Survivor Smogon Survivor: The Official (Started! Join server to spectate)

In the last performance review, Roi, Dix, Toni, Deli, Gray, and Romeh were fired.

Challenge 6​

Welcome back! I'm sorry to tell you that regardless of your performance in your challenge, you'll be headed to Tribal Council after. However, we've put together a challenge for individual immunity. One individual immunity will be awarded to the highest scoring player for each tribe. That player cannot be voted at their upcoming performance review. Here's how the game works.

In the Price is Right, you will submit an estimated price in USD for the 8 items in this document.

These 8items were found in stores near downtown Roseville, CA, USA. You are attempting to estimate the price of the items in the store in which we found them. These prices may be marked up or down from prices you find online or in other stores for the same item (though if it is the same item, then it's likely pretty close).

Once you have submitted your estimated prices for items 1-12, we will calculate for each item the percentage difference between the actual price and your estimate. The player from each tribe with the lowest sum of percentage differences will win the challenge. Please remember to take cost of living into account. Any resource on the internet, as well talking to your tribemates, is fair game for this challenge.

For our sake (as we have to input 53 submissions into excel), please submit your guesses in a single message that contains only your guesses for each item, separated by spaces, ordered by item number. Therefore, a guess would look like

5.99 6.99 10 14.99 23 70 5.99 10

Please pin your submissions in your confessionals.

You have 24 hours to submit your guesses! It wouldn't be a bad idea to start talking about the vote now as well.
Your stellar results in your substandard job have been recognized by the company. Though you asked to be reorganized to a team that supports the business' main functions, you've been instead transferred to a team supporting new product development in a market that the company would like to enter. The MVP is scheduled in a month. All teams are firing on full cylinders, and you want nothing more than to be recognized as a superstar.

Product Design


Tech Infrastructure

in the hills

Data Science
Andy Snype
Banana Spritzee

The Krowntrol Freak
Challenge 7​

Welcome to your new tribes! You've done well to get here--by the count of eliminations, we're nearly halfway through the game already (though the pace of eliminations will diminish substantially as time goes by). Please remember to only talk with people on your current tribe--communications with people from your previous tribe should cease immediately, as should alliance chats that include people from other tribes.

Please get to know each other quickly. Welcome to your first big twist of the game.

Within your tribe, you must elect a diplomat. We prefer this election to be unanimous, though if there are conflicts we will RNG between the volunteers. You have until tomorrow 5pm PST to do this.

At 5pm PST tomorrow, your diplomats will temporarily be removed from your tribe. You may not converse with your diplomats at this time. The five diplomats will attend a summit Tribal Council, where they will vote out one diplomat within them, according to standard TC rules. The diplomat voted out will not be eliminated, though his or her tribe will suffer a penalty.

While your diplomats are attending the summit Tribal Council, the 8 remaining players from each tribe will also attend Tribal Council to vote someone out. However, the votes from these tribal councils will only be read if the diplomat from your tribe was voted out. Otherwise, the votes will be discarded.

The tribe whose diplomat is voted out will suffer the following penalties:
- Their tribe's votes will be read, and one person from their tribe will be voted out.
- Their tribe will not be able to compete for Tribal Immunity in the following two challenges, and instead will immediately be sent to Tribal Council.
--The diplomat of the losing tribe will have immunity at their first Tribal Council following the summit.
--There will be a competition for individual immunity at the second Tribal Council within this tribe.

You have 24 hours to strategize and to elect a diplomat.
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Zman, the diplomat for Data Science, was voted out at the summit. Their tribe will not participate in this challenge and will attend tribal council with zman immune. Data Science voted out mee6.

Challenge 8​

As a tribe, create the best story you can.

You must use pictures of book covers. Other covers (magazines, DVD covers, takeout bags, labels etc) can be used, though points will be deducted. You must take all pictures yourself. The entire cover must be in the picture. We will consider only the text on the cover.

Below is an example of a sentence told through book covers. You may use multiple pictures to tell the story. You may not submit any supplementary material (description, summary, etc).

Submissions will be judged against each other based on coherence (grammatical and narrative), theme, media (points deducted for non-book covers).

Shubaka, Gingar, and Krow voted out at the last series of performance reviews.

