Smogon VGC 2021 Major - Confirmation Signups ($1150 in Prizing)

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This is the signup thread for the 2021 Smogon VGC Major! Use this thread to find out the rules and information of the tournament. This thread should be for player signups only. You are required to signup in this thread to play in the tournament.

Please make sure you've already signed up on the battlefy page here.

Once you have, please post the following information:

Battlefy Username:
Pokemon Showdown Username:
Discord Username (include the numbers):
Battlefly Username: yourwelcomethank
Pokemon showdown username: yourwelcomethank
Discord Username: yourwelcomthank #4434 (This one has no e)
i sighed up for a different tour recently to miss 2 high horsepowers and go X-3 o yeah :).
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Reactions: zee
Battlefy Username: teamathenawifibattles (Helios on battlefy page)
Pokemon Showdown Username: Helios of Sun
Discord Username (include the numbers): ˞˞Maquia#7386

Thanks for doing this tour guys!
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Battlefy Username: pocketaces4000 or team charm i have no idea how to work this site
Pokemon Showdown Username: Team Charm
Discord Username (include the numbers): tc#7471

$1100 is super generous so s/o to the hosts for that but sorry everyone else, this money is going to me.
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