Smogon Premier League VII - Comemesment

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Buy me For RU I go for Cheap $$$ And come with Good Credits (1-2 in PSPL) U Won't Regret this investment!

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Funkasaurus I love you and McM as much as the next guy but you could have just bought him in the auction D:
i guess he expected mcmeghan to go for more than 40k lol
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The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 0 | Players: aim / PDC / Omfuga / chimpact / Bouffalant / blarajan / Vileman / Arcticblast / North / Smurf. / gene / badabing / R0ady / mad0ka

The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 0 | Players: TDK / CrashinBoomBang / Fortune / idiotfrommars / Laga / ABR / iplaytennislol / -Snow / Disenchanted / fleggumfl / littlelucario / Moony / passion / Century Express

The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 0 | Players: Conflict / Bad Ass / undisputed / BLOOD TOTEM / Marshall.Law / metaphysical / teal6 / Alexander. / Kushalos / MetalGro$$ / Mambo / sugarhigh / GOD MARTH / xtra$hine

The Firebot Falcons Credits: 0 | Players: RODAN / reyscarface / mencemeat / Isa / Leftiez / King UU / IAmGingy / Can-Eh-Dian / H&MBerkeley / Disaster Area / Laurel / A Moon Gust / RickyGao / fapkingg / fran17

The Indie Scooters Credits: 0 | Players: Jirachee / 49 / Mr.E / OP / kamikaze17 / dekzeh / Sapientia / Cicada / Tricking / dodmen / Golden Gyarados / GeeMick / Asuya / Blast / Drake'sProdigy

The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 0 | Players: McMeghan / xray / blunder / steelphoenix / Improbable / Hikari / papai noel / liberty32 / ZoroDark / giara / Hack / Afro Smash / Jayde / Lord Ninjax

The Cryonicles Credits: 0 | Players: praj.pran / Sweepage / Kingler12345 / Braverius / SoulWind / Lutra / Tomahawk / wish killer / Luigi. / Krauersaut / absdaddy / Steve Angello / miltankmilk / nintendistagamer

The Stark Sharks Credits: 0 | Players: cosine180 / Finchinator / soulgazer / Floppy / atomicllamas / TewMew / Mr.378 / Heysup / d0nut / During Summer / Go10 / ZoroarkForever / Cowboy Dan / MattyBrollic

The Team Raiders Credits: 0 | Players: Tesung / boudouche / Specterito / Cased / Artemisa / CyberOdin / galbia / Realistic Waters / PokèManiac Livio / Christo The Gr8 / Veni Vidi Vici / daftmau5 / deoxys speed / The_Chaser / Ortheore / ;Moon Light / Natural Talent

The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 0 | Players: dice / Shoka / Scythe / Teddeh / Tobes / Windsong / Aurious / New Breed / Stathakis / qsns / Destiny Device / Bomber92 / fitzy72 / Honor / TheEnder / Based Godfish
Price Log:
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