Resource SM RU Simple Questions, Simple Answers

Mega slot, meh speed, few good switch-in opportunities, meh power thanks to being a physical Ghost-type, main trick in Prankster Destiny Bond isn't the hardest to play around and just means you're ultimately doing trades with it

Some players think it's alright with its Taunt and Knock Off access for corebreaking, but it's nowhere near consistent enough to deserve its ladder usage
I am considering starting competitive battling again. I was mainly active in competitive battling in 2008 to 2009 and 2012 to 2013, so I know a lot has changed since then. Where would I start on making a team in USUM RU? Just pick a Pokémon from the viability rankings to center the team around? Any advice is appreciated!
I am considering starting competitive battling again. I was mainly active in competitive battling in 2008 to 2009 and 2012 to 2013, so I know a lot has changed since then. Where would I start on making a team in USUM RU? Just pick a Pokémon from the viability rankings to center the team around? Any advice is appreciated!

The VR is a very good resource for building so you can definitely use that. Biggest thing for building in like all tiers is just knowing the meta and building around threats that can break your team apart.

For Example

Let's say I wanna build around Mega Abomasnow.


Mega Abomasnow is pretty cool because it beats up on alot of bulky waters and mons like Zygarde-10%.


I need a mon that can take on the fire types that Abomasnow struggles against so we'll add Scarf Noivern because it also takes on the fighting types like Passimian and Hariyama that give it trouble aswell.


Now we pretty desperately need an answer to Mega Blastoise, so we'll add AV Raikou to alleviate that issue.


In need of hazard removal, Mandibuzz is pretty nice here because it also takes on viriz to an extent and is able to beat other grasses. Mandibuzz can also cripple so many other mons with Knock Off.


Now we need a Fairy resist so we’ll add Band Metagross because it also takes on Registeel nicely for the team.


This last slot is just role compression here so we’re gonna use Seismitoad so we can have a rocker, a bulky water, and an electric immunity in one slot. Seismitoad is also our secondary Metagross check. This set is pretty fringe but I’ve been a big fan of Z-Refresh Seismitoad as of recent because it’s able to fully heal its HP while also removing status. It also works on this build because AV Raikou fits better on this for the toise MU.


But yea that’s usually my thought process when I’m building. Pick one mon and build around its strengths and weaknesses, while also building around current metagame trends.

Is it acceptable to build around sticky web and what is a good base speed range that will be fast enough to benefit from sticky web on the opponent's field?
Is it acceptable to build around sticky web and what is a good base speed range that will be fast enough to benefit from sticky web on the opponent's field?

Hey there, imo webs isn't really solid anymore. Mons like Honchkrow, Mismagius, and Lycanroc benefit from them but after Linoone's ban webs kinda just fell off as a playstyle and was never rlly that big of one to begin with.

This team by EviGaro is a pretty good representation of what a standard and good webs team used to look like. Also I'd say anything from base 70 speed and onward benefits from webs.