Requesting activity win
Scheduled for Dec 13th but he ended up saying that he meant the wrong date
I explicitly told him on the 11th
"Hey man we've been matched up for OST9 r1.
I'm gmt -5 and I'm free within the next 2 days. Let me know when you can play!"
Got a reply on the 14th saying
"oops sorry I meant that I was gonna be active those time today not yesterday"
I was on a trip friday and sat so i was unable to battle.
We then scheduled for today at 10:30 pm GMT +1 which is now, but he's not online.
I'll give him until 45 before I head out.
ps. this is all vms so its on our walls if the admins want to varify
Edit: it's 10:50 gmt +1 so hes missed the scheduled time yet again. Nuff said