SPL XV - Player Signups [USE THE FORM IN THE OP TO SIGN UP!!!] [Auction January 7th @ 3 PM GMT -5]

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User name: LasanVGC

Tiers NOT Played (binding) GSC OU, RBY OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SS OU, SM OU

Time Zone GMT-8
User name: averagetoxapexlover

Tiers NOT Played (binding) ORAS OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SS OU, SM OU, BW OU

Time Zone GMT-5
User name: Primary Trout

Tiers NOT Played (binding) SV OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU

Time Zone GMT-5
User name: Melt Gibson

Tiers NOT Played (binding) GSC OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SM OU, BW OU, ADV OU

Time Zone GMT-5
User name: Divine10

Tiers NOT Played (binding) ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU

Time Zone GMT-4
User name: Jethro Ntale

Tiers NOT Played (binding) ORAS OU, BW OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU, None

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SS OU, Any

Time Zone GMT+3
User name: peu

Tiers NOT Played (binding) SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SS OU

User name: CriasDelSuperVasco

Tiers NOT Played (binding) SV OU, SM OU, BW OU, GSC OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SS OU, ORAS OU, RBY OU

Time Zone GMT-3
User name: DaBestNotReally

Tiers NOT Played (binding) ORAS OU, BW OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU, SS OU, SM OU

Time Zone GMT-5
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