Smogon Tournament #3: Round 3

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why dont you guys try battling as opposed to whining about how much the other isnt online..

Also, if pms arent working, why not try setting a time in this topic?

Have a nice day.
Hehe yeah it all doesn't help if your opponent neither comes on NB nor on the forums =/

Last Activity: January 1st, 2007 07:54 PM

Well sorry that the match isn't done yet but I can't do more than PMing him and stay on NB most of the time. =(
Yesterday I asked a mod if he had seen you online and it appears your last activity on NB dates from 12/21 last f*cking year.
Not to help toy's case but the mod might have only lookup one nick which was prolly "toy" which only shows the last time the nick was used not if the actual person is online and since I seen toy use "[cool] toy" and that nick only everytime I see him. So, your statement is wrong. I would like to also ask that if for some idiotic reason you advance without actually battling. I would like for you to post your netbattle nick.

Posted at: January 8th, 2007, 05:38 AM
Rambo_Verm is on the server right now too.

Posted at: January 8th, 2007, 04:11 PM
ok, im on right now. 5:08 EST
So the next post here coming from both of you two have better have a fucking time when you are avaliable, if not, it's past deadline and I'm sure as hell we can all sit down and discuss a way to dq both of you. The other two battles pretty much have a clearcut of who tried harder. Also trying to degrade the other user in your attempt to advance will probably result in you getting dq'd. In the case don't want to battle, just post here and we'll just dq you on the spot. There's nothing wrong with that.
I can battle every day from around 5 - 10 PM GMT. I thought I told Toy that in a PM (could have been my opponent in the last round too though, not sure about that). I don't know when Toy can battle so he can post a time between 5 - 10 PM GMT if that's possible for him.
(You were one of the mentioned clearcuts of who tried harder!)

Okay now that you have establish a time you roughly have a day or two before I annoy skarm into r4. Now you're telling me you couldn't do all this 2 weeks ago in PM?


Have a nice day
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we bettermake sure we have people on at 5-6 and 8-10 gmt so that we know who bothered to turn up..

Have a nice day.
Toy.. he said the times in GMT or better said that means: EST +7 iirc. So not 6 - 10 pm EST but GMT or EST+7.

SERIOUSLY guys how hard can it be to get this over with..
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