CAP 2 Smogon "Create a Pokemon" Part Deux: Poll 7

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I chose it at random basically. 50 BP is where all the, shall we say, WEIRD attacks land. Rock Tomb? 50 BP. Charge Beam? 50 BP.

60 would be too powerful and would always usurp Shadow Punch.

55 didn't feel right.

80 or more would have been like "LOL Deck you broken &%$*er."

40 seems uncharacteristic, since that's where all the priority moves and attack basics land.

Wrap, Sand Tomb, and Bind are all at 15. They're also patently useless because of it. At least Sand Tomb gets STAB on most things.

30 would invade Astonish's territory.

Which left 50, which seems to be characteristic enough without being overpowered. order words, 50 BP was the only spot the attack could go in power without being too strong, too weak, or invading another attack slot. order words, 50 BP was the only spot the attack could go in power without being too strong, too weak, or invading another attack slot.

That's the short version, yeah. I wanted to fix the flaws of partial trapping moves without, to turn a phrase, creating a monster.

Trust me, if Sand Tomb were 50/90 Acc physical, I'd probably make a Steelix set with it. As it stands, 15 BP is basically saying "yes, I do want to give you a free switchin where I basically do 20 damage to you and nullify your Leftovers for an effect that may end next attack."

C'mon this is a mummy. You just can't go without Insomnia. Sleeping for thousands of years, woken up and pissed off that it was awakened and can't be returned to its sleep -- that's a mummy and it is so clearly Insomnia we've gotta go there. I like Shed Skin also, but I don't want both, and Insomnia is just too perfect for the concept.

Snare Trap

Because trapping is cool and not enough pokemon can do it. But the name Snare Trap doesn't really fit. I'd like to suggest a different name for the ability that captures the essence of a mummy. How about: Entomb
Rough Skin and Insomnia

Rough Skin on something that could use it would just be too cool! Insomnia is also pretty good.
Shed Skin


I DONT like the idea of another custom ability. It's both that much harder to encode and makes it that much easier for nintendo to reject. not that that's my main priority.

also, wrap rby style is pretty cheap, imho. it's almost as bad as shadow tag, AND with the changes since, you being able to move while they can't is pretty heinous. maybe if it just locked them into one move....but still, i don't like it.

shed skin is more useful on a relatively defensive poke, lessening the fear of random status blocking your stat up attempts. and synchronize totally fits with the ghostly/mummy nature of this dude, and is also incredibly interesting on a fighter.

just DON'T vote for snare trap. its a great idea for an ability, but as is, it's too much to ask....
I'm also all for renaming Synchronize.

Something like Soul Mirror works . :3
I really think that we should not create a new ability here, or even rename one. We already took a step and created a tank with the ability to hit everything in the game neutral or better with just its STAB. This thing is going to be a great Pokemon. I'd prefer to stay away from Snare Trap, personally.
Insomnia makes the most since, so it gets my vote.

I couldn't imagine someone that would actually want sand veil, we all learned with our "friend" Garchomp -_-
No one should be enough of a prick to request sand veil :( we all learned the hard way.

Dear Nintendo:

We needs more pokemon with Sand Veil as their ability to make little children cry as they fail to hit their target(s) when they needed it the most. Please and Thank you.

Garchomp and friends.
Go go Shed Skin!

Hm.. InsomniaImmunityInsomniaImmunityInsomniaImmunityInsomnia

Also, although the idea is nice, I don't think we should get another new ability. We've got plenty of options that fit and aren't OU already, so lets just go with that.
Can i make a suggestion? Since he's a Ghost/Fighting type, why don't we make an ability that enables him to hit other Ghost types with Fighting/Normal moves and hit Normal types with Ghost moves.
Can i make a suggestion? Since he's a Ghost/Fighting type, why don't we make an ability that enables him to hit other Ghost types with Fighting/Normal moves and hit Normal types with Ghost moves.

We've already toyed with the idea of Scrappy and discarded it quite quickly.
First of all, my votes go to Insomnia and Shed Skin. Yes, I know I proposed Synchronize, but... Well, I'm voting what has a chance to pass to the next round.

And now, a small rant:

I just want to remind everyone that Dry Skin also heals 6.25% in Rain, meaning that this could employ an unlimited stall with Leftovers and Sub/Protect in Rain.

It also means LOL Gyarados bye.

Dry Skin is a really awesome ability.

Not only TOO awesome, but also pretty un-fitting. As I've said previously, the ONLY thing that makes Dry Skin somewhat fitting to a mummy is the really, really weak (less than a Life Orb boost) weakness to fire. But I really don't get the loss of health under bright sun, and even less the immunity AND recovery of health against water attacks and the healing in the rain. It just makes no sense and is potentially overpowered in a tank like this.

@Everyone choosing dry skin: I realize the connection with mummies being dried out and shit, but if our mummy is already back to life, then why would it help if it got water on/ in it? It's already dead so it's not like it needs water and food. It makes sense on everyone's favorite frog because, you guessed it, he's a frog. Frogs need to be wet every once in a while to live. How does the mummy fit? And don't take that croagunk/toxicroak thing too seriously, as I know that pokemon use their abilities in different ways than others.

This is what I'm talking about: Dry Skin in a frog or in a crab/mushroom hybrid makes sense, they need to be hydrated to survive. But a mummy not, on th contrary: It is inherently dry, and is fine with that.
Snare Trap and Insomnia

Snare Trap because I'm a sucker for original abilities, Insomnia because Time Mage makes a good point. (Though Stallrein 2.0 is quite tempting...)
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