Challlenge 9​

Please screenshot your time for each level on the level select screen. Each of the first 7 levels must be submitted by a different player.

For each level, the tribe with the fastest time gets 10 points, 2nd gets 5, 3rd gets 3. Tribe with the highest points wins. Ties are broken by lowest time on lv1, followed by lv 2 etc.


Data Science, you are not eligible to compete for Tribal immunity. Instead, you will compete only for the fastest time on level 6. Fastest wins immunity.

All ties not addressed are broken by coinflip.
I look forward to the summoning salt video


Governance and Tech win immunity! DJ won immunity in data science, who were forced to go to tribal due to being voted out during the diplomat's summit.
In the last series of performance reviews, Zman, Eashan, and Navi were voted out.

Challenge 10​

In this challenge, you will be playing a modified version of Codenames. There will be 4 common boards of 5x5 words. Each tribe will own a pair of words on each board (these are the answers). Answers may have overlapping words and will be RNGd. In addition, each tribe will be given a pair of words owned by each other tribe (you will see four answers from each other tribe).

You have 24 hours to submit clues for the words that you own. Clues must be given to standard Codename rules: that is, they must be a single word in the english dictionary, must relate to the meaning of the words rather than their location on the board, spelling, suffixes, etc. You are trying to give as accurate of a clue as possible. Other tribes will know what board your answer is on.

In addition, you must also submit assassin words for the other tribe's answers. This will be one word on the same board as the answers. You are trying to choose an assassin word that is as close to the answers as possible.

After all tribes have submitted four clues (for their four answers) and four assassin words (for the four answers owned by other teams), all clues will be published.

Tribes will have 24 hours to guess 3 words for each clue (these are the guesses). They are trying to guess the answer, based on the clue and the board. Tribes will not guess their own clues, nor will they guess for the answers that they provided assassin words for. Therefore, they will have 12 clues which they will submit guesses for.

For every word in a tribe's guess that is part of the answer for that clue, both the guessing tribe and the tribe that owns the answer gets 1 point. Each tribe receives 3 points each time someone else makes a guess for the clue that contains their assassin word.

The two tribes with the highest point total wins. The tiebreak will be points from assassin words, followed by points from owning answers.




In the last series of performance reviews, TBZ, Thimble, and Inferno were fired.

Challenge 11​

Get as far in Central Core as you can in You may submit your score by taking a screenshot of the ending page. For example, I achieved area 7.

Tribes will be scored based on the highest area attained by any player on that tribe. As a tiebreak, we will look at the highest area attained by a different player on that tribe (it may be the same area, but it must be achieved by a different player). We will accept 5 submissions per tribe.

I will open up a public chat where players from different tribes, if they wish, may choose to coordinate in order to embark on runs together. Please note that you still may not communicate with other players from different tribes privately!

In addition, you may ask specs to join you on runs.

The top 3 tribes will win immunity, while the other 2 will be sent to Tribal Council. You have until tomorrow 5PM PST to submit your scores.
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In the last series of performance reviews, Laurel and Isa were voted out.

While rumors of your sharp elbow circulate among upper management, nobody denies your efficiency. The acquisition has gone off without a hitch. You've finally earned yourself a role in the core business. But here, you find at odds with two other teams, in your vision and in your methods. It would be to everyone's advantage, you think, if this company had a strong leader like you, who is willing to do the nasty work every once in a while.

Andy Snype#9304


in the hills#4327
Challenge 12​

There will be no Tribal Council this round. Instead, as a twist, we're revisiting 7DS.

In this game, you will be trying to escape from Hell with the help of your fellow players on your tribe. 10 will successfully escape, but one will not and will be asked to leave your tribe.

The challenge consists of 3 rounds. In each round, every player privately submits an ordered list of three unique player names (that are still in Hell) and any actions used. The player casts 3 votes, 2 votes, and 1 votes respectively for the players in his list. At the conclusion of the first rounds, the four players with the highest number of votes successfully earn immunity. In the second and third round, the players with the three highest number of votes earn immunity. Over these three rounds, 10 people will earn immunity. The last person left will be eliminated from the game.

Once players have secured immunity, they may no longer use any actions, and can only cast a single vote worth 1 for a player in Hell each round.

