Tournament Solomods Premier League - Week 4


Claiming act against wishiwashis... its been like 2 hours and I've done all the stuff.
me and sojukirin , as managers, haven't been pinged by your managers, thus act claim is invalid.
Cause I pinged your comanager multiple times and got one of your players to ping you? You weren’t in the pet mods server so I couldn’t ping you but I pinged sojukarin multiple times
Cause I pinged your comanager multiple times and got one of your players to ping you? You weren’t in the pet mods server so I couldn’t ping you but I pinged sojukarin multiple times
in all official tours you need to ping both managers! keep in mind stuff like different timezones, kirin isnt wake at a good amount of th time i am and vice versa, thus its important both of us are notified. if you didnt know how to ping me, you should've asked your managers, which are in the managers' discord server with me.
in all official tours you need to ping both managers! keep in mind stuff like different timezones, kirin isnt wake at a good amount of th time i am and vice versa, thus its important both of us are notified. if you didnt know how to ping me, you should've asked your managers, which are in the managers' discord server with me.
For future reference if you're going to rules lawyer tour rules, officially sub in your players.

I don't mean to be assholish but there's plentiful info enough to claim act. And as I mentioned I did try to contact you, I specifically asked ViZar to contact you, and he said he did contact you, I trust him to not lie about that. There was a very large subbing window that I provided 2 whole hours and I also just had an unofficial battle which I lost against one of your players but that game does not count since they were not subbed in. This is pretty clear cut act.
For future reference if you're going to rules lawyer tour rules, officially sub in your players.

I don't mean to be assholish but there's plentiful info enough to claim act. And as I mentioned I did try to contact you, I specifically asked ViZar to contact you, and he said he did contact you, I trust him to not lie about that. There was a very large subbing window that I provided 2 whole hours and I also just had an unofficial battle which I lost against one of your players but that game does not count since they were not subbed in. This is pretty clear cut act.
i understand the game not counting because i didnt make the sub public beforehand, which was my mistake (even though idt its great sportamanship to not count the result of the battle) but its not act because of all the stuff i said before. if you insist we can just ask the host. plus its not rlly rules lawyering, it just doesnt make sense to call act when neither you or your managers pinged me beforehand. the stuff about pinging the managers etc is standard tournament etiquette.
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