazards. This will free up a moveslot, and allow Skarmory to run both Brave Bird and Taunt on the same set. This can prove to be very useful against stall teams, since Skarmory can effectively shut down slower walls such as Hippowdon. Deoxys-S is a good candidate for this role, as it can also provide team support with Reflect and Light Screen, softening the Special attacks which Skarmory takes.</p>
[Team Options]
<p>As with any Pokemon which lays entry hazards, a spin blocker is almost mandatory. Evolution Stone Dusclops and Burungeru are both excellent candidates for this role. Dusclops can easily wear down Pokemon which pose a threat to Skarmory such as Starmie and Zapdos with Toxic, Pain Split and Night Shade. Burungeru, though it despite sharing an Electric-type weakness with Skarmory, can take Special hits well with its high Special Defense and HP, and has a reliable recovery move in Recover.</p>
<p>Even though Skarmory can take some hits on the Special side with the investment in Special Defense, it is by no means bulky enough to take strong, super-effective Special attacks. Pairing Skarmory with a Special wall such as Evolution Stone Chansey is a good idea, as Chansey can also pass 352 HP Wishes to Skamory, enhancing its longevity.(Why when Skarmory has Roost?)</p>
<p>Surprisingly, Dugtrio makes a great partner for Skarmory as it can be used to trap and kill Magnezone, who is one of the biggest threats to Skarmory. Dugtrio also deals with the Fire-and Electric-type Pokemon which pose a threat to Skarmory such as Heatran, Zapdos and Borutorosu.</p>
[Optional Changes]
<p>Toxic is an interesting option, and can be used in place of Brave Bird, though it will make Skarmory complete Taunt bait. Surprisingly, Skarmory has access to some boosting moves like Curse, Swords Dance and Agility, which are sadly a waste on Skarmory, who neither has the stats nor the movepool to utilise them effectively. If the recoil damage from Brave Bird proves to be troublesome, Drill Peck is a safer, albeit weaker option.</p>
<p>Counter is another viable move, as Skarmory takes physical hits well, and can help net a surprise KO although once used, loses its surprise factor. Skarmory can also set up lay Stealth Rock, though this would mean having to forgo Spikes.</p>
<p>Magnezone is the best Skarmory counter in existence, as it can effectively trap and eliminate Skarmory with STAB Thunderbolt unless it is holding a Shed Shell. Skarmory's Steel typing gives it weaknesses to common Electric- and Fire-type attacks. This is exploited by powerful Special attackers such as Starmie who, in addition to OHKOing Skarmory with Thunderbolt, can also Rapid Spin entry hazards away. Heatran can take anything Skarmory throws at it, and eliminate it with STAB Fire Blast. In the same vein, Electric-types such as Zapdos and Borutorosu can switch in with ease, and eliminate Skarmory with their STAB, super effective attacks.</p>
[Dream World]
<p>Skarmory gets the ability Broken Armor, which boosts your its Speed and lowers while lowering itsyour Defense every time it are is hit by a physical attack. There is no use trying to utilise such an ability even in conjuction with Swords Dance. You are always better off running Sturdy.</p>
Will do the rest later.
EDIT: A'ight done the rest.