Sleepwalking (v2.0 - Peaking higher)


Banned deucer.


Heatran (♀) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 244 HP / 252 SpD / 14 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
  • Stealth Rocks
  • Lava Plume
  • Toxic
  • Roar
[Set Comments]
Heatran's excellent resistances and immunities are a big part of why it's on the team. With the ability to wall complete sets single-handedly, Heatran is a mon you always want to have in your back pocket. After switching into an attack it resists, Heatran can reliably set up Stealth Rocks, which opens up my sweeping options. Roar allows me to abuse my entry hazards (if Spikes have already been laid on the field, Roar further whittles down my opponents team), and phaze opponent's attempting to set up. Fire Blast is Heatran's most reliable STAB option in my opinion, tearing large wholes in teams, even without investment. Earth Power offers excellent coverage, and allows me to hit opposing Heatran, and offensive threats like Terrakion switching in.

[Additional Comments]
~coming soon
Fighting: Salamence, Latias
Ground: Salamence, Skarmory, Latias
Water: Salamence, Gastrodon, Latias


Salamence (♀) @ Life Orb
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 116 Atk / 212 SpA / 180 Spe
Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpD)
  • Draco Meteor
  • Fire Blast
  • Brick Break
  • Roost
[Set Comments]
Salamence offers perfect synergy with Heatran; Intimidate allows him to switch in on powerful offensive attacks aimed at Heatran (among other teammates) and shrug them off with relative ease. Draco Meteor scores a surprising amount of OHKO's on opponents expecting the common physically offensive Salamence. Fire Blast provides perfect coverage along side Draco Meteor (bar Heatran), and instantly eliminates powerful threats, such as Ferrothorn, Scizor, Forretress, Jirachi, Bronzong and Skarmory. Brick Break OHKOs Tyranitar, and it allows me to bypass common steel/rock air balloon mons. It also gives me the opportunity to 2HKO Bliss/Chansey, who wall this set to hell otherwise. Roost keeps me at full health, and increases it's longevity; compensation for the physical attacks and life orb recoil Salamence takes.

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~coming soon
Ice: Heatran, Gastrodon, Scizor
Dragon: Heatran, Skarmory, Scizor


Skarmory (♀) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 236 HP / 252 Def / 20 Spe
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
  • Spikes
  • Brave Bird
  • Roost
  • Whirlwind
[Set Comments]
Skarmory adds a much needed dedicated defensive wall, which stops the likes of Excadrill, Landorus, Terrakion and other offensive threats dead in their tracks. Spikes help whittle down my opponents pokemon, and bring them down to low enough health to make a sweep effective. Brave Bird is Skarm's most effective STAB option, which ensures you won't be completely shut down by Taunt. Roost keeps Skarm healthy, and increases his walling capabilities. Whirlwind allows me to rack up damage, or phaze out an opponent setting up. Skarmory's ground immunity and defensive prowess help this team wear down common sandstorm threats, it's slot is definitely earned.

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~coming soon
Electric: Gastrodon, Latias
Fire: Heatran, Salamence, Latias


Gastrodon (♀) @ Leftovers
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
  • Scald
  • Ice Beam
  • Toxic
  • Recover
[Set Comments]
Gastrodon is my biggest help facing rain teams, it allows me to absorb all rain boosted water attacks without taking any damage at all. It completely walls Politoed, Rotom-W, Lati@s, Starmie, Genies, Gliscor, and other extremely common threats, provided they aren't running Hidden Power Grass. Gastrodon also offers useful fire, ice, and electric resists, which provide perfect synergy with Skarmory. Scald hits for healthy chucks of damage, especially after a Storm Drain boost, and also burns 30% of the time, covering up Gastro's weaker physical defense. Toxic wears down opponent's walls, and can severely cripple pokes trying to set up on Gastro. Ice Beam hits dragons, gliscor, genies and grasses switching in. Recover allows me to stall out toxic damage if necessary, and increases longevity.

