Monotype Snorlax

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name: Curse Sweeper (Normal)
move 1: Curse
move 2: Darkest Lariat
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpD

Snorlax finds a strong niche on Normal-teams as a bulky setup sweeper using Curse that can threaten types like Ice, Electric, Psychic, and Ghost after accumulating multiple boosts and serve as a strong late-game wincon. Snorlax's high Special bulk gives it setup opportunities against many common special attackers such as Dragapult and Gardevoir, and Curse's Defense boost makes it difficult to break past for many teams. Thick Fat makes Snorlax a valuable asset for Normal teams, allowing it to check Fire- and Ice-types such as Chandelure and Galarian Darmanitan, which Normal teams otherwise struggle to switch into. Rest in conjunction with Sleep Talk allow Snorlax to keep itself healthy throughout the match and heal itself of crippling status such as burn and Toxic without being entirely passive. However, Snorlax is susceptible to getting shut down by common Taunt users like Sableye, Mew, and Corviknight, as well as by Haze and Whirlwind users such as Toxapex and Hippowdon. Darkest Lariat is Snorlax's attack of choice, as it ignores opposing stat boosts from Pokemon such as Reuniclus and has no Pokemon that are completely immune to it. However, Snorlax's reliance on Curse and Darkest Lariat to pose an offensive threat means exceptionally powerful attackers that resist Dark such as Nasty Plot Hydriegon, Crawdaunt, and most Fighting-types can break through it with relatively few issues. Snorlax's HP and Defense EVs allow it to always avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan's Earthquake after Stealth Rock damage. Snorlax should utilize its special bulk and Rest to switch into powerful special attackers such as Hatterene and Alolan Raichu and common status users such as Salazzle and Gastrodon.

Obstagoon serves as a great offensive partner for Snorlax, as it can switch into common Taunt users such as Mew and Sableye without fear of Will-O-Wisp and break past them, allowing Snorlax to sweep Psychic- and Ghost-type teams more easily. Ditto is a good Choice Scarf user that can dissuade opponents from using Snorlax as setup fodder thanks to Imposter allowing it to threaten to countersweep. Indeedee-M is a powerful special attacker that can pressure Fighting-types like Conkeldurr and Kommo-o as well as break past physically defensive walls such as Toxapex and Galarian Weezing using its powerful Psychic Terrain-boosted attacks. Diggersby acts as a powerful wallbreaker that can utilize its good coverage options to break past Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Corviknight, which can use Snorlax as setup fodder, as well as set Spikes to wear down teams for Snorlax to sweep more easily. Choice Scarf Braviary provides a Ground immunity to help check Pokemon such as Obstagoon and Keldeo and can Defog away entry hazards that can wear down Snorlax over the course of a match. Heliolisk acts as a check to Corviknight, as well as an offensive check to Water- and Flying-types, helping Snorlax deal with Pokemon such as Keldeo, Togekiss, and Toxapex more easily. Bewear acts as a check to physically offensive Dark-types such as Tyranitar, Bisharp, and Crawdaunt that can easily beat Snorlax while appreciating Snorlax's ability to switch into Fire-types such as Rotom-H and Chandelure thanks to Thick Fat.

- Written by: [[Guwahavel, 446329]]
- Quality Checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [Decem, 362454]]
- Grammar Checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
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* In the first line mention Curse as the reason why Snorlax has a niche on Normal-type teams. Also mention how it is a good general win condition late-game in the battle.

* Mention Rest keeping Snorlax safe from being crippled by Toxic and Burns against Pokemon such as Salazzle and Galarian Corsola.

* 'However, Snorlax's reliance on Curse boosts to pose an offensive threat means exceptionally powerful attackers such as Nasty Plot Hydriegon, Melmetal, and most Fighting-types can break through it relatively little issues. ' Remove Melmetal, add Crawdaunt.