The following actions may be purchased by players during round 1 only. Each player starts with 3 coins. Purchases are not public. Coins and actions are not transferable.
1 coin: one time Roleblock, targets player X (items used by X have no effect this round but are used up anyway). Roleblocking a self vote negation causes that player to cast 3 votes to the roleblocker and no other players. Roleblocks are not themselves roleblockable.
1 coin: one time Temporary Mayor Vote, targets self (+2/+0/+0 to your votes this turn). This may stack.
2 coins: one time Middle Target Redirect, targets X,Y (the second name on a X's list is changed to Y. You may not name yourself or player X as Y)
2 coins: Full mayor, targets self (+2/+1/+0 to all votes permanently)
3 coins: one time Vote Redirector, targets X, A, B, C (this turn only, X's list is replaced with A,B,C in that order. You may not name X or yourself in A,B,C unless it is round 3, in which case you can name yourself in X's new list.)
3 coins: one time Self Vote Negation, targets self (you do not cast any votes this turn)

You may not vote for yourself. In the event that a player does not vote for a cycle while in hell, the player casts -6 persistent self votes. At the end of each round, I will only reveal which players escaped and the number of votes that the escaped players accumulated. I will not reveal individual votes or actions. However, if there is a tie, I will reveal the specific players that tied and explain the method I used to tiebreak.

In the event that a person is targeted by multiple redirects, ALL REDIRECTS RESOLVE. This means that a person can end up targeting multiple people on the final set of actions. Example as follows:
Player A is targeted by two middle target redirects: one to player X, and one to player Y. If no other actions occur, then player A casts 3 votes to his original 3rd target, 1 vote to his original 1st target, and 2 votes EACH to X and Y

Since "Full Mayor" is not listed as "one time" while all other actions are, this does in fact mean that this action is not expended upon use. Upon first successful use of full mayor, your votes become 5/3/1 Upon the second successful use of full mayor, your votes because 7/4/1

You will get no private results in this game. You will not know if you were targeted by any actions or if your actions succeeded. i will inform you of what actions you have available for use (but this should be known based on your action history and your purchase choice anyways)

In the event of a tie, the votes from heaven are removed and the votes for the tied players ONLY are reevaluated.
In the event of a further tie, we look at how many people voted for each player from hell. The player with the most people voting for them wins.
In the event of a further tie, we look at how many votes the people voting for the player have accumulated this round in total. The player whose voters have the least votes themselves wins.
In the event of a further tie, we go to coinflip.

Deadline to submit item buys and round 1 actions is at 5PM PST tomorrow. Subsequent deadlines will be 24 hours long.

Additionally, Redemption Island is now in play. All players fired at performance reviews will attend performance management, where they will have a chance to reenter the game. Results of performance management will be announced to all players as they happen.
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Anton, Zoa, and Dyo failed to escape Hell and have been put on performance management.

Challenge 13​

You are competing for tribal immunity. The two winning tribes will win immunity. The losing tribe will attend Tribal Council.

This game will test your wits, teamwork, skillset, and perseverance. Over the next 24 hours, I have prepared 11 tasks for you, with an twelvth task prepared to use as a tiebreaker. Some of these are riddles, which vary wildly in their subject matter. Others are challenges that you must complete before the other team.

The tribe to complete each task first will win a point for their team. The tasks will be released periodically over time.

Wrong answers for tasks will be ignored for the most part, but correct answers will be confirmed when the moderator is able to. Hints will be released publicly at host discretion for riddles that have gone unsolved for longer than four hours.

A special reminder that you may only communicate about Survivor to your tribemates and to the moderators. Outside help is not permitted. Google as you please, though.

Here is the release schedule for the 10 tasks. All times are in PST. Please be flexible if my schedule changes.

Task 1, 2, 3: 600PM Friday
Task 4, 5: 900PM Friday
Task 6, 7, 8: 8AM Saturday
Task 9, 10, 11: Noon Saturday
Hints for outstanding puzzles: 4PM Saturday
Tiebreaker (if necessary): Announced at 5PM Saturday, will take place 6PM (or earlier if teams agree)

Feel free to look through what we did in the past [2]. Questions will not be reused, some formats will be reused.