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whats the best stall team for the current meta?

I'm actually working on a personal project, building stall teams for OU to ZU. I'm working on RU right now, but I'm still building and testing. It may not end up as the best stall team (arguably, there is no best team for any playstyle), but it is my goal to make it the best possible. I should hopefully be done within a few days, so make sure to check the RU forum every now and then.
whats the best stall team for the current meta?

ngl stall is pretty shitty right now in ru but if you were to build sth it would prob sort of look like this:


quag as a catch all for set up sweepers + wincon w/ curse
mandi + articuno for double fog
helmet arcanine to punish uturn and to pivot on golisopod
dragalge for salazzle, rose and i guess viri?
and regi is regi
i threw this together in like 2 mins so it definitely needs some editing. one thing that immediately comes to mind is the lack of wish support so maybe fitting florges or umbreon somewhere can work but its not 100% necessary to have that. this gets obliterated by virizion too so maybe cress over dragalge is worth it or sth crazy like rindo + counter on quag.

maybe so else can chime in here and drop some thoughts on this but i think for a first draft this does ok
ngl stall is pretty shitty right now in ru but if you were to build sth it would prob sort of look like this:


quag as a catch all for set up sweepers + wincon w/ curse
mandi + articuno for double fog
helmet arcanine to punish uturn and to pivot on golisopod
dragalge for salazzle, rose and i guess viri?
and regi is regi
i threw this together in like 2 mins so it definitely needs some editing. one thing that immediately comes to mind is the lack of wish support so maybe fitting florges or umbreon somewhere can work but its not 100% necessary to have that. this gets obliterated by virizion too so maybe cress over dragalge is worth it or sth crazy like rindo + counter on quag.

maybe so else can chime in here and drop some thoughts on this but i think for a first draft this does ok
i appreciate the help this is definitely better than i could come up with. if you dont mind me asking why is stall so shit in RU? is it just the sheer amount of breakers like offensive metagross, sd virizions, np salazzles and so on or other issues like losing hazard wars vs other playstyles?
sheer number of wallbreakers, yes, as well as no particularly solid blanket check ala Chansey or Blissey nor great Defogger
Is there a thread I can share a team besides the sample team thread? As one might have guessed based on above posts, my attempt at an RU stall team was futile; however, I'd still like to share the team I ended up with, even if it isn't that good (certainly not good enough to be a sample team).
I think that the best way to do it is to do a RMT (rate my team). That way you can show your team, describe your thought process and get some help since it seems you are looking to improve it. You only need to read the rules there before posting.
Where can I receive feedback on my RU team? Due to timezone, I visit RU room during dead hours.
I noticed that Swellow is able to legally run Hurricane + Heat Wave now in USUM, yet the set presented on the Smogon Dex still has it running Air Slash. Is Air Slash just the more consistent option?
I noticed that Swellow is able to legally run Hurricane + Heat Wave now in USUM, yet the set presented on the Smogon Dex still has it running Air Slash. Is Air Slash just the more consistent option?
alredy answered this question so ill just quote the response again
Most of the time you will just click Boomburst and U-Turn, so flying stab is alredy kinda useless. The only time you'll click the flying stab is to revengkill full hp Virizion, so its better to go with something more reliable then hurricane.
Why does Nidoqueen run a special set if its physical attack is higher than its special attack? I didn't see a reason for this, and I was wondering if a physical set would be viable too:

Nidoqueen @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Taunt
Why does Nidoqueen run a special set if its physical attack is higher than its special attack? I didn't see a reason for this, and I was wondering if a physical set would be viable too:

Nidoqueen @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Taunt

Nidoqueen almost strictly uses special moves because it has a better special movepool to abuse sheer force. Earthquake does not get a sheer force boost, which also means you take LO damage when using it. Earth power is effectively 120 base power with sheer force, whereas EQ is only 100. Its special coverage also has slightly higher BP than the elemental punches.
Why is donphan considered to be super good in the meta, when a year ago it was a D-Tier mon?

Donphan has risen in the VR and is considered good, cause it blanket checks alot of physical threats such as Tyrantrum, Metagross and Zygarde 10% in the tier. Furthermore can it set-up Stealth Rocks by itself or keep them away with its option in Rapid Spin.
It also does not only blanket check a lot of physical threats well, it also can help the team to revenge kill some threats with ice Shard, such as Noivern, Flygon, etc without taking damage.
It is also able with its good Att-Stat to put out good damage to the opposing team and has a good movepool, thus making Donphan a good Pokémon to use in the current metagame.

Hope this information helped. :]
To put it most basically, the metagame changed to a state where Donphan's properties were a lot more appealing, enough to overcome its stigma as a noob mon. Physical bulk, Rock resistance, ability to heavily pressure Registeel, and the move combination Earthquake + Knock Off + Ice Shard take advantage of a lot of building trends. Don't use it for Stealth Rock unless you really know what you're doing, though.
To put it most basically, the metagame changed to a state where Donphan's properties were a lot more appealing, enough to overcome its stigma as a noob mon. Physical bulk, Rock resistance, ability to heavily pressure Registeel, and the move combination Earthquake + Knock Off + Ice Shard take advantage of a lot of building trends. Don't use it for Stealth Rock unless you really know what you're doing, though.
That's kinda cool how meta changes made a noob trap become top tier.
xatu is much better at hazard prevention because roost and its coverage makes it more reliable against most relevant hazard setters. espeon should not really be used to control hazards, cause its recovery is very limited. cm + z zap cannon sets are pretty cool, but should be used mostly as an offensive psychic cause otherwise xatu outclasses it
Often times I switch in Xatu to stop Sticky Web from Galvantula, but after bouncing Sticky Web I get forced out in fear of Thunder. What's a good way to stop Galvantula from setting up webs at all?