* Talk about usage tips in the first paragraph, second paragraph is entirely for team options as mentioned in the template:
Paragraph 2:
- brief example of teammates that benefit from the Pokemon's presence

- brief example of foes that the Pokemon is vulnerable to + teammates to help cover them

So add this in the first paragraph after you talk about Darkest Lariat and then remove it from the second paragraph.
'Snorlax should utilize it's Special bulk to switch into powerful special attackers such as Choice Specs Aegislash and Indeedee for it's teammates, as well as Fire and Ice-type attacks from threats such as Torkoal and Kyurem-Black. Rest should be used to keep Snorlax healthy throughout the match, and Curse should be used to boost Snorlax's ability to take physical attacks aswell as allow it to exert more offensive pressure. Snorlax shouldn't try to setup against Pokemon that carry Haze, Whirlwind, or Taunt such as Toxapex, Hippowdon, and Mew.'

* When you talk about Choice Scarf Braviary, mention that it can beat Keldeo for Snorlax and add Toxapex as a target when you talk about Heliolisk since Toxapex is a bigger pain for Snorlax as it can simply Haze away its boosts.

Good job!
QC 1/2


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"However, Snorlax's reliance on Curse boosts to pose an offensive threat means exceptionally powerful attackers such as Nasty Plot Hydriegon, Crawdaunt, and most Fighting-types can break through it relatively little issues."
Put this below talking about Darkest Lariat and then connect it to how a lot of Pokemon like the ones you mention above that resist Darkest Lariat can easily take advantage of Snorlax.

"Snorlax also is susceptible to getting shut down by common Taunt users like Sableye, Mew, and Keldeo, preventing it from sweeping teams."
Rephrase this line to a usage tip, and how it should be aware of Taunt, Whirlwind, and Haze users when trying to set up as those block it. Pretty much condenses this and what you had at the end to one sentence, and reduces fluff which is good. Also Corviknight > Keldeo as a Taunt user example, Keldeo beats it regardless if it has Taunt or not.

"Darkest Lariat is Snorlax's attack of choice as it ignores opposing stat boosts and has no Pokemon that are completely immune to it."
Name some Pokemon that the ignoring stat boosts is helpful for, Reuniclus is one you could use.

"Snorlax should utilize it's Special bulk to switch into powerful special attackers such as Choice Specs Aegislash and Indeedee for it's teammates, as well as Fire and Ice-type attacks from threats such as Torkoal and Kyurem-Black."
Dragapult should be mentioned here and Hatterene + Alolan Raichu > Indeedee + Choice Specs Aegislash since Snorlax can struggle with the former and Normal teams struggle with faster special attackers rather than the latter. Instead of including the bits for the Fire and Ice-type attacks since it basically goes hand in hand with the special attackers, say how Rest allows it to absorb status from Pokemon like Salazzle and Seismitoad. Kyurem-B ignores Thick Fat with Teravolt too.

"Rest should be used to keep Snorlax healthy throughout the match, and Curse should be used to boost Snorlax's ability to take physical attacks aswell as allow it to exert more offensive pressure. Snorlax shouldn't try to setup against Pokemon that carry Haze, Whirlwind, or Taunt such as Toxapex, Hippowdon, and Mew."
Delete this, this is pretty much fluff that I tried to condense to other places.

"Heliolisk acts as a check to Corviknight, as well as an offensive Water-immunity, helping Snorlax deal with Pokemon such as Choice Specs Pelliper and Toxapex easier."
Don't have to mention the Water immunity, you can just stick to it beating Water- and Flying-type Pokemon with its Electric STAB attacks. Keldeo, Togekiss, and Mandibuzz are good examples to use here, seeing as they all beat Snorlax in some way.

"Choice Scarf Braviary acts as a Ground-immunity to help check Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Excadrill and Keldeo, and can Defog away hazards that can wear down Snorlax over the course of a match."
Snorlax doesn't care about Choice Scarf Excadrill so just focus on the revenge killing + hazard removal for Braviary. Can use Obstagoon as an example over Choice Scarf Excadrill.