[Additional Comments]
~coming soon
Grass: Heatran, Salamence, Skarmory, Latias


Scizor (♀) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 244 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
  • U-turn
  • Bullet Punch
  • Pursuit
  • Superpower
[Set Comments]
~coming soon

[Additional Comments]
~coming soon
Fire: Heatran, Salamence, Latias


Latias (♀) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
  • Calm Mind
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Roost
  • Refresh
[Set Comments]
~coming soon

[Additional Comments]
~coming soon
Dragon: Heatran, Skarmoy, Scizor
Ice: Heatran, Gastrodon, Scizor
Ghost: Heatran, Skarmory, Scizor
Dark: Heatran, Skarmory, Scizor
Bug: Heatran, Salamence, Skarmory, Scizor
Choice scarfed Extremespeed is rather redundant, I cannot think of a situation wherein it would even work better than a Choice Band Extremespeed. It's a much better option overall. On the other hand, going offensive with Balloon/SD or Balloon/NP can allow you to add more offensive pressure onto the opponent, and potentially turn a losing situation where Skarmory is dead to a flat-out comeback win.
originally mamo was scarfed with icicle spear/earthquake/stone edge/superpower and lucario was NP, but it never worked out that great:S guess i never tried it out with a balloon (i used LO), even so, hes just not fast enough. spamming scarfed close combats has worked wonders so far:P but since i havent tried out the balloon, ill give it a shot. thanks so much for your input!
Your lucario set says it has 252 SpA EVs , but has fully physical attacks???
Life orb + swords dance works alot better , with extreme speed , close combat and crunch/ice punch
Lucario is slow but when used smart he eats teams alive.
He won me several games so far after putting up just one swordsdance even.
Air balloon can work but then he still has a fighting and fire weakness..
People will get a warnign that he is on a balloon whn there is spikes , so they'll be smart enough to go with another move to kill luke off. So i dont know if air balloon would work because life orbs additional dammage can really make the change.
Ermm.. Thanks Soulfly xD Fixed the EVs.
I'll swap Mamo back to a scarf set, and try out an SD caro for a bit. I used it a lot last gen, and yeah, Life Orb works wonders, but i'll also try it out with a balloon^^ want to test everything before I toss the idea aside :P thank you very much for your input!

Calm Mind Reuniclus, Jellicent, and opposing Gastrodon seem like they are problematic for you. Reuniclus gets set-up opportunities on Lucario locked into a non-threatening move, and on Gastrodon, and has the potential to sweep you clean. You can do a good amount of damage to it with Mamoswine, but thats it. Heatran can Roar, but with no recovery, it can't keep up with repeated Focus Blast assaults. Jellicent can pretty much cripple all your members with W-o-W, Taunt to prevent set-up, Scald to chip away health, then Recover. Finally, Gastrodon can come in to your own Gastrodon't Scald, if it wins the speed tie, it will poison you, then take your team out with boosted attacks while staying alive with Recover.

I think what you can try is a Calm Mind Latias in Lucario's slot. Lucario is the weakest link of the team, seeing as everything Lucario can revenge, you already handle between the other team members, and I think that was Lucario's main role. Latias on the other hand is an absolute monster with Spikes support, even on Offensive teams and it really appreciates Salamence luring out Steel- types and smacking them hard with Draco Meteor / Fire Blast as it will make its sweep a lot easier. In addition to this, Latias can function as a way to check Reuniclus, and use Jellicent and Gastrodon for set-up thanks to Refresh curing the status. Finally, Latias also alleviates your Fighting- type weakness. You said any quick offensive Pokemon can fit this slot nicely, and I think Latias might just be that Pokemon (it might not look so Offensive at first, but it def. is a good end game cleaner after a few boosts).

Lastly, If you're finding Rapid Spinners, such as Starmie, Forrettress, Excadrill annoying, you could try Jellicent over Gastrodon. You can still take on rain teams well between Jellicent and Latias, but you'll need to be careful of Starmie with Thunderbolt and TR Reuniclus also becomes more annoying. Also, try Toxic over Roar on Heatran, so you're not a sitting duck against Last 'mon Volcarona, and other similar sweepers.



Latias (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Speed
Timid nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Roost
- Refresh / Roar / Hidden Power Fire

LK has many good comments. In your intro, you said you wanted a team that can deal with weather. It could be a good idea to equip one of your pokemon with a weather changing move, if only to disrupt opposing weather teams after their weather pokemon is down. Hail would be a good move as not many pokemon benefit from it.
Reuniclus seems like a serious threat. He can set up a Calm Mind against Gastrodon or Lucario locked in anything but Crunch, and not much will be able to do good damage to him after that Calm Mind, while they have to take a huge blow themselves. Calm Mind Virizion seems like a threat. It can set up a Calm Mind against Lucario, Gastrodon or Salamence and can then sweep your team with Giga Drain / Focus Blast / Hidden Power Ice. Mamoswine can Ice Shard, but Virizion can just heal it off with Giga Drain, and Lucario won't come very close to KOing either. Shell Smash Cloyster can Shell Smash against Heatran, Gastrodon or Lucario and can then sweep your team as it outspeeds Lucario and Skarmory gets taken out by Hydro Pump.

