BH specs flutter mane [DONE]


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Choice Specs (Flutter Mane) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability / Beads of Ruin
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Moongeist Beam
- Fleur Cannon
- Volt Switch / Knock Off

Choice Specs Flutter Mane acts as a dangerous wallbreaker that utilizes its strong STAB combination and stats. Moongeist Beam cuts through Ice Scales, allowing Flutter Mane to bypass traditional special walls like Ice Scales Arceus formes, while Astral Barrage deals more damage to other checks like RegenVest users. Volt Switch grants Flutter Mane the option to pivot out on switch-ins like Primal Kyogre, Ice Scales Mega Audino, and Ho-Oh, while Knock Off allows it to cripple special walls by removing items like RegenVest users' Assault Vests, Ho-Oh's Heavy-Duty Boots, and Blissey's Leftovers. Beads of Ruin is an option over Adaptability to increase Volt Switch's chipping capabilities, but running it means Astral Barrage will no longer 2HKO Imposter users. Flutter Mane appreciates entry hazard support from the likes of RegenVest Mega Steelix, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Swampert, as this allows it to have an easier time threatening 2HKOs on the aforementioned Ice Scales walls like Arceus formes and Primal Kyogre. Flutter Mane necessitates a teammate that can threaten specially defensive Normal-types like Blissey, Ice Scales Mega Audino, and Ice Scales Arceus; this makes mixed attackers like Ultra Necrozma valuable. Imposter-proof Flutter Mane with a specially defensive Normal-type like Imposter Chansey.
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Choice Specs (Flutter Mane) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Beads of Ruin / Adaptability If there is no slash like malignant then beads is worse than adapt, move adapt first
Tera Type: Ghost remove
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Moongeist Beam
- Fleur Cannon
- Volt Switch / Knock Off

Choice Specs Flutter Mane acts as a dangerous wallbreaker that utilises typo its strong STAB combination, options, and stats. Moongeist Beam acts as a secondary STAB move that smacks Ice Scales users like Arceus Formes, Ho-Oh, and Primal Kyogre. Volt Switch grants Flutter Mane the option to pivot out on switchins like Blissey, RegenVest Dialga-O, and Ice Scales Audino-M Two of these do not matter, you deal 3% net damage to Blissey after lefties and regenvest obv does not care (also diao just isnt a great switchin), can consider Knock first slash volt hits so little or mention stuff like POgre Hooh instead, while Knock Off allows it to relieve RegenVest users like the aforementioned Dialga-O as well as other users like Primal Kyogre and Mega Swampert the only one here with reasonable bulk is Pogre, diao maybe can scout but pert is just not good, can mention knocking Lefties from bliss and hdb from hooh, allowing it to have an easier time breaking through the opposing team later in the game. Adaptability is an option over Beads of Ruin to hit Impostor typo Chansey harder. Flutter Mane appreciates entry hazard support from the likes of RegenVest Mega Steelix, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Swampert, allowing it to have an easier time threatening 2HKOs on the aforementioned Ice Scales walls like Arceus Formes, Ho-Oh hooh is hdb 100% of the time, granted you can have knock but mention it, and Primal Kyogre. Need to mention partner to deal with Blissey and maybe Maud. Flutter Mane can be improofed with your own Ice Scales users like the aforementioned walls as well as Impostor Chansey does not improof Knock.

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Choice Specs (Flutter Mane) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability / Beads of Ruin
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Moongeist Beam
- Fleur Cannon
- Volt Switch / Knock Off

Choice Specs Flutter Mane acts as a dangerous wallbreaker that utilizes its strong STAB combination, options, and stats. Moongeist Beam acts as a secondary STAB move that smacks Ice Scales users like Arceus Formes, Ho-Oh, and Primal Kyogre. Moongeist Beam cuts through Ice Scales, allowing Flutter Mane to bypass traditional special walls like Ice Scales Arceus formes, while Astral Barrage deals more damage into other checks like RegenVest users. Volt Switch grants Flutter Mane the option to pivot out on switchins like all Primal Kyogre Variants, Ice Scales Audino-M Mega Audino, and Ho-Oh, while Knock Off allows it to relieve RegenVest users off their items like RegenVest Primal Kyogre's Assault Vest, Ice Scales Ho-Oh's Heavy-Duty Boots, and Blissey's Leftovers, allowing it to have an easier time breaking through the opposing team later in the game cripple special walls by removing items like RegenVest users' Assault Vest, Ho-Oh's Heavy-Duty Boots, and Blissey's Leftovers. Beads of Ruin is an option over Adaptability to increase Volt Switch's chipping capabilities, (ac) but Astral Barrage will no longer 2HKO Imposter users. Flutter Mane appreciates entry hazard support from the likes of RegenVest Mega Steelix, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Swampert, allowing it to have an easier time threatening 2HKOs 2HKOes on the aforementioned Ice Scales walls like Arceus Formes and Primal Kyogre. Flutter Mane necessitates a teammate that can threaten Blissey and Mega Audino like Sniper Greninja-Ash and Mega Lucario specially defensive Normal-types like Blissey, Ice Scales Mega Audino, and Ice Scales Arceus; this makes mixed attackers like Ultra Necrozma valuable. Flutter Mane can be improofed with your own Ice Scales users like the aforementioned walls as well as Impostor Chansey. Imposter-proof Flutter Mane with a specially defensive Normal-type like Imposter Chansey.

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Choice Specs (Flutter Mane) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability / Beads of Ruin
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Moongeist Beam
- Fleur Cannon
- Volt Switch / Knock Off

Choice Specs Flutter Mane acts as a dangerous wallbreaker that utilizes its strong STAB combination and stats. Moongeist Beam cuts through Ice Scales, allowing Flutter Mane to bypass traditional special walls like Ice Scales Arceus formes, while Astral Barrage deals more damage into to other checks like RegenVest users. Volt Switch grants Flutter Mane the option to pivot out on switchins switch-ins like Primal Kyogre, Ice Scales Mega Audino, and Ho-Oh, while Knock Off allows it to cripple special walls by removing items like RegenVest users' Assault Vest Vests, Ho-Oh's Heavy-Duty Boots, and Blissey's Leftovers. Beads of Ruin is an option over Adaptability to increase Volt Switch's chipping capabilities, (ac) (to be clear, remove the leftover comment, not the actual comma) but running it means Astral Barrage will no longer 2HKO Imposter users. Flutter Mane appreciates entry hazard support from the likes of RegenVest Mega Steelix, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Swampert, allowing as this allows it to have an easier time threatening (double space) 2HKOes 2HKOs on the aforementioned Ice Scales walls like Arceus Formes formes and Primal Kyogre. Flutter Mane necessitates a teammate that can threaten specially defensive Normal-types like Blissey, Ice Scales Mega Audino, and Ice Scales Arceus; this makes mixed attackers like Ultra Necrozma valuable. Imposter-proof Flutter Mane with a specially defensive Normal-type like Imposter Chansey.

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