Add Bewear, it can beat a lot of the Dark-type Pokemon like Bisharp, Crawdaunt and Tyranitar that resist Darkest Lariat with its Fighting-type attacks and likes Snorlax's Thick Fat to switch into Fire-type attacks like Rotom-H's Overheat and Chandelure's Flamethrower for it.

Let me know on Discord if you need help rephrasing any of this, QC 2/2


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name: Curse Sweeper (Normal)
move 1: Curse
move 2: Darkest Lariat
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpD

Snorlax finds a strong niche on Normal teams(RH) as a bulky setup sweeper using Curse that can threaten types like Ice, Electric, Psychic, and Ghost after accumulating multiple boosts,(RC) and (can) serves as a strong late-game win condition. Snorlax's high Special special bulk gives it setup opportunities against many common special attackers such as Dragapult and Gardevoir, and Curse allows it to boost it's Physical its physical bulk, becoming difficult to break past for many teams. Thick Fat makes Snorlax a valuable asset for Normal teams, allowing it to check Fire- and Ice-types such as Chandelure and Galarian Darmanitan, which Normal teams otherwise struggle to switch into. Rest in conjunction with Sleep Talk allows Snorlax to keep itself healthy throughout the match and heal itself of crippling status such as Burn burn or Toxic toxic poison,(RC) without being entirely passive. Snorlax also is susceptible to getting shut down by common Taunt users like Sableye, Mew, and Corviknight, preventing it from sweeping teams. Haze and Whirldwind Whirlwind users such as Toxapex and Hippowdon can also easily shut down Snorlax's attempts to sweep. Darkest Lariat is Snorlax's attack of choice,(AC) as it ignores opposing stat boosts from Pokemon such as Reuniclus and has no Pokemon that are completely immune to it. However, Snorlax's reliance on Curse and Darkest Lariat to pose an offensive threat means exceptionally powerful attackers which resist Dark such as Nasty Plot Hydriegon, Crawdaunt, and most Fighting-types can break through it with relatively little issues. Snorlax's HP and Defense EVs allow it to always avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan's Earthquake after Stealth Rock chip damage. Snorlax should utilize it's Special its special bulk to switch into powerful special attackers such as Hattrene Hatterene and Alolan Raichu for it's its teammates, as well as common status users such as Salazzle and Gastrodon thanks to Rest.

Obstagoon serves as a great offensive partner for Snorlax,(AC) as it can switch into common Taunt users such as Mew and Sableye without fear of Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp and break past them, allowing Snorlax to sweep Psychic and Ghost-type(RH) teams easier more easily. Ditto is a good Choice Scarf user that can dissuade opponents from using Snorlax as setup fodder thanks to Imposter,(AC) allowing it to copy their stat boosts and threaten to sweep. Indeedee is a powerful Special special attacker that can pressure Fighting-types like Conkeldurr and Kommo-o, as well as break past physically defensive walls such as Toxapex and Galarian Weezing using its powerful Psychic Terrain-boosted attacks. Diggersby acts as a powerful wallbreaker that can utilize its good coverage options to break past Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Corviknight, which can use Snorlax as setup fodder, as well as set Spikes to wear down teams for Snorlax to sweep easier more easily. Choice Scarf Braviary acts as a provides a Ground immunity(RH),(AC) to helps check Pokemon such as Obstagoon and Keldeo, (I don't know if there really is correlation between being immune to Ground and being able to check Obstagoon and Keldeo) and can Defog away entry hazards that can wear down Snorlax over the course of a match. Heliolisk acts as a check to Corviknight,(RC) as well as an and offensive check to Water- and Flying-types,(RC) helping Snorlax deal with Pokemon such as Keldeo, Toxapex,(AC) and Togekiss,(RC) and Toxapex easier for Snorlax. Bewear acts as a check to physically offensive Dark-types such as Tyranitar, Bisharp, and Crawdaunt,(AC) which can easily beat Snorlax, while appreciating Snorlax's ability to switch into Fire-types such as Rotom Heat Rotom-H and Chandelure thanks to Thick Fat.

