NOC Smallstreet Mafia v2 Won by the Mafia (Clouds, Ehmcee, Dead By Daylight, Duskfall98)

yeah, now that i can say things i believe:
- agree with sunny that pure vanilla is a fine consensus vote day 1 if the slot has warranted suspicion and there's no better lead
- not taking a faith healer isn't that dire for mafia, it's nice to remove 1 from town but nullifying protection doesn't happen all that often
- governor is not the most likely town role, nor fruit vendor, it's restless spirit for sure

the major thing for town this game was just having the confidence in the reads aired to back them up with strong pushes that were able to influnce others instead of just marking your own vote placement. there were some very accurate reads this game, like skipper and alice with me & tommy being svs, lechen having close to a full solve before flipping, flandrs having the solve -1 on the final day here, and more, but we never felt too threatened by anyone except angrypidgeon because of the agency he had with a lot of the town trusting him while also having the sharpest reads

also, this game looks worse on paper for town than it actually was, so don't hang your heads over it. there are many positive takeaways and i think a lot of you conveyed your reads pretty well. there were also a lot of times we were ready to cut our losses, like with tommy being at L-1 the other day
A few notes balance wise:

- You always encrypt, -1 is 10000000% worth for daytalk, you either have to make it more expensive or just remove it and rebalance budgets

- RBing for 2 points is huge value, especially considering that full role reveal is quite likely in this mode, I'd put it at least at 3.

- Copping is kinda bad, taking a full action slot and getting small info that you'd usually get later on anyway doesn't do a ton.

- White flag is bad
- You always encrypt, -1 is 10000000% worth for daytalk, you either have to make it more expensive or just remove it and rebalance budgets
I kind of disagree. I may do this as scum if you had specific plans to coordinate a lot of claims which you did on D2. Also in MYLO for obvious reasons. I dont personally value daytalk as much as other powerwolfs. It risks me losing tempo with my posting. Clouds borderline slipped that encrypt was active at one point
Also from a town perspective, mafia was genuinely dominating the converstation other than Flandrs and AP. So it was hard for town to have good options without scum shutting it down

first off, thanks to genisu for cohosting and everyone for helping out when necessary (sunny, HyHy, LN at the end too). this wasn't my best hosting performance I've been very ill and low energy. I wanted to try and get genisu some hosting experience but I didn't get a chance to resolve night actions at least once so I wish we had done that. oh well next time!

I really like this setup but even with this outcome, I still feel it's pretty town-sided? I felt town didn't really think about the setup too much or when they did, they would immediately forget about it. I dunno, maybe someone can argue against. If town had managed to come back I would've retired this one forever but with this outcome, I want to run it back again to see what happens a third time. well run it back in like, 3 years. i kind of wonder if the setup could be tweaked a little, feels like mafia pretty much always want to grab a recruit, grab the trackers or faith healers and then some 0 point roles. feels like there's not enough room for different mafia builds, which would be nice. don't think i trust myself to make any changes lol. anyways moving on

mafia started as clouds/dbd/ehmcee. they decided to recruit dusk which was fine although was pretty obvious. I'm surprised dusk didn't get policy voted on that alone although he did come close. trackers is a good buy especially in maybe a below avg scumhunting environment of smogon to remove info red checks. clouds got great value with the neighborizer and dbd did a great job performing all the kills. imo this was a pretty standard mafia build can't really argue against it

unlucky day 1 i thought dbd was going to go for sure but then mafia got enough people to shift onto m2h. i thought the m2h vote wasn't very good i didn't really get it BUT to be fair the mafia went 4 strong out of 6 if you don't count pulsar to get m2h voted out so honestly i kind of give the town and m2h a pass because really, do you ever see that on day 1? m2h i think did a good job but i wasn't a fan of the hal shot. if m2h shot dusk that would've been pretty legendary. alas.

hyhy died having decided to not commute. that was a feelsbad moment but i don't blame that decision. it was a smart kill by the mafia because hyhy was pretty on to the mafia. none of the night actions really otherwise mattered. day 2 i was out so i kind of forget but it looked promising for town as it was clouds vs lechen but then the clouds wagon fizzled and it ended as flanders vs lechen and lechen got voted out which was very confusing to me ? again mafia had a large part in forcing this misvote so i don't think lechen is really to blame.

angrypidgeon died which was a very smart kill because AP was very close to solving. mafia also invested in two roleblocks on neon (faith healer) and alice (follower) and gave neon a bpv. this was a great play because neon protected AP.