A Calm Mind + Roar Latias would work well over Mamoswine. Latias can set up Calm Mind alongside Reuniclus while resisting Psychic and Focus Blast, and can then Roar Reuniclus once set up and proceed to sweep the opponent's team. Latias can beat Virizion the same way, resisting Giga Drain and Focus Blast, while Hidden Power Ice is fairly weak. The exact set is:

Latias @ Leftovers | Levitate
Timid | 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Calm Mind / Roost / Dragon Pulse / Roar

As for the Cloyster, I suggest changing Lucario to a Choice Specs set. This way, he can OHKO Cloyster with Vacuum Wave, even if he is carrying White Herb. Choice Specs Lucario also works very well with the Spikes from Skarmory, as nothing will like switching in a Choice Specs boosted attack, while also taking SR + Spikes damage. He can also easily lure in physical walls and KO them. Therefore, a DD Salamence can be considered over your current one, to take advantage of Lucario's ability to lure in and kill physical walls. As for the moveset of Lucario, Aura Sphere / Dark Pulse / Hidden Power Ice / Vacuum Wave should work, with a Modest nature and max Special Attack and Speed.

Oh, and one more thing. You're currently very weak to DragMag teams, so a simple change of Shed Shell > Leftovers on Skarmory would make you much less weak to those kind of teams, as well making Skarm female for Rivaly Haxorus.

Good luck!

CM Reuniclus is a very big threat to this team, coming in on choice locked Lucario, Gastrodon or DM stat reduced Salamence and setting up a Calm Mind, by which time it will take out at least one pokemon and more if played well. Additionally, Terrakion also looks like a very potent threat to this team, coming in on Choice locked Lucario, or even Heatran, who doesn't come close to KO'ing Terrakion in the sand, and does not even put it into Lucario's ES KO Range. Scizor would be a perfect fit over Lucario, who seems like it is acting as a revenger for things that most of your team already covers. With EVs of 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD and a moveset of Swords Dance | Bullet Punch | Bug Bite | Roost, it should be able to take hits from both Reuniclus and Terrakion, while being able to KO back at +2 with a Technician boosted Bug Bite or Bullet Punch respectively. It can also be very helpful in offering insurance against some variants of Latias, which can become very annoying for your team, since it can force a lot of switches, and you have no spinner to rid hazards from the field. Scizor can take out Latias with ease, since it resists Dragon Pulse, which is usually the only attacking move Latias runs, and KO with a Bug Bite + Bullet Punch.

Additionally, Gastrodon and Jellicent are huge problems for this team, statusing your team while there is nothing much you can do besides launching attacks from Mamoswine and Lucario that won't KO. I would definitely second using the CM Latias that LK suggested to alleviate your weakness to them. It is a great late game cleaner, offers you a solid Fighting-resistance as well acts as a great way to deal with stall should you use Roar on the set. As minor nit picks, Heatran should use Lava Plume or Flamethrower over Fire Blast since Fire Blast is very unreliable and has low PP, which is not good for a pokemon that you want switching in repeatedly and Salamence should use an EV spread of 116 Atk / 216 SpA / 176 Spe to ensure a 2HKO on Blissey with Brick Break.

If you find yourself having trouble with Volcarona, Toxic is something to consider using on Heatran over Earth Power. Good luck!
ok man after testing this team it seem great. Im usually able to slowly take down all teams through forcing switches, predictions and entry hazards. The one team tht is the hardest to do this against are rain teams. Whats ur strategy for facing them. I feel as a tester i can help u more if i battle like u would against the opponent. but yea great team :D
I would like to start off with thanking everyone very much for all of their help on the team. I know it can be a pain in the ass to critique other people's work, but thank you to everyone for taking 5, 10 minutes out of your day to tweak the team. Your suggestions have worked great, LK's proposal for a CM Latias has worked wonders in countering not only opposing Jellicent, Gastrodon and Reuniclus, but a lot of sturdy and common fire/water/grass cores. San's suggestion for Scizor in place of Lucario worked decent when I first put it in, the specially defensive SD set has always been my favorite. But, after switching it up and using a band set, I can't say i'm disappointed. Banded U-turns work wonders on this team, keeping me ahead on switch initiative, forcing my opponent to switch out more, racking up entry hazard damage. Superpower can smack mons trying to come in and take advantage of my choice, like Magnezone, Terrakion, Excadrill, Heatran and Ferrothorn. The other thing a SD set can't offer is Pursuit, which traps and eliminates Gengar, Starmie, Slowbro, Reuniclus, and most importantly, Lati@s.

