Anton, Zoa, and Dyo failed to escape Hell and have been put on performance management.
Challenge 13
You are competing for tribal immunity. The two winning tribes will win immunity. The losing tribe will attend Tribal Council.
This game will test your wits, teamwork, skillset, and perseverance. Over the next 24 hours, I have prepared 11 tasks for you, with an twelvth task prepared to use as a tiebreaker. Some of these are riddles, which vary wildly in their subject matter. Others are challenges that you must complete before the other team.
The tribe to complete each task first will win a point for their team. The tasks will be released periodically over time.
Wrong answers for tasks will be ignored for the most part, but correct answers will be confirmed when the moderator is able to. Hints will be released publicly at host discretion for riddles that have gone unsolved for longer than four hours.
A special reminder that you may only communicate about Survivor to your tribemates and to the moderators. Outside help is not permitted. Google as you please, though.
Here is the release schedule for the 10 tasks. All times are in PST. Please be flexible if my schedule changes.
Task 1, 2, 3: 600PM Friday
Task 4, 5: 900PM Friday
Task 6, 7, 8: 8AM Saturday
Task 9, 10, 11: Noon Saturday
Hints for outstanding puzzles: 4PM Saturday
Tiebreaker (if necessary): Announced at 5PM Saturday, will take place 6PM (or earlier if teams agree)
Feel free to look through what we
did in the past [2]. Questions will not be reused, some formats will be reused.