Signups SPL XVI - Manager Signups

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forgive them even if they are not sorry
is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
You've been waiting for it, it's finally time for SPL manager signups! Only post in this thread if you would like to signup to manage, any other kind of posts will be deleted and your posting access in Tournament Policy may be revoked. Everyone (past, assistant, and new managers alike) is required to sign up if you wish to manage, no exceptions. As per this thread, managing teams of up to 3 members are allowed to sign up. Auction will be scheduled for weekend of the 4th-5th of January and Week 1 will start on January 13th.

This year there will not be any sort of rebranding. No team will change names and we will provide the logos. The 10 available franchises are: Dragonspiral Tyrants, Wi-fi Wolfpack, Alpha Ruiners, Cryonicles, Team Raiders, Congregation of the Classiest, Circus Maximus Tigers, Stark Sharks, Indie Scooters, and Ever Grande BIGS.

This year's format is:
  • SV OU
  • SV OU
  • SV OU
  • SV OU
  • SS OU
  • SM OU
  • BW OU
  • DPP OU
  • ADV OU
  • GSC OU
  • RBY OU
Manager signups will close December 22nd, but may close earlier after a 24-hour notice period. The hosts will announce the selected managers and open player signups shortly afterwards.
Me and freezai have decided it’s time for the Cryonicles to win their first trophy


Signing up for a team alongside Gondra and GXE.

All 3 of us have been around the community for a long time and have contributed to it and its tournaments as well as having a good deal of experience with the tiers involved in the tournament. When it comes to managing experiences, Gondra is already a veteran when it comes to this, having already won a trophy as a manager, and while GXE and I have not managed an official tournament before we both have managed in several unofficial formats and are already familiar with the role and are willing to put in the effort required.

We would like to manage the Sharks as both Gondra and GXE are former players of the franchise, thanks for considering us.
Signing up for a team alongside Gondra and GXE.

All 3 of us have been around the community for a long time and have contributed to it and its tournaments as well as having a good deal of experience with the tiers involved in the tournament. When it comes to managing experiences, Gondra is already a veteran when it comes to this, having already won a trophy as a manager, and while GXE and I have not managed an official tournament before we both have managed in several unofficial formats and are already familiar with the role and are willing to put in the effort required.

We would like to manage the Sharks as both Gondra and GXE are former players of the franchise, thanks for considering us.
Signing up with Dj Breloominati♬ and eden
Between the three of us, we cover all the generations and we have results in said tiers to back up the claim. As far as managerial accolades go, among ourselves we have co-managed (and won) multiple forum subpl's, most notably leading India to a tied 3rd seed this year in wcop. Anyone that has played under us in the past can attest as to how we foster a competitive and fun atmosphere within the team.

We feel like we're ready for the big stage. Team India will save the Cryos.
Going forward, any signup past this post will be taken seriously. If you delete it, I will undelete it. If you did a joke signup before this post, you have until tonight to delete it or it'll be considered legitimate.

If you elect to have your signup legitimated and you get selected, you must manage seriously. If you fail to do so, or try to back out - it will be a tournament ban.

FAFO clause activated
Signing up with GirlsSeeGhosts to manage the Wolfpack

We are uniquely qualified to manage the Wolfpack due to being Alpha males (and Alpha female in the case of GSG). We have a lot of tour experience especially managing (we have managed a combined total of 0 tours) and thus believe we should be able to take the Wolfpack to another victory.

This is not a troll signup!
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