The following people must join the Discord Server. You MUST be in the server for you to remain eligible to have a chance to play in the tournament. If you are already there/end up joining, please ping Rissoux#0001 with your Smogon username so that we can note your presence. If you're not in the server by 11:59am -5:00 on Sunday 11th December, your signup will be discarded.
Takatk, Blitzburgh, inkaaay, QuinnXD, Erenicko., iLiekMudkipz_, SpectralThief, Feaniix, The Great Unknown, Ozzer Yunarei, Yes or no my dude, What should by name be?, Garrett, Game Steak, MTB, Drud, ChoiceBandEmolga, Flopfish, doggy145, Gatubraz, MeemMeyn, Akaru Kokuyo, The Hitman, gali, Scenic, sweet_sorrows, Rated_PG, biffpipp, BtheBandit, StarMan580, Aurabro, u4eUhh, CannedBeans007, Ryno5311, IvanKurzawa, ExcelSheet, raspberryblueberry, Giovanni but good, ShinyStardust, MichaelBrill, FrosthammeL, twash, BackToNoobs, Tea Guzzler, gamestoler, THeGoledn, BroskiWithTheDreepy, RaJ.Shoot, Phantonium, UmbreonTamer, MilesOrIsIt, RaiZen1704, tu'ko delimo, Shadow333666777, Ovxrlord, TheBestManAlive, VariableW, Puckbud , Koriosamii, Jackquitsreality, Reze, Gr1m, aweeden464, Corneliousjr, lordmob, Krunchy, Jojoash1, slyfoxybrazenboi, EmersonP3K, yamicreo, Gregouze, BaddyGames, 3d, ogNightShade, Ch1ck3n Nu99ets, BiscotteKouloulou, L lawliet, MachJacob, Grkx, Adam6204, Vomexy, Teaching Bitches, Draco_Paladin, SmellyDurag, Athena's Myth, SchwarzWolf, Masterpiece Gaming, thepidgeyturtle, wjq, BoomBlaze, pepinillele, DubRC, aydenmills12, lilfilli, warmpikmin, time6060, Chain Linc, Santiagoht27, Reddo161, Monacha, BoxHead, T.Holmes, SShikiyo, Sylveon used calm mind, floatzelito gg, AlgeBruh25, Senruko, Leon11111, TheQazplmx, bigboibongocat, The Sausage Man, Venomizer, graphicotter, Boby467, ProfessorPxL, FMJK!, mayhem17, Bianary code, MehdiIsBack, ShrimpTheShrimp, ChristianAg2, tornadomat, Pizuzzle, DragonUchiha, Pali10, Devyansh g, martinskylar, plutoplutoso, TiBooom, joemonke, Bonske, Yeetato21, ExtraPizza, memomiguel, Unhedged, BigTristan, trgriff, SimsyBool, Cann'o fart, AlgeBruh25, picantesalsa, fly casanova, Liemaster, Hado, 2dguy, kira0vexel, earl5000, Maxximuxx, jmoneyack, Reegs, Cellie, CBRG, FrickIsBAd, sankeerthzx, Jexelix, batman swagging, Resdf, soninhoraro, ABuffBuddhist, Pokemario109, Blazeitken, Gundog21, Jim9174, SwagFox, Sibanzz, linkous101, Twixtry, Jayslap, Animemer, Newklear, htunder, Mesprit1999, The8thSamurai, Mikleo21, Sal the salamence, KeldeoCrowned, Official_FR, BurgerBoy, Inertia LOL, arsonist child, sil0e, R4f1tch0, Pjnm13, Timeplayz280Alt, Mosti, ddddamski, isaac2k1, Nico Serrano, Shrikedown, Jilbraninja, LeanPicachu, Ikuhto, hbee8000, mastermind212, btboy, aclyke0907, ASHCHAMPJOURNEY226, dethwind0911, retro retro, Charltonite, samuelitoo00, Redsmasher, Redsmasher, Ninjafrog123, adddddd
Again, the server discord link is here:
Takatk, Blitzburgh, inkaaay, QuinnXD, Erenicko., iLiekMudkipz_, SpectralThief, Feaniix, The Great Unknown, Ozzer Yunarei, Yes or no my dude, What should by name be?, Garrett, Game Steak, MTB, Drud, ChoiceBandEmolga, Flopfish, doggy145, Gatubraz, MeemMeyn, Akaru Kokuyo, The Hitman, gali, Scenic, sweet_sorrows, Rated_PG, biffpipp, BtheBandit, StarMan580, Aurabro, u4eUhh, CannedBeans007, Ryno5311, IvanKurzawa, ExcelSheet, raspberryblueberry, Giovanni but good, ShinyStardust, MichaelBrill, FrosthammeL, twash, BackToNoobs, Tea Guzzler, gamestoler, THeGoledn, BroskiWithTheDreepy, RaJ.Shoot, Phantonium, UmbreonTamer, MilesOrIsIt, RaiZen1704, tu'ko delimo, Shadow333666777, Ovxrlord, TheBestManAlive, VariableW, Puckbud , Koriosamii, Jackquitsreality, Reze, Gr1m, aweeden464, Corneliousjr, lordmob, Krunchy, Jojoash1, slyfoxybrazenboi, EmersonP3K, yamicreo, Gregouze, BaddyGames, 3d, ogNightShade, Ch1ck3n Nu99ets, BiscotteKouloulou, L lawliet, MachJacob, Grkx, Adam6204, Vomexy, Teaching Bitches, Draco_Paladin, SmellyDurag, Athena's Myth, SchwarzWolf, Masterpiece Gaming, thepidgeyturtle, wjq, BoomBlaze, pepinillele, DubRC, aydenmills12, lilfilli, warmpikmin, time6060, Chain Linc, Santiagoht27, Reddo161, Monacha, BoxHead, T.Holmes, SShikiyo, Sylveon used calm mind, floatzelito gg, AlgeBruh25, Senruko, Leon11111, TheQazplmx, bigboibongocat, The Sausage Man, Venomizer, graphicotter, Boby467, ProfessorPxL, FMJK!, mayhem17, Bianary code, MehdiIsBack, ShrimpTheShrimp, ChristianAg2, tornadomat, Pizuzzle, DragonUchiha, Pali10, Devyansh g, martinskylar, plutoplutoso, TiBooom, joemonke, Bonske, Yeetato21, ExtraPizza, memomiguel, Unhedged, BigTristan, trgriff, SimsyBool, Cann'o fart, AlgeBruh25, picantesalsa, fly casanova, Liemaster, Hado, 2dguy, kira0vexel, earl5000, Maxximuxx, jmoneyack, Reegs, Cellie, CBRG, FrickIsBAd, sankeerthzx, Jexelix, batman swagging, Resdf, soninhoraro, ABuffBuddhist, Pokemario109, Blazeitken, Gundog21, Jim9174, SwagFox, Sibanzz, linkous101, Twixtry, Jayslap, Animemer, Newklear, htunder, Mesprit1999, The8thSamurai, Mikleo21, Sal the salamence, KeldeoCrowned, Official_FR, BurgerBoy, Inertia LOL, arsonist child, sil0e, R4f1tch0, Pjnm13, Timeplayz280Alt, Mosti, ddddamski, isaac2k1, Nico Serrano, Shrikedown, Jilbraninja, LeanPicachu, Ikuhto, hbee8000, mastermind212, btboy, aclyke0907, ASHCHAMPJOURNEY226, dethwind0911, retro retro, Charltonite, samuelitoo00, Redsmasher, Redsmasher, Ninjafrog123, adddddd
Again, the server discord link is here: