Some sort of Egg 'RNG' Abuse (Read the first post!)

I just bred a 31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice Timid Helioptile w/Dry Skin using this method. I plan on breeding an HP Fire Timid Protean Froakie and an HP Grass Timid Litleo. How do I make sure I get Protean as the ability for Froakie? I'm currently using two magikarps as scouts.
There is a flag that transforms the normal ability into a hidden one and like everything else this flag is fixed for an egg. Either you scout with Pokemon whose female has its HA; or you scout with your Magikarps first, reset, then switch them out for Pokemon whose female can pass its HA, then reset again. The latter method obviously takes longer, but if you do not bother with getting yourself new Magikarps (with HA), it will be a viable alternative.
Just scout with a male Froakie (or any male poke with that gender ratio + HA) and a ditto. Takes a little bit longer but not as long as scouting with karps and then switch parents again...
Just scout with a male Froakie (or any male poke with that gender ratio + HA) and a ditto. Takes a little bit longer but not as long as scouting with karps and then switch parents again...
Thanks. I just hatched a Male 31/0/31/30/31/30 HP Fire Timid Protean Froakie (although I forgot I had the right ditto parent in a dive ball -_-)
For those of you who MM with this method, how do you do it? Personally, I leave my MM eligible scout parents at the day care and pick up the eggs one at a time and check for shininess. Once I have checked 5, I release them and repeat for the next batch. I find this much more efficient than having to SR after every egg. Is there another way to make this more efficient?
For those of you who MM with this method, how do you do it? Personally, I leave my MM eligible scout parents at the day care and pick up the eggs one at a time and check for shininess. Once I have checked 5, I release them and repeat for the next batch. I find this much more efficient than having to SR after every egg. Is there another way to make this more efficient?
This is fine if you're actually trying to breed something but this method would not work with scouts. The whole point is you can manipulate the next egg after rejecting a egg and saving before receiving the generated egg. Every egg after is irrelevant as they will change once soft reset and accept/reject the first egg and therefore changing scouts on xth egg will generate random iv spreads. I hope i haven't confused you.
This is fine if you're actually trying to breed something but this method would not work with scouts. The whole point is you can manipulate the next egg after rejecting a egg and saving before receiving the generated egg. Every egg after is irrelevant as they will change once soft reset and accept/reject the first egg and therefore changing scouts on xth egg will generate random iv spreads. I hope i haven't confused you.
It seems that you're the one confused. I should have been more specific. When I mentioned that I would check a batch of 5 eggs, one at a time, I was also rejecting and saving every after egg so the method would still work. I'm simply erasing the part where I have to soft reset by keeping the hatched non-shiny egg with me, because having to soft reset every after egg is a waste of time when trying to hatch a shiny. I'm only trying to find out whether there's a more efficient method of trying to MM with this method.
It seems that you're the one confused. I should have been more specific. When I mentioned that I would check a batch of 5 eggs, one at a time, I was also rejecting and saving every after egg so the method would still work. I'm simply erasing the part where I have to soft reset by keeping the hatched non-shiny egg with me, because having to soft reset every after egg is a waste of time when trying to hatch a shiny. I'm only trying to find out whether there's a more efficient method of trying to MM with this method.
ok now make sense but yea if you're specifically looking for shiny then that would work and probably fastest method for a shiny.
For those of you who MM with this method, how do you do it? Personally, I leave my MM eligible scout parents at the day care and pick up the eggs one at a time and check for shininess. Once I have checked 5, I release them and repeat for the next batch. I find this much more efficient than having to SR after every egg. Is there another way to make this more efficient?

The method with the 5 eggs at a time is the most efficient way to get a Shiny poke.

However, if you are looking for a Shiny + perfect IV poke, then using this time-machine method is more efficient.
I'm getting ready to try this.
I have one question start with how do you breed more than one pokemon with the same IVs?
The method with the 5 eggs at a time is the most efficient way to get a Shiny poke.

However, if you are looking for a Shiny + perfect IV poke, then using this time-machine method is more efficient.
This I didn't get a perfect IV when a shiny showed up but it was only missing 10 points in Def so I figured make the best I can out of it, also make sure if your using MM parents for the Karps, that you use MM parents for the mon you're switching in. And I use 0/0/0/0/0/0 Rotom and a 6IV Ditto for when I want to try for a Genderless/Monogendered mon

On another note anyone see that Defense seems to be the random stat more often than not?
Has anyone had to update their 3DS recently? For the past few days I keep rejecting the update offer when I get to the 3DS main menu just in case they're trying to fix this because I'd like to get the most out of this pseudo-RNG egg abuse thing as much as I can.

Now suddenly today, I tried connecting to the internet through the Pokemon game and got Error Code 002-0120, which says "In order to use online services, a newer version of this software is required." Found it weird that I never got this message for the past few days that I've been denying the update offer through the 3DS menu, and now I'm suddenly getting the prompt in the game.
I'm still holding it off to play it safe, so no connecting to the internet for me for a while.

Has anyone updated either or both? and if you did, did it affect the effectiveness of this IV distribution method?
I updated both and my method still works.
I'm sorry but i'm a noob and have a doubt. I'm MM some pokemons, i was using two Magikarp as scouts, one GER and other ENG. If i change to a JPN ditto and a ENG pokemon, will the egg still be shiny? I'm assuming yes.

I know its says that Masuda method shinies are locked in, provided you switch to other Masuda parents. I just want to make sure this works as i think it does.

Also, for shinnies, should i breed one egg at a time or can i breed 5?
discovering this has been amazing especcially because i have sevaral boxes of WT stuff. Ive already bread a few 5 and 6 iv pokes, but im still a noob.

Currently im using two gyarados has test parents with random different iv's and going to the battle place (where they make your pokes lvl 50) and using an online checker. This you have to do one at a time.

What im wondering is, if there are any quicker ways of doing this multiple pokemon?
note, i have no ambition to breed a 31/31/31/31/31/31 and a 0/0/0/0/0/0. Im talking about with random pokes with random iv's.
Presumably this method is no faster than regular breeding if you're just after one particular 'mon.

Are most people using their scouts for interesting spreads and then grabbing pairs of pokemon from their breedfodder?
This method is definitely faster if you have multiple breeding projects running. This way you ensure that no egg frame is wasted.

This method may be faster if you already have a few very advanced parent (4 IVs or more). Last time we received a rare frame where the mother passed four stats at once, meaning that this frame is perfect for our flawless Ditto from the past generation. The male one however did not have the fifth stat as a perfect value. Because we were able to recognize that we could turn back the egg generation and replace the father with a more suitable one we had caught in the Friend Safari.
I have an inquiry. I have two Magikarp's and both of their IV numbers and perform the reject egg, save and hatch egg, check iv and stats, reset get egg and check again, and I do get the same results. I have seen in this topic that pokemon gender ratio differences from the two pairs of parents can mess with the RNG. Does that apply for switching from a gendered couple to a genderless and ditto couple? Because I switch out my Magicarp's for a Rotom and Ditto and get a different result always. It must be because of the gender ratio. Can anyone confirm? And if so, I presume a scout genderless and ditto couple then switching to Rotom and Ditto theoretically should work, correct? Though by that time it might just be worth it to breed my Rotom the old fashioned way. Sad face.
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I'd imagine all the normal rules apply to the pokemon in terms of breeding. All the game is changing is the iv spread. dittos and all others would behave exactly the same.