Dragonuser, you ask a very good question. Rain teams are by far the hardest to face, rain boosted water moves are very hard for most pokemon to take. Keeping Gastrodon and Latias alive is essential, because they are the teams main water resists. I switch in Gastrodon on Politoed, Thunderous, Starmie, and other specially offensive rain abusers. From there, Recover off damage if necessary, Toxic the switch in, or attack if you know your opponent is going to stay in. It's a prediction game, a lot of switching, and a lot entry hazard damage. It's important to keep your pokemon status free and and high health (I know that's common sense, but still. Play trying to keep your pokemon status free, especially Gastrodon). Switch in to Latias if you aren't quit sure what you're opponents trying to pull. It can Refresh off status, and Roost off health. Ferrothorn (like Jirachi, and other walls) in rain can cause lots of trouble, Heatran's Lava Plume doesn't even 2HKO reliably, thanks to leech seed and protect. Entry hazards can be used to wear down threats like Ferrothorn, phazing it out once or twice will get it to a range where a Fire Blast or Brick Break from Salamence will KO. Bulky waters and other walls can be worn down with Scizor's constant U-turns and entry hazards, but you want to use them as set up fodder for Latias. Once you eliminate things that can OHKO, and 2HKO Latias, it can set up, and sweep most rain teams with ease.

Basically, my strategy with facing rain teams is, other than using general prediction tactics, keep entry hazards up, sponge hits with my walls when necessary, wear down threats I can't handle by phazing, and sweep with Latias, Salamence or Scizor when the time is right.
With psyshock as your Latias' only offensive move, it really doesn't do any wonders for the team - especially considering that psyshock has terrible coverage with all the steel types being used.

Could I suggest a different CM Latias set?

Latias @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Recover/Roost
- Dragon Pulse/Psyshock
- HP fire

It's just as bulky, and functions almost exactly the same way. The main difference is the fourth move, where HP Fire can be used to give higher coverage, so you don't have to switch out and lose your CM boosts whenever steel types switch in. HP Fire lets you actually do something about steel types, most notably Ferrothorn.

In the third slot you can run psyshock, but it isn't useful often. I'm assuming Blissey is the main reason for psyshock. However, scizor's pursuit deals ~ 63.5% - 75% to a 252 hp/0 def Blissey, only letting it switch in once before not being able to switch back in again in fear of another scizor pursuit. Dragon pulse has slightly higher BP and greater coverage, though the steel weakness is shared.

Other than the Latias set, I can't see any major problems.
In the third slot you can run psyshock, but it isn't useful often. I'm assuming Blissey is the main reason for psyshock. However, scizor's pursuit deals ~ 63.5% - 75% to a 252 hp/0 def Blissey, only letting it switch in once before not being able to switch back in again in fear of another scizor pursuit. Dragon pulse has slightly higher BP and greater coverage, though the steel weakness is shared.

Other than the Latias set, I can't see any major problems.
Thank you very much for your post, you have good intentions I see :P But the set I have been using (Calm Mind | Dragon Pulse | Roost | Refresh) is definitely the most effective on this team in particular. Psyshock was originally there to allow me to set up on Calm Mind Reuniclus, after my opponents steel types had been eliminated (with the help of Heatran and Salamence). But, I realized Scizor deals with Reuniclus just fine, and swapped to Dragon Pulse for better coverage. Latias simply can't afford to run HP Fire on this team, Refresh is necessary. Gastrodon and Jellicent can keep recovering off damage after they use Toxic, which is a losing battle for me. Thanks to Refresh, these two pokemon and many more like them become set up fodder. Opposing steel types can be eliminated through other means, and after that happens, Latias can usually set up and sweep.