- Written by: [[Guwahavel, 446329]]
- Quality Checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [Decem, 362454]]
- Grammar Checked by: [[-, -]]


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GP 1/1
name: Curse Sweeper (Normal)
move 1: Curse
move 2: Darkest Lariat
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpD

Snorlax finds a strong niche on Normal-teams as a bulky setup sweeper using Curse that can threaten types like Ice, Electric, Psychic, and Ghost after accumulating multiple boosts (RC) and serves serve as a strong late-game win condition wincon. Snorlax's high Special bulk gives it setup opportunities against many common special attackers such as Dragapult and Gardevoir, and Curse's allows it to boost it's Physical bulk, becoming Defense boost makes it difficult to break past for many teams. Thick Fat makes Snorlax a valuable asset for Normal teams, allowing it to check Fire- and Ice-types such as Chandelure and Galarian Darmanitan, which Normal teams otherwise struggle to switch into. Rest in conjunction with Sleep Talk allow Snorlax to keep itself healthy throughout the match and heal itself of crippling status such as burn or and Toxic (RC) without being entirely passive. However, Snorlax also is susceptible to getting shut down by common Taunt users like Sableye, Mew, and Corviknight, preventing it from sweeping teams. as well as by Haze and Whirldwind Whirlwind users such as Toxapex and Hippowdon can also easily shut down Snorlax's attempts to sweep. Darkest Lariat is Snorlax's attack of choice, (AC) as it ignores opposing stat boosts from Pokemon such as Reuniclus and has no Pokemon that are completely immune to it. However, Snorlax's reliance on Curse and Darkest Lariat to pose an offensive threat means exceptionally powerful attackers which that resist Dark such as Nasty Plot Hydriegon, Crawdaunt, and most Fighting-types can break through it with relatively little few issues. Snorlax's HP and Defense EVs allow it to always avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan's Earthquake after Stealth Rock chip damage. Snorlax should utilize it's its special bulk and Rest to switch into powerful special attackers such as Hattrene Hatterene and Alolan Raichu for it's teammates, as well as and common status users such as Salazzle and Gastrodon thanks to Rest.

Obstagoon serves as a great offensive partner for Snorlax, (AC) as it can switch into common Taunt users such as Mew and Sableye without fear of Will-O-Wisp and break past them, allowing Snorlax to sweep Psychic- (AH) and Ghost-type teams easier more easily. Ditto is a good Choice Scarf user that can dissuade opponents from using Snorlax as setup fodder thanks to Imposter allowing it to copy their stat boosts and threaten to countersweep. Indeedee (-M or -F?) is a powerful special attacker that can pressure Fighting-types like Conkeldurr and Kommo-o (RC) as well as break past physically defensive walls such as Toxapex and Galarian Weezing using its powerful Psychic Terrain-boosted attacks. Diggersby acts as a powerful wallbreaker that can utilize its good coverage options to break past Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Corviknight, which can use Snorlax as setup fodder, as well as set Spikes to wear down teams for Snorlax to sweep easier more easily. Choice Scarf Braviary acts as provides a Ground immunity (RH) to help check Pokemon such as Obstagoon and Keldeo (RC) and can Defog away entry hazards that can wear down Snorlax over the course of a match. Heliolisk acts as a check to Corviknight, as well as an offensive check to Water- and Flying-types, helping Snorlax deal with Pokemon such as Keldeo, Togekiss, and Toxapex easier more easily. Bewear acts as a check to physically offensive Dark-types such as Tyranitar, Bisharp, and Crawdaunt which that can easily beat Snorlax (RC) while appreciating Snorlax's ability to switch into Fire-types such as Rotom Heat Rotom-H and Chandelure thanks to Thick Fat.

- Written by: [[Guwahavel, 446329]]
- Quality Checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [Decem, 362454]]
- Grammar Checked by: [[-, -]]
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