honestly, i'm not sure how tommy survived this day. he did stay up all night so props for that lol. i thought dusk should've just claimed a guilty result on neon because i feel like if you play this day out multiple times he probably gets voted out more often than not, but then again i'm the woat so what do i know. again mafia piled on the counterwagon and town was hurt by people not voting or voting random offwagon people. neon didn't vote dusk, pulsar voted for an extension but didn't otherwise vote and the NE sub was very unlucky (can't fault celever for not voting there). idk i could've bought a neon vote earlier but after a couple misvotes and the same people pushing the misvotes very surprising people didn't want to commit to voting dusk. felt like people kind of glanced over neon claimed roleblocked and getting a bpv i know it's basically wifom but i'm surprised they didn't lead to a little more discussion on the mafia's plans and dbd's bpv claim. dusk's impassioned pleas ended up convincing ecat which sealed neon's fate.

saber died due to being the doublevoter. mafia roleblocked alice who was trying to follow flanders. skip governored pulsar which could've mattered but did not. this last day was just totally botched although i don't put a ton of blame on people not realizing mafia could hammer with just 2 votes which is what happened and gg. because game was in mylo and not lylo, mafia had the opportunity to bpv it up and get out of debt. there's a world in which they try and kill pulsar who could have commuted but that was never happening with massclaim.

overall i felt the mafia was A+ and the town was like a C+/B-. like there were so many moments where town had it and then the mafia made a play to get out of town's grasp. i felt like mass claim didn't end up helping town and no one really used it to think about what roles the mafia might've picked or who they could've recruited. at least i felt like it didn't end up informing any one's votes. town failing to vote also enabled mafia to park their votes on desirable wagons. i know the deadline was awkward for a lot of people but like alice went two days not voting, pulsar didn't vote, and it just let mafia influence the wagons much more easily. not to call anyone out tho like i said town was on the right track and was only derailed by the mafia most of the time. overall fairly high quality game, maybe missing the usual smogon deadline shenanigans.

stupidflanders48 - probably one of the most frustrating players of 2024 and this game was a good example of why. had a ton of fire reads balanced out by a ton of ice cold ones that ultimately led to people wanting flanders out. strong start but burned out by the end. i enjoy the character you bring to the game even if you go over the top occasionally.

AP - really strong game, probably was on track to solowin if not for an untimely death. great reads. great presence, and really just needed more help in the thread to get votes across the line. probably town MVP this game

lechen - i was concerned about lechen because i know lechen is looking out for the post/like ratio (for some reason lul) but i thought lechen was pretty solid. i still don't understnad why people thought you would be a good vote that came out of nowhere to me. another victim of strong mafia play and overall i'd say this was a good game for u

dusk - let tommy play more! killed it on d3, very valuable member of the mafia, probably an obvious recruit, but you made it work. i always respect a person who inconveniences their bedtime to win mafia. glad you made it work lol

pulsar - had some good moments, but also went afk at times which was too bad because i thought you gave the thread a lot of energy when you were here.

hyhy - good game from hyhy and a smart kill from the mafia to get you early. could've been a hero by commuting but that's a tough call to make. thanks for helping host!

saber - honestly i felt like you had a good game although on retrospect i see you didn't post as much as i thought. i hope you keep at it because i really am seeing good improvement from where you started

alice - very good game but you gotta vote more! you've got a lot of good reads and thoughts keep posting. . i look forward to seeing you continue to progress in future games

skipper - you were a vote or two away from being town mvp. the voice of reason on the later days but felt like no one was really listening to you/mafia was just shouting over you. another good performance and another user i am quite impressed with their improvement

ehmcee - underrated scum player, i feel like you're always in your bag as mafia. worked with the team well and played your part. great job

ecat - solid game for someone with no NOC experience. these games can get really overwhelming so i appreciate you hanging in there and following along and giving it your best. i'm sad restless spirit never really came into play. hope to see u around in the future

dbd - def one of my favorite players of 2024. you were a great presence in the mafia chat and pulled your weight. love the energy, keep it up.

neon - you are surprisingly coherent when you try to be. you should attempt it more as you actually had good thoughts, just not necessarily communicated very persuasively. you have really grown as a player and i commend that

NE/Celever - NE was doing well but sadly had to sub due to getting busy. i appreciate celever coming in and giving it his best shot even as the game prematurely ended. that's all i can ask for

clouds - world champ for a reason. very good play and strong leadership. the latter being a very underrated aspect i feel.

m2h - it was really baffling that you got voted out. don't think that was your fault at all. it was a great move by the mafia because you were on track to solve the game by day 2. i really thought you were going to get a correct vig off too but sometimes that's how it goes. nothing to feel bad about imo.

apricity - you'll always be a goat to me. can't believe your run ended so early you were going to carry!!!

thx for playing all and thx for everyone helping me host. i hope you enjoyed your time.
My passing comment just skimming through the thread while things were happening is that tommy should've always been the vote after m2h went just because of how polarized it was, and I think buying him as the 4th made sense(I know I would). Dbd really surprised me though, that was some pretty good stuff i must say, had me fooled